

Diretions: In this section, there are ten incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the four choices marked A, B,C, and D.

25.Some of the employees in the company are__________to work at flexible hours.





26.Not until she arrived at the meeting room,__________she had forgotten bring the document.

A.she realized

B.she did realize

D.did she realize D.does she realiz

27._________,the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month’s sales.

A.By now

B.As usual

C.So far

D.At most

28.By the time you get to the office I_________all the documents for the meeting.

A.was preparing


C.had prepared

D.will have prepared

29.A company meeting provides an opportunity to__________ideas and discuss any problems that come up within the workplace.





30.We were excited to learn that the last month’s sales __________by 30%.

A. had increased

B. increase

C. are increasing

D. have increased

31.They will not start the project until the board chairman_________back from South Africa.

A. will come

B. is coming

C. came

D. comes

32. Enclosed you __________an application form that you are asked to fill out.

A. will find

B. find

C. found

D. are finding

33. _________you have left your wallet in the restaurant.




D.May be

34. Only when we hurried to the airport __________the filght was cancelled.

A. we found

B. did we find

C. have we found

D. we have found

Directions: There are five incomplete statements here. You should fill in eachblank with the proper form of the word given in brackets.

35. We are looking forward to (receive)__________your early reply.

36. The main purpose of (educate)__________is to teach students to think for themselves.

37. I was told that their project (complete)_________last week as scheduled.

38. It is (general)_________believed that about 14% of new cars can have electrical problems.

39. As a newcomer, almost everything in the company seems to be (interest)__________

to me.


Directions:After reading the passage,you will find five questions or unfinished statements,numbered 40 to 44.For each question tjere are four choices marked A,B,C, and D.You should make the correct choice.

The contract of employment is the agreement made between the employer and the employee. This could be a written agreement or in an oral form.

In addition,the contract will also include“custom and practice”agreements.These are how things are usually done in the workplace,for example,if the employer always gives the employees a day’s holiday in August. Even though this is not mentioned in the written contract, this will form part of the contract as it is the usual practice.

A trade union may have negotiated(谈判达成)an agreement with an employer about conditions at work. The negotiated agreement will often form part of a contract.

Some contracts will be illegal if:

the employee gets all or part of their wages in cash;

tax and national insurance contributions(国民保险税)are not paid;

and the employee knows they are getting paid in this way to avoid paying national insurance and tax.

40.According to the first paragraph, a contract of employment__________

A.must be a written one

B.could be in an oral form

C.should be signed by a trade union

D.ought to be a workplace agreement

41."Custom and practice" agreements are usually__________

A.included in the contract

B.known to employees only

C.always written clearly in the contract

D.signed by both the employer and a trade union

42.According to the passage, the trade union and employer may negotiate an agreement on__________.

A.paid holidays

B.insurance terms

C.training programs

D.conditions at work

43.If the employee receives his pay in cash, this practice will be regarded as_________.





44.The passage is mainly about_________.

A. the negotiation with an employer

B.the employment contract

C. the working conditions

D. the job responsibilities


2012----2013学年度第二学期期末教学质量检测 六年级英语试题 ,用下 I 、单词乐园。(25分) (A )读一读,找出划线部分读音与其它单词不同的一项。(10分) ( )1. A. face B.apple C. lake ( )2. A. use B. bus C. us ( )3. A. head B. egg C. he ( )4. A. boat B. box C. goat ( )5. A. sister B. doctor C. her (B )选出适当的单词或单词组合完成下列单词。(5分) ( ) 1. t__ __ l A. ao B. ai C. ay ( ) 2. h __ __ t A. ar B. er C. ur ( ) 3. yest __ __day A or B er C ur ( ) 4. b__ __ ght A ou B au C oa ( ) 5. l__ __ ve A ae B ea C eo (C )选出与其它单词不同类的选项。(10分) ( )1. A. is B. do C. are ( )2. A. cm B. m C. ton ( )3. A. singer B. writer C. stronger ( )4. A. old B. tall C. younger ( )5. A. cooked B. read C. visited II 、单项选择。(20分) ( )1、I have English book. A. a B. an C. / ( )2、 Last weekend we in the park. A. read books B. sing C. climb the mountain


一.选择题( 20 分,每题1分) 1. Generally speaking, which one is not the major concern for a operating system in the following four options( D ) the computer the system resources and apply the interface between user's program and computer hardware system programming language complier 2. The main disadvantage of batch system is ( C ) A. CPU utilization is low B. Can not concurrent C. Lack of interaction D. Low degree of automation 3. A process transforms from waiting state to ready state is caused by the ( B ) A. Interrupt event B. Process scheduling C. Create a process for a program D. Waiting for some events 4. The concurrent process is refers to ( C ) A. The process can be run in parallel B. The process can be run in order C. The process can be run in the same time D. The process can not be interrupted 5. In multi-process system, in order to ensure the integrity of public variables, the processes should be mutually exclusive access to critical areas. The so-called critical area is ( D ) A. A buffer B. A date area C. Synchronization mechanism D. A program 6. The orderly use of resources allocation strategy can destroy the condition ( D ) to avoid deadlock. A. Mutual exclusive B. Hold and wait C. No preemption D. Circular wait 7. User's applications use the system resources to complete its operation by the support and services of ( C ) A. clicking the mouse B. Keyboard command


大学英语口语测试试题 1.Shopping 1)Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not? I seldom go shopping. It takes too much time. I like to go shopping very much. It is so interesting. 2) What do you usually buy when you go shopping? I only shop for daily necessities, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, cleansing cream, soap, shampoo, washing powder… I like music/books so sometimes I go to campus bookstores to look for my favorite CDs/the recent bestsellers. 3) Where do you usually go shopping, supermarkets or department stores? Downtown or in campus stores ? I usually do my shopping at large supermarkets/campus stores/shops nearby since they often have good buys/it saves time. I enjoy shopping at supermarkets. I love to see shelf on shelf stacked with all kinds of delicious /nice things. Supermarkets are so convenient. You can get almost everything you want in a big supermarket. I hate shopping in a supermarket. It’s always so crowded/the quality of goods is questionable/not so good/ not guaranteed. I like going shopping in big department stores downtown because I think they offer a better service. 4)When you buy a dress or a coat, which do you give first priority to: color, price, quality, style or brand name? I think price/color/style/quality is the most important. I love to buy clothes that are in fashion but they are mostly too expensive for me. I love buying things when they are on sale and I often manage to get a good deal. 5) Do you enjoy bargaining? Are you good at it? I love sales/enjoy bargaining/am good at bargaining with street peddlers. I always/never ask for a discount. 2. Sports 1) Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? I like swimming/jogging/fishing/tennis, etc. My favorite sport is basket/volleyball/football, etc. 2)Do you like jogging? Why or why not? Jogging is considered a healthy sport for both the young and the old/for people of all ages. Many people begin jogging because they believe it is a very good form of exercise/can make their hearts stronger / can help them lose weight. Jogging against the cold wind is also a test of one’s will power. 3)Why do people need to play sports? Playing sports can help us to relax. Sitting in a chair all day has made me very lazy. I can get my figure back if I play a sport. I can meet some new friends when I play sports.

会计专业英语期末试题 )

期期末测试题 Ⅰ、Translate The Following Terms Into Chinese 、 1、entity concept 主题概念 2、depreciation折旧 3、double entry system 4、inventories 5、stable monetary unit 6、opening balance 7、current asset 8、financial report 9、prepaid expense 10、internal control 11、cash flow statement 12、cash basis 13、tangible fixed asset 14、managerial accounting 15、current liability 16、internal control 17、sales return and allowance 18、financial position 19、balance sheet 20、direct write-off method Ⅱ、Translate The Following Sentences Into Chinese 、 1、Accounting is often described as an information system、It is the system that measures business activities, processes into reports and communicates these findings to decision makers、 2、The primary users of financial information are investors and creditors、Secondary users include the public, government regulatory agencies, employees, customers, suppliers, industry groups, labor unions, other companies, and academic researchers、 3、There are two sources of assets、One is liabilities and the other is owner’s equity、Liabilities are obligations of an entity arising from past transactions or events, the settlement of which may result in the transfer or use of assets or services in the future、 资产有两个来源,一个就是负债,另一个就是所有者权益。负债就是由过去得交易或事件产生得实体得义务,其结算可能导致未来资产或服务得转让或使用。 4、Accounting elements are basic classification of accounting practices、They are essential units to present the financial position and operating result of an entity、In China, we have six groups of accounting elements、They are assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, revenue, expense and profit (income)、会计要素就是会计实践得基础分类。它们就是保护财务状况与实体经营


五年级英语期末测试 听力测试A Ⅰ听音选择听到的单词,听两遍。 ()1.A. sea B. sausage C. see D.say ()2.A. bell B. bed C. ball D.blind ()3.A. sit B. sad C. secret D.surprise ()4.A.deaf B. dear C. dead D.dad ()5.A.mess B. miss C. met D.meet ()6.A. rung B. rang C. ring D.sing Ⅱ听音选择真确的打语 ()1.A .Yes, I do B.No, I am not C. Yes, he do . ()2.A .I feel tired. B. How do you do? C. I am fine. ()3.A I am flying the kite. B. He is reading. C. There are two apples on the desk. ()4.A .No, he is n′t. B.Yes, I am. C. Yes, he is. ()5.A .It is ringing. B. It rang at 8 o′clock. C. No, it isn′t. ()6.A Yes, I can. B. No, he can ′t. C.Yes, she can . Ⅲ.听音选词填空 Hurry walk food took much dangerous surprise to badly kilo how make Finish our need give were control 1. ____ up, lingling. There is____ bus. ____your ice cream . 2.We ____ _____ for our picnic. 3. There __lots of people. They __ photos of the mountains . 4. I ____ a present _____ her. 5. ——______ ______cheese do you want? —Half a ______ 6.---Can you _____ the ball? -----Very ______ 7.I am going to ___ you a ____ cake on your birthday. 8.You should not ___ in the road. It is _____ 笔试部分B 一、翻译下列词组 1. of course not 2.不要争吵 3. cross the road 4. every day 5.足够的时间 6. 走了一个小时 7. 快点8.在六点半起床 9. 分发,分给10.做操 11.擅长 12太多的盒子 13. 好的 14.骑自行车上学 15.根本不 16. say hello to 17.on the farm 18.大英博物馆 19.小心20.三公斤肉 二.按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。 1,see(过去式) 2.one(同音异形词) 3.these(对应词) 4.take(过去式) 5.Jimmy(所有格) 6.wear(同音词) 7.they(宾格) 8.she(形容词性物主代词) 9.wash(过去式) 10.I(名词性物主代词 三、根据句意填写出下面的单词。 1. Did they( 遇见) John ? 2. There are( 足够的) apples in the bag.. 3. Can you read ( 购物单) to me ? 4. ( 多少果汁) do you want ? 5. We want ( 五瓶牛奶) milk , please . 6. ( 几点) do you get up? 7. Can you control the ball ( 很好地). 8. Sam took my T-shirt. I feel 。(生气的) 四、选择填空。 ()1. I like English. How you? A. are B. do C. about D. old


笔试部分(100分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分) ( )1. Lucy and Lily _____ China next week. A. is visit B. are visiting C. visit D. visits ( )2. —How do you go to work? —I usually go to work _____. A. by a car B. in a car C. on a car D. by cars ( )3. —Must I finish my homework now? —No, you _____. A. may not B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t ( )4. They each _____ a CD in their bags. A. have B. has C. is D. are ( )5. It is a good time _____. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sang ( )6. Find the answer _____ the question, please. A. of B. with C. to D. for ( )7. —_____ do you go for a picnic? —Once a month. A. How long B. How many times C. How often D. How many time ( )8. —_____ will you stay in America? —About two months. A. How many B. How often C. How long D. How ( )9. She’s good at _____. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads ( )10. —Mum, I’ m going to Ann’ s party this evening. —_____. A. Why not B. Have a good time C. Come back early D. Good idea ( )11. —I’m going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday. —_____! A. Have a good time B. Best wishes to them C. Thand you very much D. It’s OK ( )12. —Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? —Sorry. I’m new here. —_____. A. Not at all B. Bad luck C. Thank you all the same D. Thank you ( )13. —Would you like to go for a picnic with us? —_____, but I’m too busy. A. No, I can’t B. I’d like C. Yes, I’d love to D. Why not ( )14. Leo likes _____, but he doesn’t like _____ now. A. hike; hiking B. hikes; hiking C. hiking; to hike D. hiking; hiking ( )15. The flowers smell _____. A. well B. badly C. good D. much well Ⅱ. 完形填空。(15分) One day there was an argument (争论) between the wind and the sun. “ I’m much 1 than you, ”said the wind.“No, I don’t agree with you!”said the sun. While they were arguing, they saw a man 2 along the road. He is wearing a heavy coat. The sun said to the wind, “Now, let 3 see who can make the man take 4 his coat. Then we will know who is stronger.” First the wind tried. It began to blow very hard. It blew 5 hard that the man pulled (拉)his coat around him. The wind was 6 with the man. Then it said to the sun,“Now, it’s your 7 . ” The sun started to 8 on the man. Soon it got very 9 ! The man took off his coat. The argument was over. We know the 10 was stronger now. ()1.A. strong? B. strongly C. stronger


期末检测题 (时间:60分钟;满分:100分) 一、听力部分(满分20分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每个句子听一遍)(每小题1分,满分5分) A. B. C. D. E. 1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ Ⅱ.听句子,选择恰当的答语。(句子听两遍)(每小题1分,满分5分) 6.A.Yes,please. B.No,thanks. C.This way,please. 7.A.Good morning. B.Fine,thank you. C.You’re welcome. 8.A.It doesn’t matter. B.Don’t mention it. C.That’s right. 9.A.I’d love to. B.Not at all. C.Thank you. 10.A.I’m fifteen years old. B.Happy New Year. C.I was born on June 5,1997. Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确选项。(对话听两遍)(每小题1分,满分5分) 11.A.In the park. B.In the restaurant. C.In the office. 12.A.Went to the town. B.Visited his dad. C.Cleaned the yard. 13.A.The weather. B.The food. C.The time. 14.A.A doctor. B.A driver. C.A teacher. 15.A.Goes to church. B.Works in the garden. C.Reads newspapers. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确选项。(短文听两遍)(每小题1分,满分5分) 16.Susan is a school girl from . A.China B.Australia C.America 17.Her Chinese friends sometimes don’t understand her because . A.her Chinese is poor B.she speaks Chinese too fast C.she is too shy to speak Chinese 18.She wanted to go to the zoo to see the . A.pandas and monkeys B.elephants and pandas C.monkeys and elephants 19.She stopped a Chinese boy in the street to .


<大学英语语法>考查试题 一.选择正确答案填入相应的空格处:(70%) forest guards often find campfires thet have not been ______completely. down B. put out C. put away over 2..Of all the economically important plants, palms have been______. least studied the least less and less study the less is a continuous supply of fuel oil. things needed is needed is needed their need 4.The survey indicates that each Chinese family averaged_____of daily television usage in 1994than in 1993. many as 60 minutes B. 60 minutes more C. 60 minutes C. more 60 minutes 5.All evidence the court has collected boils_____to the fact that he is a spy. A. down B. off C. up D. overluggage, the group of tourists hurried to the airport.2009-2010学年第二学期() A. After packed packed packing was always nervous_____ in city traffic. driving B. driving driving driving 8. I saw Alan skimming over the water and, finally, ____ into it.


深港版小学英语五年级下册期末试卷 (满分100分) 班别_____________ 姓名_______________ 分数_________________ 听力部分(50分) 一、听录音,选出包含你听到的音素的单词。念两次。(5’) ( ) 1. A. sink B. drink C. pink D. ring ( ) 2. B. near B. chair C. cheer D. hear ( ) 3. A. white B. toy C. skate D. skates ( ) 4. A. party B. butter C. far D. supermarket ( ) 5. A. book B. teeth C. food D. lose 二、听录音,听句子,选出听到的句子包含的单词或短语。念两次。(5’) ( ) 1. A. exciting B. delicious C.interesting ( ) 2. A. see B. swim C. saw ( ) 3. A. safe B. dangerous C. exciting ( ) 4. A. talk quietly B. walk quickly C. walk slowly ( ) 5. A. sent emails B. read books C. won a prize 三、听录音,选择正确的答句和问句。(5分) ( ) 1. A.I had a busy week. B.I have some books. C.I am going to have a holiday. D.I don ’t have any milk. ( ) 2. A. Yes , she was . B. Yes, it was. C. No, she isn ’t. D. No, I don ’t. ( ) 3. A. It ’s from China . B. He ’s over there. C. It ’s on the floor. D. It ’s red. ( ) 4. A. Was your bag red? B. What color is your bag? C. I s this your bag? D. Where ’s your bag? ( )5. A. How often does he water the plants? B. How did he go there? C. When did he go? D. Where ’s your bag? 四、听录音,选出你听到的句子。念两次。(5’) ( )1. A. We can get presents at Christmas. B. We can play at Christmas. C. We can make a card at Christmas. D. We can sing at Christmas. ( ) 2. A. Which bus goes to the airport? B. Which bus goes to the temple? C. Which bus goes to the train station? D. Which bus goes to the hotel? ( ) 3. A. There will be a fire drill this week. B. There is a vase in my bedroom. C. There are some books and a computer in our classroom. D. There wasn ’ t any water in the bowl.


期末测试卷三 时间: 60分钟满分: 100分 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音, 将你所听到的单词选项填在括号里。(10分) ()1.A.shirt B. skirt C. dirt ()2.A.shorts B. socks C. scarves ()3.A.dress B. jeans C. yes ()4.A.sheep B. cheap C. eat ()5.A.world B. warm C. weather 二、听录音, 给图片标序号。(10分) ()()() () () 三、听录音, 给问句选择正确的答语。(10分) ()1.A.Forty-two. B. Forty yuan. ()2.A.Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. ()3.A.They are Mike's. B. They are Mike. ()4.A.They are nine yuan. B. It's nine yuan. ()5.A.Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is. 四、听录音, 选择正确的答案。(10分) ()1.Where is Sarah?

A. In the school. B. At home. C. In the shop. ()2.Is the dress pretty? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. No, it is. ()3.How much is the dress? A. Eighteen yuan. B. Eighty yuan. C. Twenty-eight yuan. ()4.Is the dress very expensive? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, it isn't. ()5.Sarah likes the dress. They will ________ it. A. try on B. take C. see 笔试部分(60分) 五、根据提示, 补全单词, 并将完整的单词写在横线上, 补全句子。(6分) 1.It's hot. Take off your____________. 2. Go to the____________. Read a book. 3. It's ____________ and snowy. 4. How much are these____________? 5. It's 11: 30. It's time for____________. 6. Are these ____________ on the farm? 六、读一读, 判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(5分) ()1.We have a new computer room. ()2.It's ten o'clock in Beijing.


期末测试讲评 单项选择,考试一霸拿下填空,何惧选择句子改错,比谁细心翻译句子,彰显实力

语法大闯关 单项选择,考试一霸 Who _____ over there now? A.singing B.are sing C.is singing D.sing There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A.was B.is going to have C.will have D.is going to be Miss Green isn't in the office . she_______ to the library . A.has gone B.went C.will go D.has been Don’t talk here. Grandparents _____. A.is sleeping B.are sleeping C.sleeping D.sleep He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week. A.will be; is B.is; is C.will be; will be D.is; will be Listen! The baby _____ in the next room. A.crying B.cried C.is crying D.cries ________ you ________ free next Sunday? A.Will; are B.Will; be C.Do; be D.Are; be It’s eight o’clock. The students _____ an English class. A.have B.having C.is having D.are having Look! The twins _____ new sweaters. A.are wearing B.wearing C.are wear D.is wearing Harry Potter is a very nice film .I______ it twice . A.will see B.have seen C.saw D.see Charlie ________ here next month. A.isn’t working B.doesn’t working C.isn’t going to working D.won’t work 拿下填空,何惧选择 Tom ___________ (begin) to learn Chinese last year. Daniel and Tommy ___________ (be) in Class One. My brother ___________(fall) while he ___________(ride) his bicycle and hurt himself. My brother came into the bedroom while I _________(dance). Nick __________ (not go) to the zoo last Sunday.


**** 大学课程考核试卷 xxxx---xxxx学年第一学期xxxx级xxxx专业(类) 考核科目大学英语三课程类别必修课考核方式闭卷卷别 B (注:考生务必将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的无效) I. Listening Comprehension (30 marks) Part 1: Short dialogues (10 marks, 1 mark each) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs and then choose the correct answers to the questions. 1. A. She did not take the shopping list along with her. B. She did not write a shipping list. C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket. D. She wants to finish shopping quickly. 2. A. Write a statement for the woman. B. Revise what the woman will write. C. Fill in forms for the woman. D. Apply to an American university for admission. 3. A. Contemporary women no longer want to obey their husbands. B. Modern girls no longer love their husbands. C. At the marriage ceremony the bride should promise to obey her husband. D. At the marriage ceremony the bride should show loyalty to her husband. 4. A. She is weak in doing projects. B. She is weak in studies. C. She tends to work whole-heartedly. D. She is not willing to start a project. 5. A. The football match should be called off. B. The meeting should not include new items. C. The meeting should have another two items. D. The football should be included in the agenda. 6. A. It is important to offer an online friend a drink. B. It is delightful to get a drink from an online friend. C. Ensure that nobody puts anything harmful into your drink.


ACCOUNTING ENGLISH Middle-of-term Test Papers PartⅠ.Translating the following terms 1、Notes to financial statements 2、Accounting elements 3、Variable costs 4、Economic entity 5、Depreciation expense 6、Deferred income taxes 7、Nominal accounts 8、ROA 9、LIFO 10、Work in process 11、现金收支 12、原材料 13、制造费用 14、相关性 15、持续经营 16、复式记账 17、优先股 18、预付费用 19、购货退回与折让 20、永续盘存制

PartⅡ.True or False 1、 The accounting process generates financial reports for both “internal ”and “external”users. 2、The balance sheet reflects the basic accounting equation and the means of financing the organization's assets. 3、The existence of Accounts Receivable on the Balance Sheet indicates that the company has one or more creditors. 4、Liabilities are classified and presented in increasing order of liquidity. 5、Working capital equals current assets less current liabilities. 6、Declaration of dividends reduces the retained earnings portion of the owners' equity of the corporation and creates a liabilities called Dividends Payable. 7、A chart of accounts is a listing of the titles of all accounts. 8、The cash basis of accounting often violates the matching rule. 9、Closing entries convert real and nominal accounts to zero balance. 10、The work sheet is published with the balance sheet and income statement, as a supplementary statement. 11、A company's sustainable growth rate is the highest growth rate in sales it can attain without issuing new stock. 12、Only rapidly growing firms have growth management problems.
