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因为早晨我的头脑清晰。 注 可以尝试将该词组在口语中与 prefer to do 进行同义替换。
realise BrE /ˈriːəlaɪz/, also /ˈrɪəlaɪz/ ; AmE /ˈriːəlaɪz/ 意识到 义 v. (not used in the progressive tenses) to understand or become aware of a
fanatical BrE /fəˈnætɪkl/; AmE /fəˈnætɪkl/ 狂热的 义 a. (informal) extremely enthusiastic 例 She’s fanatical about healthy eating. 她对健康饮食十分狂热。 注 考生可以将这个单词与 crazy 进行替换,但该词比 crazy 的程度更加
further BrE /ˈfɜːðə(r)/; AmE /ˈfɜːrðər/ 促进,(进一步)提高 义 v. to help sth.; to develop or be successful 例 I’m going abroad to further my study. 我要去国外进一步提高我的学
ideal BrE /aɪˈdiːəl/ ; AmE /aɪˈdiːəl/ 理想的 义 a. (for something) perfect; most suitable 例 To be a teacher is an ideal job for me. 我理想的工作是成为一名老师。
optional BrE /ˈɒpʃənl/; AmE /ˈɑːpʃənl/ 选修的 义 a. that you can choose to do or have if you want to 例 Certain courses are compulsory; others are optional. 有些课是必修的,
optional decent
Work or study
finance science
literature project
competitive tough
presentation schedule
particular fact or situation 例 After getting my first IELTS report, I realised that I’m not a terrible
English speaker. 拿到雅思成绩单后,我发现我的英语也没那么差。 注 与汉语不同,英语在语言组织上更习惯使用名词性结构。所以当
175 附录:雅思口语真题题库 196 索 引
work on
subject specialty
overseas compulsory
efficient fanatical
further tend stand lecture ideal promising
promising BrE /ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ/; AmE /ˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ/ 有前途的 义 a. showing signs of being good or successful 例 I believe that studying abroad would bring me a promising future. 我相
considerate extracurricular
21 雅思核心词汇 天速听速记:口语篇
Overture Do you work or are you a student? Do you like your major (subject)? Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?
decent BrE /ˈdiːsnt/; AmE /ˈdiːsnt/ 体面的 义 a. of a good enough standard or quality 例 To be a teacher is a decent job. 老师是一份体面的职业。
challenging BrE /ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/; AmE /ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ 有挑战性的 义 a. difficult, in a way that tests your ability 例 I find my major very challenging. 我认为我的专业非常具有挑战性。 注 该词是非常好的用以替换 difficult 或者 hard 的单词,所以可以考虑
particular subject 例 I have so many lectures in my college. 我大学里有好多课。
Adjective 形容词 overseas BrE /ˌəʊvəˈsiːz/; AmE /ˌoʊvərˈsiːz/ 海外的 , 国外的 义 a. connected with foreign countries, especially those separated from your
Essential 必背词汇
Verb 动词 learn BrE /lɜːn/ ; AmE /lɜːrn/ 学习,认识到 义 v. to get knowledge or skill by studying, from experience, from being
taught, etc. 例 You can learn more if you go abroad. 如果你出国,就可以学到更多东
major BrE /ˈmeɪdʒə(r)/; AmE /ˈmeɪdʒər/ 主修 义 v. to study sth. as your main subject at a university or college 例 I’m a college student, majoring in English. 我是一名大学生,主修英语。
sentences) 例 I can’t stand science, math in particular. 我特别不喜欢理科,尤其是数
学。 注 当表达“非常不喜欢某事 / 某物”时,用 stand 更能体现说话者的主
观态度(即不喜欢)。因此建议考生在表示 don’t like 时,可以尝试 用 can’t stand 进行替换。
work on=focus on 致力于 , 专注于 义 phr v. to try hard to improve or achieve something 例 You need to work/focus on your pronunciation a bit more. 你需要更加
work BrE /wɜːk/; AmE /wɜːrk/ (as) 以…为工作 义 v. to have a job 例 I’m working as an accountant at the present. 我现在是一名会计。
Day 1
tend BrE /tend/; AmE /tend/ (to) 倾向于 义 v. to be likely to do sth. 例 I tend to study in the morning‘coz my head is clear. 我往往在早晨学习
目 录
1 Day 1: Work or study 11 Day 2: Free time 21 Day 3: Name 31 Day 4: Hometown 41 Day 5: Accommodation 51 Day 6: Sports 61 Day 7: Social circle 69 Day 8: Travelling 77 Day 9: Occasion 85 Day 10: Culture 95 Day 11: Language 103 Day 12: Gadgets 113 Day 13: Media 121 Day 14: Technology 129 Day 15: Education
country by the sea or ocean 例 It is not easy to be an overseas student. 做一名留学生并不容易。
compulsory BrE /kəmˈpʌlsəri/; AmE /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ 必修的 义 a. that must be done because of a law or a rule 例 I have so many compulsory courses this term. 这学期我有太多的必修
specialty BrE /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/; AmE /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ 专长 义 n. sth. that someone is good at 例 English is my sister’s specialty. 我姐姐的专长是英语。
lecture BrE /ˈlektʃə(r)/; AmE /ˈlektʃər/(大学)课程 义 n. a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about sth. in a
spend more time on one area of work, etc. than on others 例 My mother is a doctor, specialising in oncology. 我妈妈是一名专攻肿
stand BrE /stænd/; AmE /stænd/ 忍受 义 v. to dislike (not used in the progressive tenses, usually used in negative
表达“我英语说得不太好”的时候往往会说 I’m not a good English speaker, 而很少按照汉语的习惯使用动词,说 I can’t speak English well.
specialise BrE /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/; AmE /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/ 擅长,专攻 义 v. to become an expert in a particular area of work, study or business; to
21 雅思核心词汇 天速听速记:口语篇
Noun 名词 subject BrE /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/; AmE /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ 科目 义 n. an area of knowledge studied in a school, college etc. 例 English is a difficult subject for me. 英语对我来说是非常难的科目。
137 Day 16: Environment 147 Day 17: Government 155 Day 18: “ You-know-but-do-not-
know” words 159 Day 19: Discourse Markers 163 Day 20: Showing your attitude 167 Day 21: Review
Day 1
efficient BrE /ɪˈfɪʃnt/; AmE /ɪˈfɪʃnt/ 高效的 义 a. doing something well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money or
energy 例 Reading is an efficient way to learn new words. 阅读是非常高效的学习