



UL1066/ANSI, UL489 系列NRX NF 壳架IEC IZMX16/新一代IZM91IEC 新一代IZM9UL489 系列 NRX RF 壳架IEC IZMX40警告(1) 只有具备资格的电气工作人员方可操作本设备。

(2) 如断路器不能被搬移至安全的工作地点,则务必始终断开一次和二次回路电源。

(3) 抽出式断路器应摇出至断开位置。

(4) 所有断路器均应切换至关闭位置,机构弹簧释能。


ƽ 警告应遵守本操作说明书及产品标签上规定的操作说明。

请注意以下五点安全规则:– 断电;– 确保装置不能意外重启;– 确保与电源隔离;– 接地及短路;– 遮盖或为临近带电部件提供屏障断开设备电源。



本手册适用于:带PXR 脱扣器的IZM9/IZMX 系列 - Modbus 通信适配器模块(MCAM)的操作说明20189第1章:介绍N RX系列Modbus通信适配器模块(MCAM)(图1)是作为通信装置与兼容的NRX系列脱扣器/断路器在主通信网络运行(图2)的一种附件。

Modbus适配器采用Modbus RTU(远程终端单元)协议在Modbus 网络上与主机通信。


图1. NRX系列Modbus通信适配器模块图2. Modbus网络中的通信适配器模块Modbus通信适配器模块是从机,因此需要主机触发控制命令。

每个Modbus 通信适配器模块都具有:• 断路器分闸/合闸/复位控制;• L ED状态指示灯,处于闪烁状态时显示模块带电;• Modbus 通信启用/禁用选择跳线,用于远距离分闸/合闸控制;• DIN导轨安装(11mm高、28mm宽、DIN 导轨最低要求);• 模块用24Vdc输入电源Modbus 通信适配器模块经过专门设计,可由经过充分训练的人员安装、操作及维护。



ATV71施耐德变频器操作说明一、图形显示终端按钮功能介绍1,图形显示器;2,功能键F1,F2,F3,F4;3,STOP/RESET(停车/复位)按钮;4,RUN(运行)按钮;5,导航按钮;• 按(ENT): - 保存当前值; 1234657- 进入所选菜单或参数;• 转动CW/CCW:- 增大或减小一个值;- 转到下一行或前一行;- 增大或减小给定值,如果通过终端控制功能被激活;6,用于使电机旋转反向的按钮;7,ESC 按钮:中断一个值、一个参数或一个菜单,返回以前的选择。

※注意:如果通过终端控制功能被激活按钮3、4、5 与6 可用于直接控制变频器。









5,6,二〇一二年九月七日星期五三、变频器状态代码四、设置窗口示例第3 页/共10页五、第一次通电-设置语言和访问等级设置为Chinese。

二〇一二年九月七日星期五第5 页/共10页六、以后通电屏幕显示如下二〇一二年九月七日星期五七、访问参数示例:访问加速斜坡八、变频器菜单的操作方法已经设置过参数的变频器上电时,首先显示变频器的型号,3秒钟以后自动转到【变频器菜单】。









X: 关键性操作,提示您使用不当时,可能使控制器工作于非正常状态。



目录一、控制器介绍 (1)1. 符合标准 (1)2. 污染等级 (1)3. 抗湿热等级 (1)4. 电磁兼容性 (1)5. 安装与操作指南 (1)6. 安全信息 (1)7. 控制器类型 (1)二、控制器操作及参数设置 (3)1. 2A/2B控制器面板介绍 (3)2. 3A/3B控制器面板介绍 (4)3. 显示及设置 (5)三、控制器端子说明 (11)四、安装及接线 (12)1. 控制器外形及安装尺寸 (12)2. 适配器外形及安装尺寸 (13)3. 适配器与开关接线图 (15)4. 2A/2B整体安装图 (16)5. 3A/3B整体安装图 (17)一、控制器介绍1.符合标准•GB14048.1-2006 低压开关设备和控制设备:总则•GB14048. 2-2008 低压开关设备和控制设备:断路器•GB/T14048.11-2008 低压开关设备和控制设备:多功能电器转换开关电器•IEC60947:2005 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear•IEC60947-2:2005 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear: Breakers•IEC60947-6-1:2005 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear: Multiple function equipment- Transfer switching equipment2.污染等级•Level33.抗湿热等级A TMT已通过下列标准所规定的严格环境条件下的试验•IEC60068-2-1 干冷环境(-5℃)•IEC60068-2-1 干热环境(+40℃)•IEC60068-2 低温4.电磁兼容性•辐射等级B级执行标准GB4824(CISPR11)•静电放电空气放电Level3;接触放电Level2 执行标准GB1 7626.2-2006(IEC61000-4-2)•射频电磁场LE VEL3 执行标准GB1 7626. 3-2006 (IEC61000-4-3)和GB1 7626.6-2006 (IEC61000-4-6)•电快速瞬变脉冲群LE VEL3 执行标准GB1 7626.4-2008 (IEC61000-4-4)•浪涌LE VEL3 执行标准GB1 7626. 5-2008 (IEC61000-4-5)5.安装与操作指南即使控制单元处于待机状态,在手动操作断路器前需要将其断电,它可能在没有任何警告的情况下操作断路器。



Sybil 圆柱形接近开关高性能 多行业 经典之选p 品类齐全的接近开关:轻松选型,优化成本的理想选择 p 极强的抗电磁干扰能力:实现变频器运行环境下的高速计数应用p 产品设计人性化:防松安装螺母,耐曲折电缆,以及360度可视LED 指示灯p 全面保护功能:IP67防护等级,带极性反接、过载及短路保护p国内常备库存:更快交货期电梯> 防逆转检测> 超速保护检测> 梯级丢失检测机床> 机构到位包装> 机械臂位置检测> 工作台位置检测> 张力控制塑机> 顶针到位> 溶胶控制> 锁模到位或开模到位> 调模厚度控制搬运> 工作台位置检测>负载中维持升降台的平稳施耐德电气(中国)有限公司Schneider Electric (China) Co., 北京市朝阳区望京东路6号施耐德电气大厦邮编: 100102电话: (010) 8434 6699传真: (010) 8450 1130Schneider Electric Building, No. 6, East WangJing Rd., Chaoyang District Beijing 100102 P .R .C.Tel: (010) 8434 6699Fax: (010) 8450 11302017.10SCDOC1412施耐德电气中国版权所有由于标准和材料的变更,文中所述特性和本资料中的图像只有经过我们的业务部门确认以后,才对我们有约束。

本手册采用生态纸印刷客户关爱中心热线:400 810 M8 埋入式1.5 N O PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 1000 ≤50 XS108BLPAL2C XS108BLPAL2 XS108BLPAL5 M8连接器 1000 ≤50 XS108BLPAM8 M12连接器 1000 ≤50 XS108BLPAM12C XS108BLPAM12 NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 1000 ≤50 XS108BLNAL2C XS108BLNAL2 M12连接器 1000 ≤50 XS108BLNAM12C XS108BLNAM12 NC PNP M12连接器 1000 ≤50 XS108BLPBM12C NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 1000 ≤50 XS108BLNBL2C M12连接器 1000 ≤50 XS108BLNBM12C 非埋入式2.5 N O PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 1000 ≤50 XS208BLPAL2C XS208BLPAL2 成型电缆(L=5m) 1000 ≤50 XS208BLPAL5C XS208BLPAL5 M8连接器 1000 ≤50 XS208BLPAM8 M12连接器 1000 ≤50 XS208BLPAM12 NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 1000 ≤50 XS208BLNAL2C XS208BLNAL2 M12 埋入式 2 N O PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 2500 ≤200 XS112BLPAL2 成型电缆(L=3m) 2500 ≤200 XS112BLPAL3 成型电缆(L=5m) 2500 ≤200 XS112BLPAL5 M12连接器 2500 ≤200 XS112BLPAM12 NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 2500 ≤200 XS112BLNAL2 M12连接器 2500 ≤200 XS112BLNAM12 NC PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 2500 ≤200 XS112BLPBL2 M12连接器 2500 ≤200 XS112BLPBM12 非埋入式 4 N O PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 1200 ≤200 XS212BLPAL2 成型电缆(L=3m) 1200 ≤200 XS212BLPAL3 成型电缆(L=5m) 1200 ≤200 XS212BLPAL5 成型电缆(L=10m) 1200 ≤200 XS212BLPAL10 M12连接器 1200 ≤200 XS212BLPAM12C XS212BLPAM12 NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 1200 ≤200 XS212BLNAL2C XS212BLNAL2 成型电缆(L=7m) 1200 ≤200 XS212BLNAL7 成型电缆(L=10m) 1200 ≤200 XS212BLNAL10C M12连接器 1200 ≤200 XS212BLNAM12 NC PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 1200 ≤200 XS212BLPBL2 NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 1200 ≤200 XS212BLNBL2 M18 埋入式5 N O PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 1200 ≤200 XS118BLPAL2 成型电缆(L=5m) 1200 ≤200 XS118BLPAL5 M12连接器 1200 ≤200 XS118BLPAM12 NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 1200 ≤200 XS118BLNAL2 成型电缆(L=5m) 1200 ≤200 XS118BLNAL5 M12连接器 1200 ≤200 XS118BLNAM12 NC PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 1200 ≤200 XS118BLPBL2 M12连接器 1200 ≤200 XS118BLPBM12 NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 1200 ≤200 XS118BLNBL2 非埋入式8 N O PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 500 ≤200 XS218BLPAL2 成型电缆(L=5m) 500 ≤200 XS218BLPAL5 成型电缆(L=10m) 500 ≤200 XS218BLPAL10 M12连接器 500 ≤200 XS218BLPAM12C XS218BLPAM12 NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 500 ≤200 XS218BLNAL2C XS218BLNAL2 成型电缆(L=5m) 500 ≤200 XS218BLNAL5C XS218BLNAL5 成型电缆(L=7m) 500 ≤200 XS218BLNAL7 M12连接器 500 ≤200 XS218BLNAM12 NC PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 500 ≤200 XS218BLPBL2 NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 500 ≤200 XS218BLNBL2 M30 埋入式10 N O PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 500 ≤200 XS130BLPAL2 M12连接器 500 ≤200 XS130BLPAM12 NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 500 ≤200 XS130BLNAL2 M12连接器 500 ≤200 XS130BLNAM12 NC PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 500 ≤200 XS130BLPBL2 M12连接器 500 ≤200 XS130BLPBM12 非埋入式15 N O PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 300 ≤200 XS230BLPAL2 成型电缆(L=5m) 300 ≤200 XS230BLPAL5 M12连接器 300 ≤200 XS230BLPAM12C XS230BLPAM12 NPN 成型电缆(L=2m) 300 ≤200 XS230BLNAL2C XS230BLNAL2 成型电缆(L=5m) 300 ≤200 XS230BLNAL5C 成型电缆(L=7m) 300 ≤200 XS230BLNAL7 成型电缆(L=10m) 300 ≤200 XS230BLNAL10C M12连接器 300 ≤200 XS230BLNAM12 NC PNP 成型电缆(L=2m) 300 ≤200 XS230BLPBL2金属外壳,圆柱型,DC3线 注:M12/M18/M30后缀为C的型号为电梯行业专用型号,更多订制需求,请与当地办事处联系。



1. 打开断路器:
a. 确保断路器处于关闭状态(刀片在断开位置)。

b. 将手柄或旋钮转到打开位置。

c. 检查指示灯,确保断路器已完全打开。

2. 关闭断路器:
a. 将手柄或旋钮转到关闭位置。

b. 检查指示灯,确保断路器已完全关闭。

3. 重置断路器:
a. 如果断路器因过载或短路而跳闸,需要先重置断路器才能重新启动。

b. 将手柄或旋钮转到打开位置。

c. 如果设备已冷却,请等待一段时间。

d. 将手柄或旋钮转到关闭位置,将断路器重置。

e. 检查指示灯,确保断路器已完全关闭和重置。

4. 变更断路器设置:
a. 施耐德低压断路器通常有一些可调节的参数,如额定电流、短路保护等。

b. 根据需要,使用工具或设备操作面板上的控制按钮,将断路器的设置调整

c. 需要注意的是,调整断路器的设置可能需要专业人士进行。


施耐德电气 电磁式接近开关 NBK-R系列 使用手册说明书

施耐德电气 电磁式接近开关 NBK-R系列 使用手册说明书

Operating InstructionsforLimit switchModel: NBK-RNBK-RMNBK-RTNBK-RANBK-R...1. Contents1.Contents (2)2.Note (3)3.Instrument Inspection (3)4.Regulation Use (4)4.1Electrical limit switch (4)5.Operating Principle (5)6.Mechanical Connection (6)7.Electrical Connection (7)missioning (8)9.Technical Information (9)10.Order Codes (10)11.Illustrations (11)12.Disposal (12)13.EU Declaration of Conformance (13)14.Type Examination Certificate (14)Manufactured and sold by:Kobold Messring GmbHNordring 22-24D-65719 HofheimTel.: +49 (0)6192-2990Fax: +49(0)6192-23398E-Mail:******************Internet: page 2 NBK-R... K09/0722NBK-R...2. NotePlease read these operating instructions before unpacking and putting the unitinto operation. Follow the instructions precisely as described herein.The instruction manuals on our website are always for currentlymanufactured version of our products. Due to technical changes, the instructionmanuals available online may not always correspond to the product version youhave purchased. If you need an instruction manual that corresponds to thepurchased product version, you can request it from us free of charge by email(******************)inPDFformat,specifyingtherelevantinvoicenumberandserial number. If you wish, the operating instructions can also be sent to you bypost in paper form against an applicable postage fee.The devices are only to be used, maintained and serviced by persons familiarwith these operating instructions and in accordance with local regulationsapplying to Health & Safety and prevention of accidents.When used in machines, the measuring unit should be used only when themachines fulfil the EC-machine guidelines.3. Instrument InspectionInstruments are inspected before shipping and sent out in perfect condition.Should damage to a device be visible, we recommend a thorough inspection ofthe delivery packaging. In case of damage, please inform your parcel service /forwarding agent immediately, since they are responsible for damages duringtransit.Scope of delivery:The standard delivery includes:•Electrical Limit Switches Model: NBK-R, NBK-RM, NBK-RT or NBK-RANBK-R... K09/0722 page 3NBK-R...page 4 NBK-R... K09/07224. Regulation UseAny use of the device which exceeds the manufacturer’s specification may invalidate its warranty. Therefore, any resulting damage is not the responsibility of the manufacturer. The user assumes all risk for such usage.The Limit Switches for the NBK Bypass Level Indicators are used for continuos measuring, display and monitoring of liquids in tanks or vessels. Depending on the design the limit switches are suitable for applications with a higher operating temperature or for the use in hazardous areas.4.1 Electrical limit switch- For standard applications NBK-R/NBK-RM: Bistable changeover contact fitted ina polycarbonate housing with 3m connection cable- For high temperature applications NBK-RT200/-RT400: Bistable changeovercontact fitted in an aluminium die cast housing with terminal connectors.- For ATEX applications NBK-RA: Bistable changeover contact as anencapsulated proximity switch fitted in metallic cast housing with 3 m connection cable.ATEX-marking for contact NBK-RA (encapsulated version): II 2G Ex mb IIC T6 / T5 Gb II 2D Ex mb IIIC IP67 T 105 °C Db→ Use the contacts appropriate and as intended.→ Make sure that only accessories are used in hazardous areas that meetall the requirements of the European directives and national legislation.The contacts NBK-RA with ATEX approval meet the requirements of category2 GD. The proximity switches with ATEX approval are used in the following zones:→ 2G in zone 1 → 3G in zone 2 → 2D in zone 21 → 3D in zone 22NBK-R...5. Operating PrincipleKobold Bypass Limit Transmitter are used for the monitoring of limit values intanks or vessels.They are firmly attached with mounting plates and ribbon clamps to the BypassLevel Indicator, model NBK, and can be moved to any position on the bypass-tube within the measuring length.The reed-contacts in the limit switches react bistable and they are switched bythe magnetic float inside the NBK tube as passing by.One or more limit switches can be mounted on the bypass.NBK-R... K09/0722 page 5NBK-R...page 6 NBK-R... K09/07226. Mechanical ConnectionNBK-R/NBK-RMMount and tighten the reed switch (NBK-R, NBK-RM and NBK-RA) - if available - on the bypass tube at the opposite side of the roller indicator with the provided ribbon clamps (ex contact: two ribbon clamps). The height of the switch contacts may be selected at will. The cable connection must point downwards. The switch must be attached close to the bypass tube. Due to technical adaptations, it may come to malfunctions, when installing new contacts in an existing plant. If the contact does not switch during the float passes by, the preassembled spacer (plastic) must be removed.NBK-RANBK-RT200/400The high temperature switch RT200/400 will be mounted to the bypass tube with the tube clip fixed at the contact housing.Thermal screeningNBK-R...NBK-R... K09/0722page 7ATEX- contactbrown blueblack 7. Electrical ConnectionLimit switch NBK-R, NBK-RM, NBK-RT, NBK-RAAttention!Observe the allowed electrical ratings for the limit switch.Maximum values NBK-RNBK-RM Standard- contact NBK-RT Hightemperature contact NBK-RAATEX-contactSwitching capacity: 60 W/VA 80 VA 45 W/VA Switching current: 1 A 1 A 0,6 A Switching voltage:230 V AC/DC250 V AC/DC230 V AC/DCInstall the switch (if available) according to the diagram and connect it to the electrical controller.When switching inductive loads, such as contactors, relays, etc., electrical limit values should not be exceeded, also temporarily by e.g. voltage peaks. The use of a contact protection relay is recommended to avoid overloading the reed contacts.Valid regulations for hazardous areas, and regulations for installation (DIN/VDE 0165), should be observed when installing the NBK level indicator in zone 1 or 2 of hazardous areas (no combustible liquids).Note to NBK-RA:Protect the circuit of the limit contact with a fuse. This fuse must tolerate the permitted nominal current of the switching contact and must have a deactivating ability according to the possible short circuit current of the power system at the place of installation. The contact is activated by the North Pole of a magnet and deactivated by its South Pole.NBK-RANBK-RTNBK-R NBK-RMNBK-R...page 8 NBK-R... K09/07228. CommissioningCommissioning of the electrical reed switchFunction of switchesAll switches have three connection poles (black (2), blue (3) and brown (1)).The black wire (2) is the common pole for both switching functions (N/C and N/O contact).The float must pass the switch once in both directions so that the switching func-tion is in line with the terminal connection diagram and table below.These instructions are often ignored when an alarm lamp is connected directly with the result that the alarm lamp incorrectly indicates a fault.When the switch has been passed, it is ready for operation and requires no maintenance.black (2) / blue (1) black (2) / brown (3) float above open closed float below closed openHysteresisHysteresis is the difference between contact closing and opening points. A hysteresis of approximately 15 mm float travel is achieved by factory tuning of the float magnet and contact strength.NBK-R...NBK-R... K09/0722 page 99. Technical InformationLimit contacts, model NBK-R/NBK-RM Contact operation: bistable changeover contact Switching hysteresis: approximately 15 mm Max. switching capacity: 60 W/VA; 230 V AC/DC ; 1 A Contact resistance: 100 m Ω Medium temperature: max. 100 °C Ambient temperature: max. 75 °C Connection: 3 m PVC cable Housing: polycarbonate Protection: IP 67Limit contacts, model, NBK-RT200/-RT400 Contact operation: bistable changeover contact Switching hysteresis: approximately 15 mm Max. switching capacity: 80 VA; 250 V; 1 A Contact resistance: <20 m Ω Medium temperature: max. 200 °C (-RT200) / 400 °C (-RT 400) Ambient temperature: 145 °C (RT200) / 350 °C (-RT400) Connection: terminal connectors, screwed cable gland Housing: aluminium die cast housing, terminal connectors Protection: IP 65ATEX limit switch, model NBK-RA Contact operation: bistable changeover contact encapsulated Switching hysteresis: approximately 15 mm Max. switching capacity: 45 VA, 230 V AC/DC , 0,6 A Temperature class: T6 / T5 Max. medium temperature: 70 °C / 85 °C Connection: 3 m PVC cable Housing: metallic, cast (GD-ZN Al 4 Cu1) Protection:ATEX-marking: II 2G Ex mb IIC T6/T5 Gb II 2D Ex mb IIIC IP67 T 105 °C DbNBK-R...page 10 NBK-R... K09/072210. Order CodesNBK-R NBK-RMStandard limit contact (bistable changeover contact)NBK-RT200High temperature limit contact, t max 200 °CNBK-RT400High temperature limit contact, t max 400 °C11. IllustrationsNBK-R/NBK-RM NBK-RT NBK-RA12. DisposalNote!•Avoid environmental damage caused by media-contaminated parts•Dispose of the device and packaging in an environmentally friendly manner•Comply with applicable national and international disposal regulations and environmental regulations.BatteriesBatteries containing pollutants are marked with a sign consisting of a crossed-out garbage can and the chemical symbol (Cd, Hg, Li or Pb) of the heavy metal that is decisive for the classification as containing pollutants:Cd1 Hg2 Pb3 Li41. …Cd" stands for cadmium2. …Hg" stands for mercury3. …Pb" stands for lead4. …Li" stands for lithiumElectrical and electronic equipment13. EU Declaration of ConformanceWe, KOBOLD Messring GmbH, Hofheim-Ts, Germany, declare under our sole responsibility that the product:Limit Contact model: NBK-R / NBK-RM / NBK-RTto which this declaration relates is in conformity with the standards noted below: DIN EN 61010-1: 2010Safety requirements for electrical measuring, control and laboratory instruments EN 60529:2014Protection type through case (IP code)Also, the following EEC guidelines are fulfilled:2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive2011/65/EU RoHSFurthermore, we declare that the productmodel: NBK-RA (ELOBAU 610*)to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the standards noted below: EN 60079-0:2012 General RequirementsEN 60079-18:2009 Equipment protection by encapsulation ‘m’EN 60079-26:2007 Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) GaEC type examination test BVS 03 ATEX E 126 Xalso, the following EEC guidelines are fulfilled:2014/34/EU ATEXHofheim, 09 March 2021H. Peters M. WenzelGeneral Manager Proxy Holder14. Type Examination Certificate。

施耐德电气 ATV-IMC 内置可编程控制卡 使用手册说明书

施耐德电气 ATV-IMC 内置可编程控制卡 使用手册说明书

Schneider Electric China 北京市朝阳区望京东路Schneider Electric Building, No. 6, 由于标准和材料的变更,文中所述特性和本资料中的图像只有经过我们
ATV-IMC 内置可编程控制卡
方寸之间 智显神通
6号施耐德电气大厦邮编: 100102
电话: (010) 8434 6699传真: (010) 8450 1130
East WangJing Rd., C haoyang District Beijing 100102 P.R.C.Tel: (010) 8434 6699Fax: (010) 8450 1130

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施耐德电气XW Pro变频器 Fortress Power锂电池使用指南说明书

施耐德电气XW Pro变频器 Fortress Power锂电池使用指南说明书

12 3From Battery eFlex5.4kWh eVault Classic & Max 18.5kWh Gateway/Insight Facility port 18 brown-white, (wire 7) green-white (wire 3)Gateway/Insight Facility port 20 brown, (wire 8) blue-white (wire 5)I MAGE 2.2:C ONNECTION WITH THE MODIFIED CABLE AND INSERTED TO THE PINOUTSF ACILITYSchneiderInsightHomeRJ45 Pinout ConverterFrom Battery eFlex5.4kWh eVault Classic & Max 18.5kWhInsightHome port 9 brown-white (wire 7) green-white (wire 3)InsightHome port 11 brown, (wire 8) blue-white (wire 5)eVault Classic 18.5kWhI MAGE 2.4: E XAMPLE OF COMPLETE HARDWARE SETUP BETWEEN 2 E V AULT C LASSIC 18.5K W H AND S CHNEIDER XW P RO .***Closed loop is only compatible for up to 2 batteries connected in parallel. Make sure that each battery are updated to firmware version 7.7. Important! Before paralleling each battery, make sure the voltage difference between them is less than 0.5v from one another. Pairing batteries with voltages above 0.5v may damage parts of your battery due to over surge current. If the battery/ies have voltage differences use the inverter or charge controller to charge the battery/ies up to the desired voltage. Otherwise, place the terminator in one of the communication ports (Both TX and RX are common ports) and the communication cable in the other. Set Battery to Master 1.1. To pair both batteries, turn them on pressing the pushbutton for about 10 seconds and set both batteries to Slave with Parallel Number2. Turnthem off. While batteries are off, connect the communication cables from one battery to another (RS485 ports are common) and end communication with a terminator to the battery that you will choose to be the Slave.2. Turn Both batteries on. Set one of the batteries to Master. Note: The Master battery will communicate directly with the inverter. If paralleling issuccessful, you should hear a clicking sound on both batteries after this step. Insert the remaining Format B Ethernet cable from the Master battery to the Gateway/Insight Home/Insight Facility.3. Cut and strip the end of the Format B cable and connect wire 3 (green/white) to port 9 of the Insight Home (18 on the Gateway & InsightFacility) and wire 5 (blue/white) to port 11 of the Insight Home (20 on the Gateway) as described in Image 2.4.2Slave 2 TerminatoCommunication CableModifiedFrom Battery eFlex5.4kWh eVault Classic & Max 18.5kWhInsightHome port 9 brown-white (wire 7) green-white (wire 3)InsightHome port 11 brown, (wire 8) blue-white (wire 5)From Battery eFlex5.4kWh eVault Classic & Max 18.5kWh InsightHome port 9 brown-white (wire 7) green-white (wire 3) InsightHome port 11 brown, (wire 8) blue-white (wire 5)XW P RO.***Note: Choose a 19200 BAUD Rate for the eVault Max. Otherwise use a 9600 BAUD Rate for the eFlex and the eVault Classic.To confirm that the BMS was successfully integrated into the i nverter you will see the image of the battery’s BMS on the devices section along with the battery’s internal information/parameters.Associate the Battery/’s as House Battery Bank 1Specify The quantity of the batteries connected in parallel.1.Mode Settings**Note: Follow each diagram for parameter settings according to End User’s desired application. For each setting, please input the following closed and open loop settings in case the battery loses communication with the inverter. To view all features, click on Advanced rather than BasicStandard Settings105AH per eFlex360AH per eVAult55A per eFlex100A per eVAult, 140A per eVault Max 55A per eFlex100A per eVAult, 140A per eVault Max 55A per eFlex100A per eVAult, 140A per eVault Max 60A per eFlex170A per eVAult, 170A per eVault Max(Recommended charge per battery/maximum inverter DC charge) = x 100***Note: If DC Coupled, disable AC Coupling*** Note: Disable Grid Selling since Pv is directly connected to meter in AC Coupling settings. Grid-Tied Export***Note: Enabling Enhanced Grid Support (64V, 99%) will allow the charge controllers to fully charge the batteries and then export the excess power to the Grid. Export Block, Grid Peak load shave can be left disabled (Default)Settings for MPPT chargersSelf-Consumption (Zero Grid Export) 565356Recommended charge per battery /maximum DCcharge) = x 100PV array size ÷240V ÷ total inverters.3 StageSettings for MPPT chargers56 53 56 Recommended charge per battery /maximum DCcharge) =x 1003 StageOff-GridSettings for MPPT chargersRecommended charge per battery /maximum DCcharge) = x 100565356***Note: Disable Grid Support, Export Block, Grid Peak load shave.。



异步电动机变频器Altivar 58F带传感器的磁通矢量控制6Altivar 58F 为三相鼠笼式异步电动机变频器,是带有传感器的磁通矢量控制 (FVC) 变频器,弥补了标准Altivar 58 系列的不足。


主要功能:-起动/停止,闭环速度控制,能耗制动及自由停车-可开环运行-可在静止状态下保持电机力矩-节能,PID控制-制动顺序- +/-速度,S型斜坡,U型斜坡,预置速度,点动 (JOG)-自动搜寻速度捕捉旋转负载 (跟踪起动)-自动限制低速运行时间,电机和变频器保护等功能Altivar 58F为带散热器式变频器 (),适于正常环境中和装于通风的柜体中。

Altivar 58F使用的宏-配置,可简单快速编程,适用于多种应用领域:物料输送及其它一般应用场合。


作为标准产品的一部分,Altivar 58F具有RS485多点串行口,采用简单Modbus协议进行通信。

该串行接口用来连接PLC、PC 机或其他可编程工具。

具有3 (英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语) 及配置存储等功能:●操作终端,装在变频器或柜门上 (●PowerSuite 软件包,使用标准PC) :PowerSuite软件包用于PC Microsoft Windows 95/98或NT4。

●PowerSuite 便携式PC () :该便携式PC可用于准备、它包括一台惠普“Jornada 420”型掌上电脑终端,运行环境为 Windows CE V2.11。

●Magelis 显示单元,配有点阵显示屏 () :该显示屏可用于对最多 8 台 Altivar通过附加扩展卡或通讯总线,扩展变频器的功能()。

●I/O 扩展卡:-I/O 口,带模拟输入或编码器脉冲输入,构成速度环。

●通信总线:-支持FIPIO,Uni-Telway/Modbus,Interbus-S,Modbus Plus,As-i 或 Profibus DP通信总线。


UMI / 9-键 键盘
3- 白色键,用于电流操作 6- 蓝色键,用于参数和保护的设定 3 双功能键 :
操作功能(指示灯测试) 参数/保护设定模式下的导航功能,即代表光标的上移、下
移和确认 通用的图标,与低压产品一致
UMI / 3种操作级别
操作员级: 以只读的方式查阅各屏数据,不需要密码 清除/复位操作
常规参数整定 (蓝键) - 光标上移
参数和保护整定 (蓝键) - 光标下移
50/51, 1/B,SIT曲线,300A,100ms
1.密码的输入 按下 键,出现如下图所示屏幕:
用 键把光标定在第一个数字上,
保护定值参数整定 (蓝键) – 保护功能
保护定值参数整定 (蓝键) – 保护功能
键和 键可以将光标上移 和下移,从而选择需要的保护类型.
再次按下 息的循环.
常规参数整定 (蓝键) – 密码
常规参数整定 (蓝键) – 确认键
电流操作 (白键)- 测量
I1 I2 I3
剩余电流, 电流值和棒状图
I1 I2 I3
Iav1 2 3
Imax1 2 3
T1 àT8 or T1 to T16 温度传感器

施耐德电气 TZ4 TZN4 双PID温度控制器 使用手册说明书

施耐德电气 TZ4 TZN4 双PID温度控制器 使用手册说明书

Dual PID Control Temperature ControllerFeatures● Dual PID auto tuning function:High-speed response of PID control to reach to thedesired value fast, low-speed of response of PID control to minimize the overshoot even though response is a little bit slow.● High display accuracy: ±0.3% (by F .S. value of each input)● 2-step auto tuning control function ● M ulti-input function(13 kinds of multi-input selection function):Temperature sensor, voltage and current selection function.● Various sub output function:Includes in LBA, SBA, 7 kinds of alarm output and 4 kinds of alarm option function, PV transmission output (DC4-20mA), RS485 communication output ● Display the decimal point for analog input※ T he unit cannot be configured with any random combination from the above ordering information. Please refer to ' Specifications' for possible configurations. ※1: 11-pin sockets (PG-11, PS-11(N)) are sold separately.Comprehensive Device Management Program (DAQMaster)●DAQMaster is comprehensive device management program for convenient management of parameters and multiple device data monitoring.●Visit our website () to download user manual and comprehensive device management program.< DAQMaster screen >< Computer specification for using software >Item Minimum requirementsSystemIBM PC compatible computer with Intel Pentium Ⅲ or above Operating system Microsoft Windows 98/NT/XP/Vista/7/8/10Memory 256MB or moreHard disk More than 1GB of free hard disk space VGA 1024×768 or higher resolution display OthersRS-232 serial port (9-pin), USB portTZ4SPTZN4STZ4STTZ4M1A 1aSV2 IN Max.5VDC TC250VAC 1A 1a250㎂PV OUT DC4-20mATCTCTC※RTD: DPt100Ω (3-wire type), JPt100Ω (3-wire type)※TC (Thermocouple): K(CA), J(IC), R(PR), E(CR), T(CC), S(PR), N(NN), W(TT)※In case of analog input, please use TC (Thermocouple) terminal and be careful about polarity.TZ4SPTZ4STTZN4STZ4MDimensions(unit: mm)TZN4HTZ4LTZN4L(unit: mm)(unit: mm)Panel cut-out dimensionsSizeSeriesAB C D TZ4SP , TZ4ST, TZN4S Min. 55Min. 6245 045 0TZ4M Min. 74Min. 9168 068 0TZN4M Min. 91Min. 9168 068 0TZ4W, TZN4W Min. 112Min. 5092 045 0TZ4H, TZN4H Min. 50Min. 10245 092 0TZ4L, TZN4LMin. 98Min. 10692 092 0Temperature range (Temperature range ( KCaH-148KCaL Not supported JIcH32JIcL Not supported R PR32ECrH32ECrL Not supported TCcH-328TCcL Not supported S PR32NN32U TT32JPtH32JPtL-199.9DPtH32DPtL-199.9A--1-1999 to 9999A--2(display range will vary depending on the decimal point.) A--3Unit Description1. P resent value (PV) display (red):RUN mode: displays the current value (PV) Setting mode: displays parameters 2. S et value (SV) display (green):RUN mode: displays the set value (SV)Setting mode: displays parameter setting values3. SV2 operation indicator : turns ON when SV2 is operating4. Auto-tuning indicator : turns ON when auto-tuning5. Control output operation indicator : t urns ON when control output is ON. Does not operate when the control outputis current output.6. E vent output indicator : t urns ON when the according event output is ON.※The Event 2 output indicator does not operate in TZ4SP .7. Mode key : enter parameter group, return to RUN mode, switch parameters, save setting values8. Auto-tuning key : hold the key for 3 sec to start auto-tuning. Hold the key for 5 sec while auto-tuning to stop auto-tuning.9. Setting keysSV Setting13247※When changing the previous SV of 0℃ to 170℃,Configuring Input TypePlease configure the internal switches before supplying power. After supplying power, configure the input type [IN-T ] in parameter group 2 according to the input type.● Detaching the casePress the front case then pull the case to detach the case from the body.Configure the internal switches as input type.)key-Switch fields, , key-Change valueshe dotted line parameters may not appear depending on the model orEU-1, EU-2] is set to AL-0, LBA, SBA.※O nly appears in modelsthat support RS485communicationOFF UnlockON Lock parameter 2※R un auto-tuning during initial setup of the temperature controller.※I f the thermal characteristics of the control target devicehas changed after extended usage, re-run auto-tuning.Mode Name DescriptionAL-A Standard alarm Alarm output turns ON upon alarm condition, and alarm output turns OFF when condition is cleared.AL-B Alarm latch Alarm output turns ON and maintains ON upon alarm condition.AL-C StandbysequenceThe first alarm condition is ignored. It will operate as standard alarm from the second alarm condition. If it is underalarm condition when power is supplied, it will ignore the condition and operate as standard alarm from the nextalarm condition.AL-D Alarm latchand standbysequenceIt will operate as both alarm latch and standby sequence upon alarm condition. If it is under alarm condition whenpower is supplied, it will ignore the condition and operate as alarm latch from the next alarm condition.Alarm (event)Alarm output can be configured by combining alarm operation and alarm options. Set the alarm operation in event 1/2 [EU1, EU2] of parameter group 2, and set the alarm options in alarm option [AL-T ].H: Alarm output hysteresis[AHYS ]2) Alarm options4) Loop break Alarm (LBA)Diagnose control loop and transmit alarm output through temperature change of control target. During heating(cooling) control, the alarm output turns ON if the PV does not rise/drop by a specific amount (approx. 2℃) during LBA monitoring period [LBA ] while control output amount is at 100%(0%).※ I f the thermal response of the control target is slow, the LBA monitoring period [LBA ] of parameter group 1 should be set longer. ※ L BA only operates when the control output amount is 100%(0%) so it cannot be used in current output models.※ I f the alarm output turns ON after the sensor has been disconnected, the alarm output will not turn OFF even after reconnecting the sensor. To disengage the alarm output, the temperature controller power must be reset.3) Sensor break alarmAlarm output turns ON when sensor is not connected or loses its connection during temperature control. Sensordisconnection can be tested by connecting buzzers or other devices to the alarm output contact. Sensor break alarm output operates through EV1 OUT or EV2 OUT contacts. Alarm output is disengaged after resetting the power.Communication command and blockFormat of command and response① Start codeIt indicates the first of Block STX → [02H], in case of response, ACK will be added.② Address codeThis code is master system can discern TZ/TZN Series and able to set within range of 01 to 99. (BCD ASCII)③ Header codeIt indicates command as 2 alphabets as below.RX (Read request) → R [52H], X [58H]RD (Read response) → R [52H], D [44H]WX (Write request) → W [57H], R [58H]WD (Write response) → W [57H], D [44H]④ Text: It indicates the detail contents of command/ response. (see command)⑤ END code: It indicates the end of Block. ETX → [03H]⑥ BCC: It indicates XOR operating value from the first to ETX of the protocol as abbreviation of TZ/TZN.Communication command● Read [RX] of measurement/setting value: address 01, command RX mand (master)① CommandSTX 01RXPETX FSC StartAddressCommand headP:Process value S:Setting valueEndBCC② Application: address (01), header code (RX), process value (P)STX 01R X P 0ETX FSC 0230315258503003BCC● Write [WX] of setting value: address 01, command WX mand (master)① CommandSTX1WXSSymbol 103102101100ETX FSCStart Address Commandhead S:Setting valueSpace/-103102101100End BCC② Application: In case of writing address (01), headingcoad (WX), setting value (S) +123.STX 01W X S 0Symbol 103102101100ETX FSC 02303157585330203031323303BCCResponse● Read of process/Setting value1. In case of receiving normal process value:The data is transmitted adding ACK [60H].(In case process value is +123.4)A C K S T X 01R DP0Symbol 103102101100Decimal pointE T XF S C NULL A C KS T X01R D PSpace12341E T X B C C N U LL 060230315244503020313233343103B C C002. In case process value is -100A C KS T X1RDP-01E T XB C C N U L L 06023031524450302D 303130303003B C C00※It is responded with 1 byte sized NULL (00H) at the end of response frame (next BCC 16).● Write of setting valueIn case setting value is -100A C K S T X 01WDSSymbol 103102101100E T XF S C A C K S T X 01W D S 0-0100E T X B C C 06023031574453302D 3031303003B C C● Others: In case of no response of ACK① When the address is not the same after receiving STX.② When receiving buffer overflow is occurred.③ When the baud rate or others communication setting value are not the same.● When there are no ACK response① Check the status of lines② Check the communication condition (setting value)③ When assuming the problem is due to noise, try to operate communication 3 times more until recovery.④ When occurred communication failure frequently, please adjust the communicating speed.。



施耐德触摸屏说 明 及 操 作 手 册使用该设备前请务必仔细阅读本说明书柳州富达机械有限公司LIUZHOU TECH MACHINERY CO., LTDCode 2205 6010 41 Edition 7/2009柳州富达机械有限公司公司地址:柳州市阳和工业新区工业园,B-22-1,B-23-1 邮编:545006 商务部电话:(0772)3171004 3172024 3172648 3172248售后服务电话:(0772)3172247 3173004技术部电话:(0772)3171256 3171564传 真:(0772)3171027网 址:E-mail:fudalz@ liutech@授权及服务中心如果机器需要停机或者没有正常运行,请关闭机器但不要试图去修理他。



说 明请妥善保存本说明书,以便随时查用;本手册是该机器的一部分。







施耐德触摸屏XBT RT500操作说明一、本说明书仅适用于使用施耐德触摸屏XBT RT500的螺杆压缩机。

XBT RT500的操作为触摸+按键相结合的形式:二、运行参数的显示在该页面上,可翻看压缩机的各种状态信息。








电气控制单元:电 机
线圈上没有加电 直接将电压加到合闸线圈
拒合(指示器保持分状 态)
检查接线 线圈断线 更换线圈
开关柜具有可靠的联锁装置,满足五防的要求,切实保障了操 作人员及设备的安全。
a、仪表室门上装有提示性的按钮或者转换开关和指示灯以,防 止误合、误分断路器。
b、断路器手车在试验位置或工作位置时,断路器才能进行合分操 作,而在断路器合闸后,手车无法移动、防止了带负荷误推拉手车。
c 、仅当接地开关处在分闸位置时,断路器手车才能从试验/检修 位置移至工作位置。仅当断路器手车处于试验/检修位置时,接地开 关才能进行合闸操作。这样实现了防止带电误合接地开关,以及防 止接地开关处在闭合位置时分合断路器。
若准备将断路器手车从 工作位置退出,首先, 应确认断路器已处于分 闸状态,操作把手转至 中间位置,听到清脆的 辅助开关切换声,插入 手车操作摇把,逆时针 转动,直到摇把受阻。 小车便回到试验位置。 此时,主回路已经完全 断开,金属活门关闭,
开关柜具有可靠的联锁装置,满足五防的要求,切实保障了操 作人员及设备的安全。
d、接地开关处于分闸位置时,开关柜下门及后门都无法 打开,防止了误入带电间隔。



ATV71施耐德变频器操作说明一、图形显示终端按钮功能介绍1,图形显示器;2,功能键F1,F2,F3,F4;3,STOP/RESET(停车/复位)按钮;4,RUN(运行)按钮;5,导航按钮;• 按(ENT): - 保存当前值; 1234657- 进入所选菜单或参数;• 转动CW/CCW:- 增大或减小一个值;- 转到下一行或前一行;- 增大或减小给定值,如果通过终端控制功能被激活;6,用于使电机旋转反向的按钮;7,ESC 按钮:中断一个值、一个参数或一个菜单,返回以前的选择。

※注意:如果通过终端控制功能被激活按钮3、4、5 与6 可用于直接控制变频器。









5,6,二〇一二年九月七日星期五三、变频器状态代码四、设置窗口示例第3 页/共10页五、第一次通电-设置语言和访问等级设置为Chinese。

二〇一二年九月七日星期五第5 页/共10页六、以后通电屏幕显示如下二〇一二年九月七日星期五七、访问参数示例:访问加速斜坡八、变频器菜单的操作方法已经设置过参数的变频器上电时,首先显示变频器的型号,3秒钟以后自动转到【变频器菜单】。





施耐德电气 TH-T 系列温度控制器 说明书

施耐德电气 TH-T 系列温度控制器 说明书

48489.59844.5Versions and options: refer to MODEL SELECTION TABLECONNECTIONSDIMENSIONSINDICATORS AND SETTINGSThe temperature controllers areeasily programmed by the 4 push-buttons and display indicatorspresent on the front panel, or viathe RS485 serial interface.Additionally the accessory device,as compact as a car key, copiesthe same configuration ontodifferent temperature controllers.The 'T' push-button rapidlyactivates the Auto-Tuning functionwhen the temperature increasesand reaches the set value,alongside the continuous Self-Tuning of the PID controlparameters.TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERSTH-TmmP push-button for programmingaccess and confirmationDown push-button for valuedecrease / parameter selectionUp push-button for valueincrease / parameter selectionT push-button for Auto-Tuningand Self-Tuning activationOut1 LED for main output 1ON status indicationOut2LED for auxiliary output2 ON status indicationSET LED for programmingaccess indication(blinking)AT-ST LED Auto-Tuning(blinking) and Self-Tuning (on)PV display for process valueindicationSV display for set value indication(only TH-TD vers. )ABCDEFGHIBAEDCFGHIJJ Single-displaypanelDouble-displaypanelTerminalblockProgrammingdeviceNote: For correct installation and use Datasensor SpA can guarantee only the data indicatedin the instruction manual supplied with the products.AmperometrictransformerTECHNICAL DATAPower supply:24 Vac/Vdc ±10%, 50/60 Hz100-240 Vac ±10%, 50/60 HzConsumption: 5 VA9 VATC and RTD sensor input:J thermocouple; programmable for J/K/S thermocouples,Pt100Ω/0°C RTDs, J/K I.R. sensorsPTC and NTC thermistor input:PTC KTY81-121 990Ω/25°C, NTC 103AT-2 10kΩ/25°C Measurement scale:from -1999 to +9999 °C/°F, progammable lower and upperscale limits, with sensor break detectionPrecision:±0.5% f.s.±0.15% f.s.Refresh time:every 125 ms, display digital filter programmable from 0 to 20 sec. Data retention:non volatile eeprom memoryZero and span correction:0°C; programmable offset from -1999 to +9999 °C/°F, withmeasurement line rotation from 0000 to 2000 (gain correction) Set Point number: 1 control point; programmable from 1 to 4 set pointsSetting value:0°C; programmable from -1999 to +9999 °C/°F1st main point function:control ; programmable also as alarm point (see alarm action) 1st main point action:inverse PID; programmable as inverse (heating) ordirect (cooling), symmetrical or asymmetrical on/off,PID single or double action with Auto-Tuning and Self-Tuning 1st main point output type:SPST-NO relay 250 Vac 5 Atransistor 12 Vdc 7 mA4-20 mA analogue0-10 V analogue2nd auxiliary point function:alarm; programmable also as control point (see control action) 2nd auxiliary point action:absolute maximum alarm; programmable as minimum,maximum or window, absolute or relative setting,with stand-by, delay and latch functions2nd auxiliary point output type:SPST-NO relay 250 Vac 5 AOvershoot control factor:0.5; programmable from 0.00 to 2.00 (fuzzy control) Proportional band:50°C; programmable from 0 to 9999 °C/°FIntegral time:200 sec.; programmable from 0 to 9999 sec.Derivative time:50 sec.; programmable from 0 to 9999 sec.Cycle time:20 sec.; programmable from 0.1 to 130.0 sec.On/off hysteresis:1°C; programmable from -1999 to 9999 °C/°FSet point timing:inactive; programmable from 0:00 to 99:59 hours:minutes Soft Start timing:inactive; programmable from 0:1 to 7:59 hours:minutes withSoft Start power adjustable from -100 to +100%Serial communication interface:RS485 interface, MODBUS-RTU protocol, 1200-38400 baud Loop break alarm:LBA software function for sensor break or short-circuitand load interruption detection, with intervention time settingfrom 0 to 9999 sec. alarm output activation possibilityHeater break alarm:HBA hardware function with 25/0.05 A or 100/0.2 Acurrent transformer inputConnection:terminal block with 2.5 mm² screw contactsElectrical protection:class II - front panel, installed according to instructions Mechanical protection:IP54 - front panel, installed according to instructions Housing material:UL94 V0 self-extinguishing plasticWeight:225 gOperating temperature:0…+50°C, with 30…95 rH% non condensing humidity Storage temperature:-10…+60°CReference standard:EN 61010-1TH-TS-TH-TS-1TH-TS-1TH-TS-11TH-TD-TH-TD-1TH-TD-1TH-TD-11TH-TD-3TH-TD-13TH-TD-4TH-TD-14TH-TD--RSTH-TD-1-RSTH-TD-1-RSTH-TD-11-RSTH-TD--HBTH-TD-1-HBTH-TD-1-HBTH-TD-11-HBADVANCED MODELS BASIC MODELSDistributed by:。

施耐德电气 SPM6KL SPM10KL 在线式不间断电源 安装和用户手册说明书

施耐德电气 SPM6KL SPM10KL 在线式不间断电源 安装和用户手册说明书



目录重要安全信息 (1)产品说明 (6)包装物品 (6)可选附件 (6)规格 (7)前面板显示器 (8)后面板 (9)启动设置 (10)紧急关机 (13)运行操作 (14)警报和系统错误 (16)故障代码 (16)告警指示 (18)UPS显示参数 (19)配置 (19)疑难解答 (22)运输 (24)售后服务 (24)有限担保 (25)重要安全信息UPS 安全标识说明安装、操作、维修或维护设备前,请先仔细阅读这些说明,查看并熟悉相关设备。




请遵守带有此符号的所有安全信息, 以免造成人身伤亡事故。








分 已储能
合 未储能
合 已储能
分 分
合 合
分 合
Schneider Electric
07897252En rev.: A0
可以用钥匙和挂锁将断路器锁定于 “分”闸状态
分 已储能
已储能 挂锁结构
已储能 插入一把钥匙并旋转
Schneider Electric
07897252En rev.: A0
条件: 柜门关闭
断路器移出 选择器处于“工作”位置。
条件: 接地刀闸打开 断路器处于分闸状态 无闭锁
选择器处于“移动”位置。 向右旋转手柄以推入断路器,直到断 路器触头与静触指连接到位,手车状 态指示转换以后,停止移动。 断路器已被推入。 选择“工作”位置。
Schneider Electric
07897252En rev.: A0
Evolis 简介
仅限专业人士使用 施耐德电气不对本手册中的信息负责
燃烧、爆炸危险 对此设备进行检查时,必须在断电状态下进行。 必须使用带电显示装置以确认是否带电。 必须在断路器重新通电前恢复所有的保护外壳(比如门或面
条件: 断路器处于分闸状态
柜门关闭 接地刀闸打开
选择“移动”位置 向左旋转操作手柄直至手车状态指示转换 断路器被移出 选择“移出”位置 打开断路器柜门并拔下控制插头。 移出断路器
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施耐德触摸屏说 明 及 操 作 手 册使用该设备前请务必仔细阅读本说明书柳州富达机械有限公司LIUZHOU TECH MACHINERY CO., LTDCode 2205 6010 41 Edition 7/2009柳州富达机械有限公司公司地址:柳州市阳和工业新区工业园,B-22-1,B-23-1 邮编:545006 商务部电话:(0772)3171004 3172024 3172648 3172248售后服务电话:(0772)3172247 3173004技术部电话:(0772)3171256 3171564传 真:(0772)3171027网 址:E-mail:fudalz@ liutech@授权及服务中心如果机器需要停机或者没有正常运行,请关闭机器但不要试图去修理他。



说 明请妥善保存本说明书,以便随时查用;本手册是该机器的一部分。







施耐德触摸屏XBT RT500操作说明一、本说明书仅适用于使用施耐德触摸屏XBT RT500的螺杆压缩机。

XBT RT500的操作为触摸+按键相结合的形式:二、运行参数的显示在该页面上,可翻看压缩机的各种状态信息。








4、数字输入的两种方式A 通过直接触摸显示屏的数字来进行输入,然后ENTER。

B 可通过F1(左移)、F2(减)、F3(加)、F4(右移),然后ENTER。










施耐德触摸屏手册操作施耐德触摸屏手册操作数量备柳州富达机械有限公司Q 1 自动空气开关 D Z 20Y -630/3300 M 2 交流电动机计艺设工校 对代M 1日期审核审定标准200k w /380V 900W /380V交流异步电动机称号 名号 型代号格规及36111F U 1~5R C 6~7~2R C 1~5F R 1K M 3 K M 1R 1~2S B 1T B P Y V 2~3P H 23T X 1-11B 05阻容吸收器L C 1-D 300M 5C L C 1-D 205M 5C L R 2-1308N 2~4A 3T X 1-11B 02热继电器交流接触器交流接触器阻容吸收器铂热电阻P t 100整定 3.5A 11 12500A23M S P -300-16-5-N B Z 2-B S 54,B K 5-100V A 380V /220/24/12/6.3V紧停按钮压力传感器控制变压器电磁阀熔断器相序器F D -B J A C 24V ,熔芯3A Z B 2-B Z -105 1个配Z B 2-B Z -101 1个111152注红色导线,导线.用导线,L 12,L 22,L 32用1 .L 1,L 2,L 3B V 185 m m B V R 2X 95m m 停止按钮开关配Z B 2-B Z -101 一个S P 1T A 1~2S P 2~4I /O 1F U 6P L C Y V 1S B 4P T S B 3S B 2L M Z 1-0.5,300/5 T W D L C A A 24D R F 水流量开关熔断器压差开关熔芯0.2A 排污电磁阀P L C 控制器 电流互感器 A C 220V ,31一次线一匝211T W D A M M 3H T X B T -R T 500L A 39-11D /g 23加载按钮开关显示器起动按钮开关摸拟单元B Z 2-B A 3,B Z 2-B A 3,11各1个Z B 2-B Z -101配Z B 2-B Z -105111F U 7,8,14I /O 22.排气温度高保护值出厂设定110°C .起动时间出厂设定15~20秒.用U 1,V 1,W 1,U 2,V 2,W 2L A 1-D N 11C L A 7-D 1064T W D A L M 3L T 辅助触点摸拟单元熔断器熔芯1A 连接底座3315导线,控制线用B V R 95m m 2B V R 1.5m m 2技 术 要 求22红色绿色,共 2 页 第 2 页M 6~M 7风扇150X 1502C O M T W D N A C 485T 1通讯单元L U 200W(水冷型)2205530302C 190K A 1~3中间继电器T P 68X -H H 62PT H 温度开关1089063716Q 2断路器C 65N /3P D 6施耐德触摸屏手册操作施耐德触摸屏手册操作L U 200(风冷型)2205530301C 190K A 1~3中间继电器T P 68X -H H 62PQ 自动空气开关 D Z 20Y -630/3300 M 2~5 交流异步电动机计艺设工校 对代M 1日期审核审定标准200k w /380V Y 900L -4/2.2k w /5.35A交流异步电动机称号 名号 型代号格规及36141F U 1~5R C 6~7~2R C 1~5F R 1K M 3 K M 1R 1~2S B 1T B P Y V 2~3P H 23T X 1-11B 05阻容吸收器L C 1-D 300M 5C L C 1-D 205M 5C L R 2-1308N 2~4A 3T X 1-11B 02热继电器交流接触器交流接触器阻容吸收器铂热电阻P t 100整定 3.7A 11 12530A23M S P -300-16-5-N B Z 2-B S 54,B K 5-100V A 380V /220/24/12/6.3V紧停按钮压力传感器控制变压器电磁阀熔断器相序器F D -B J A C 24V ,熔芯3A Z B 2-B Z -105 1个配Z B 2-B Z -101 1个111152注红色导线,导线.用导线,L 12,L 22,L 32用1 .L 1,L 2,L 3B V 185m m B V R 2X 95m m 停止按钮开关配Z B 2-B Z -101 一个F R 2~5T A 1~2S P 2~4I /O 1F U 6P L CY V 1S B 4P T S B 3S B 2L R 2-1310N 4~6A L M Z 1-0.5,300/5T W D L C A A 24D R F 热继电器熔断器压差开关熔芯0.2A排污电磁阀P L C 控制器 电流互感器 A C 220V ,整定5.4A314一次线一匝211T W D A M M 3H T X B T -R T 500L A 39-11D /g 23加载按钮开关显示器起动按钮开关摸拟单元B Z 2-B A 3,B Z 2-B A 3,11各1个Z B 2-B Z -101配Z B 2-B Z -105111F U 7,8,14I /O 22.排气温度高保护值出厂设定110°C .起动时间出厂设定15~20秒.用U 1,V 1,W 1,U 2,V 2,W 2L A 1-D N 11CL A 7-D 1064T W D A L M 3L T 辅助触点摸拟单元熔断器熔芯1A 连接底座2315导线,控制线用B V R 95m m 2B V R 1.5m m 2技 术 要 求22红色绿色,共 2 页 第 2 页M 6~M 7风扇150X 1502C O M T W D N A C 485T 1通讯单元数量 备柳州富达机械有限公司施耐德触摸屏手册操作施耐德触摸屏手册操作P L C Y V 1S B 4P T S B 3S B 2L M Z 1-0.5,400/5 T W D L C A A 24D R F 水流量开关熔断器压差开关熔芯0.2A 排污电磁阀P L C 控制器 电流互感器 A C 220V ,31一次线一匝211T W D A M M 3H T X B T -R T 500L A 39-11D /g 23加载按钮开关显示器起动按钮开关摸拟单元B Z 2-B A 3,B Z 2-B A 3,11各1个Z B 2-B Z -101配Z B 2-B Z -105111F U 7,8,14I /O 22.排气温度高保护值出厂设定110°C .起动时间出厂设定15~20秒.用U 1,V 1,W 1,U 2,V 2,W 2L A 1-D N 11C L A 7-D 1064T W D A L M 3L T辅助触点摸拟单元熔断器熔芯1A 连接底座3315导线,控制线用B V R 120m m 2B V R 1.5m m 2技 术 要 求22红色绿色,共 2 页 第 2 页M 6~M 7风扇150X 1502C O M T W D N A C 485T 1通讯单元L U 250W(水冷型)2205530288C 190K A 1~3中间继电器T P 68X -H H 62PT H 温度开关1089063716Q 2断路器C 65N /3P D 6数量 备柳州富达机械有限公司Q 1 自动空气开关 D Z 20Y -630/3300 M 2 交流电动机计艺设工校 对代M 1日期审核审定标准250k w /380V 900W /380V 交流异步电动机称号 名号 型代号格规及46111 F U 1~5R C 6~7~2R C 1~5F R 1K M 3 K M 1R 1~2S B 1T B P Y V 2~3P H 23T X 1-11B 05阻容吸收器L C 1-D 410M 5C L C 1-D 245M 5C L R 2-1308N 2~4A 3T X 1-11B 02热继电器交流接触器交流接触器阻容吸收器铂热电阻P t 100整定 3.7A 11 12630A 23M S P -300-16-5-N B Z 2-B S 54,B K 5-100V A 380V /220/24/12/6.3V紧停按钮压力传感器控制变压器电磁阀熔断器相序器F D -B J A C 24V ,熔芯3A Z B 2-B Z -105 1个配Z B 2-B Z -101 1个111152注红色导线,导线.用导线,L 12,L 22,L 32用1 .L 1,L 2,L 3B V 2X 120m m B V R 2X 120m m 停止按钮开关配Z B 2-B Z -101 一个S P 1T A 1~2S P 2~4I /O 1F U 6施耐德触摸屏手册操作施耐德触摸屏手册操作数量 备柳州富达机械有限公司Q 自动空气开关 D Z 20Y -630/3300 M 2~5 交流异步电动机计艺设工校 对代M 1日期审核审定标准250k w /380V Y 900L -4/2.2k w /5.35A交流异步电动机称号 名号 型代号格规及46141F U 1~5R C 6~7~2R C 1~5F R 1K M 3 K M 1R 1~2S B 1T B P Y V 2~3P H 23T X 1-11B 05阻容吸收器L C 1-D 410M 5C L C 1-D 245M 5C L R 2-1308N 2~4A 3T X 1-11B 02热继电器交流接触器交流接触器阻容吸收器铂热电阻P t 100整定 3.7A 11 12630A23M S P -300-16-5-N B Z 2-B S 54,B K 5-100V A 380V /220/24/12/6.3V紧停按钮压力传感器控制变压器电磁阀熔断器相序器F D -B J A C 24V ,熔芯3A Z B 2-B Z -105 1个配Z B 2-B Z -101 1个111152注红色导线,导线.用导线,L 12,L 22,L 32用1 .L 1,L 2,L 3B V 2X 120m m B V R 2X 120m m 停止按钮开关配Z B 2-B Z -101 一个F R 2~5T A 1~2S P 2~4I /O 1F U 6P L C Y V 1S B 4P T S B 3S B 2L R 2-1310N 4~6A L M Z 1-0.5,400/5 T W D L C A A 24D R F 热继电器熔断器压差开关熔芯0.2A 排污电磁阀P L C 控制器 电流互感器 A C 220V ,整定5.4A 314一次线一匝211T W D A M M 3H T X B T -R T 500L A 39-11D /g 23加载按钮开关显示器起动按钮开关摸拟单元B Z 2-B A 3,B Z 2-B A 3,11各1个Z B 2-B Z -101配Z B 2-B Z -105111F U 7,8,14I /O 22.排气温度高保护值出厂设定110°C .起动时间出厂设定15~20秒.用U 1,V 1,W 1,U 2,V 2,W 2L A 1-D N 11C L A 7-D 1064T W D A L M 3L T 辅助触点摸拟单元熔断器熔芯1A 连接底座2315导线,控制线用B V R 120m m 2B V R 1.5m m 2技 术 要 求22红色绿色,共 2 页 第2页M 6~M 7风扇150X 1502C O M T W D N A C 485T 1通讯单元L U 250(风冷型)2205530300C 190K A 1~3中间继电器T P 68X -H H 62P施耐德触摸屏手册操作施耐德触摸屏手册操作325327高压柜起/停S B 1K A 1326高压柜的合分闸控制信号单机头高压代号 2205530298C 190(水冷)L U 160W ~250W 1温度开关T H 熔芯2AF U 14熔断器13压差开关S P 2 4F U 13F U 11F U 12P HL 2L 1L 34074084093083093071数量 备1P t 100铂热电阻R 1301319S B 1K A 5高压柜停(瞬动)1900W /A C 380VM 2 号 名代称及规 型号格L C 1-D 0601M 5N T P 68X -H H 62P /L 220VK M 1交流接触器中间继电器11 9K A 4301高压柜起(瞬动)3031配Z B 2-B Z -105 1个紧停按钮B Z 2-B S 54,S B 1B K 5-160V A 380V /220/24/12M S P -300-16-5-N 3T X 1-11B 023T X 1-11B 05R C 1 5R C 6 7阻容吸收器阻容吸收器B P T 控制变压器压力传感器52Z B 2-B Z -101 1个11熔芯0.2A熔芯5AA C 24V ,Y V 2F U 1 2熔断器电磁阀F U 7P H 熔断器相序器1211注红色323322分闸信号(来自高压柜辅助触点)共 2 页 第 2 页技 术 要 求4熔芯2A熔断器F U 3 6A C 220V ,T W D L C A A 24D R FT W D N A C 485TY V 1C O M排污电磁阀通讯单元P L C P L C 控制器111B Z 2-B A 3,L A 39-11D /g 23T S X 08H 04M KT W D A M M 3H T加载按钮开关S B 4P T 显示器I /O 1S B 2摸拟单元起动按钮开关11Z B 2-B Z -105Z B 2-B Z -101配11各1个3.空压机第一次起动时,必须确定电机转向对否.接在一起.而且不能和高压线放在一个线槽内!!2.低压控制柜的接地保护线,不能和高压电机的接地线1.高压柜至空压机的控制连线不能和高压电缆放在一个 线槽内,两者相隔必须在500m m 以上.进高压柜的控制 线必须有屏蔽保护.1水流量开关S P 1熔芯5AT W D A L M 3L TL A 1-D N 11CB Z 2-B A 3,熔断器F U 8 10I /O 2S B 3摸拟单元停止按钮开关辅助触点3配Z B 2-B Z -101 一个112熔芯3AF U 11 13熔断器3绿色红色合闸信号(来自高压柜辅助触点)电源相序信号(来自高压柜电压互感器)U a b =100V ,U b c =100V ,U a c =100V交流异步电动机Q 自动空气开关C 65N /3P D 6K A 1 9~~~~~~~~日 期审 定审 核标 准校 对工 艺绘 图设 计柳州富达机械有限公司F -CF -CH L 1H L 2K A 2K A 3综保故障信号(来自高压柜辅助触点)324NK A 9施耐德触摸屏手册操作3压差开关S P 2 4F U 13F U 11F U 12P HL 2L 1L 34074084093083093071数量 备1P t 100铂热电阻R 1301319S B 1K A 5高压柜停(瞬动)42.2K W /A C 380VM 2~5 号 名代称及规 型号格L C 1-D 1201M 5C T P 68X -H H 62P /L 220VK M 1~2交流接触器中间继电器21 8K A 4301高压柜起(瞬动)3031配Z B 2-B Z -105 1个紧停按钮B Z 2-B S 54,S B 1B K 5-160V A 380V /220/24/12M S P -300-16-5-N 3T X 1-11B 023T X 1-11B 05R C 1 7R C 8 9阻容吸收器阻容吸收器B P T 控制变压器压力传感器72Z B 2-B Z -101 1个11熔芯0.2A熔芯5AA C 24V ,Y V 2~3F U 1 2熔断器电磁阀F U 7P H 熔断器相序器1211注红色323322分闸信号(来自高压柜辅助触点)共 2 页 第 2 页技 术 要 求4熔芯2A熔断器F U 3 6A C 220V ,T W D L C A A 24D R FT W D N A C 485TY V 1C O M排污电磁阀通讯单元P L C P L C 控制器111B Z 2-B A 3,L A 39-11D /g 23X B T -R T 500T W D A M M 3H T加载按钮开关S B 4P T 显示器I /O 1S B 2摸拟单元起动按钮开关11Z B 2-B Z -105Z B 2-B Z -101配11各1个3.空压机第一次起动时,必须确定电机转向对否.接在一起.而且不能和高压线放在一个线槽内!!2.低压控制柜的接地保护线,不能和高压电机的接地线1.高压柜至空压机的控制连线不能和高压电缆放在一个 线槽内,两者相隔必须在500m m 以上.进高压柜的控制 线必须有屏蔽保护.1水流量开关S P 1L R 2-1310N 4~6AT W D A L M 3L T L A 1-D N 11CB Z 2-B A 3,热继电器F R 1~4I /O 2S B 3摸拟单元停止按钮开关辅助触点4配Z B 2-B Z -101 一个112熔芯3AF U 11 13熔断器3绿色红色合闸信号(来自高压柜辅助触点)电源相序信号(来自高压柜电压互感器)U a b =100V ,U b c =100V ,U a c =100V交流异步电动机Q 自动空气开关C 65N /3P D 32K A 1 9~~~~~~~日 期审 定审 核标 准校 对工 艺绘 图设 计柳州富达机械有限公司F -CF -CH L 1H L 2K A 2K A 3综保故障信号(来自高压柜辅助触点)324NK A 9(最终版本)325327高压柜起/停S B 1K A 1326(开关量信号)(脉冲信号)(脉冲信号)设定5.4A代号 2205530299C 190单机头风冷(风冷)1温度开关T H 熔芯2AF U 14熔断器1L U 200(低压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )L U 200(低压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )L U 250(低压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )L U 250(低压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )L U 200-250(高压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )L U 200-250(高压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )L U 200W (低压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )L U 200W (低压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )L U 250W (低压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )L U 250W (低压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )L U 200W -250W (高压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )L U 200W -250W (高压电机)双机头电气原理图(N E Z A P L C )。
