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1. 我们国家最重要的传统节日是春节,那时我们会走亲访友。

Which is the most important traditional festival in your country? The spring festival. How do you celebrate it? By visiting friends and relatives .

2. 我家离学校大约五公里远,所以我通常乘坐公共汽车去上学。

How far is it from your home to your school? About five kilometres.

How do you usually go to school? By bus.

3. 我姓布朗,我的电话号码是80047562

What's your family name? (My family name is) Brown.

What's your telephone number? (My telephone number is) 80047562

4. 我的奶奶80岁,但是她的身体仍然健康。

What's the age of your grandmother? Eighty years old.

How is she ? ( She is still) healthy.

5. 城市的空气污染越来越严重,我们出行应该经常坐公交车。

What do you think of the air pollution in your city? (It is getting )more and more serious . What suggestion can you offer? We should take a bus when going out .

6. 我更喜欢旅游,旅游能让我放松身心

Which do you prefer, staying at home or going on a trip? (I prefer) going on a trip. )

How do you feel when travelling? (I feel )relaxed .

7. 我喜欢听流行音乐,JAY CHOU是我最喜欢的歌手。

Which music style do you like? ( I like )popular music.

Who is your favourite singer? Jay Chou .

8. 我爸爸送我一台IPAD,它很有用。

What present have you got from your father? An ipad.

How do you like the present? ( It’s )very useful.

9. 我的圣诞礼物是一张明信片,上面有一只可爱的大熊猫。

What is your Christmas's gift? (It's) a post card.

What does it look like? There is a lovely panda on the card.

10. 我的电脑出故障了,我明天会请人修一下.

What has happened to your computer? There is something wrong with my computer. How will you deal with your problem? I will have it repaired tomorrow.

11. 现在我的电脑显示时间是10点30分,火车10点45分开。

What's the time now by your watch? (It's )ten thirty .

When does the train leave? (It leaves )at ten forty-five.

12. 今天9月9日,明天是教师节。

What's the date today? (It's )September the ninth.

What Festival is it tomorrow? (It's )Teachers' Day.

13. 我是三年级二班的学生,家住在学校附近的第九街。

Which class and which grade are you in? (I'm) in Class2, Grade3 .

Where do you live? (I live) in the Ninth Street near the school. 14. 上周三,暴风雪袭击了南京,Lily是和Lucy一起坐公共汽车回家的。

When did the snowstorm hit Nanjing? Last Wednesday.

How did Lily and Lucy get home? By bus./ On a bus.

15. 4月23日是汤姆的生日。他打算邀请他的同学参加他的生日晚会。

When is Tom’s birthday? On April the twenty-third.

Who will he invite to his birthday party? His classmates.

16. 沿着街,在第一个拐角处往左拐就可以到医院,从这儿大约走10分钟。

How can I get to the hospital? Go down the street ,and turn left at the first turning.

How far is it from here? About ten minutes' walk.

17. 我们班有49个学生,其中男生有22个。

How many students are there in your class.? 49 .

How many girl students? 27 .

18. 我一般早上六点起床,早饭吃面包,喝牛奶。

What time do you get up in the morning? At 6 in the morning.

What do you have for breakfast? Some bread and milk.

19. 我喜欢阅读,尤其是关于中国历史的书籍。

What's your hobby? Reading.

What kind of books do you prefer? Books on Chinese history.

20. 美国的首都是华盛顿,最大的城市是纽约。

Which city is the capital of the USA? Washing D.C.

Which city is the biggest in America? New York .

21. 我最喜欢的季节是冬天,可以堆雪人.

What's your favourite season? Winter.

What can you do in winter? I can make a snowman.

22. 我的宠物狗很聪明,它认识回家的路。

What do you think of your dog? It’s clever.

Why do you think so ? Because it can find its way back home.

23. 我每周去游一次泳,这样有利于健康。

How often do you go swimming? Once a week.

Why do you swim? Because it's good for my health.

24. 我最喜欢的花是玫瑰,它代表了爱。

Which flower do you like best? Roses.

What does it stand for? (It stands for) love.


What hobby do you have? Watching movies/films.

How often do you go to the cinema? Once a month.

26. 昨天你去市中心逛街,你买了一本字典。
