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海洋特色英语与文化课后翻译Unit 1-Unit 7

Unit 1


What makes us so drawn to the ocean? Why are we willing to spend a lot of money, drive for hours, and plan our days carefully just to find time to get close to the ocean? The health benefits are great and breathing in the ocean air is bliss. 但除了我们对水活动的热情外,肯定有更多的原因促使我们付出这么多的时间和精力。最近我读的一篇文章可以帮助解释这些往往很难用言词表达的感情。简单地说,我们的大脑很享受海水。

But there must be more reasons which prompt us to invest so much time and energy besides our passion for water activity. A recent article I read helped to explain these feelings that are often hard to put into words. Simply put, our brains really enjoy the water.


Wallace J. Nichols is a marine biologist who wants to learn what happens to us when we are on, in, or near the ocean. Specifically he wants to understand what on earth triggers our emotional reactions to the ocean. In brief, Nichols’ goal is not to impart to us the knowledge about ocean, but to find out exactly why we love the ocean so that we can use that as a tool to protect it through public policy.

Unit 2


Los Angeles, located in California, is a great place to live. Pleasing climate and high-quality life make the home prices here more than double those in other major cities. However, climate change poses tangible threats and amenity havoc. 气候研究人员预测,未来的洛杉矶平均气温将比现在高13华氏度,气候变化会夺走这里许多气候的独特性。房价因此下跌,气候舒适带来的房地产溢价消失(这对于购房者来说是坏消息)。

Climate researchers predict that the temperature of LA will be 13 degrees F warmer on average in the future. Climate change will strip away much of the city’s climate uniqueness. Therefore, home price declines and climate amenity premium vanishes (bad news for the real estate owners).


How can LA adapt to the climate change? On the one hand, LA should learn to adapt to the change by improving public service to reduce the harm to its residents. Community-based NGOs have stepped up to fill this void. On the other hand, it’s press ing to protect the environment to maintain the city’s climate amenity. Of course, the future of Los Angeles is closely interconnected with the global climate change.

Unit 3


As with foxhunting in Britain, all sides seem never to reach an agreement on whaling. Since 1986 the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has imposed a moratorium on commercial whaling. Yet every Antarctic summer, Japan sends a whaling fleet s outh to catch hundreds of whales for “research”.


But whales are still killed in large numbers; in recent years the annual slaughter has reached almost 2,000 on average. To avoid the extinction of whales, IWC put forward a “peace plan”. According to the proposal, the moratorium would be lifted for a decade, but whalers have to agree to a sharp reduction in their catch. 对于重新开放商业捕鲸,保护主义者一定优惠抱怨、批评。尽管如此,任何一个妥协的方案都要比继续僵持要好。

The conservationists would definitely complain about or criticize the resumption of commercial whaling. Even so, any compromising deal would be far better than continued stand-off.
