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年终工作总结写作就这五步(Year-end work summary writing is just these five


一、标题要对(1. The title should be correct)

标题是文章的眼睛。一般总结虽没有发挥的余地,但一定要写全面。(The title is the eye of the article. Although there is no room for general summary, it must be written comprehensively.)

部门总结的标题:部门名称+年度名称+总结,1、2项可互换;如《营销部年度工作总结》;(Title of department summary: department name + annual name + summary, items 1 and 2 are interchangeable; such as "Annual Work Summary of Marketing Department";)

大公司总结的标题:关于+公司名称+年度名称+本文内容+总结,如:《关于XX公司年度营销工作的总结》,比较全面了。(The title of the big company summary: About + company name + annual name + content of this article + summary, such as: "Summary of XX Company's Annual Marketing Work", which is more comprehensive.)

标题规范了,一便于存档,二便于查找,一举两得。(The title is standardized, one is easy to archive, and the other is easy to find.)

二、引言要精(2. The introduction should be precise)

引言应短而精,官话、套话要少。(The introduction should be short and concise, with less Mandarin and idioms.)

部门总结引言:如:李总:(Department summary introduction: such as: Mr. Li:)

现将营销部年度总结报上,请批示。(The annual summary report of the Marketing Department is now available for comments.)

大公司业务总结引言:如:公司领导:(Business summary introduction of large companies: such as: company leaders:)今年,在公司各级领导的亲切关怀和正确领导下,在公司各部门的积极支持下,在营销部全体员工的共同努力下,我们取得了三方面的成绩:成功实现了年营销任务5000万元,达到了历史最好水平;成功开发了两个年销售收入在500万的大客户,为明年销售收入上一个新台阶打下了良好的基础;成功地进行了全员营销培训,营销人员的基本素质得到了断面的提高。下面将分四部分向领导汇报。(This year, under the cordial care and correct leadership of leaders at all levels of the company, with the active support of all departments of the company, and the joint efforts of all employees in the marketing department, we have achieved three achievements: successfully fulfilled the annual marketing task of 50 million It has reached the best level in history; successfully developed two large customers with annual sales revenue of 5 million, laying a good foundation for next year’s

sales revenue to a new level; successfully conducted full-staff marketing training, marketing staff The basic quality has been improved. The following will be divided into four parts to report to the leadership.)

若总裁太忙,一看引言就知道你的主要工作成绩了。(If the president is too busy, you can know your main work achievement by looking at the introduction.)

三、总结要全(Three, the summary must be complete)

总结主要分两大部分,第一部分是总结,第二部分是特点。(The summary is divided into two parts, the first part is the summary, and the second part is the characteristics.)

总结部分要全面。把各级领导的关心、兄弟部门的支持、员工们的努力和部门的主要工作要写全面,但一般不要超过5点。(The summary should be comprehensive. The concern of leaders at all levels, the support of brother departments, the efforts of employees, and the main work of the department should be written comprehensively, but generally not more than 5 points.)

特点是本年度、本文的精彩之处,与往年的不同之处,本部门主要的、重点的成绩,一定要认真写好。(The characteristic is that the highlights of this year and this article, the differences from previous years, and the main and key achievements of this department must be carefully written.)
