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I.选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分)


1.Is this company ____ you once worked for?

A.that B.the one C.in which D.where

2.—Do you smoke?

—No,I don't.And it's been a couple of years since I ____ .

A.smoked B.were smoked C.was smoked D.smokes

3. ____ is well known to us all is thatChina Dailyis one of the English newspapers in China.A.As B.It C.Which D.What

4.—I'mgoing to go back to your hometown.Do you have anything ____ to your parents?

—No,thanks.I just came back fromthere two days ago.

A.to take B.taken C.to be taken D.being taken

5.Lucia,as well as her parents, ____ a great job in the fight against SARS.

A.were doing B.has done C.are doing D.is used to do

6.Why didn't you tell me the meeting had been cancelled?I ____ have got up earlyin the morning.A.mayn't B.mustn't C.can't D.needn't

7.The teacher insisted that the boy ____ nothing wrong and ____ blamed.

A.has done;hadn't been B.should do;shouldn't be

C.had done;should not be D.does;be

8.Amelia saw ____ airplane for ____ first time at ____ fair when she was 8 years old.She was disappointed by experience.

A.an;/;the;/B./;the;a;an C.an;the;a;the D.the;the;/;/

9.The projects have been ____ discussion ____ a month now,but the decision has not yet been made.A.in;over B.at;in C.on;from D.under;for

10.Only when ____ to take off ____ that she had left her handbag at her office.

A.the airbus began;did she realize B.did the airbus begin;she realized

C.the airbus began;she realized D.did the airbus begin ;did she realize

11.Hilary :Howabout going to the town pool now,Joan?Or we could always swim at the lake. Joan : ____ .What would you prefer to do?

Hilary :I think I'd prefer to go to the town pool.

A.It doesn't make any difference to me B.I'mafraid I have to do my homework

C.Okay.That's fine with me D.Good idea.I'll call you in the morning

12.Joseph:You are looking so happy. ____

Robert:Well,actually,I have some good news.


Robert:I just got a big pay raise.

Joseph:You did? ____

A.That's wonderful!;That's great!B.Something wrong with you?;It's extremely good!

C.What's new?;Congratulations!D.Howis it going?;That's nothing.

13.—The sale ends on Sunday.

—Excuse me,Mr.Craig,but ____


—No,sir.Actually,the sale ends on Saturday.

—Oh. ____

A.it's on Tuesday.;Thank you very much.

B.I hope not.;Great job.You are the man.
