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总有一天,我们也会像片子中的老人们一样, 垂垂老矣,是否就带着遗憾和感怀,等着生活 走向终点呢?人为什么活着?这个问题我问过 自己好多次,好多次看着身边比我大的人选择 的稳定生活,我也问我自己以后要不要像他们 一样。就像同学见面,聊到以后的房子、老板、 工作还有很多现实的物质的东西,我也问过自 己,是否就让生命真的为了这些目标活着。 Someday we will be like the same old people in the film, grown old, whether with regret and recollections, waiting for life to end it? Why do people live? I asked myself this question many times, many times larger than I looked around the stability of people choose to live, I ask myself not to like them later. As the students meet and talk to the house after the boss, there is a lot of material things real, and I asked myself whether these goals to let life really
20Fra Baidu bibliotek2-6-1
梦想像一粒种子,种在“心”的土壤里,尽管它很小,却可以生根开花。 我想说每个梦想都是一场绚烂烟火的表演 我想说每个不变的轮回都是 燃烧 未尽的青春花火。就如同我们那过往的岁月,是我们一直在仰望, 却从未停止逐梦的无限执着
Dream like a seed, planted in the "heart" of the soil, although it is small, it can take root and flourish.I want to say every dream is a gorgeous fireworks show, I would say the same for each combustion cycle are not entirely youth Fireworks. Just as we have our past years, we've been looking at, but never stopped chasing the dream of unlimited dedication
Word at the beginning of the age, bid farewell to childhood childish, 二字开头的年龄,告别了小时候的稚 good-bye to the ignorance of young, 气,告别了年少的无知,时间教会我 time taught me growing up. This 慢慢长大。这样的季节,专属于我们 season, the special part of our 飞扬跋扈的青春,我不再畏惧,我渴 domineering youth, I do not fear, I 望“乘长风破万里浪”,渴望像所有 am eager to "thousands of miles by 人证明自己;想每天就算很累很痛, wind and breaking waves", eager to 也不让父母担心,想照顾身边的每一 prove himself as the owner; like 个你们;享有一片足够辽阔的天空, pain every day even if tired, do not 让我可以为青春描绘不同的色彩。这, worry parents, like you take care of 是我的梦想。 each side; enjoy a vast sky enough so that I can describe for the youth of different colors. This is my dream.
因此,我的理解是生命的意义在于在这段梦想旅程中 不断体验、感受和丰富着。人生本无意义,我们活着 就是为了赋予其与己有关的独特意义、梦想无论怎么 模糊,它总潜伏在我们心底,使我们的心境永远得不 到宁静,直到梦想成为事实。
Therefore, my understanding is that the meaning of life is to continue the journey in this dream experience, feelings and enriched. The meaningless of life, we live to give its own unique meaning on the dream no matter how vague, it is always lurking in our hearts, so that our mind can never be quiet until the dream become a reality.
我想,我知道,我们的一生, 总该为梦想做点什么?何况我 们还这么年轻。向片中这几位 台湾老人致敬!
I think I know that our life is always the dream of something? Moreover, we are so young. Several elderly Taiwanese to pay tribute to this film!