


叶根处使用专用吊带,沿叶根缠绕两圈,然 后,一端固定在吊车的大钩上,另一端固定在小 钩上,调整大小钩高度,使叶片叶片可以顺时或 逆时针转动。
安装导流帽 1、将桨叶提起安装导流帽
2、塔筒安装 (1)检查基础环水平度,去除 基础环表面的凹痕和划痕
2、塔筒安装 (2)塔筒安装前,将盘柜等附件放入基础环内
(4) 主吊机械吊主塔筒上 部,辅吊吊下部,将塔筒竖 直,将塔筒就位。 塔筒就位后,将全部螺栓 穿好,用电动扳手把紧,然 后摘钩,进行下一步工作。 V80风机塔筒有三段组成, 下塔筒约6t,中塔筒约58t, 上塔筒约36t 。吊装方法基 本相同。
一、工程概况 二、卸车工艺流程 三、安装工艺流程 四、质量控制要点 五、安全控制要点
(1)V80风机是由丹麦维斯塔斯生产的2Mkw的风力发电机, 该风机的主要部分(机舱、轮毂和桨叶)为纯进口设备,3 节塔筒为国内生产。具体尺寸见下表: 序 号 名称 外型尺寸(m) 重量(t) 备注
(2)机舱就位后,按照要求用电动扳手把紧螺栓。 然后用液压扳手进行终紧
4、桨叶组合。 (1)首先,选择桨叶组合位置,将桨叶支架位置处处理平整。 然后将轮毂翻转90度,放至支架上.,清除法蓝上杂质和油质
(2)提前将螺栓穿进桨叶(螺栓穿进桨叶的长度不同,位置也有要 求,安装时要严格按照说明书要求执行)。
(5)对齐塔筒各段,使梯子能够成直线,检查 滑道是否顺畅。



它们是通过一根传输光缆线连接在一起进行信号传输的 。
地面控制器包含主电路断路器和地面处理器,它与操作面板是一个整体 。 发电机的电缆和电网的电缆是连接到地面控制器的。

顶部处理器控制机舱内设备,如:速度控制器、功率控制和变桨角度、偏航和 内部温度控制。

VMP风机控制器是Vestas Multi Processor 控制器的缩写。 为了确保风机在任何风速情况下风机的性能最理想,控制器控制和监控了风机 的所有功能。 如果控制器检测到一个错误将使风机停机,在操作面板上显示当前运行数据。 VMP控制器包括一个地面控制器、变频系统控制器和顶部控制器。最后两个被 放在机舱内。
•齿轮油冷却器有两个风扇,8A和8B,由VMP-5000控制器控制。 •风扇8 A在油温为55℃时投运,在 50℃停止运行。 •风扇8 B 在油温为61℃ 时投运,在55℃停止运行。 •当风机在RUN和 PAUSE (运行和暂停)状态下,风扇自动运行;在 STOP和EMERGENCY STOP (停止和紧急停止)状态下,风扇自动 停止运行。
在高风速时OptiSpeedTM(最佳转速)技术和变桨距调节 系统保证风机在空气温度和湿度变化的情况下输出额定功
率 。 在 低 风 速 时 , OptiTip® ( 最 佳 桨 距 ) 技 术 和
OptiSpeedTM(最佳转速)技术通过选择最佳的桨距角度和 转速来优化功率输出。 风机采用了叶片顺桨刹车的方式。叶片桨距的变化由 液压系统来调节。液压系统可使叶片转动95度(改变叶片
VCS OptiSpeed说明

OptiSpeedTM (最佳转速), 又名 Vestas Converter System (VCS) Vestas 变频系统,确保风机有一个稳固和稳定的能量。VCS组成包括:







1987年,Vestas开始专注于风能利用的研究,2003年12月与丹麦NEG Micon 合并成立了世界上最大的风机制造公司——新威斯塔斯公司,而丹麦NEG Micon公司是1997年由Nordtank公司与Micon公司合并组成,是当时世界上规模最大的风力发电机制造厂,还是丹麦唯一有自己的桨叶制造及其它非标部件生产制造能力的企业,其在变桨距叶片设计和制造方面具有技术优势。


2002年5月研制V90 /3MW 风力发电机样机, 2004年批量生产。


该机为3叶片, 风轮直径90 m, 重量40吨,切入风速4m / s, 额定风速15 m/s, 两级行星增速齿轮箱,增速比为:4极双馈异步发电机,额定电压1000V。

V90 /3MW机组为紧凑型结构,取消了低速轴。

2009年7月与比利时-荷兰投资者集团的Belwind N.V.公司签约,为坐落于比利时比利时泽布鲁日海岸46公里外的Bligh Bank海上风电场提供55台V90-3.0兆瓦风机,这些风机将于2010年交付和安装。




1987年, Vestas开始专门集中力量于风能的利用研究,此后便从一个行业先锋发展至在全球设有60个高科技的市场领军团队、员工逾9500人(至2004年6月)的大型企业。


MW级风力机2004年全球销售量为8154 MW,Vestas(incl. associated company)的销售量为2784MW,2004年占据市场份额34.1%;至2004年底,全球安装量为47912 MW,Vestas (incl. associated company)的安装量为17538MW,占据市场份额36.7%[2]。

在欧洲专利局网站上以 VESTAS WIND SYSTEMS AS为申请人的公开专利有98篇(至2005年7月)。





这一年,铁匠H.S.Hanse 走下火车,踏上丹麦 lem 车站的站台,并于不久后开办他的第一家工坊。

由于 Hansen 源源不断的创意和无所畏惧的开创精神,他的“Hansen 铁匠铺”从建立之初就非常成功。


Lem 镇渐渐发展成为一个铁匠工艺聚集的中心地带。

1928: Dansk Staalvindue Industri 的成功“铁匠Hansen ”和他的儿子 Peder Hansen建立了Dansk Staalvindue Industri-一家为工业建筑生产钢窗框的公司。



此外,V112-3.0 MW海上风机以维斯塔斯几代风机的成熟 技术为基础建造,风机各部件具有较高的可靠性和耐用 性。这降低了该风机的停机风险,确保了安全稳定的投 资。我们具有高质量的工程设计、物流、建设和调试团 队,这一点保证了我们能够按时交付风机。总而言之,这 一建立在强大技术平台上的新款机型能够为投资者带来最 佳的投资回报。
– 无需为冷却风扇供电 – 基于维斯塔斯成熟机型中的已验证
– 简单有效的功率系统,拥有高效、 优异的故障穿越能力
– 永磁发电机:由维斯塔斯和VND联 合设计
– 降低了维护成本 – 符合将来更严格的并网要求 – 高承载轴承 (HCCBA)
– 基于经验证的齿轮技术 – 集成的叶轮锁定系统提高了可维护
偏航系统、主轴承和发电机的自动润滑系统可提高风机 的可靠性,减少维护时间,同时避免频繁的维修。 V112-3.0 MW海上风机每年只需一次定期维修。
在海上风场,花在维护上的每一分钟都是非常宝贵的。 V112-3.0 MW 海上风机的可靠性和易维护性使您获得最 大的投资回报。
CoolerTop™ 顶部冷却系统
为海上环境 定制完美配 置
一般来说,海上环境比陆上环境更加多风、更加恶 劣。V112-3.0 MW海上风机专门针对这些苛刻条件进行 了量身定制。为了充分利用较高的平均海上风速,V1123.0 MW海上风机的叶轮速度通过优化设计,为发电量和 载荷之间提供了最佳平衡。
此外,V112-3.0 MW海上风机的机舱罩极其坚固,能够 封闭住综合进气口和维修(出)入口,保护内部部件免 受外界环境影响。
V112-3.0 MW 海上风机 让海上风能更 加有利可图
























1风电场机组运行规程1.1风电场机组系统参数规定1.1.1系统说明VESTAS V52 - 850 kW是上风向变桨距调节感应式异步风力发电机,带有主动偏航,使用OptiSpeed技术,使叶片在任何风速下,始终处于最佳的角度,保证最优的能量输出。
















Vestas 的发展

Vestas 的发展

1898年 一切开始的一年。 铁匠H.S.Hanse 走下火车,踏上丹麦 lem 车站的站台, 并于不久后开办他的第一家工坊-----“Hansen 铁匠铺”。 1945年 成立维斯塔斯 Peder Hansen(H.S.Hansen 的儿子),与其他九位同 事合力创立了VEstjysk STålteknik A/S,后来公司 更名为 Vestas (维斯塔斯)。
CFD – mapping wind currents
OptiTip® – optimum blade positioning OptiSpeed® – increased power in changing wind conditions Active Stall® - maximum energy, minimum load
1950年 首次对外出口
主要生产农用机具。开始时是生成橡胶履带拖拉机 1956年 生产中间冷却器 该产品和它生产的农业机具直到今天仍是维斯塔斯的主要 产品。 1968年 液压技术成为重点业务 用于轻型卡车中的液压起重机。 1970年 起重机工厂和石油危机 爆发了石油危机,维斯塔斯进而转入一个完全不同的领域: 替代性能源。 (这是关键的一年)
• 到2007年,维斯塔斯已经在全球五大洲的63个国家共安 装了33,500台风机。平均每5个小时便安装一台风机。 每年,由维斯塔斯风机发出的电量超过5000万兆瓦时
2. Vestas 技术特点 Vestas technologies The lighter the weight, the higher the profits
• 从项目管理到培训等各个方面



t=公制吨 DIBt塔架只可在德国使用。
10 11 13 14
1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0
100.0 dB(A) 103.0 dB(A)
101.0 dB(A) 104.2 dB(A)
实证性能 风力发电厂需要大量的投资而且整个过程可能会非常复杂。 为协助评估和采购,维斯塔斯总结出决定风机质量的三大因 素,即发电量、电力质量和噪音等级。 我们利用数月的时间对所有维斯塔斯风机的上述三个性能领 域进行了测试和记录。当我们最终对测试结果满意时,我们 又聘请了一个独立的测试机构对测试结果进行验证,即我们 所谓的“实证性能”。在维斯塔斯,我们不仅仅是谈论质量, 我们还会去验证质量。
52米 2,124平方米 26转/分 14.0-31.4转/分 3 变桨距/OptiSpeed® 全桨距
4米/秒 16米/秒 25米/秒
OptiSpeed®异步发电机 850 kW 50 Hz / 60 Hz 690 V
1行星步/2步 平行轴齿轮
微处理器监控所有风机功能,OptiSpeed® 输出调节和叶片OptiTip® 桨距调节。
3.带变频器的 VMP (维斯塔斯 12.叶片



等级: I编号:944761zh.R92007-04-13电气参数V66-1.75 MWV80-2.0 MWV90-1.8/2.0 MW1.75/1.8/2.0 MW-690V-50Hz-VMP5000控制器维斯塔斯风力系统公司中文技术文件仅供参考,以英文版为准电气参数目录 ……………………………………………………………………………..…………..页码1. 1.75/1.8/2.0 MW风机 (1)2.VMP控制器 (1)3.高压联网 (2)4.高压开关柜 (2)5.高压开关柜接地 (2)6.变压器 (3)7.风机接地系统/防雷击保护 (3)8.发电机额定参数 (4)8.1V66-1.75MW无功功率的控制图 (5)8.2V80-2.0MW/V90-2.0MW无功功率的控制图 (6)8.3V90-1.8MW无功功率的控制图 (7)9.机舱控制器的短路保护 (8)10.电网监视 (9)11.选项 (9)12.电气保护 (9)13.图纸 (9)1. 1.75/1.8/2.0 MW风机VESTAS 1.75/1.8/2.0 MW是变桨距风机,因而运行和停机时,叶片总能保持最佳角度。


变速、变桨风机的优点包括以下几点:z在各种风况下优化出力z出力限定为1.75/1.8/2.0 MWz平稳且高质量的功率输出及低闪络率z无需电动机协助起动z无需使用机械刹车来停机z机械传动系统中,使载荷波动最小z可提供不同等级的噪声排放水平2.VMP控制器采用VMP(Vestas多处理器)控制器,风机运行自动化,其具有以下功能:z为限制起动电流,联网前使发电机转速与电网频率同步;z切入电流低于额定电流;z机舱可依据风向自动偏航z按照第10小节–电网监视,监视电网运行数据z监视运行z故障情况下停机VMP控制器包括一个机舱控制器、一个轮毂控制器和一个地面控制器。

Vestas 126, 3.45 MW系列风力发电机宣传手册说明书

Vestas 126, 3.45 MW系列风力发电机宣传手册说明书

Appendix A: Vestas 126, 3.45 MW Series Wind Turbine BrochureWind energy means the world to us. And we want it to mean the world to our customers, too, by maximising your profits and strengthening the certainty of your investment in wind power.That’s why, together with our partners, we always strive to deliver cost-effective wind technologies, high quality products and first class services throughout the entire value chain. And it’s why we put so much emphasis on the reliability, consistency and predict-ability of our technology.We have more than 35 years’ experience in wind energy. During that time, we’ve delivered more than 70 GW of installed capacity in 75 countries. That is more than 15 per cent of total wind tur-bine capacity installed globally – and over 15 GW more than our closest competitor. We currently monitor over 28,000 wind tur-bines across the globe. All tangible proof that Vestas is the right partner to help you realise the full potential of your wind site.What is the 3 MW Platform today?The 3 MW platform was introduced in 2010 with the launch of the V112-3.0 MW®. Over 8 GW of the 3 MW platform has been installed all over the world onshore and offshore making it the obvious choice for customers looking for highly flexible and trustworthy turbines.Since then the 3 MW platform was upgraded and new variants were introduced utilising untapped potential of the platform.All variants carry the same nacelle design and the hub design has been re-used to the largest extend possible. In addition, our engineers have increased the nominal power across the entire platform improving your energy production significantly.With this expansion, the 3 MW platform covers all IEC wind classes with a variety of rotor sizes and a higher rated output power of 3.45 MW.Y ou can choose from the following turbines on the 3 MW platform:·V105-3.45 MW™ – IEC IA·V112-3.45 MW™ – IEC IA·V117-3.45 MW™ – IEC IB/IEC IIA·V126-3.45 MW™ – IEC IIB·V126-3.45 MW™ – IEC IIA·V136-3.45 MW™ – IEC IIIAAll variants of the 3 MW platform are based on the proven technology of the V112-3.0 MW® with a full-scale converter, providing you with superior grid performance.Our 3 MW platform is designed for a broad range of wind and site conditions, enabling you to mix turbines across your site or port-folio of sites, delivering industry-leading reliability, serviceability and exceptional energy capture optimising your business case.All turbine variants are equipped with the same ergonomically designed and very spacious nacelle which makes it easier for maintenance crews to gain access, so they can reduce the time spent on service while maximizing the uptime without compro-mising safety. All turbines can be installed and maintained using standard installation and servicing tools and equipment further reducing the operation and maintenance costs by minimising your stock level of spare parts.Are you looking for the maximum return on your investment in wind energy?How does our technology generate more energy?More power for every wind siteV112-3.45 MW™, V117-3.45 MW™, V126-3.45 MW™ andV136-3.45 MW™ are available with several noise modes to meet sound level restrictions with an optimised production. The power system enables superior grid support and it is capable of maintaining production across severe drops in grid voltage, while simultaneously minimising tower and foundation loads. It also allows rapid down-rating of production to 10 per cent nominal power.Proven technologies - from the company that invented themThe 3 MW platform is a low-risk choice. It is based on the proven technologies that underpin more than 56,000 Vestas turbines installed around the world. Using the best features from across the range, as well as some of the industry’s most stringently tested components and systems, the platform’s reliable design minimises downtime – helping to give you the best possible return on your investment.With an operating range that covers all wind classes, our 3 MW platform delivers unrivalled energy production. The proven blade technology from the V112-3.0 MW® is used on theV105-3.45 MW™, the V112-3.45 MW™ and on the V117-3.45 MW™. The industry known structural shell blades are used on the V126-3.45 MW™ and V136-3.45 MW™- a technology which is also used on the 2 MW V110-2.0 MW™ variant.Reliable and robustThe Vestas Test Centre is unrivalled in the wind industry. We test most nacelle components using Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) to ensure reliability. For critical components, HALT identi-fies potential failure modes and mechanisms. Specialised test rigs ensure strength and robustness for the gearbox, generator, yaw and pitch system, lubrication system and accumulators. Our quality-control system ensures that each component is manufactured to design specifications and performs at site. We systematically monitor measurement trends that are critical to quality, locating defects before they occur.Is the 3 MW platform the optimal choice for your specific site?One common nacelle – five different rotor sizesThe wind conditions on a wind project site are often not identical. The 3 MW platform features a range of turbines that cover all wind classes and combined across your site they can maximise the energy output of your wind power plant.Tip-height restrictions and strict grid requirementsWith a rotor size of 105 m, the V105-3.45 MW™ IEC IA is the turbine that fits the most severe wind conditions. It has an ex-tremely robust design for tough site conditions and is especially suited for markets with tip-height restrictions and high grid requirements.Like all the other 3 MW turbines, the V105-3.45 MW™ is equipped with a full-scale converter ensuring full compliance with the challenging grid codes in countries like the UK and Ireland.Cold climatesThe V112-3.45 MW™, V117-3.45 MW™ , V126-3.45MW™and V136-3.45 MW™ can be combined with Vestas De-Icing and Vestas Ice Detection ensuring optimum production in cold climates.excellent turbine choices. A combination of the variants can optimise your site layout and improve your production signifi-cantly on complex sites.Low-wind sitesBuilt on the same proven technology as the V112-3.0 MW®,the V136-3.45 MW™ IEC IIIA is our best performer on low-wind sites. The larger rotor enable greater wind capture, which in turn produces more energy to reduce levelised cost of energy (LCOE). The result is exceptional profitability in areas with low wind, and new frontiers for wind energy investment.Large Diameter Steel Towers (LDST) support the added rotor size and rating of Vestas turbines to increase Annual Energy Production on low-wind sites.LDST is specially designed with a larger diameter in the bottom section that allows for optimal strength at high hub heights.Maximising old permitsAlthough the V136-3.45 MW™ is one of the highest producing low wind turbine available, some old permits may simply be tooKnowledge about wind project planning is key Getting your wind energy project up and operating as quickly as possible is fundamental to its long-term success. One of the first and most important steps is to identify the most suitable location Would you benefit from uninterrupted control of wind energy production?The complexity and specific requirements of grid connections vary considerably across the globe, making the optimal design of electrical components for your wind power plant essential. By identifying grid codes early in the project phase and simulating+28,000 The Vestas Performance and Diagnostics Centre monitors more than 28,000 turbines worldwide. We use this information to con-tinually develop and improve our products and services.monitor performance and produce detailed, tailored reports from anywhere in the world. The VestasOnline® Power Plant Controller offers scalability and fast, reliable real-time control and features customisable configuration, allowing you to implement any control an early stage and monitor any damage. This information allows pre-emptive maintenance to be carried out before the compo-nent fails, reducing repair costs and production loss.IEC IAFacts & figuresPOWeR ReGuLaTiOn Pitch regulated withvariable speedOPeRaTinG daTaRated power3,450 kW Cut-in wind speed 3 m/s Cut-out wind speed25 m/s Re cut-in wind speed23 m/s Wind class IEC IA Standard operating temperature range from -20°C* to +45°C with de-rating above 30°C*subject to different temperature optionssOund POWeR(Noise modes dependent on site and country)ROTORRotor diameter105 m Swept area8,659 m²Air brake full blade feathering with3 pitch cylinderseLeCTRiCaLFrequency50/60 Hz Converter full scaleGeaRbOXType two planetary stages andone helical stageTOWeRHub height72.5 m (IEC IA)naCeLLe diMensiOnsHeight for transport 3.4 m Height installed(incl. CoolerTop®) 6.9 m Length12.8 m Width 4.2 m Hub diMensiOnsMax. transport height 3.8 m Max. transport width 3.8 m Max. transport length 5.5 mbLade diMensiOnsLength51.2 m Max. chord 4 mMax. weight per unit fortransportation70 metric tonnesTuRbine OPTiOns· Power Optimised Mode· Condition Monitoring System· Service Personnel Lift· Vestas Ice Detection· Low Temperature Operation to -30°C· Fire Suppression· Shadow Detection· Increased Cut-In· Nacelle Hatch for Air Inlet· Aviation Lights· Aviation Markings on the Blades· Obstacle Collision Avoidance System (OCAS™)annuaL eneRGy PROduCTiOny early average wind speed m/s■V105-3.45MW™IEC IA GWhIEC IAFacts & figuresPOWeR ReGuLaTiOn Pitch regulated withvariable speedOPeRaTinG daTaRated power3,450 kW Cut-in wind speed 3 m/s Cut-out wind speed25 m/s Re cut-in wind speed23 m/s Wind class IEC IA Standard operating temperature range from -20°C* to +45°C with de-rating above 30°C*subject to different temperature optionssOund POWeR(Noise modes dependent on site and country)ROTORRotor diameter112 m Swept area9,852 m²Air brake full blade feathering with3 pitch cylinderseLeCTRiCaLFrequency50/60 Hz Converter full scaleGeaRbOXType two planetary stages andone helical stageTOWeRHub height69 m (IEC IA) and 94 m (IEC IA)naCeLLe diMensiOnsHeight for transport 3.4 m Height installed(incl. CoolerTop®) 6.9 m Length12.8 m Width 4.2 m Hub diMensiOnsMax. transport height 3.8 m Max. transport width 3.8 m Max. transport length 5.5 mbLade diMensiOnsLength54.7 m Max. chord 4 mMax. weight per unit fortransportation70 metric tonnesTuRbine OPTiOns· Power Optimised Mode· Condition Monitoring System· Service Personnel Lift· Vestas Ice Detection· Vestas De-Icing· Low Temperature Operation to - 30°C· Fire Suppression· Shadow detection· Increased Cut-In· Nacelle Hatch for Air Inlet· Aviation Lights· Aviation Markings on the Blades· Obstacle Collision Avoidance System (OCAS™)annuaL eneRGy PROduCTiOny early average wind speed m/s■V112-3.45MW™IEC IA GWh6. IB/IEC IIA Facts & figuresPOWeR ReGuLaTiOn Pitch regulated withvariable speedOPeRaTinG daTaRated power3,450 kW Cut-in wind speed 3 m/s Cut-out wind speed25 m/s Re cut-in wind speed23 m/s Wind class IEC IB/IEC IIA Standard operating temperature range from -20°C* to +45°C with de-rating above 30°C*subject to different temperature optionssOund POWeR(Noise modes dependent on site and country)ROTORRotor diameter117 m Swept area10,751 m²Air brake full blade feathering with3 pitch cylinderseLeCTRiCaLFrequency50/60 Hz Converter full scaleGeaRbOXType two planetary stages andone helical stage TOWeRnaCeLLe diMensiOnsHeight for transport 3.4 m Height installed(incl. CoolerTop®) 6.9 m Length12.8 m Width 4.2 m Hub diMensiOnsMax. transport height 3.8 m Max. transport width 3.8 m Max. transport length 5.5 mbLade diMensiOnsLength57.2 m Max. chord 4 mMax. weight per unit fortransportation70 metric tonnesTuRbine OPTiOns· Power Optimised Mode· Condition Monitoring System· Service Personnel Lift· Vestas Ice Detection· Vestas De-Icing· Low Temperature Operation to - 30°C· Fire Suppression· Shadow detection· Increased Cut-In· Nacelle Hatch for Air Inlet· Aviation Lights· Aviation Markings on the Blades· Obstacle Collision Avoidance System (OCAS™)annuaL eneRGy PROduCTiOny early average wind speed m/sHub heights80 m (IEC IB), 91.5 m (IEC IB)and 116.5 m (IEC IB/IEC IIA/DIBtS)■V117-3.45MW™IEC IB/IEC IIAIEC IIBFacts & figuresPOWeR ReGuLaTiOn Pitch regulated withvariable speedOPeRaTinG daTaRated power3,450 kW Cut-in wind speed 3 m/s Cut-out wind speed22.5 m/s Re cut-in wind speed20 m/s Wind class IEC IIB Standard operating temperature range from -20°C* to +45°C with de-rating above 30°C*subject to different temperature optionssOund POWeR(Noise modes dependent on site and country)ROTORRotor diameter126 m Swept area12,469 m²Air brake full blade feathering with3 pitch cylinderseLeCTRiCaLFrequency50/60 Hz Converter full scaleGeaRbOXType two planetary stages andone helical stage TOWeRnaCeLLe diMensiOnsHeight for transport 3.4 m Height installed(incl. CoolerTop®) 6.9 m Length12.8 m Width 4.2 m Hub diMensiOnsMax. transport height 3.8 m Max. transport width 3.8 m Max. transport length 5.5 mbLade diMensiOnsLength61.7 m Max. chord 4 mMax. weight per unit fortransportation70 metric tonnesTuRbine OPTiOns· Power Optimised Mode· Condition Monitoring System· Service Personnel Lift· Vestas Ice Detection· Vestas De-Icing· Low Temperature Operation to - 30°C· Fire Suppression· Shadow detection· Increased Cut-In· Nacelle Hatch for Air Inlet· Aviation Lights· Aviation Markings on the Blades· Obstacle Collision Avoidance System (OCAS™)annuaL eneRGy PROduCTiOny early average wind speed m/sHub heights87 m (IEC IIB), 117 m (IEC IIB) and137 m (IEC IIIA)■V126-3.45MW™IEC IIBIEC IIAFacts & figuresPOWeR ReGuLaTiOn Pitch regulated withvariable speedOPeRaTinG daTaRated power3,450 kW Cut-in wind speed 3 m/s Cut-out wind speed22.5 m/s Re cut-in wind speed20 m/s Wind class IEC IIA Standard operating temperature range from -20°C* to +45°C with de-rating above 30°C*subject to different temperature optionssOund POWeR(Noise modes dependent on site and country)ROTORRotor diameter126 m Swept area12,469 m²Air brake full blade feathering with3 pitch cylinderseLeCTRiCaLFrequency50/60 Hz Converter full scaleGeaRbOXType two planetary stages andone helical stage TOWeRnaCeLLe diMensiOnsHeight for transport 3.4 m Height installed(incl. CoolerTop®) 6.9 m Length12.8 m Width 4.2 m Hub diMensiOnsMax. transport height 3.8 m Max. transport width 3.8 m Max. transport length 5.5 mbLade diMensiOnsLength61.7 m Max. chord 4 mMax. weight per unit fortransportation70 metric tonnesTuRbine OPTiOns· Power Optimised Mode· Condition Monitoring System· Service Personnel Lift· Vestas Ice Detection· Vestas De-Icing· Low Temperature Operation to - 30°C· Fire Suppression· Shadow detection· Increased Cut-In· Nacelle Hatch for Air Inlet· Aviation Lights· Aviation Markings on the Blades· Obstacle Collision Avoidance System (OCAS™)annuaL eneRGy PROduCTiOny early average wind speed m/sHub heights87 m (IEC IIA), 117 m (IEC IIA/DIBtS),137 m (IEC IIIA/DIBtS), 147 m (IEC IIIA),149 m (DIBtS) and 166 m (DIBtS)■V126-3.45MW™IEC IIAIEC IIIAFacts & figuresPOWeR ReGuLaTiOnPitch regulated withvariable speedOPeRaTinG daTa Rated power 3,450 kW Cut-in wind speed 3 m/s Cut-out wind speed 22.5 m/s Re cut-in wind speed 20 m/s Wind class IEC IIIA Standard operating temperature range from -20°C * to +45°C with de-rating above 30°C*subject to different temperature optionssOund POWeR(Noise modes dependent on site and country)ROTORRotor diameter 136 m Swept area 14,527 m²Air brakefull blade feathering with3 pitch cylinderseLeCTRiCaL Frequency 50/60 Hz Converter full scaleGeaRbOX Typetwo planetary stages andone helical stageTOWeR naCeLLe diMensiOns Height for transport 3.4 m Height installed (incl. CoolerTop ®) 6.9 m Length 12.8 m Width4.2 mHub diMensiOns Max. transport height 3.8 m Max. transport width 3.8 m Max. transport length 5.5 mbLade diMensiOns Length 66.7 m Max. chord4.1 mMax. weight per unit for transportation70 metric tonnesTuRbine OPTiOns· Condition Monitoring System · Service Personnel Lift · Vestas Ice Detection · Vestas De-Icing· Low Temperature Operation to - 30°C · Fire Suppression · Shadow detection · Increased Cut-In· Nacelle Hatch for Air Inlet · Aviation Lights· Aviation Markings on the Blades· Obstacle Collision Avoidance System (OCAS™)annuaL eneRGy PROduCTiOnHub heights82 m (IEC IIIA), 112 m (IEC IIIA), 132 m (IEC IIIA/DIBt2) and 149 m (DIBtS)■ V136-3.45MW™IEC IIIA GWh6. Wind Systems A/SHedeager 42 . 8200 Aarhus N . Denmark Tel: +45 9730 0000 . Fax: +45 9730 0001 *****************© 2015 Vestas Wind systems a/s. all rights reserved.。





二、维斯塔斯风机简介维斯塔斯风机(Vestas Wind Systems A/S)成立于1979年,总部位于丹麦,是全球领先的风力发电设备制造商。
















海内外主要风电设备制造商外洋:一、丹麦维斯塔斯Vestas二、德国Enercon三、西班牙歌美飒Gamesa四、美国GE五、德国西门子Siemens六、德国瑞能REpower七、德国恩德Nordex八、西班牙安迅能能源公司(Acciona Energy)九、印度苏司兰能源公司(Suzlon)海内:一、金风科技二、华锐风电三、东方电气四、联合动力五、明阳六、湘电风能七、上海电气八、运达九、华创十、北重十一、远景十二、南车时代十三、华仪十四、银星十五、海装风电十六、常牵新誉十七、天威十八、航天万源十九、锋电能源技能二十、长星风电二十一、三一电气二十二、瑞好二十三、国测诺德二十四、中科天道二十五、许继风能二十六、东方电气新能源二十七、盛国通元二十八、银河艾万迪斯二十九、兰州电机三十、宝南呆板三十一、久和能源三十二、哈飞产业三十三、瑞其能三十四、西船产业三十五、太原重工三十六、天地风能三十七、风盈风电外洋:一、丹麦维斯塔斯Vestas维斯塔斯是风能技能的世界领先者,拥有技能创新的历史,以及三十多年开发、制造、安装和维护世界上性能最好风机的经验。









PPT_6001 WTG A-Z风机简介

PPT_6001 WTG A-Z风机简介


Environmental costs

0,02 0.12 mPE mPE =1/1000 of the annual impact of an average person 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10
二氧化碳 环境污染指数 生态破坏
The Tvind turbine
风电优势 风机组成
VESTAS风机发展史 风机机舱构成简介
1898 生产农用机械
Important moments 成立维斯塔斯 生产第一台风机.
2004 兼并麦康,实现 强强联合
F.L.Schmidt – 75 kW 风机 二战时期 Johannes Juul - 1950
The next steps
Johannes Juul
2000年火电所产生污染: 400.000 kg 灰尘 10.400.000 kg 二氧化氮 gains 11.600.000 kg 二氧化硫 220.000.000 kg 浮尘 3.400.000.000 kg 二氧化碳


变浆控制器的任务就是把变浆角 调整到参考值,同时保证足够的快速
Pitch Regulator
Power Controller
El. power
变桨控制器 Pitch reference
功率控制器 Power reference
Main Controller 主控制器
转差功率(Ps)从电机转子侧 向外流出(Ps>0)
转差功率的流向为±Ps(即: 转子可向网上送、受电)
电机的转速(n)都低于同步 转速(n1)
电机的转速(n)可高于或低 于同步转速(n1)
在定子绕组相序确定后,转子 独立交流励磁电源Sf可强制性 绕组三相电流相序不能改变 向电机输入Ps,且三相励磁电 流相序可以改变 电机转子绕组三相电流是感生 转子绕组三相电流由转子感应 的 电势E2与Ef附加电势共同产生,Sf 电源可强制性向电机输入PS 优点:结构简单可靠,造价低 优点:经济性好,调速性能好 缺点:经济性能稍差,不能调 缺点:结构复杂,造价高,故 障率高 速
叶片由环氧树脂的玻璃纤维材料制成,每只叶 片有两片叶壳,固定在叶梁上,特殊钢制叶跟将叶片
机械能传至发电机。齿轮箱由免维护的万向轴连至发 电机。发电机为特制、带绕组的4极异步发电机。 变桨距调节系统通过一个液压 / 机械系统来激活 . 这个液压系统同时也被刹车盘使用


风机(fēnɡ jī)控制器
▪ 风机控制器被称为 VMP控制器。VMP是维斯
▪ 控制器监视和控制风机的所有状态,以确保
▪ 当检测到错误时,控制器将停止风机。
▪ 控制器显示风机当前的操作模式。
▪ 在设计上,如果需要(xūyào)这些功能时,控制器
相同的画面,但每次只能使用一个面板。地面控制器只包含地面处理器。不同(bù tónɡ)操作模式
▪ 高压断路器位于塔架底部。
▪ 当操作人员获得风机(fēnɡ jī)数据时,或当他要启
动或停止风机(fēnɡ jī)时,他可以使用地面控制器
▪ 出于安全原因,只能通过顶部的服务面板才
▪ 由一台基于微处理器的控制器-VMP控制器(维斯塔斯多处理器控制器)
(fēnɡ jī)
▪ 该控制系统和变压器都装在机舱内。 叶片位置由液压/机械变桨系统






一、国内著名风机品牌1.1 金风科技(Goldwind)金风科技是中国率先的风力发电设备创造商,成立于1998年,总部位于新疆乌鲁木齐。


1.2 中航工业(AVIC)中航工业是中国航空工业的领军企业之一,也是风机创造领域的重要参预者。


1.3 海尔(Haier)海尔是中国知名的家电创造商,也涉足了风机领域。


二、国外著名风机品牌2.1 西门子(Siemens)西门子是德国知名的工业创造企业,也是风机领域的率先者之一。


2.2 奥托(Eaton)奥托是美国著名的电气设备创造商,也是风机产品的供应商之一。


2.3 风力系统(Vestas)风力系统是丹麦率先的风力发电设备创造商,产品畅销全球多个国家和地区。


三、国内外风机品牌的优势3.1 技术实力雄厚这些著名的风机品牌在技术研发和创新方面拥有雄厚的实力,能够不断推出高性能、高效率的产品,满足客户需求。

3.2 质量可靠这些品牌的风机产品质量可靠,经过严格的质量控制和测试,确保产品性能稳定,使用寿命长。

3.3 服务完善这些品牌在售后服务方面也非常重视,提供及时、周到的售后服务,解决客户使用中的问题,保障客户满意度。



V112-3.0 MW®The V112-3.0 MW® is an industry game-changer, with over 3 GW already sold in less than two years. Designed for onshore low-wind and medium-wind sites, anywhere in the world, it delivers industry-leading reliability, serviceability and exceptional energy capture.The 54.65 m blades on the V112-3.0 MW®, togetherwith its 3 MW generator, provide remarkable energy yield, boosting your economic returns and strengthening your investment for years to come.Several innovative features, including a Vestas-designed permanent magnet generator and a full-scale converterfor higher efficiency, better grid support and reduced drive train loads, make the V112-3.0 MW® capable of exceptional production in all wind and weather conditions, setting a new standard in turbine performance.V112-3.0 MW® IEC SConfigured to the same specifications as our V112-3.0 MW® offshore model, the new IEC S simply extends the operation of V112-3.0 MW® onshore to high-wind sites. It is built to provide superior energy capture and profitability in high winds, year after year, ultimately ensuring that your return on investment is maximised.An improved rotor-to-generator ratio for optimum energy capture, blades profiled for aerodynamic efficiency, as well as other innovative features, ensure prime performance.The launch of the V112-3.0 MW® IEC S opens up many exciting new opportunities for reliable, high energy production in extreme wind and weather conditions. Combined with our 30 years of industry experience, it provides you with one of the most competitive investment opportunities in wind energy.V126-3.0 MW™Our best performer on low-wind sites, the V126-3.0 MW™ is built on the same proven technology as the V112-3.0 MW® models – with one crucial difference. The extended blades provide an immense 126 m rotor, enabling greater wind capture, which in turn produces more energy at a reduced cost. The result is exceptional profitability in areas with low wind, and new frontiers for wind energy investment.With the launch of the V126-3.0 MW™, we now offer a range of 3 MW turbines covering all wind classes, increasing the range of opportunities available to wind energy investors. Vestas’ unbeatable history of proven technology is combined with the most cutting-edge innovation, making the V126-3.0 MW™ the obvious choice for those looking to combine reliability with revolutionary performance.3 MW Turbines Higher profits across all wind classes3 GWThe combination of high returns and low risk have already made V112-3.0 MW® an industry favourite, with more than 3 GW already sold.Poweringnew opportunitiesDESIGNED FOR ALL IEC SEGMENTSThe V112-3.0MW® covers all onshore and offshore IEC wind class segmentsThe V126-3.0 MW™ covers onshore IEC III wind class segmentsTuRbINE TypE WINDCLASSESIEC III (6.0-7.5 m/s)IEC II(7.5-8.5 m/s)IEC I(8.5-10.0 m/s) V164-7.0 MW™offshore3 MW TuRbINESV90-3.0 MW® onshore/offshoreV100-2.6 MW™V112-3.0 MW® onshore/offshoreV126-3.0 MW™2 MW TuRbINESV80-2.0 MW®V80-2.0 MW® GridStreamer™V90-1.8/2.0 MW®V90-1.8/2.0 MW® GridStreamer™V100-1.8 MW®/V100-2.0 MW™Above are some of the features and benefits that optimise your energy production, lower your operat-ing costs and strengthen the business case for choosing the V112-3.0 MW® and the V126-3.0 MW™.Optimise energyproduction Reduce energy costs Secure your investment – Designed for highproductivity– Reduced noise modeswith minimal impact onpower production– Excellent grid support – Optimised Balance of Plant installation and transportation costs – Designed for serviceability –I nnovative CoolerTop ® uses the wind’s own energy tocool the turbine – Proven technology – Reliable and robust product – Minimal downtime – More than 30 years' track recordIndustry-leading technology that generates more energyHigh productivity in all conditions With the operating range now expanded to all wind classes, the V112-3.0 MW® and the V126-3.0 MW™ deliver unrivaled energy production. The turbine blades for the turbines incorporate robust structural design. Their geometric profile increases aerodynamic efficiency while reducing sensitivity to dirt and other airborne particles. This gives the turbine better in-service energy production.Keeping noise down and power up The V112-3.0 MW® and the V126-3.0 MW™ have several noise modes to meet most site-specific sound level restrictions - all without a significant reduction in productivity. The new power system for the V112-3.0 MW® and the V126-3.0 MW™ enables superior grid support. The permanent magnet generator, coupled with a full-scale converter, meets most challenging grid requirements – in almost any corner of the world.Gear box Generator Stator sidefilter back-to-back converter Grid side filter TransformerGRID INTERFACEbottomof the towerThe new power system has the capability to maintain production across severe drops in grid voltage, while simultaneously minimising drive train loads. It also allows rapid down-rating of production to 20 per cent.Excellent grid supportOptimised balance of plant installationand transportation costsJust like other Vestas turbines, the V112-3.0 MW® and the V126-3.0 MW™ are designed to be transported easily to virtually any site around the world. In terms of weight, height and width, all of its components comply with most local and international limits for standard transportation.Each transportable component weighs less than 70 tonnes. Your foundation costs are also lowered with the V112-3.0 MW® and the V126-3.0 MW™ due to its improved load control. Additionally, the grid support capabilities of the new power system help minimise substation cost and provide greater flexibility to meet future requirements.Easy serviceabilityThe nacelle of the V112-3.0 MW® and the V126-3.0 MW™ is ergonomically designed. It maximises the available internal space by integrating the power converter into the nacelle floor. This extra space makes it easier for maintenance crews to gain access – reducing the time spent on service and, therefore, maximising uptime. The automatic lubricationof the yaw system, main bearing and generator bearings delivers the triple benefit of increased reliability, reduced maintenance time and less frequent servicing. Combined, these factors save you money and maximise your returns on the wind energy produced on all onshore sites. The turbines can be put into place and maintained using standard installation and servicing tools and equipment – minimising ongoing maintenance costs.Innovative CoolerTop®The CoolerTop® installed on the the V112-3.0 MW® and the V126-3.0 MW™ uses the wind’s own energy to generate the cooling required, rather than consuming energy generated elsewhere. The fact that the CoolerTop® has no moving parts means it requires little maintenance, reducing costs once more. In addition, the absence of any fans ensures that the cooling system makes minimal noise while simultaneously reducing the turbine’s own energy consumption. Finally,the CoolerTop® provides sufficient cooling at altitudes ofup to 2,000 m. This makes the turbines an ideal choicefor locations high above sea level that were once deemed unsuitable.Designed to reduce windenergy costspermanent magnet generator and full scale converter – Simple and effective power system with high efficiency and excellent fault ride-through capabilities – P ermanent magnet generator de-signed by Vestas – Reduced maintenance cost – Highly adaptable for future requirements – HCCBA bearings (High Capacity Bearing)Drive train – Based on proven geared technology – Integrated rotor lock system to improve maintenance blade – Large root diameter (Φ2.6 m) ensures blade bearing longevity – Lightning receptors and internal grounding cable integrated – Robust aerodynamic profile less sensitive to airborne contaminationpitch system – Design based on V90-3.0 MW®– Double feeding pump system ensuring redundancy and reliability – Solutions for safe work in hub integrated in design y aw system– Design based on V90-3.0 MW®and V90-2.0 MW®– Robust plain bearing with built-infriction (grease lubricated)CoolerTop®– Operation up to 2,000 m withde-rating under specific conditions– No power consumption for fans– Minimal noise emission fromcooling systemThe passion and experience to secure your wind energy investment47,000+The V112-3.0® MW and the V126-3.0 MW™ advance the already proventechnology powering over 47,000+installed Vestas turbines worldwide– more than any other supplier.proven technologies - from the company that invented themSince 1999, Vestas has installed over 2,600 V90-3.0 MW® turbines and more than 9,700 2 MW turbines globally. These workhorses form the basis of the mighty V112-3.0 MW® and V126-3.0 MW™, which incorporates their thoroughly tested technologies – including the pitch, yaw and control systems, and the drive train concepts. This heritage makes the turbines your low-risk choice.The V112-3.0 MW® and V126-3.0 MW™ are based uponthe proven technologies that underpin the 47,000+ Vestas turbines installed around the world. Using the best features from across the range, as well as some of the industry’s most stringently tested components and systems, the turbines' reliable design minimises downtime – helping to give you the best possible return on your investment.In Vestas Performance and Diagnostics Centre, we monitor more than 22,000 turbines worldwide. The information we obtain is then used in developing new turbines, including the V112-3.0 MW® and V126-3.0 MW™.Reliable and robust productThe Vestas Test Centre is unrivalled in the wind industry. We test most of the nacelle components using Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) to ensure reliability. For critical components, HALT identifies potential failure modes and mechanisms. Specialised test rigs ensure strengthand robustness for the gearbox, generator, yaw and pitch system, lubrication system and accumulators. Our quality-control system ensures that each component is produced to design specifications and performs at site. We also employ a Six Sigma philosophy and have identified critical manufacturing processes (both in-house and for suppliers). We systematically monitor measurement trends that are critical to quality, locating defects before they occur.Life testingThe Vestas Test Centre has the unique abilityto test complete nacelles using technologies like Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT). This rigorous testing of new components ensures the reliability of the V112-3.0 MW® and the V126-3.0 MW™.V112-3.0 MW® Facts & figuresWIND CLASS IEC IIA/IIIA IEC SpOWER REGuLATION pitch regulated with variablespeedOpERATING DATARated power 3,075 kW 3,000 kWCut-in wind speed 3 m/s 3 m/sRated wind speed 13 m/s 13 m/sCut-out wind speed 25 m/s 25 m/sRe cut-in wind speed 23 m/s 23 m/sOperating temperature range: -30˚up to +40˚**subject to different temperature optionsSOuND pOWER*(Mode 0, 10 m above ground, hub height 84 m, air density1,225 kg/m³)3 m/s 94.5 dB 96.0 dB4 m/s 97.3 dB 97.5 dB5 m/s 100.9 dB 100.9 dB6 m/s 104.3 dB 104.4 dB7 m/s 106.5 dB 107.5 dB8 m/s 106.5 dB 107.5 dB*other sound reduced modes availableROTORRotor diameter 112 m 112 mSwept area 9,852 m²9,852 m²Air brake full blade feathering with 3 pitchcylindersELECTRICALFrequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 HzGenerator type permanent magnet permanentmagnetConverter full scale full scale W IND CLASS IEC IIA/IIIA IEC S GEARbOX Type Multi stage (planetary + helical)TOWER bLADE DIMENSIONS Length 54.65 m 54.65 m Max. chord 4 m 4 m NACELLE DIMENSIONS Height for transport 3.4 m 3.4 m Height installed (incl. CoolerTop ®) 6.8 m 6.8 m Length 12.8 m 12.8 m Width 4.0 m 4.0 m TOWER DIMENSIONS Max. section length 30 m 30 m Max. diameter 4.5 m 4.2 m Hub DIMENSIONS Max. transport height 3.74 m 3.74 m Max. transport width 3.75 m 3.75 m Max. transport length 5.42 m 5.42 m Max. weight per unit for transportation 70 metric tonnes 70 metric tonnes TuRbINE OpTIONS OCAS®, smoke & heat detection, shadow detection, increasedcut-in wind speed & aviation light.Type tubular steel tower Hub heights 50hz: 84 m/94 m IEC IIA & 119 m/140 m IEC IIIA 84 m 94 m/119/140 m DIBt II & 94 m/119 m DIBt III 60 hz: 84 m/96 m IEC IIA & IIIA 84 mV126-3.0 MW™Facts & figuresWIND CLASS IEC IIIbpOWER REGuLATION pitch regulated with variablespeedOpERATING DATARated power3,000 kW Cut-in wind speed 3 m/s Rated wind speed12 m/s Cut-out wind speed22.5 m/s Re cut-in wind speed20 m/s Operating temperature range:-30˚up to +40˚**subject to different temperature optionsSOuND pOWER*(Mode 0, 10 m above ground, hub height 119 m, air density 1,225 kg/m³)Max sound power 107.5 dB *other sound reduced modes availableROTORRotor diameter126 m Swept area12,469 m²Air brake full blade feathering with 3 pitchcylindersELECTRICALFrequency50 Hz Generator type permanent magnet generator Converter full scale W IND CLASS IEC IIIbGEARbOXType Multi stage (planetary + helical)TOWERType tubular steel tower Hub heights50hz: 119 m* *or site specificbLADE DIMENSIONSLength62 m Max. chord 4 mNACELLE DIMENSIONSHeight for transport 3.4 m Height installed(incl. CoolerTop®) 6.8 m Length12.8 m Width 4.0 mHub DIMENSIONSMax. transport height 3.74 m Max. transport width 3.75 m Max. transport length 5.42 mMax. weight per unit fortransportation70 metric tonnesTuRbINE OpTIONSOCAS®, smoke & heat detection, shadow detection, increased cut-in wind speed & aviation light.pOWER CuRVE FOR V112-3.0 MW®Noise reduced sound power modes are available O u t p u t (k W )Wind speed (m/s)0123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930IEC IIA/IIIA IEC SpOWER CuRVE FOR V126-3.0 MW™Noise reduced sound power modes are available O u t p u t (k W)Wind speed (m/s)0123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930IEC IIIB08/2012-E N © 2012 Vestas Wind Systems A/S. All rights reserved.This document was created by Vestas Wind Systems A/S on behalf of the Vestas Group and contains copyrighted material, trademarks and other proprietary information. This document or parts thereof may not be reproduced, altered or copied in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Vestas Wind Systems A/S. All specifications are for information only and are subject to change without notice. Vestas Wind Systems A/S does not make any representations or extend any warranties, expressed or implied, as to the adequacy or accuracy of this information. This document may exist in multiple language versions. In case of inconsistencies between language versions the English version shall prevail. Certain technical options, services and wind turbine models may not be available in all locations/countries.Vestas Wind Systems A/SHedeager 44 . 8200 Aarhus N . DenmarkTel: +45 9730 0000 . Fax: +45 9730 0001vestas@ . 。



坚固耐用,适应恶劣气 候条件的风机
V60-850 kW风机具备了低温运行特性,配备了一套全新的 内部加热系统以确保风机平稳运行,以及一种具备自加热功 能的新型风力传感器,以解决冰雪问题,从而确保有效而可 靠的产能输出。
这些特点使V60-850 kW风机成为经常出现极端温度的高 海拔地区(海拔高度2,500米以上)的理想选择。实际 上,V60-850 kW风机能够在大幅度变化的温度(-30⁰ C +35⁰ C)范围内良好运行,增强了风机的适应性和产能。
V60-850 kW 技术参数
运行数据 额定功率 切入风速 额定风速 切出风速
风速等级 - IEC 运行温度范围
风轮 直径 扫风面积 叶片数量 风轮静态运转速度 动态运转速度范围 空气制动
电气设计 频率 变频器类型 发电机类型
叶片 长度 重量 机舱 运输高度 安装高度 重量 轮毂 高度 直径 重量 塔架 轮毂高度 重量
50 Hz OptiSpeed™ 双馈电异步发电机
29米 2 吨/片
3.1 米 2.9 米 24 吨
2.8 米 2.4 米 2.6 吨
60米 54 吨
V60-850 kW风机为应对未来的挑战而设计。
我们坚信,一款新的高科技千瓦级风机能够解决风场建设中 的土地使用问题。其灵活的设计和适应性强的特点开启了通 向未曾开发的和难以进入的风电场的大门。例如,在特定的 风场条件下,因为在同等面积的征地上可安装较多的千瓦级 风机,因此千瓦级风机比兆瓦级风机能更加有效的利用土 地。
V60-850 kW风机用以满足中国客户的需求:该产品基于维 斯塔斯在中国风能领域二十多年的经验,着眼于中国市场, 利用维斯塔斯全球研发网络的领先业界的专业技术进行设 计。这款新风机在中国制造,且多数零部件实现了中国的本 地采购,这为提高风场运行的可利用率提供了保障。 凭借V60-850 kW风机,维斯塔斯将与中国风电产业共同努 力,将中国风电产业的发展推向新的高度。
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VMP控制器连续收集有关风机性能的参数,例如: • 风轮和发电机速度 • 风速 • 液压压力 • 温度 • 功率和发电量 • 桨距 如果出现异常或错误,数据将被保存在操作日志中 和/或报警日志中,以便可以分析风机内或电网上的 错误。
用于VMP控制器系统的软件用来设置所谓参 数中的所有单个变量。 参数举例:参考功率、各类报警极限、风速 计校正值。 每类风机及他们的变量都有一套参数,当调 试风机时可以选择这些参数。
风机控制器被称为 VMP控制器。VMP是维斯 塔斯多处理器控制器的缩写。 控制器监视和控制风机的所有状态,以确保 风机在任何风速下都具有最佳的性能。 当检测到错误时,控制器将停止风机。 控制器显示风机当前的操作模式。 在设计上,如果需要这些功能时,控制器允 许中央监控。
管状钢塔架交货时涂有油漆(详情请参看1.2 气候条件)。 作为任选项,维斯塔斯提供一台设于管状塔架内的工作电梯。
VCS 描述OptiSpeedTM
OptiSpeedTM,又名维斯塔斯变频器系统(VCS), 用来确保稳定均衡的风机电功率。 VCS由一台带有绕线转子和滑环的异步发电机、一 台带有IGBT开关的功率变换器、接触器和保护装置 构成。 VCS可使速度在标称转速约60%的范围内变化。 VCS和桨距调节机构可确保能量优化、低噪声运转 和降低变速箱及其它重要部件的负荷。 VCS控制发电机转子电路的电流,实现对无功功率 的精确控制和对发电机电网连接的准确控制。
V E S T A S 风 机 描 述
维斯塔斯V66-1.75MW、V80-2.0MW和V90-1.8/2.0MW风机 属于桨距调节的上风向风机,配有主动偏航和三叶片风轮。 V66、V80和V90风机风轮直径分别为66、80和90米。独特 的OptiSpeedTM 功能可使风轮变速运转。
风机通过全顺桨叶片实现制动。变速箱高速轴上装有机械刹 车单元 由一台基于微处理器的控制器-VMP控制器(维斯塔斯多处理 器控制器)监控风机的所有功能
该控制系统和变压器都装在机舱内。 叶片位置由液压/机械 变桨系统调节,该系统可使叶片旋转95°,同时也为盘式制 动器系统提供压力。 在EMERGENCY STOP(急停)操作模式下,风机通过全顺 桨叶片(空气动力制动装置)实现制动。 急停按钮(手动急停)安装在变速箱高速轴上,用来激活空 气动力制动装置和液压盘式制动器。 四个电动偏航齿轮使偏航小齿轮旋转,它们与装在塔架顶部 带齿的大偏航环啮合。偏航轴承系统为具有内置摩擦的滑动 轴承系统。 玻璃纤维增强的机舱壳为机舱内所有部件提供防雨、防雪、 防尘、防晒等保护。中心开口提供从塔架到机舱的通道。机 舱内有一架800kg维护用起重机,其吊重能力可以被扩大到 能提升7,500kg的主要部件。
风机可在以下环境温度下运行。 • V66-1.75MW: -20°C to +40°C • V80-2.00 MW: -20°C to +30°C • V90-1.8/2.0MW: -20°C to +30°C 可以将风机安装在风电场,最小间距为风轮直径的 五倍(V66- 330 m、V80 - 400 m、V90 –450 m)。 如果风机排列成一排并重直于主风向,风机之间的 距离至少为风轮直径的四倍(V66- 264m、V80 – 320m、V90 – 360m)。 根据ISO 12944-2 防腐级别C5-M (外部)和 C3~C4(内部)进行防腐保护。防腐保护设计为终 生保护。
当风机被停下来(暂停、停止或急停)时, 叶片桨距角将为90° (偏离风向),参看图 2 当风机处于运行模式时,风机可以发电,但 是当前风况决定了发电功率。 发电功率由VMP控制器OptiTip®和 OptiSpeed调节系统控制。 每个叶片单独受控,但它们有共同的设定点。
所有的V66、V80和V90风机都配有OptiTip®-独特的维斯塔 斯桨距调节系统。通过OptiTip®,叶片桨距角可不断根据当 前风况调到最佳角度,从而优化了风机出力和噪声水平。 叶片是由玻璃纤维增强环氧树脂和碳纤维组成。每个叶片包 含两个叶片外壳,粘合到一个支撑梁上。专用螺纹插件将叶 片与叶片轴承连接起来。叶片轴承是一个四点球轴承,用螺 栓连接到风轮轮毂上。
2. 主要电气部件描述
2.1 发电机 异步发电机是风机的主要部件。它将变速箱 传来的机械能转化为电能。发电机与电网相 连,电网将电能传到用户。 供电电网的频率为50或60Hz(V90只有 50Hz)。发电机转速取决于频率和控制器系 统(VRCC ������ 10%滑差率)。因此,为了 实现相同的风轮速度,变速箱在50 Hz和 60Hz电网中的齿数比不相同
变压器位于机舱内,为三相干式自熄变压器。 变压器将来自发电机的690V电压转变为高压 (6-36 kV)。 高压电缆从机舱风的变压器引到塔架底部。 高压断路器位于塔架底部。
当操作人员获得风机数据时,或当他要启动 或停止风机时,他可以使用地面控制器内的 操作面板或与顶部控制器相连的服务面板。 这两个面板显示相同的画面,但每次只能使 用一个面板。 出于安全原因,只能通过顶部的服务面板才 能重新激活地面控制器。
VMP 控制器布局
VMP控制器包括一台地面控制器、一个用于变频控制的VCP 板、一台顶部控制器和一台轮毂控制器。VCS控制器和项部 控制器位于机舱内。一条电源/信号线和一条通信光纤将它们 相连接。 通过铜线和旋转装置实现与轮毂控制器的通信。 地面控制器只包含地面处理器。该处理器与操作面板集成。 在机舱内,VCP控制器和顶部控制器位于各自的控制器柜内。 顶部控制器运行机舱内事件,例如:速度、偏航和内部温度 控制。 VCP负责发电机的切入和切出、电流和电压的测量和变频器 控制。 轮毂控制器监视和控制变桨系统,包括控制全顺桨阀。
主轴通过变速箱将动力传递到发电机。变速箱为行星齿轮和 斜齿轮组合变速箱。动力从变速箱通过一个免维护复合联轴 器传递到发电机。发电机为专用绕线转子四极异步发电机 在高风速时,OptiSpeedTM和桨距调节使功率在不同的空气 温度和密度下始终保持额定出力
在低风速时,OptiTip®系统和OptiSpeedTM通过选择最佳转 速和桨距角来优化出力