【最新2018】唐顿庄园经典台词-经典语录-对白-句子-语句-片段-桥段-精选word文档 (7页)
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唐顿庄园经典台词1)、Everything seems so golden one minute, then turns to ashesthe next.-一切本是那么美好,突然间就灰飞烟灭。
2)、I said you could go for a drink of water, not a trip up the Nile.我让你来喝点水,又不是让你去尼罗河。
3)、I will love you until my last breath leave my hody.我将爱你至死不渝。
4)、你站在道德高地上不冷吗5)、“——you have lived your life and I have lived mine . and now it is time we lived it together . ——we have been on the edge of this so many times , Matthew . please do not take me there again unless you are sure . —— I am sure . —— you must say it properly .I will not answer unless you kneel down and everything .—— will you6)、Its a big thing to give up your whole world.放弃你的整个世界,这不是小事。
唐顿庄园经典台词中英文摘抄1. "What's a weekend?" - Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham「什么是周末?」-葛兰瑟姆夫人维奥莱特·克劳利「我把那个当作是一种赞美。
」-马丽夫人3. "You're a woman with a brain and reasonable ability. Stop whining and find something to do." - Lady Grantham「你是一个拥有头脑和合理才能的女人。
」-格兰瑟姆夫人4. "I don't believe in types. I believe in people." - Tom Branson「我不相信什么类型,我相信人。
」-汤姆·布兰森5. "We're stuck with this lot, darling. Try to make the best of it." - Dowager Countess of Grantham「亲爱的,我们和这些人被捆绑在一起,尽量做出最好的努力吧。
」-葛兰瑟姆夫人维奥莱特·克劳利6. "No one wants to be foretold the weather." - Lady Violet Crawley「没有人想要对天气提前有所预测。
」-葛兰瑟姆夫人维奥莱特·克劳利7. "I've always lived by the rule that if you can't say something nice, then you shouldn't say anything at all." - Daisy Mason「我一直坚信,如果你无法说出一些好话,那你更应该保持沉默。
2.2唐顿庄园精彩句子1.I f something's wrong, put it right!2.T hen you refer them to me and I'll give them a piece of my mind. Hmm?告诉/严厉地责备3.F ancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗4.I assume you're having me on, sir.拿我寻开心5.A nd keep people's spirits up,which is very important.6.N o reason. I only meant I hope you're enjoying yourself. I know I would be in your shoes.7.Y ou be careful, Mary. Sir Richard Mustn't think you're after him.8.T he truth is neither here nor there. 不相干;与题目不相干;不重要;It's the look of the thing that matters. Ask Rosamund. It'll take the edge off it.使情形缓和9.M y dear, Rosamund is not a house party. She's blood.10.They can dig something up11.Why not? He's got broad shoulders.能担负重任; 能担当重任; 身体结实12.I expect there's no end to the things they could manage.13.I understand, milord. But we'd rather know the worst than wonder.14.which should do the trick.解决问题/ 对……有用15.There's room for sentiment, but not sentimentality.16.She's a soppy sort.自做多情的17.It's not so bad. And it lived up to its name and got me home.18.We'll have none of your cheek,thank you, Thomas.别这么放肆19.And tell her I mean it. Really.20.You can cover for Nurse Crawley21.Is everything under control?22.Stage fright.23.Thank God Touch wood但愿走好运24.What do you think Mary sees in him?25.So now you've met Granny. I warn you, shehas very strong opinions.26.You don't think she'd be happier with a more traditional set-up?27.I must trust the dinner to you.28.I don't understand it. He seemed so solid when I met him, even taciturn. Now he's a bundle of29.nerves.沉默寡言的;无言的,不太说话的/ 神经极紧张的人30.As if any man in his right mind could prefer Miss Swire to you.31.But I'm not ashamed of being what they call a self-made man. I'm proud of it.32.But even I will concede that the heart d oes not exist solely for the purpose of pumping blood33.That is charming. Especially from you. But Mary seems to have...blotted her copybook in some way.有污点,34.Sir Richard is powerful and rich, and well on the way to a peerage. Of course, he maynot be all that one would wis h, but Mary can soon smooth off the rough edges.35.How can Matthew have chosen that little blonde piece?36.I was merely reminding you it was in my power.37.Miss Swire and I were just talking about old times.38.Well, they do say honesty's the best policy,39.But I cannot see what other course was open to me.40.There is a solution and it's staring us in the face.远在天边,近在眼前41.After this I think they can be made to他们不同意也得同意42.But I can't help thinking that tradition demands a little mention of love.43.Your proposal is improving by leaps and bounds飞跃地,突飞猛进地44.I'm counting on it.She's awfully cut up that I have to go early, 难过45.I'm sorry you've had a wasted journey 白跑一趟46.No, no. I just needed a word with you.47.No. You see...if you had a child and that child was taken from you. If--if the child was sent to the moon, there'd never be one day when they were out of your thoughts. Nor one moment when you weren't praying for their welfare, even if you knew you'd never see them again.48.But when there's so much good can be done. 这是行善积德的事49.To say nothing of pocketing the spoons50.So now I’m an outsider51.At the front...the men pray to be spared, of course...but if that's not to be...they pray for a bullet that kills them cleanly. For too many of them today, that prayer had not been answered.幸免/ 大难不死52.William? What a treat to see you. And howsmart you look. Welcome. 见到你太好了53.She’s found hermétier她找到了用武之地54.Too late for second thoughts now,现在改主意太晚了55.. And breakfast is not a taxing assignment.56.I'm afraid we've all bullied you into the whole thing. 逼你这样做57.Not dreading it, exactly, but it's a brave new world we're headed for, no doubt about that. We must try to meet it with as much grace as we can muster. 从容得面对。
Downton-Abbey-0101[00:00.00] 炉火还旺吗Is your fire still in?[00:02.54] 仆人们的早餐摆好了吗Have you laid the servant's hall breakfast?[00:05.11] 炉子擦亮了吗And finished blacking that stove?[00:07.72] 卧室的炉火呢What about the bedroom fires? 都生好了帕特莫太太All lit, Mrs Patmore. 好的带上家什Right, well, take your things 去把底楼的火也生了and get started on the fires on the ground floor.[00:15.81] 黛西你蜷在那儿做什么Daisy, whatever are you doing there, 黑灯瞎火的crouching in the dark? 你不在我也不想用You weren't here and I didn't like to touch 脏手去拉窗帘the curtains with me dirty hands.[00:24.14] 说得没错Well, quite right, too. -你怎么不开灯-我不敢-Why didn't you put the lights on? - I daren't. 电又不是什么牛鬼蛇神Well, it's electricity and not the devil's handiwork.[00:31.77] 人家斯凯尔顿庄园连厨房都通上电了At Skelton Park, they've even got it in the kitchens. 为什么呀What for?[00:36.81] 把板子准备好报纸一来就可以熨了Get the board out so you can do them as soon as they're here.[00:41.95] 书房收拾妥当了吗Is the library tidy? 收拾好了休斯太太Yes, Mrs Hughes.[00:45.57] 你是要生火又不是钻木取火You're building a fire, not inventing it. 还剩几个了How many have you done? 主人下楼前最后一个了This is me last till they come downstairs.[00:52.99] -他们起来了-片刻不得消停-And they're off. - No rest for the wicked.[00:56.85] 是玛丽小姐茶盘备好了吗Lady Mary. Are the tea trays ready? 都准备好了帕特莫太太All ready, Mrs Patmore.[01:01.48] 先熨《泰晤士报》他早餐时只读这份Do The Times first, he only reads that at breakfast. 再是夫人的《每日见闻报》And the Sketch for her ladyship.[01:07.03] -为什么还要熨报纸-关你什么事-Why are their papers ironed? - What's it to you? 为了让油墨干透傻丫头To dry the ink, silly. 怎能让老爷的手弄得和你一样脏呢We wouldn't want his lordship's hands to be as black as yours.[01:15.64] -老爷更衣完毕-威廉-His lordship's dressed. - William! 别聊天了把这盘鱼蛋烩饭端上去Will you stop talking and take this kedgeree up. 小心下面还烧着火呢And mind the burners are still lit.[01:23.78] 安娜告诉我的时候When Anna told me, 我还以为她说梦话呢I thought she must have dreamt it.[01:27.31] 你妈妈认识阿斯特一家至少认识他本人Your mother knows the Astors, at least she knows him. 我们上个月还和罗斯小姐共进晚餐We dined with Lady Rothes last month. 势必还有其他熟人There are bound to be others.[01:34.68] 没有高不可攀的山峰Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it, 也没有永不翻沉的船so every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.[01:41.47] -夫人醒了吗-醒了老爷-Is her ladyship awake? - Yes, my lord. -我这就去把早餐端来-谢了-I'm just going to take in her breakfast. - Thank you.[01:46.39] 真是惨到无以言表It's too awful for any words. 阿斯特逃过一劫了吗Did J.J. Astor get off? 他的新婚妻子肯定获救了Of course that new wife of his is bound to have been rescued.[01:56.18] 谢谢奥布瑞恩先就这样吧Thank you, O'Brien. That'll be all for the moment.[02:00.38] 我叫约翰·贝茨是新来的男仆I'm John Bates, the new valet. -新来的男仆-没错-The new valet? - That's right.[02:06.00] 毕竟没有正式订婚After all, it wasn't official.[02:09.62] 阁楼上有几个内衬雪松木的衣柜There's some cedar-lined cupboards in the attic 摆放不常穿着的服装for things that aren't often worn, 以及旅行装束等travelling clothes and such.[02:16.08] 沃特森先生把换季衣物都收在那里Mr Watson used them to rotate the summer and winter stuff. 迟些带你去看I'll show you later.[02:22.03] 没有特别交代就呈给他挑选Lay them out unless he asks for something in particular. 这些是舞会用的These for a ball, 家常便餐时用这些these for an ordinary dinner, 这些只在伦敦用these only in London.[02:30.16] 奇珍异宝触手可及The way we live with all this pirate's hoard within our reach.[02:35.68] 就不能等确定他们遇难了Can't we at least wait until we know they're dead 再讨论这件事before we discuss it? 别说得好像我铁石心肠一样我也很伤心Don't talk as if I'm not brokenhearted, because I am.[02:43.82] 老夫人到了在客厅里The Dowager Countess is in the drawing room.[02:47.61] 但这由老爷您决定But your lordship will be the judge of that.[02:52.03] 他像极了他母亲He was too like his mother 一刻也不让人安生and a nastier woman never drew breath.[02:57.40] 我记得我从没见过他I have never to my knowledge set eyes on him. 可要不是已故的老伯爵Of course, if your late husband hadn't 逼着我签字侵吞我的财产forced me to sign that absurd act of legal theft...[03:05.78] 现在一个陌生人将有权处置我的财产Now, a complete unknown has the right to pocket my money 还有这份家业along with the rest of the swag.[03:12.24] 彻底打破对继承权的限制The entail must be smashed in its entirety 让玛丽成为继承人and Mary recognised as heiress of all.[03:21.69] 唐顿是一所了不起的庄园贝茨先生Downton is a great house, Mr Bates. 卡劳利同样也是了不起的家族And the Crawleys are a great family.[03:27.43] 我们日常起居有规有矩We live by certain standards 这些规矩起初令人望而生畏and those standards can at first seem daunting. 应该的Of course.[03:34.60] 如果你面见大人时感到拘谨不安If you find yourself tongue-tied in the presence of his lordship, 那么他的礼仪和风范I can only assure you that his manners and grace[03:42.64] 我只想来跟老战友打个招呼I just want to say a quick hello to my old comrade in arms.[03:47.30] 一盘肉饼总能端得动I suppose he can lift a meat pie. 去把苹果馅饼放进烤箱下层Now, put that apple tart in the lower oven.[03:53.78] -这是什么-草酸氢钾-What is it? - Salt of Sorrel. 我要来擦铜壶用的I asked him for some to clean the brass pots.[03:59.73] 食物准备得也太多了吧Seems like a lot of food 他们可是正在服丧when you think they're all in mourning.[04:05.01] 我姐姐走的时候愿她安息When my sister died, God rest her soul, 我一口气吃了四盘三明治I ate my way through four platefuls of sandwiches at one sitting 然后睡了整整12 个小时and slept round the clock.[04:14.06] 这些碎鸡蛋本来要撒在哪里来着What was this chopped egg supposed to be sprinkled on? 是不是那盘鸡肉Was it the chicken?[04:19.32] 没错赶紧送楼上去It was. Take it upstairs now. -可我不能进餐厅-我当然知道-I can't go in the dining room. - I should think not.[04:25.20] 比葬礼好没这么伤感I prefer memorials to funerals, they're less dispiriting.[04:30.45] 建了泰坦尼克号公墓are making quite a thing at the Titanic cemetery. 想不到他们能找回这么多遗骸I'm surprised at the number they found. 本以为更多遇难者将安眠大海深处You'd think the sea would've taken more of them.[04:39.62] 这个应该撒在鸡肉上This is supposed to be sprinkled on the chicken. 不是还有菜要端吗But isn't there more to go up? 求你了用不了几分钟Oh, please, it won't take a moment.[04:45.24] 伊迪丝何必这么入戏呢Really, Edith, do you have to put on such an exhibition? 她是真伤心She's not.[04:51.38] 要和他订婚的不是你是我I was supposed to be engaged to him, for heaven's sake, not you.[04:55.32] 这碗蛋怎么还没送上去Oh, and don't tell me you've not sent up the egg yet.[05:00.19] 还是橘片白切鸡上or the plain chicken with sliced oranges? 感谢万能慈悲的主谢谢你Oh, thank you, blessed and merciful Lord! Thank you.[05:08.42] 可否劳驾您In fact, if you'd be so good 派车送我过去as to ask for the motor be brought round?[05:13.99] 玛丽请大家进餐厅Mary, try to get everyone into the dining room. 伊迪丝请敏特里老爷坐下Edith, make sure old Lord Minterne sits down.[05:21.55] 格温连蓝屋的床单都铺了Gwen's put clean sheets on the Blue Room bed. 现在又得收起来Now she'll just have to strip it again.[05:27.28] 威廉在书房摆好茶了William's laid tea in the library, 但夫人还没下楼but Her Ladyship hasn't come down.[05:31.99] 她累了端上去送进房吧Oh, she'll be tired. Take a tray up to her bedroom.[05:36.98] 您平白没了财产They can't expect you to sit by silent 还得故作镇定as your fortune is stolen away.[05:42.24] 他腿脚不方便Only it seems unkind to criticise a man 我不该多嘴的for an affliction, my lady.[05:47.80] 这上楼下楼的And the house hasn't worn you out 你吃得消吗with the endless stairs and everything?[05:53.06] 退伍后我遇上点麻烦After I left the army, I had a spot of bother 后来解决了and just when I got through that 一年前这膝盖开始不听使唤about a year ago my knee started playing up.[06:01.58] 里面有块弹片移了位A bit of shrapnel got left in or something and it moved, 不过不碍事but it's fine.[06:06.33] 我要还跟老爷早探出消息了If I was still his valet, I'd get it out of him. -贝茨的嘴严着呢-没错-Bates won't say a word. - He will not.[06:13.08] 我可是他的得力助手We were all right together, His Lordship and me. 那等贝茨走了Then be sure to get your foot in the door 你就想办法跟紧老爷when Bates is gone.[06:20.18] 东方不亮西方亮办法多的是There's more than one way to skin a cat.[06:23.83] 布尔战争时他给老爷当过勤务兵He was Lord Grantham's batman when he was fighting the Boers. [06:28.24] 他连老爷的箱子都差点提不动He can hardly manage His Lordship's cases. 去伦敦参加追思会的那次You saw how it was when they went up 您也看见了to London for the memorial.[06:33.86] 但让威廉担那么多活合适吗But is it fair on William to have all the extra work?[06:38.49] 我想您不愿看到I don't believe you'd like to think 家务水准低于以往吧the house was falling below the way things ought to be.[06:45.07] 莫里挑明说了吗Did Murray make matters clearer? 是恐怕没戏Yes, I'm afraid he did.[06:50.44] 即便是你身边跟着个瘸腿男仆It is quite eccentric, even for you, 也够让人侧目的了to have a crippled valet.[06:56.66] 我可以理解你的心情Of course I understand what it must 毕竟你们曾彼此并肩作战出生入死be like to have fought alongside someone in a war.[07:01.82] 也难怪别人说长道短的Is it any wonder if the others' noses are put out? 我只是想给他个机会I just want to give him a chance.[07:07.10] 妈妈抱歉我不知您来此Mama, I'm sorry, no one told me you were here. 真要命这么刺眼的光Oh, dear, such a glare. 搞得我觉得自己跟登台唱大戏似的I feel as if I were on stage at the Gaiety.[07:17.04] 但柯拉财产可就保不住了But to lose Cora's fortune to...[07:21.79] 现在钱要拱手送人Give it away now, what was the point 那之前费劲娶她有什么意义呢of your peculiar marriage in the first place?[07:27.26] 假如我说她让我无比幸福If I were to tell you she'd made me very happy, 您会相信吗would that stretch belief?[07:32.37] 晚餐已经准备好了夫人Dinner is served, my lady.[07:35.61] 但是所有的人But all them people, 大半夜都冻死在冰冷的海水里freezing to death in the midnight icy water. 你这语气跟那些廉价恐怖小说一样Oh, you sound like a penny dreadful.[07:43.70] 黛西告诉帕特莫太太Uh, Daisy, tell Mrs. Patmore 我们15 分钟之后开饭we'll eat in 15 minutes.[07:48.24] 你认为公爵已察觉到玛丽的前景有所改观You realise the Duke thinks Mary's prospects have altered.[07:53.01] 那是肯定以及一定的Of course, this is exactly 只要我们能事事都以玛丽的利益为重the sort of opportunity that will come to Mary 那么这就是玛丽千载难逢的好机会if we can only get things settled in her favour.[08:01.51] 等玛丽服完丧Well, give him a date 就安排他俩约会吧for when Mary's out of mourning. 没人愿意跟穿丧服的姑娘谈情说爱No one wants to kiss a girl in black.[08:13.89] 别太花枝招展亲爱的Hmm. Let's not gild the lily,dear. 还有玛丽尽量显得惊讶些And Mary, try to look surprised.[08:20.08] 今天是唐顿庄园的大日子Well, it's certainly a great day for Downton 因为要欢迎公爵的大驾光临to welcome a Duke under our roof.[08:26.95] 我的贴身男仆在启程时生病了所以我My man has taken ill just as I was leaving, so I... 这个好办是吧卡森Oh, well, that won't be a problem, will it, Carson?[08:33.36] 不行我可不能这么大材小用Oh, no, I wouldn't dream of being such a nuisance. 不过是个男仆Surely a footman...[08:38.64] 很好Very well, 我们先从大厅开始最古老的we can begin in the hall, which is one of the oldest... 不不要那些客厅藏书室No, not all those drawing rooms and libraries.[08:45.81] 听起来有些古怪但有何不可呢Well, it seems a bit odd but, why not?[08:49.82] 不过是军队的晚宴而已It's just a regimental dinner.[08:54.28] 那你肯定是忘了Then you've forgotten 在北布洛克斯家那次我把你拉进温室when I pulled you into the conservatory at the Northbrooks'.[08:59.44] 那次不一样It's not quite the same 那时有好多女伴躲在树丛暗中窥觊with 20 chaperones hiding behind every fern.[09:04.72] 天哪若我坦诚相告Oh, dear, if I answer truthfully, 那就太不矜持了you'll think me rather forward.[09:09.72] 这是我的习惯It's a habit of mine. 事实表明尽管贝茨先生无过The plain fact is Mr Bates, through no fault of his own, 但他无法完成应担的额外工作is not able to fulfil the extra duties expected of him.[09:19.84] 他不能提重物更不能侍奉用餐He can't lift. He can't serve a table. 还四处乱掉东西He's dropping things all over the place. 比如今晚他就该充当第三男仆On a night like tonight he should act as a third footman.[09:30.98] 我喜欢充实点I like to keep busy. 这样就不至于胡思乱想It takes your mind off things.[09:35.35] -您还有何吩咐老爷-没有-Will that be all, my lord? - Yes. 其实还有点事That is... Not exactly.[09:42.88] 若需额外男仆时That when an extra footman is required, 他的工钱从我工资里扣the cost could come out of my wages. 不行我决不允许Absolutely not. I couldn't possibly allow that.[09:49.68] 单身汉在这里可是众星捧月A single man outranks the Holy Grail. 不能与您一家共进晚餐实在荣幸之至No, I'm terribly flattered to be dining en famille.[09:58.68] 我想玛丽只是带公爵到处看看而已对吧I expect Mary was just showing the Duke the house. Weren't you? -您是学建筑的吗-没错-Are you a student of architecture? - Mmm, absolutely.[10:09.79] 别絮絮叨叨的伊迪丝Don't be such a chatterbox, Edith.[10:14.11] 格兰瑟姆伯爵的长女和继承人There is no reason why the eldest daughter 成为公爵夫人and heiress of the Earl of Grantham 再合适不过了should not wear a duchess's coronet with honour.[10:21.69] 我想拿点吃的给贝茨先生I thought I'd take something up to Mr Bates,[10:25.60] 去吧给他送吃的吧No, take him whatever he might need.[10:29.40] 我不介意多做一些...I don't mind doing a bit of extra work... 这不是你能决定的It's not up to you. 让我来服侍老爷卡森先生行吗I'll take care of his lordship. Shall I, Mr Carson? 不行你还得照顾公爵Not while you're looking after the Duke, you won't.[10:39.33] 安顿好了记得告诉我们Tell us when you're fixed. 写封信来Just... drop us a line. 不然我会担心的Else I'll worry.[10:49.41] 若能再逗留片刻我将不胜感激I should be grateful if we could stay just a minute more. 还有些事想请教I have... I have something to ask you.[10:54.57] 尽管艰难但我确无此意It pains me to say it, but I am.[10:58.24] 您要放弃所有家产吗You'll give up your entire estate? 将您夫人的财产也交给一个陌生人吗Your wife's money into the bargain, to a perfect stranger? 您都不反抗吗You won't even put up a fight?[11:08.20] 金龟婿没上钩吗So he slipped the hook?[11:11.32] 你知道我的使命决不会变Well, you know how I'm fixed. 我得娶一位继承人I have to have an heiress,[11:18.48] 我们之间似乎没有We don't seem to have the basis 发展主仆恋情的可能不是吗of a servant-master relationship, do we? 你来此不就是为了与我相会You came here to be with me.[11:25.46] 记住孤燕不成夏And one swallow doesn't make a summer.[11:29.76] 一段年少无知的风流韵事Because of a youthful dalliance? 伦敦社交忙季的数周缱绻A few weeks of madness in a London season? 你不会要拿这些事威胁我吧You wouldn't hold that against me, surely?[11:37.51] 我母亲一直叮嘱我You know, my mother's always telling me 别留下白纸黑字的明证never put anything in writing. 如今多亏了你我会引以为戒的And now, thanks to you, I never will again.[11:45.28] 不理解也罢唐顿是我的家族祖业Well, why should you? Downton is in my blood and in my bones. 又不是你的It's not in yours.[11:51.14] 别得了便宜还卖乖Don't pretend to be a child because it suits you. 你觉得她跟慕钱而来的人结婚会幸福吗Do you think she would've been happy with a fortune hunter? 也许会呢She might've been.[11:59.47] 老爷要赶上这班火车的话我们得走了We ought to go, my lord, if His Grace is to catch the train.Downton-Abbey-0102[00:00.00] 我先去帮泰勒先生搬行李I'll just give Mr Taylor a hand with the cases. -我能... -谢谢你莫斯利-I can... - Thank you, Molesley.[00:05.20] 妈妈格兰瑟姆伯爵不幸发现Mother, Lord Grantham has made the unwelcome discovery 他的继承人是一名中产阶级律师that his heir is a middle-class lawyer 是一名中产阶级的医生的儿子and the son of a middle-class doctor.[00:11.16] 我们的新侍从就你一个人吗So, are you the whole of our new household?[00:16.22] 林奇咱们从南屋那边回去吧Lynch, I think we'll go back by the South Lodge. 是小姐Very good, my lady.[00:20.64] 好不到哪去她连贴身女仆都没有I shouldn't think much. She hasn't even got a lady's maid. 又不是什么大忌It's not a capital offence. 她有个女仆名叫艾伦She's got a maid, her name's Ellen. -她提前一天到的-她又不是贴身女仆-She came a day earlier. - She's not a lady's maid.[00:29.73] 就是个持家女仆She's just a housemaid that 招之即来缝缝补补fastens hooks and buttons when she has to.[00:34.15] 我们要当他是继承人来服侍吗Are we to treat him as the heir?[00:36.81] 黛西你是没听见还是选择性耳聋Daisy, did you hear me call or have you gone selectively deaf?[00:40.84] 这位是卡森万事打点都少不了他This is Carson. We'd all be lost without him.[00:45.14] 那儿可称不上是医院Well, it isn't really a hospital. 别让克拉克森医生听见您这么说Don't let Dr Clarkson hear you. 他认为那里仅次于圣托马斯医院He thinks it's second only to St Thomas'.[00:53.25] 我父亲提供了场所并出资运营My father gave the building and an endowment to run it. 他其实是给自己树碑立传In a way, he set up his own memorial.[01:00.62] 他们正需要一个They need someone 懂工业法的人who understands industrial law, I'm glad to say. 虽然恐怕大部分业务Although I'm afraid most of it will be 还是遗产分配和产权转让wills and conveyancing.[01:08.16] 还是听我的吧快把那盘腰花端过去No! Listen to me, and take those kidneys up to the server 要不我只能把你敲晕了用脑仁做煎饼before I knock you down and serve your brains as fritters! 是的帕特莫太太Yes, Mrs Patmore.[01:17.85] 下个月的义卖会Well, you could always 你倒是能帮上些忙help with the bring-and-buy sale next month.[01:22.05] 注意到你的肩膀处开线了吗Are you aware the seam at your shoulder is coming apart? 我之前发现了打算睡前缝上I felt it go a bit earlier on. I'll mend it when we turn in.[01:28.94] 我来缝吧I'll do it. 别在意谁没挨过卡森先生骂呢And cheer up, we've all had a smack from Mr Carson. 总有一天你会成为管家You'll be the butler yourself one day,[01:37.96] 到时候你就可以去教训别人了then you'll do the smacking. 我可不会像他那样I could never be like him. 我打赌他家I bet he comes from a line 祖祖辈辈都是给人做管家的of butlers that goes back to the Conqueror. 这是他从业多年的积累He learned his business 你早晚也会学到的and so will you.[01:47.61] 谢谢威廉Thank you, William.[01:50.54] 您对医疗事业真是有心了It's kind of you to take an interest. 这就像战马闻鼓声那种兴奋I'm afraid it's a case of the warhorse and the drum.[01:57.19] 卡劳利医生在I do. I'm familiar with Dr Crawley's 儿童传染病症方面的工作我曾反复拜读work on the symptoms of infection in children.[02:02.85] 恐怕是积水It's dropsy, I'm afraid.[02:06.14] 是肝脏还是心脏Is the dropsy of the liver or the heart? 从各种症状来看是心脏Everything points to the heart.[02:11.92] 她大概会努力让农场维持下去She may try to keep the farm on. 伯爵对佃户向来宽厚Grantham is not a harsh landlord, 可毕竟她家孩子还小but her children are young.[02:19.39] 我负责把衣物送洗I get to take the linen down to the laundry. 差不多就这一件事But that's about all.[02:23.30] "我自己来" 他总是说"I'll do this", he says, "我要拿另一件" "我来系那个""I'll take the other". "I'll tie that". 而我就像个笨蛋一样站在那儿And I'm just stood there like a chump[02:31.58] 她的财产都得扔给这个古怪的年轻人whose fortune must go to this odd young man, 说着什么周末什么工作的who talks about "weekends" and "jobs". 如果玛丽嫁给他一切问题迎刃而解If Mary were to marry him then all would be resolved.[02:41.97] 看什么呢What've you got there? 没什么Nothing.[02:46.12] 可别让休斯太太听见Don't tell Mrs. Hughes 要么她得找牧师给你驱鬼or she'll bring the vicar round to have you exorcised.[02:51.02] 说要帮她和卡劳利先生牵线呢Seems they want to fix her up with Mr. Crawley.[02:55.00] 时候到了Would she have, though,[02:58.17] 有贵客上门拜访I've been paid the compliment of a visit.[03:02.32] 是啊我婆婆生前住时It always seemed rather dark 这儿总乌糟糟的when my mother-in-law lived here. 不过话说回来她能让所有事物都乌糟糟的But then she made everything rather dark.[03:11.49] 我们得告辞了I'm afraid we must be going.[03:14.61] 刚才您自荐时When you made your offer, 我以为您是要来装装样子I thought you might be a "great lady nurse" 见血就要晕了and faint at the sight of blood. 没想到您训练有素But I see you're made of sterner stuff.[03:25.15] 过去几年里许多医生成功地通过用针筒Considerable success have been achieved over the last few years 抽出心包积水并注入肾上腺素的方法by draining the pericardial sac of the excess fluid 治愈了病人and administering adrenaline. 卡劳利夫人感谢您的周全考虑Mrs. Crawley, I appreciate your thoroughness.[03:37.53] 一旦有此先例We would be setting an impossible precedent 村民佃户们一有点头疼脑热when every villager could demand the latest fad in treatment 就都跑来要新疗法了for each new cut and graze. 恕我直言I would remind you that 这可不是头疼脑热we're not talking of a cut or a graze,[03:50.90] 今天有件怪事I've just seen something ever so odd. 不是谁都受得起我伺候的And if anyone thinks I'm going to pull my forelock and curtsey 尤其是这位不速之客to this mr Nobody from Nowhere... 奥布瑞恩O'Brien! 你说的是卡劳利先生吗Were you discussing Mr. Crawley?[04:03.69] 这是我新晚礼服掉的扣子This is the button we're missing from my new evening coat. 我在碎石路上找到的I found it lying on the gravel.[04:08.59] 您没想让他You never wanted him to... 你真是太过分了奥布瑞恩You're sailing perilously close to the wind, O'Brien.[04:14.32] 我上楼休息了更衣时叫醒我Now I'm going up to rest. Wake me at the dressing gown.[04:19.10] 这样不公平至少在仆人大堂不该这样I don't think that's fair, not here in the servant's hall.[04:23.18] 她要是真高贵就不会屈尊下楼If she was a real lady, she wouldn't have come down here. 摇铃叫我去拿纽扣不就行了She'd have rung for me and given me the button, that's all. 这不是她的地盘我们说什么她管不着This isn't her territory. We can say what we like down here.[04:31.56] 收敛点托马斯Don't push your luck, Thomas.[04:35.23] 我们只是下人We're servants, you and me. 领工钱伺候主子再没别的And they pay us to do as we're told, that's all.[04:41.18] -能让我... -我能行-May I... - I can manage. 我那对袖扣呢Now where have I put my cuff links? -我寻思帮您换对试试-就要平常那对-I thought these would make a change. - I want my usual ones.[04:52.22] 跟茜玻和我没有关系It makes no difference to Sybil and me. 反正遗产没我们的份We won't inherit, whatever happens.[04:58.63] 他不上档次He isn't one of us. 弗雷迪堂哥也学法律Cousin Freddie's studying for the bar,[05:03.64] 亲爱的玛丽不是在什么里彭的破烂事务所工作Not sitting at a dirty little desk in Ripon.[05:07.53] 我们也需要清道夫和马车夫We all need crossing sweepers and draymen, too. 并不意味着我们必须与之共餐It doesn't mean we have to dine with them.[05:12.14] 茜玻乖女儿Sybil, be a dear 去把我的黑色晚披肩拿过来and fetch my black evening shawl. 奥布瑞恩知道是哪条O'Brien knows which one. 伊迪丝去看看客厅布置好没有And, Edith, can you see that the drawing room's ready?[05:22.51] 我不相信一个女人能被迫将她所有积蓄I don't believe a woman can be forced to give away all her money 交给她丈夫的远房亲戚to a distant cousin of her husband's. 现在是二十世纪了简直荒谬之极Not in the 20th century. It's too ludicrous for words. 不是你想的那么简单It's not as simple as that. 这些积蓄已经不属于我了The money isn't mine any more. 它早已成为家业的一部分It forms a part of the estate.[05:36.33] 真没想到Oh, you amaze me! 他正在为您的一位佃农约翰·德雷克治疗积水He's treating one of your tenants, John Drake, for dropsy,[05:44.25] 请告知林奇他会安排一切just let Lynch know and he'll sort it out for you. 爸爸马修表亲不骑马的Oh, Papa, Cousin Matthew doesn't ride.[05:50.49] 我在为他们更换甜点I'm changing round the dessert services. 我们还缺一个糖筛我记得拿出去三个We're missing a sugar sifter. I know I put three out.[05:57.45] 是啊她也许是对的我会留心的Ah. Yeah, she may have a point. I'll keep an eye out. 找到了Here it is.[06:06.67] 真的吗玛丽Really, Mary, 一会儿我们得需要嗅盐了we'll all need our smelling salts in a minute.[06:13.63] 你不知道灰熊舞吗Don't you know the Grizzly Bear? 灰熊舞难道你知道The Grizzly Bear! As if you do. 我当然知道Certainly, I do. 奥布瑞恩太太我们来演示一下吧Miss O'Brien, shall we show them?[06:22.20] 别干那种蠢事了小心关节扭脱臼Stop that silly nonsense before you put your joints out. 去看看炉灶然后上床睡觉See to the range and go to bed.[06:29.90] 很抱歉玛丽今晚如此刻薄I'm sorry Mary was rather sharp this evening. 我与玛丽表亲是否注定成为密友还未可知I doubt Cousin Mary and I are destined to be close friends. 我不怪她I don't blame her.[06:39.81] 如果说为玛丽着想What would you say 驳回这限定继承权你会怎么想呢if the entail were set aside in Mary's favour?[06:46.94] 看看这刮痕Look at that scratch. 他们去伦敦的时候我得把刮痕弄掉I'll have to get that sorted out when they're up in London. -几乎看不见-我知道它在那里-You can hardly see it. - Well, I'll know it's there.[06:57.07] 不过要是他们想要撮合他们Although they won't make a match between them 我看是没戏if that's what they're thinking.[07:01.44] 卡森先生为什么让你做这活儿Why does Mr Carson let you do that? 因为我爸曾是个钟表匠Because my dad was a clockmaker. 你当真向他请求做克劳利家的贴身侍从吗Did you really ask him for the job at the Crawleys'?[07:11.64] 我当够了男仆I'm sick of being a footman. 我宁愿做个男仆I'd rather be a footman than 也不愿伺候一个骨子里的下等人wait on someone who ought to be a footman himself. 但是卡森先生不应该告诉贝茨But Mr Carson shouldn't have told Bates. 格兰夫人怎么样了How are things with Lady G?[07:25.17] "夫人夫人你来看三个口袋鼓囊囊"[儿歌《黑羊毛》]"Yes, my lady. No, my lady. Three bags full." 我倒是想把她塞到鼓鼓囊囊的麻袋里I'd like to give her three bags full, 最好是月黑风高的晚上preferably on a dark night.[07:32.25] 你会递上辞呈吗Will you hand in your notice? 好让她给我提供不好的推荐吗我可不想And let her ruin me with a nasty reference? Oh, I think not.[07:39.38] 你看到宅邸高深摇摇欲坠You see a million bricks that may crumble, 水管年久失修残破不堪a thousand gutters and pipes that may block and leak, 残垣断壁捱不过酷寒严霜and stone that will crack in the frost. 但您不这么看吧But you don't?[07:50.64] 都去村子里了They've gone down to the village. 下午有四处云游的商贩在酒馆卖东西Some travelling salesman's set up at the pub for the afternoon.[07:57.14] 你应该要求加薪You should put in for a raise.[07:59.92] 因为查理·卡森才是这里的管家Because Charlie Carson's the butler round here.[08:04.24] 我本想让他呆在楼下I tried to stick him downstairs, 以避人耳目卡森先生但是他不愿意out of sight, Mr Carson, but he wouldn't come. 谢谢你想得很周到Yes, thank you. That was thoughtful.[08:10.53] 我们是剧院的双人戏表演者We were a double act, on the halls. 你曾经登过台You were on the stage?[08:17.83] 我们可受欢迎了是吧We did quite well, didn't we? 那是在你手脚不干净以前Until you couldn't keep your hands out of the till. 你想让我们回避吗卡森先生Would you like us to go, Mr Carson? 不必了你现在都知道了No. You know it now. 见证我的丑事也无妨了You might as well bear witness to my shame.[08:31.00] 他几天前突然在He turned up in the village 村子里露面一路在逃with no warning some days ago, on the run, 寻找一个藏身之处当然还要钱asking for somewhere to hide and, of course, for money.[08:39.26] 他因几项盗窃罪He is wanted for some 被通缉当然他罪有应得petty crime of which he is, of course, guilty. 悠着点儿说Steady on.[08:44.61] 碍于我的虚荣与骄傲我满足了他的要求And in my vanity and pride, I gave him what he wanted. 你才没有You did not![08:51.96] 我把他安排在闲置的村舍I put him in an empty cottage 从厨房里给他带去食物and fed him from the kitchens.[08:56.44] 卡森没有必要搞得这么戏剧化Really, Carson, there's no need to be quite so melodramatic. 悉尼·卡尔顿:狄更斯《双城记》中的人物你又不是在演悉尼·卡尔顿You're not playing Sydney Carton.。
1. When something bad happens, there's no point in wishing it had not happened. The only option is to minimize the damage.事情已经发生了,还希望事情不要发生没有意义,当务之急是减少损失。
•2. We all carry scars, Mr. Bates, inside or out.贝茨先生,我们都有伤疤,无论是内伤还是外伤。
3. No she's not being rude, just wrong.她没有对我无理,她只是无知。
4. You are no different to the rest of us, remember that.记住这点:你和别人没有任何不同。
5. "Love is like riding, or speaking French. If you don't learn it young, it's hard to get the trick of it later. 爱,就好比骑马、说法语。
"6. A woman of my age can face reality far better than most men.我这个年龄的女人比大部分男人还能面对现实。
7. You can change your life if you want to. Sometimes, you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely. 有志者事竟成。
唐顿庄园奶奶经典语录1. “人生啊,就像一场盛大的舞会,你得时刻准备好迈出优雅的舞步。
”比如在面对困难时,奶奶会说:“难道你要像个呆子一样站着不动?赶紧像在舞会上那样动起来啊!”2. “别总是哭哭啼啼的,这世界可不会因为你的眼泪就对你格外开恩。
”就像玛丽遇到挫折时在那抹眼泪,奶奶就会说:“瞧瞧你,哭能解决问题吗?这世界又不是你一哭就围着你转!”3. “该果断的时候就得果断,不然机会就像煮熟的鸭子飞了。
”当有人犹豫不决时,奶奶会说:“你还在那磨蹭什么呢?难道要等机会自己跑掉吗?”4. “爱情可不是生活的全部,别傻愣愣地只知道追求爱情。
”就像伊迪丝为情所困时,奶奶会说:“哎呀,你就不能醒醒吗?生活可不只有爱情那点事儿啊!”5. “尊严比什么都重要,可别为了点小利就把尊严丢了。
”当有人试图走捷径时,奶奶会摇头说:“你以为得到了好处,可你把尊严丢到哪里去了呢?”6. “时尚会过时,但优雅永远不会。
”看着孙女们的穿着,奶奶会点评:“这穿的都是啥呀,难道不知道优雅才是永恒的吗?”7. “人要有骨气,不能随便就被人欺负了。
”当有人受了委屈却不吭声,奶奶会气道:“你怎么这么窝囊,就不能挺直腰板吗?”8. “家族荣誉可不是嘴上说说,要用行动去维护。
”在家族面临危机时,奶奶会严肃地说:“都这个时候了,还不知道为家族荣誉努力吗?”9. “有时候要学会睁一只眼闭一只眼,别什么都较真。
”看到有人为小事争执,奶奶会说:“哎呀,至于这么计较吗?就不能糊涂一点吗?”10. “生活充满了惊喜和意外,要随时做好准备。
1. “我亲爱的,难道生活不是一场华丽的冒险吗?就像在唐顿庄园里,每天都有新故事发生!”比如老夫人看到孙女为爱情纠结时说这话。
2. “哼,年轻人总是那么冲动,就像没头苍蝇似的,唐顿庄园可不允许这样!”当孙子做事莽撞时老夫人会这么说。
3. “在唐顿庄园,传统就是一切,这有什么不好理解的呢?”老夫人对试图改变传统的人说。
4. “哎呀呀,这些麻烦事,就跟唐顿庄园的走廊一样弯弯曲曲!”面对家族的一些棘手问题时老夫人会感叹。
5. “难道你们不知道尊重长辈吗?在唐顿庄园这可是最基本的!”当晚辈们对她不敬时老夫人会这样斥责。
6. “唐顿庄园的名声可不能毁在你们手里,这责任你们担得起吗?”老夫人对可能损害家族名声的人说。
7. “这里的规矩可不是随便说说的,就像唐顿庄园的根基一样重要!”老夫人教导新来的仆人时会这么讲。
8. “你们这些年轻人啊,就是没经历过风浪,唐顿庄园以前可比这复杂多了!”老夫人对晚辈们感慨。
9. “哼,这点小事都办不好,还不如唐顿庄园的厨子呢!”看到有人做事不力时老夫人会如此讥讽。
10. “唐顿庄园的辉煌可不是一天建成的,你们也得努力啊!”老夫人鼓励家人时会说这话。
I don’t want George to catch it.别让乔治学坏了。
Put it there and I’ll see to it. 放那就好,我来。
Daisy is grumbling because they did’t replace Ivy.黛西在发牢骚,艾薇走了没找人替上。
I doubt I’ll be troubled by it.我可不会担心这么遥远的事情。
I don’t want to be pursued by him or Lord anyone.我不想他追求我,或者别的什么伯爵。
Oh, it that the time? We mustn’t hold you up. 这么晚了吗?可不能耽误了您There is nothing simpler than avoiding people you don’t like. 想避开不喜欢的人,这还不简单。
Well,you know me.“irresistible”is my middle name. 你知道我就是这样,天生人见人爱You are their traditional leader and they like you to pray with them,in mourning and in gratitude. 你是他们的传统领导人,他们希望在哀悼和致敬时,跟你一同祈祷。
That’s it. And he is a considerable figure in the village.正是,而且他在村子里德高望重。
Oh, i don’t know,it might be rather fun for her to reinvent herself as a great lady of the county and put us all in our proper place. 不好说,如果她能重塑自我,成为郡里受人尊敬的夫人,让我们都摆正自己的位置,或许会很有意思。
1. 睡到自然醒清晨六点,Daisy把各屋的女仆叫醒,这时Anna睡眼朦胧地说:Just for once in my life, I'd like to sleep until I woke up natural.哪怕这辈子只有一次,我真想睡到自然醒。
2. 太阳打西边出来Mrs Patmore对早晨的炉火还很旺表示不可思议,她说:Oh, my, my, will wonders never cease?太阳打西边出来了啊。
)3. 说你迟了,你就是迟了Thomas见到William后,William赶紧说,“我没迟到吧”,但Thomas可不这么想。
他霸道地说:You're late when I say you're late.我说你迟了就是迟了。
4. 我会记清楚的Thomas向Bates交代工作,Bates向他表态说:I'll get the hang of it.我会记清楚的。
(get the hang of:熟悉某物的用法;掌握做某事的窍门。
比如:I don't get the hang of his remarks.我不明白他讲话的要点。
)5. “胜任”工作怎么说?A single man outranks the Holy Grail.单身汉在这里可是众星捧月(单身汉到哪儿都是香饽饽)。
(Holy Grail: <宗>圣杯,圣盘)11. 少说几句!Mary带公爵去了男仆住的阁楼,这事儿被妹妹Edith抓住不放,在餐桌上问个没完,来看看众人是怎样堵她的嘴的:Don't be such a chatterbox, Edith.别絮絮叨叨的,伊迪丝。
Im strong enough to wheel myself.世事无常,我们要随遇而安It just happens and we should live with it.没谁比你更有资格咒骂了。
If anyone has a right to swear, its you.放弃你的整个世界,这不是小事Its a big thing to give up your whole world.我们都有伤疤贝茨先生无论外伤还是内伤We all carry scars, Mr Bates, inside or out.你和别人没有不同记住这点Youre no different to the rest of us, remember that.-告诉你你不说我就不走Just so long as you know, Im not leaving until you tell me.-但愿你看了不会恶心I hope you have a strong stomach.别轻言放弃Dont raise the white flag quite yet.你有没有感觉生命不知不觉地逝去Have you ever felt your life was somehow slipping away-一切本是那么美好突然间就灰飞烟灭Everything seems so golden one minute, then turns to ashes the next. 伯爵夫人我有自知之明The truth is, Lady Grantham, I am not a vain man.我知道自己不是个有趣的人I do not consider myself a very interesting person.但我未来的妻子认为我有趣很重要But I feel its important that my future wife should think me so. 认为我无趣的女人永远不会爱上我A woman who finds me boring could never love me,而婚姻的前提是两情相悦and I believe marriage should be based on love.至少一开始该这样At least at the start.你的直觉令人赞赏Your instincts do you credit.我只是想搞清事情的真相I merely want to get to the bottom of it.黛西你怎么回事Daisy, whats happened to you?我让你来喝点水又不是让你去尼罗河I said you could go for a drink of water, not a trip up the Nile. -今天过得还称心吗I hope the day is living up to your expectations?远超意料地棒It is exceeding them in every way.。
Downton-Abbey-0101[00:00.00] 炉火还旺吗Is your fire still in?[00:02.54] 仆人们的早餐摆好了吗Have you laid the servant's hall breakfast?[00:05.11] 炉子擦亮了吗And finished blacking that stove?[00:07.72] 卧室的炉火呢What about the bedroom fires? 都生好了帕特莫太太All lit, Mrs Patmore. 好的带上家什Right, well, take your things 去把底楼的火也生了and get started on the fires on the ground floor.[00:15.81] 黛西你蜷在那儿做什么Daisy, whatever are you doing there, 黑灯瞎火的crouching in the dark? 你不在我也不想用You weren't here and I didn't like to touch 脏手去拉窗帘the curtains with me dirty hands.[00:24.14] 说得没错Well, quite right, too. -你怎么不开灯-我不敢-Why didn't you put the lights on? - I daren't. 电又不是什么牛鬼蛇神Well, it's electricity and not the devil's handiwork.[00:31.77] 人家斯凯尔顿庄园连厨房都通上电了At Skelton Park, they've even got it in the kitchens. 为什么呀What for?[00:36.81] 把板子准备好报纸一来就可以熨了Get the board out so you can do them as soon as they're here.[00:41.95] 书房收拾妥当了吗Is the library tidy? 收拾好了休斯太太Yes, Mrs Hughes.[00:45.57] 你是要生火又不是钻木取火You're building a fire, not inventing it. 还剩几个了How many have you done? 主人下楼前最后一个了This is me last till they come downstairs.[00:52.99] -他们起来了-片刻不得消停-And they're off. - No rest for the wicked.[00:56.85] 是玛丽小姐茶盘备好了吗Lady Mary. Are the tea trays ready? 都准备好了帕特莫太太All ready, Mrs Patmore.[01:01.48] 先熨《泰晤士报》他早餐时只读这份Do The Times first, he only reads that at breakfast. 再是夫人的《每日见闻报》And the Sketch for her ladyship.[01:07.03] -为什么还要熨报纸-关你什么事-Why are their papers ironed? - What's it to you? 为了让油墨干透傻丫头To dry the ink, silly. 怎能让老爷的手弄得和你一样脏呢We wouldn't want his lordship's hands to be as black as yours.[01:15.64] -老爷更衣完毕-威廉-His lordship's dressed. - William! 别聊天了把这盘鱼蛋烩饭端上去Will you stop talking and take this kedgeree up. 小心下面还烧着火呢And mind the burners are still lit.[01:23.78] 安娜告诉我的时候When Anna told me, 我还以为她说梦话呢I thought she must have dreamt it.[01:27.31] 你妈妈认识阿斯特一家至少认识他本人Your mother knows the Astors, at least she knows him. 我们上个月还和罗斯小姐共进晚餐We dined with Lady Rothes last month. 势必还有其他熟人There are bound to be others.[01:34.68] 没有高不可攀的山峰Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it, 也没有永不翻沉的船so every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.[01:41.47] -夫人醒了吗-醒了老爷-Is her ladyship awake? - Yes, my lord. -我这就去把早餐端来-谢了-I'm just going to take in her breakfast. - Thank you.[01:46.39] 真是惨到无以言表It's too awful for any words. 阿斯特逃过一劫了吗Did J.J. Astor get off? 他的新婚妻子肯定获救了Of course that new wife of his is bound to have been rescued.[01:56.18] 谢谢奥布瑞恩先就这样吧Thank you, O'Brien. That'll be all for the moment.[02:00.38] 我叫约翰·贝茨是新来的男仆I'm John Bates, the new valet. -新来的男仆-没错-The new valet? - That's right.[02:06.00] 毕竟没有正式订婚After all, it wasn't official.[02:09.62] 阁楼上有几个内衬雪松木的衣柜There's some cedar-lined cupboards in the attic 摆放不常穿着的服装for things that aren't often worn, 以及旅行装束等travelling clothes and such.[02:16.08] 沃特森先生把换季衣物都收在那里Mr Watson used them to rotate the summer and winter stuff. 迟些带你去看I'll show you later.[02:22.03] 没有特别交代就呈给他挑选Lay them out unless he asks for something in particular. 这些是舞会用的These for a ball, 家常便餐时用这些these for an ordinary dinner, 这些只在伦敦用these only in London.[02:30.16] 奇珍异宝触手可及The way we live with all this pirate's hoard within our reach.[02:35.68] 就不能等确定他们遇难了Can't we at least wait until we know they're dead 再讨论这件事before we discuss it? 别说得好像我铁石心肠一样我也很伤心Don't talk as if I'm not brokenhearted, because I am.[02:43.82] 老夫人到了在客厅里The Dowager Countess is in the drawing room.[02:47.61] 但这由老爷您决定But your lordship will be the judge of that.[02:52.03] 他像极了他母亲He was too like his mother 一刻也不让人安生and a nastier woman never drew breath.[02:57.40] 我记得我从没见过他I have never to my knowledge set eyes on him. 可要不是已故的老伯爵Of course, if your late husband hadn't 逼着我签字侵吞我的财产forced me to sign that absurd act of legal theft...[03:05.78] 现在一个陌生人将有权处置我的财产Now, a complete unknown has the right to pocket my money 还有这份家业along with the rest of the swag.[03:12.24] 彻底打破对继承权的限制The entail must be smashed in its entirety 让玛丽成为继承人and Mary recognised as heiress of all.[03:21.69] 唐顿是一所了不起的庄园贝茨先生Downton is a great house, Mr Bates. 卡劳利同样也是了不起的家族And the Crawleys are a great family.[03:27.43] 我们日常起居有规有矩We live by certain standards 这些规矩起初令人望而生畏and those standards can at first seem daunting. 应该的Of course.[03:34.60] 如果你面见大人时感到拘谨不安If you find yourself tongue-tied in the presence of his lordship, 那么他的礼仪和风范I can only assure you that his manners and grace[03:42.64] 我只想来跟老战友打个招呼I just want to say a quick hello to my old comrade in arms.[03:47.30] 一盘肉饼总能端得动I suppose he can lift a meat pie. 去把苹果馅饼放进烤箱下层Now, put that apple tart in the lower oven.[03:53.78] -这是什么-草酸氢钾-What is it? - Salt of Sorrel. 我要来擦铜壶用的I asked him for some to clean the brass pots.[03:59.73] 食物准备得也太多了吧Seems like a lot of food 他们可是正在服丧when you think they're all in mourning.[04:05.01] 我姐姐走的时候愿她安息When my sister died, God rest her soul, 我一口气吃了四盘三明治I ate my way through four platefuls of sandwiches at one sitting 然后睡了整整12 个小时and slept round the clock.[04:14.06] 这些碎鸡蛋本来要撒在哪里来着What was this chopped egg supposed to be sprinkled on? 是不是那盘鸡肉Was it the chicken?[04:19.32] 没错赶紧送楼上去It was. Take it upstairs now. -可我不能进餐厅-我当然知道-I can't go in the dining room. - I should think not.[04:25.20] 比葬礼好没这么伤感I prefer memorials to funerals, they're less dispiriting.[04:30.45] 建了泰坦尼克号公墓are making quite a thing at the Titanic cemetery. 想不到他们能找回这么多遗骸I'm surprised at the number they found. 本以为更多遇难者将安眠大海深处You'd think the sea would've taken more of them.[04:39.62] 这个应该撒在鸡肉上This is supposed to be sprinkled on the chicken. 不是还有菜要端吗But isn't there more to go up? 求你了用不了几分钟Oh, please, it won't take a moment.[04:45.24] 伊迪丝何必这么入戏呢Really, Edith, do you have to put on such an exhibition? 她是真伤心She's not.[04:51.38] 要和他订婚的不是你是我I was supposed to be engaged to him, for heaven's sake, not you.[04:55.32] 这碗蛋怎么还没送上去Oh, and don't tell me you've not sent up the egg yet.[05:00.19] 还是橘片白切鸡上or the plain chicken with sliced oranges? 感谢万能慈悲的主谢谢你Oh, thank you, blessed and merciful Lord! Thank you.[05:08.42] 可否劳驾您In fact, if you'd be so good 派车送我过去as to ask for the motor be brought round?[05:13.99] 玛丽请大家进餐厅Mary, try to get everyone into the dining room. 伊迪丝请敏特里老爷坐下Edith, make sure old Lord Minterne sits down.[05:21.55] 格温连蓝屋的床单都铺了Gwen's put clean sheets on the Blue Room bed. 现在又得收起来Now she'll just have to strip it again.[05:27.28] 威廉在书房摆好茶了William's laid tea in the library, 但夫人还没下楼but Her Ladyship hasn't come down.[05:31.99] 她累了端上去送进房吧Oh, she'll be tired. Take a tray up to her bedroom.[05:36.98] 您平白没了财产They can't expect you to sit by silent 还得故作镇定as your fortune is stolen away.[05:42.24] 他腿脚不方便Only it seems unkind to criticise a man 我不该多嘴的for an affliction, my lady.[05:47.80] 这上楼下楼的And the house hasn't worn you out 你吃得消吗with the endless stairs and everything?[05:53.06] 退伍后我遇上点麻烦After I left the army, I had a spot of bother 后来解决了and just when I got through that 一年前这膝盖开始不听使唤about a year ago my knee started playing up.[06:01.58] 里面有块弹片移了位A bit of shrapnel got left in or something and it moved, 不过不碍事but it's fine.[06:06.33] 我要还跟老爷早探出消息了If I was still his valet, I'd get it out of him. -贝茨的嘴严着呢-没错-Bates won't say a word. - He will not.[06:13.08] 我可是他的得力助手We were all right together, His Lordship and me. 那等贝茨走了Then be sure to get your foot in the door 你就想办法跟紧老爷when Bates is gone.[06:20.18] 东方不亮西方亮办法多的是There's more than one way to skin a cat.[06:23.83] 布尔战争时他给老爷当过勤务兵He was Lord Grantham's batman when he was fighting the Boers. [06:28.24] 他连老爷的箱子都差点提不动He can hardly manage His Lordship's cases. 去伦敦参加追思会的那次You saw how it was when they went up 您也看见了to London for the memorial.[06:33.86] 但让威廉担那么多活合适吗But is it fair on William to have all the extra work?[06:38.49] 我想您不愿看到I don't believe you'd like to think 家务水准低于以往吧the house was falling below the way things ought to be.[06:45.07] 莫里挑明说了吗Did Murray make matters clearer? 是恐怕没戏Yes, I'm afraid he did.[06:50.44] 即便是你身边跟着个瘸腿男仆It is quite eccentric, even for you, 也够让人侧目的了to have a crippled valet.[06:56.66] 我可以理解你的心情Of course I understand what it must 毕竟你们曾彼此并肩作战出生入死be like to have fought alongside someone in a war.[07:01.82] 也难怪别人说长道短的Is it any wonder if the others' noses are put out? 我只是想给他个机会I just want to give him a chance.[07:07.10] 妈妈抱歉我不知您来此Mama, I'm sorry, no one told me you were here. 真要命这么刺眼的光Oh, dear, such a glare. 搞得我觉得自己跟登台唱大戏似的I feel as if I were on stage at the Gaiety.[07:17.04] 但柯拉财产可就保不住了But to lose Cora's fortune to...[07:21.79] 现在钱要拱手送人Give it away now, what was the point 那之前费劲娶她有什么意义呢of your peculiar marriage in the first place?[07:27.26] 假如我说她让我无比幸福If I were to tell you she'd made me very happy, 您会相信吗would that stretch belief?[07:32.37] 晚餐已经准备好了夫人Dinner is served, my lady.[07:35.61] 但是所有的人But all them people, 大半夜都冻死在冰冷的海水里freezing to death in the midnight icy water. 你这语气跟那些廉价恐怖小说一样Oh, you sound like a penny dreadful.[07:43.70] 黛西告诉帕特莫太太Uh, Daisy, tell Mrs. Patmore 我们15 分钟之后开饭we'll eat in 15 minutes.[07:48.24] 你认为公爵已察觉到玛丽的前景有所改观You realise the Duke thinks Mary's prospects have altered.[07:53.01] 那是肯定以及一定的Of course, this is exactly 只要我们能事事都以玛丽的利益为重the sort of opportunity that will come to Mary 那么这就是玛丽千载难逢的好机会if we can only get things settled in her favour.[08:01.51] 等玛丽服完丧Well, give him a date 就安排他俩约会吧for when Mary's out of mourning. 没人愿意跟穿丧服的姑娘谈情说爱No one wants to kiss a girl in black.[08:13.89] 别太花枝招展亲爱的Hmm. Let's not gild the lily,dear. 还有玛丽尽量显得惊讶些And Mary, try to look surprised.[08:20.08] 今天是唐顿庄园的大日子Well, it's certainly a great day for Downton 因为要欢迎公爵的大驾光临to welcome a Duke under our roof.[08:26.95] 我的贴身男仆在启程时生病了所以我My man has taken ill just as I was leaving, so I... 这个好办是吧卡森Oh, well, that won't be a problem, will it, Carson?[08:33.36] 不行我可不能这么大材小用Oh, no, I wouldn't dream of being such a nuisance. 不过是个男仆Surely a footman...[08:38.64] 很好Very well, 我们先从大厅开始最古老的we can begin in the hall, which is one of the oldest... 不不要那些客厅藏书室No, not all those drawing rooms and libraries.[08:45.81] 听起来有些古怪但有何不可呢Well, it seems a bit odd but, why not?[08:49.82] 不过是军队的晚宴而已It's just a regimental dinner.[08:54.28] 那你肯定是忘了Then you've forgotten 在北布洛克斯家那次我把你拉进温室when I pulled you into the conservatory at the Northbrooks'.[08:59.44] 那次不一样It's not quite the same 那时有好多女伴躲在树丛暗中窥觊with 20 chaperones hiding behind every fern.[09:04.72] 天哪若我坦诚相告Oh, dear, if I answer truthfully, 那就太不矜持了you'll think me rather forward.[09:09.72] 这是我的习惯It's a habit of mine. 事实表明尽管贝茨先生无过The plain fact is Mr Bates, through no fault of his own, 但他无法完成应担的额外工作is not able to fulfil the extra duties expected of him.[09:19.84] 他不能提重物更不能侍奉用餐He can't lift. He can't serve a table. 还四处乱掉东西He's dropping things all over the place. 比如今晚他就该充当第三男仆On a night like tonight he should act as a third footman.[09:30.98] 我喜欢充实点I like to keep busy. 这样就不至于胡思乱想It takes your mind off things.[09:35.35] -您还有何吩咐老爷-没有-Will that be all, my lord? - Yes. 其实还有点事That is... Not exactly.[09:42.88] 若需额外男仆时That when an extra footman is required, 他的工钱从我工资里扣the cost could come out of my wages. 不行我决不允许Absolutely not. I couldn't possibly allow that.[09:49.68] 单身汉在这里可是众星捧月A single man outranks the Holy Grail. 不能与您一家共进晚餐实在荣幸之至No, I'm terribly flattered to be dining en famille.[09:58.68] 我想玛丽只是带公爵到处看看而已对吧I expect Mary was just showing the Duke the house. Weren't you? -您是学建筑的吗-没错-Are you a student of architecture? - Mmm, absolutely.[10:09.79] 别絮絮叨叨的伊迪丝Don't be such a chatterbox, Edith.[10:14.11] 格兰瑟姆伯爵的长女和继承人There is no reason why the eldest daughter 成为公爵夫人and heiress of the Earl of Grantham 再合适不过了should not wear a duchess's coronet with honour.[10:21.69] 我想拿点吃的给贝茨先生I thought I'd take something up to Mr Bates,[10:25.60] 去吧给他送吃的吧No, take him whatever he might need.[10:29.40] 我不介意多做一些...I don't mind doing a bit of extra work... 这不是你能决定的It's not up to you. 让我来服侍老爷卡森先生行吗I'll take care of his lordship. Shall I, Mr Carson? 不行你还得照顾公爵Not while you're looking after the Duke, you won't.[10:39.33] 安顿好了记得告诉我们Tell us when you're fixed. 写封信来Just... drop us a line. 不然我会担心的Else I'll worry.[10:49.41] 若能再逗留片刻我将不胜感激I should be grateful if we could stay just a minute more. 还有些事想请教I have... I have something to ask you.[10:54.57] 尽管艰难但我确无此意It pains me to say it, but I am.[10:58.24] 您要放弃所有家产吗You'll give up your entire estate? 将您夫人的财产也交给一个陌生人吗Your wife's money into the bargain, to a perfect stranger? 您都不反抗吗You won't even put up a fight?[11:08.20] 金龟婿没上钩吗So he slipped the hook?[11:11.32] 你知道我的使命决不会变Well, you know how I'm fixed. 我得娶一位继承人I have to have an heiress,[11:18.48] 我们之间似乎没有We don't seem to have the basis 发展主仆恋情的可能不是吗of a servant-master relationship, do we? 你来此不就是为了与我相会You came here to be with me.[11:25.46] 记住孤燕不成夏And one swallow doesn't make a summer.[11:29.76] 一段年少无知的风流韵事Because of a youthful dalliance? 伦敦社交忙季的数周缱绻A few weeks of madness in a London season? 你不会要拿这些事威胁我吧You wouldn't hold that against me, surely?[11:37.51] 我母亲一直叮嘱我You know, my mother's always telling me 别留下白纸黑字的明证never put anything in writing. 如今多亏了你我会引以为戒的And now, thanks to you, I never will again.[11:45.28] 不理解也罢唐顿是我的家族祖业Well, why should you? Downton is in my blood and in my bones. 又不是你的It's not in yours.[11:51.14] 别得了便宜还卖乖Don't pretend to be a child because it suits you. 你觉得她跟慕钱而来的人结婚会幸福吗Do you think she would've been happy with a fortune hunter? 也许会呢She might've been.[11:59.47] 老爷要赶上这班火车的话我们得走了We ought to go, my lord, if His Grace is to catch the train.Downton-Abbey-0102[00:00.00] 我先去帮泰勒先生搬行李I'll just give Mr Taylor a hand with the cases. -我能... -谢谢你莫斯利-I can... - Thank you, Molesley.[00:05.20] 妈妈格兰瑟姆伯爵不幸发现Mother, Lord Grantham has made the unwelcome discovery 他的继承人是一名中产阶级律师that his heir is a middle-class lawyer 是一名中产阶级的医生的儿子and the son of a middle-class doctor.[00:11.16] 我们的新侍从就你一个人吗So, are you the whole of our new household?[00:16.22] 林奇咱们从南屋那边回去吧Lynch, I think we'll go back by the South Lodge. 是小姐Very good, my lady.[00:20.64] 好不到哪去她连贴身女仆都没有I shouldn't think much. She hasn't even got a lady's maid. 又不是什么大忌It's not a capital offence. 她有个女仆名叫艾伦She's got a maid, her name's Ellen. -她提前一天到的-她又不是贴身女仆-She came a day earlier. - She's not a lady's maid.[00:29.73] 就是个持家女仆She's just a housemaid that 招之即来缝缝补补fastens hooks and buttons when she has to.[00:34.15] 我们要当他是继承人来服侍吗Are we to treat him as the heir?[00:36.81] 黛西你是没听见还是选择性耳聋Daisy, did you hear me call or have you gone selectively deaf?[00:40.84] 这位是卡森万事打点都少不了他This is Carson. We'd all be lost without him.[00:45.14] 那儿可称不上是医院Well, it isn't really a hospital. 别让克拉克森医生听见您这么说Don't let Dr Clarkson hear you. 他认为那里仅次于圣托马斯医院He thinks it's second only to St Thomas'.[00:53.25] 我父亲提供了场所并出资运营My father gave the building and an endowment to run it. 他其实是给自己树碑立传In a way, he set up his own memorial.[01:00.62] 他们正需要一个They need someone 懂工业法的人who understands industrial law, I'm glad to say. 虽然恐怕大部分业务Although I'm afraid most of it will be 还是遗产分配和产权转让wills and conveyancing.[01:08.16] 还是听我的吧快把那盘腰花端过去No! Listen to me, and take those kidneys up to the server 要不我只能把你敲晕了用脑仁做煎饼before I knock you down and serve your brains as fritters! 是的帕特莫太太Yes, Mrs Patmore.[01:17.85] 下个月的义卖会Well, you could always 你倒是能帮上些忙help with the bring-and-buy sale next month.[01:22.05] 注意到你的肩膀处开线了吗Are you aware the seam at your shoulder is coming apart? 我之前发现了打算睡前缝上I felt it go a bit earlier on. I'll mend it when we turn in.[01:28.94] 我来缝吧I'll do it. 别在意谁没挨过卡森先生骂呢And cheer up, we've all had a smack from Mr Carson. 总有一天你会成为管家You'll be the butler yourself one day,[01:37.96] 到时候你就可以去教训别人了then you'll do the smacking. 我可不会像他那样I could never be like him. 我打赌他家I bet he comes from a line 祖祖辈辈都是给人做管家的of butlers that goes back to the Conqueror. 这是他从业多年的积累He learned his business 你早晚也会学到的and so will you.[01:47.61] 谢谢威廉Thank you, William.[01:50.54] 您对医疗事业真是有心了It's kind of you to take an interest. 这就像战马闻鼓声那种兴奋I'm afraid it's a case of the warhorse and the drum.[01:57.19] 卡劳利医生在I do. I'm familiar with Dr Crawley's 儿童传染病症方面的工作我曾反复拜读work on the symptoms of infection in children.[02:02.85] 恐怕是积水It's dropsy, I'm afraid.[02:06.14] 是肝脏还是心脏Is the dropsy of the liver or the heart? 从各种症状来看是心脏Everything points to the heart.[02:11.92] 她大概会努力让农场维持下去She may try to keep the farm on. 伯爵对佃户向来宽厚Grantham is not a harsh landlord, 可毕竟她家孩子还小but her children are young.[02:19.39] 我负责把衣物送洗I get to take the linen down to the laundry. 差不多就这一件事But that's about all.[02:23.30] "我自己来" 他总是说"I'll do this", he says, "我要拿另一件" "我来系那个""I'll take the other". "I'll tie that". 而我就像个笨蛋一样站在那儿And I'm just stood there like a chump[02:31.58] 她的财产都得扔给这个古怪的年轻人whose fortune must go to this odd young man, 说着什么周末什么工作的who talks about "weekends" and "jobs". 如果玛丽嫁给他一切问题迎刃而解If Mary were to marry him then all would be resolved.[02:41.97] 看什么呢What've you got there? 没什么Nothing.[02:46.12] 可别让休斯太太听见Don't tell Mrs. Hughes 要么她得找牧师给你驱鬼or she'll bring the vicar round to have you exorcised.[02:51.02] 说要帮她和卡劳利先生牵线呢Seems they want to fix her up with Mr. Crawley.[02:55.00] 时候到了Would she have, though,[02:58.17] 有贵客上门拜访I've been paid the compliment of a visit.[03:02.32] 是啊我婆婆生前住时It always seemed rather dark 这儿总乌糟糟的when my mother-in-law lived here. 不过话说回来她能让所有事物都乌糟糟的But then she made everything rather dark.[03:11.49] 我们得告辞了I'm afraid we must be going.[03:14.61] 刚才您自荐时When you made your offer, 我以为您是要来装装样子I thought you might be a "great lady nurse" 见血就要晕了and faint at the sight of blood. 没想到您训练有素But I see you're made of sterner stuff.[03:25.15] 过去几年里许多医生成功地通过用针筒Considerable success have been achieved over the last few years 抽出心包积水并注入肾上腺素的方法by draining the pericardial sac of the excess fluid 治愈了病人and administering adrenaline. 卡劳利夫人感谢您的周全考虑Mrs. Crawley, I appreciate your thoroughness.[03:37.53] 一旦有此先例We would be setting an impossible precedent 村民佃户们一有点头疼脑热when every villager could demand the latest fad in treatment 就都跑来要新疗法了for each new cut and graze. 恕我直言I would remind you that 这可不是头疼脑热we're not talking of a cut or a graze,[03:50.90] 今天有件怪事I've just seen something ever so odd. 不是谁都受得起我伺候的And if anyone thinks I'm going to pull my forelock and curtsey 尤其是这位不速之客to this mr Nobody from Nowhere... 奥布瑞恩O'Brien! 你说的是卡劳利先生吗Were you discussing Mr. Crawley?[04:03.69] 这是我新晚礼服掉的扣子This is the button we're missing from my new evening coat. 我在碎石路上找到的I found it lying on the gravel.[04:08.59] 您没想让他You never wanted him to... 你真是太过分了奥布瑞恩You're sailing perilously close to the wind, O'Brien.[04:14.32] 我上楼休息了更衣时叫醒我Now I'm going up to rest. Wake me at the dressing gown.[04:19.10] 这样不公平至少在仆人大堂不该这样I don't think that's fair, not here in the servant's hall.[04:23.18] 她要是真高贵就不会屈尊下楼If she was a real lady, she wouldn't have come down here. 摇铃叫我去拿纽扣不就行了She'd have rung for me and given me the button, that's all. 这不是她的地盘我们说什么她管不着This isn't her territory. We can say what we like down here.[04:31.56] 收敛点托马斯Don't push your luck, Thomas.[04:35.23] 我们只是下人We're servants, you and me. 领工钱伺候主子再没别的And they pay us to do as we're told, that's all.[04:41.18] -能让我... -我能行-May I... - I can manage. 我那对袖扣呢Now where have I put my cuff links? -我寻思帮您换对试试-就要平常那对-I thought these would make a change. - I want my usual ones.[04:52.22] 跟茜玻和我没有关系It makes no difference to Sybil and me. 反正遗产没我们的份We won't inherit, whatever happens.[04:58.63] 他不上档次He isn't one of us. 弗雷迪堂哥也学法律Cousin Freddie's studying for the bar,[05:03.64] 亲爱的玛丽不是在什么里彭的破烂事务所工作Not sitting at a dirty little desk in Ripon.[05:07.53] 我们也需要清道夫和马车夫We all need crossing sweepers and draymen, too. 并不意味着我们必须与之共餐It doesn't mean we have to dine with them.[05:12.14] 茜玻乖女儿Sybil, be a dear 去把我的黑色晚披肩拿过来and fetch my black evening shawl. 奥布瑞恩知道是哪条O'Brien knows which one. 伊迪丝去看看客厅布置好没有And, Edith, can you see that the drawing room's ready?[05:22.51] 我不相信一个女人能被迫将她所有积蓄I don't believe a woman can be forced to give away all her money 交给她丈夫的远房亲戚to a distant cousin of her husband's. 现在是二十世纪了简直荒谬之极Not in the 20th century. It's too ludicrous for words. 不是你想的那么简单It's not as simple as that. 这些积蓄已经不属于我了The money isn't mine any more. 它早已成为家业的一部分It forms a part of the estate.[05:36.33] 真没想到Oh, you amaze me! 他正在为您的一位佃农约翰·德雷克治疗积水He's treating one of your tenants, John Drake, for dropsy,[05:44.25] 请告知林奇他会安排一切just let Lynch know and he'll sort it out for you. 爸爸马修表亲不骑马的Oh, Papa, Cousin Matthew doesn't ride.[05:50.49] 我在为他们更换甜点I'm changing round the dessert services. 我们还缺一个糖筛我记得拿出去三个We're missing a sugar sifter. I know I put three out.[05:57.45] 是啊她也许是对的我会留心的Ah. Yeah, she may have a point. I'll keep an eye out. 找到了Here it is.[06:06.67] 真的吗玛丽Really, Mary, 一会儿我们得需要嗅盐了we'll all need our smelling salts in a minute.[06:13.63] 你不知道灰熊舞吗Don't you know the Grizzly Bear? 灰熊舞难道你知道The Grizzly Bear! As if you do. 我当然知道Certainly, I do. 奥布瑞恩太太我们来演示一下吧Miss O'Brien, shall we show them?[06:22.20] 别干那种蠢事了小心关节扭脱臼Stop that silly nonsense before you put your joints out. 去看看炉灶然后上床睡觉See to the range and go to bed.[06:29.90] 很抱歉玛丽今晚如此刻薄I'm sorry Mary was rather sharp this evening. 我与玛丽表亲是否注定成为密友还未可知I doubt Cousin Mary and I are destined to be close friends. 我不怪她I don't blame her.[06:39.81] 如果说为玛丽着想What would you say 驳回这限定继承权你会怎么想呢if the entail were set aside in Mary's favour?[06:46.94] 看看这刮痕Look at that scratch. 他们去伦敦的时候我得把刮痕弄掉I'll have to get that sorted out when they're up in London. -几乎看不见-我知道它在那里-You can hardly see it. - Well, I'll know it's there.[06:57.07] 不过要是他们想要撮合他们Although they won't make a match between them 我看是没戏if that's what they're thinking.[07:01.44] 卡森先生为什么让你做这活儿Why does Mr Carson let you do that? 因为我爸曾是个钟表匠Because my dad was a clockmaker. 你当真向他请求做克劳利家的贴身侍从吗Did you really ask him for the job at the Crawleys'?[07:11.64] 我当够了男仆I'm sick of being a footman. 我宁愿做个男仆I'd rather be a footman than 也不愿伺候一个骨子里的下等人wait on someone who ought to be a footman himself. 但是卡森先生不应该告诉贝茨But Mr Carson shouldn't have told Bates. 格兰夫人怎么样了How are things with Lady G?[07:25.17] "夫人夫人你来看三个口袋鼓囊囊"[儿歌《黑羊毛》]"Yes, my lady. No, my lady. Three bags full." 我倒是想把她塞到鼓鼓囊囊的麻袋里I'd like to give her three bags full, 最好是月黑风高的晚上preferably on a dark night.[07:32.25] 你会递上辞呈吗Will you hand in your notice? 好让她给我提供不好的推荐吗我可不想And let her ruin me with a nasty reference? Oh, I think not.[07:39.38] 你看到宅邸高深摇摇欲坠You see a million bricks that may crumble, 水管年久失修残破不堪a thousand gutters and pipes that may block and leak, 残垣断壁捱不过酷寒严霜and stone that will crack in the frost. 但您不这么看吧But you don't?[07:50.64] 都去村子里了They've gone down to the village. 下午有四处云游的商贩在酒馆卖东西Some travelling salesman's set up at the pub for the afternoon.[07:57.14] 你应该要求加薪You should put in for a raise.[07:59.92] 因为查理·卡森才是这里的管家Because Charlie Carson's the butler round here.[08:04.24] 我本想让他呆在楼下I tried to stick him downstairs, 以避人耳目卡森先生但是他不愿意out of sight, Mr Carson, but he wouldn't come. 谢谢你想得很周到Yes, thank you. That was thoughtful.[08:10.53] 我们是剧院的双人戏表演者We were a double act, on the halls. 你曾经登过台You were on the stage?[08:17.83] 我们可受欢迎了是吧We did quite well, didn't we? 那是在你手脚不干净以前Until you couldn't keep your hands out of the till. 你想让我们回避吗卡森先生Would you like us to go, Mr Carson? 不必了你现在都知道了No. You know it now. 见证我的丑事也无妨了You might as well bear witness to my shame.[08:31.00] 他几天前突然在He turned up in the village 村子里露面一路在逃with no warning some days ago, on the run, 寻找一个藏身之处当然还要钱asking for somewhere to hide and, of course, for money.[08:39.26] 他因几项盗窃罪He is wanted for some 被通缉当然他罪有应得petty crime of which he is, of course, guilty. 悠着点儿说Steady on.[08:44.61] 碍于我的虚荣与骄傲我满足了他的要求And in my vanity and pride, I gave him what he wanted. 你才没有You did not![08:51.96] 我把他安排在闲置的村舍I put him in an empty cottage 从厨房里给他带去食物and fed him from the kitchens.[08:56.44] 卡森没有必要搞得这么戏剧化Really, Carson, there's no need to be quite so melodramatic. 悉尼·卡尔顿:狄更斯《双城记》中的人物你又不是在演悉尼·卡尔顿You're not playing Sydney Carton.。
唐顿庄园台词范文以下是一些《唐顿庄园》中的经典台词:1. "What is a weekend?"(什么是周末?) - 贾尼斯夫人这句台词凸显了英国上层社会与下层社会在对待休闲时间上的差别。
2. "I was born in a world you wouldn't understand."(我出生在你无法理解的世界。
) - 玛丽·克劳利夫人玛丽用这句台词回应了贵族们对她出身的质疑,表达了她成长背景与唐顿庄园里人们的差异。
3. "You men have no idea what we're dealing with, do you?Just because you have power doesn't mean you're right."(你们这些男人根本不知道我们在处理什么,是吧?仅仅拥有权力并不意味着你们是正确的。
) - 艾德丽安娜·布鲁克这句台词表现了艾德丽安娜对当时社会极端男权主义的不满和质疑。
4. "No one wants to kiss a girl in black."(没人愿意亲吻一个身穿黑色礼服的女孩。
) - 玛丽玛丽·塔尔顿这句台词展现了玛丽玛丽对她在社交场合中的角色和穿着的困惑。
5. "I'm a woman, Mary. I can be as contrary as I choose."(我是一个女人,玛丽。
) - 片尾歌词这句台词强调了女性在那个时代中为了自由和平等权利而斗争的精神。
6. "You have a straightforward choice. You must choose either death or life."(你只有两个简单的选择,要么选择死亡,要么选择活着。
热门电影唐顿庄园的经典台词热门电影唐顿庄园的经典台词《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)是由英国ITV电视台出品的时代剧,背景设定在1910年代英王乔治五世在位时约克郡一个虚构的庄园——"唐顿庄园",故事开始于Grantham伯爵一家由家产继承问题而引发的种种纠葛,呈现了英国上层贵族与其仆人们在森严的等级制度下的人间百态。
该剧荣膺吉尼斯世界纪录大全的2010年"全球最受好评电视剧",剧中不少角色妙语连珠展现独特优雅的英式幽默,对于这些经典台词我们当然要记下来啦!1.You can change your life if you want to. Sometimes, you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely.有志者事竟成。
2. When something bad happens, there”s no point in wishing it had not happened. The only option is to minimize the damage.事情已经发生了,还希望事情不要发生没有意义,当务之急是减少损失。
•3.Life”s altered you, as it”s altered me. And what would be the point of living if we didn”t let life change us生活改变了你我,若要回到原点一成不变,那人生还有何意义?4. It just happens. And we should live with it.世事无常,我们要随遇而安。
5.We must all have our hearts broken once or twice before we”re done.人这一生啊,总要心碎一两次的。
唐顿庄园经典语录《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey),英国古典时代剧,那么关于《唐顿庄园》有哪些经典语录呢?下面是店铺给大家分享的《唐顿庄园》经典语录,欢迎欣赏!《唐顿庄园》经典语录1.don't know why people say that, when it's almost never true.真不知道为什么人们明知那是骗人的话还要说。
2.u're nervous because you're intelligent. Only stupid people are foolhardy.你紧张是因为你聪明,只有傻子才有勇无谋。
3.reckon you work hard and you deserve to succeed. You just have to stick at it... and you will.我觉得你很努力,应该成功...只要坚持...就一定会成功。
4. fail at the first attempt does not mean that you won't succeed later.第一次尝试失败并不意味着以后不会成功。
5. we don't respect the past, it'll be harder to build our future.我们若不能尊重过去,也就难以建设未来。
6.e world moves on, and we must move with it.世道变了,我们也得跟着变。
7. shout and scream and wail and cry but in the end we must all die.人生不管经历怎样的大悲大喜,我们终究都会死去。
8.ve is like riding, or speaking French. If you don't learn it young, it's hard to get the trick of it later.爱,就好比骑马、说法语。
2.41. Oh, all right. One song, and that's your lot.(份额;许多;命运)你命该如此,就这么多2.I need to steal you for a minute.你的过来帮我个忙3. Please, can it wait? I've a mountain to get through.我简直应接不暇4. He lives in a tough world.世间险恶5. And you can dance on the grave of a fallen family捡没落家族的便宜6. It's time to move forward.7. Does she have anyone in her sights?8. Are you sure she has no chap in mind?9. How odd. I had an endless series of crushesat her age.芳心悸动have a crush on暗恋,迷恋10. Really, Granny. How can you say that I am too worldly, but Sybil's not worldly enough?11. Well, we'll see about that.我们走着瞧12. I mean it! I cannot operate where I am notvalued. You must see that.13. But all the volunteers are spoken for.已被预订的.被抢走了14.Anna said you were honouring us withyour presence at dinner.15. You've been taking those logic pills again.你又开始过度思考了16. What did you want me to do? Tell him toget knotted?[英国口语][用于祈使语气]别烦我;滚开;见鬼去17.Well, you know what they say, be carefulwhat you wish for老话说的好,别许错了愿18.He says he parted with Your Lordship onbad terms. He felt it might beembarrassing.不和;关系不好19. I don't have time to get up to anything else我没有世间做别的事20. I just want you to be on your guard.提醒你一下21. Well, don't jump down my throat, dear. I'monly offering friendly advice.粗暴地与我讲话22. Let's not fall to pieces quite yet我们险别乱了阵脚23. There's no reason why you should.随时愿意效劳24. I may not be a woman of the world, but Idon't live in a sack!见过世面/ 孤陋寡闻25. I'm sure. It's cost her job.26. She can’t hold me now她再无法要挟我了27. It’s no good in thinking he can turn up herewithout a moment’s notice and be cock of the walk有威望的领导人/ 称王称霸的人28. More than all that, I loved him like a son更重要的是29. Then why did she start talking about“inappropriate friendship”out ofnowhere?30. It's just Granny being Granny. Don't makesuch a thing of it.奶奶就是这样,没必要大惊小怪31. I don't deserve to be told off not by her orby you.责备32. I'm just trying to get it straight in my head.理清思绪33. Oh, darling, darling, don't be such a baby.This isn't fairyland.别耍小孩脾气34. He is frightfully full of himself.及其自以为是35. Mr Bates. You're a sight for sore eyes.见到你真高兴(原见的人和物)36. So, we've both returned, you and I. Coupleof bad pennies.不想要偏又出现的人(或物);不受欢迎的人(或物)37. That's all. That's it. The rest is detail.就这么简单,这才是关键, 其他的都不重要38. I want a clean break and not an openwound if we can just be patient a littlewhile longer.一刀两断而不是藕断丝连39. It didn't seem right to keep you in thedark.40. You mean, you're going to let them getaway with it?做了坏事而未受惩罚;侥幸成功45. Just because you're a poacher turnedgamekeeper, there's no need for rudeness.(偷猎者变成了猎场看守人)身份变了,出人头地46. I think Barrow has taken it on board.(纳入考虑范围)会长记性47. He's getting grander than Lady Mary andthat's saying something.重大的,显要的48. Well, now I've seen everything.这下我可开眼了50. I hardly know him, but I'm sure I'll likehim when I do. That's if he's good to you.If he's not, he'll have me to answer to我饶不了他51. I've lived in such a fog of misery since Ileft you苦不堪言52. I knew nothing bad had happened. I felt itin me waters直觉告诉我53. What about you? Did you have me boxedup and buried?把我忘了吗。
1. 睡到自然醒清晨六点,Daisy把各屋的女仆叫醒,这时Anna睡眼朦胧地说:Just for once in my life, I'd like to sleep until I woke up natural.哪怕这辈子只有一次,我真想睡到自然醒。
2. 太阳打西边出来Mrs Patmore对早晨的炉火还很旺表示不可思议,她说:Oh, my, my, will wonders never cease?太阳打西边出来了啊。
)3. 说你迟了,你就是迟了Thomas见到William后,William赶紧说,“我没迟到吧”,但Thomas可不这么想。
他霸道地说:You're late when I say you're late.我说你迟了就是迟了。
4. 我会记清楚的Thomas向Bates交代工作,Bates向他表态说:I'll get the hang of it.我会记清楚的。
(get the hang of:熟悉某物的用法;掌握做某事的窍门。
比如:I don't get the hang of his remarks.我不明白他讲话的要点。
)5. “胜任”工作怎么说?Carson对Bates的能力表示怀疑,他对老爷说:I'm not entirely sure that he'll prove equal to the task.我不太确定他能否胜任这份工作。
6. 东方不亮西方亮Thomas不甘心做男仆,和O'Brien密谋把Bates赶走,自己去做老爷的贴身侍从,但一时没有得逞。
Downton-Abbey-0101[00:00.00] 炉火还旺吗Is your fire still in?[00:02.54] 仆人们的早餐摆好了吗Have you laid the servant's hall breakfast?[00:05.11] 炉子擦亮了吗And finished blacking that stove?[00:07.72] 卧室的炉火呢What about the bedroom fires? 都生好了帕特莫太太All lit, Mrs Patmore. 好的带上家什Right, well, take your things 去把底楼的火也生了and get started on the fires on the ground floor.[00:15.81] 黛西你蜷在那儿做什么Daisy, whatever are you doing there, 黑灯瞎火的crouching in the dark? 你不在我也不想用You weren't here and I didn't like to touch 脏手去拉窗帘the curtains with me dirty hands.[00:24.14] 说得没错Well, quite right, too. -你怎么不开灯-我不敢-Why didn't you put the lights on? - I daren't. 电又不是什么牛鬼蛇神Well, it's electricity and not the devil's handiwork.[00:31.77] 人家斯凯尔顿庄园连厨房都通上电了At Skelton Park, they've even got it in the kitchens. 为什么呀What for?[00:36.81] 把板子准备好报纸一来就可以熨了Get the board out so you can do them as soon as they're here.[00:41.95] 书房收拾妥当了吗Is the library tidy? 收拾好了休斯太太Yes, Mrs Hughes.[00:45.57] 你是要生火又不是钻木取火You're building a fire, not inventing it. 还剩几个了How many have you done? 主人下楼前最后一个了This is me last till they come downstairs.[00:52.99] -他们起来了-片刻不得消停-And they're off. - No rest for the wicked.[00:56.85] 是玛丽小姐茶盘备好了吗Lady Mary. Are the tea trays ready? 都准备好了帕特莫太太All ready, Mrs Patmore.[01:01.48] 先熨《泰晤士报》他早餐时只读这份Do The Times first, he only reads that at breakfast. 再是夫人的《每日见闻报》And the Sketch for her ladyship.[01:07.03] -为什么还要熨报纸-关你什么事-Why are their papers ironed? - What's it to you? 为了让油墨干透傻丫头To dry the ink, silly. 怎能让老爷的手弄得和你一样脏呢We wouldn't want his lordship's hands to be as black as yours.[01:15.64] -老爷更衣完毕-威廉-His lordship's dressed. - William! 别聊天了把这盘鱼蛋烩饭端上去Will you stop talking and take this kedgeree up. 小心下面还烧着火呢And mind the burners are still lit.[01:23.78] 安娜告诉我的时候When Anna told me, 我还以为她说梦话呢I thought she must have dreamt it.[01:27.31] 你妈妈认识阿斯特一家至少认识他本人Your mother knows the Astors, at least she knows him. 我们上个月还和罗斯小姐共进晚餐We dined with Lady Rothes last month. 势必还有其他熟人There are bound to be others.[01:34.68] 没有高不可攀的山峰Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it, 也没有永不翻沉的船so every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.[01:41.47] -夫人醒了吗-醒了老爷-Is her ladyship awake? - Yes, my lord. -我这就去把早餐端来-谢了-I'm just going to take in her breakfast. - Thank you.[01:46.39] 真是惨到无以言表It's too awful for any words. 阿斯特逃过一劫了吗Did J.J. Astor get off? 他的新婚妻子肯定获救了Of course that new wife of his is bound to have been rescued.[01:56.18] 谢谢奥布瑞恩先就这样吧Thank you, O'Brien. That'll be all for the moment.[02:00.38] 我叫约翰·贝茨是新来的男仆I'm John Bates, the new valet. -新来的男仆-没错-The new valet? - That's right.[02:06.00] 毕竟没有正式订婚After all, it wasn't official.[02:09.62] 阁楼上有几个内衬雪松木的衣柜There's some cedar-lined cupboards in the attic 摆放不常穿着的服装for things that aren't often worn, 以及旅行装束等travelling clothes and such.[02:16.08] 沃特森先生把换季衣物都收在那里Mr Watson used them to rotate the summer and winter stuff. 迟些带你去看I'll show you later.[02:22.03] 没有特别交代就呈给他挑选Lay them out unless he asks for something in particular. 这些是舞会用的These for a ball, 家常便餐时用这些these for an ordinary dinner, 这些只在伦敦用these only in London.[02:30.16] 奇珍异宝触手可及The way we live with all this pirate's hoard within our reach.[02:35.68] 就不能等确定他们遇难了Can't we at least wait until we know they're dead 再讨论这件事before we discuss it? 别说得好像我铁石心肠一样我也很伤心Don't talk as if I'm not brokenhearted, because I am.[02:43.82] 老夫人到了在客厅里The Dowager Countess is in the drawing room.[02:47.61] 但这由老爷您决定But your lordship will be the judge of that.[02:52.03] 他像极了他母亲He was too like his mother 一刻也不让人安生and a nastier woman never drew breath.[02:57.40] 我记得我从没见过他I have never to my knowledge set eyes on him. 可要不是已故的老伯爵Of course, if your late husband hadn't 逼着我签字侵吞我的财产forced me to sign that absurd act of legal theft...[03:05.78] 现在一个陌生人将有权处置我的财产Now, a complete unknown has the right to pocket my money 还有这份家业along with the rest of the swag.[03:12.24] 彻底打破对继承权的限制The entail must be smashed in its entirety 让玛丽成为继承人and Mary recognised as heiress of all.[03:21.69] 唐顿是一所了不起的庄园贝茨先生Downton is a great house, Mr Bates. 卡劳利同样也是了不起的家族And the Crawleys are a great family.[03:27.43] 我们日常起居有规有矩We live by certain standards 这些规矩起初令人望而生畏and those standards can at first seem daunting. 应该的Of course.[03:34.60] 如果你面见大人时感到拘谨不安If you find yourself tongue-tied in the presence of his lordship, 那么他的礼仪和风范I can only assure you that his manners and grace[03:42.64] 我只想来跟老战友打个招呼I just want to say a quick hello to my old comrade in arms.[03:47.30] 一盘肉饼总能端得动I suppose he can lift a meat pie. 去把苹果馅饼放进烤箱下层Now, put that apple tart in the lower oven.[03:53.78] -这是什么-草酸氢钾-What is it? - Salt of Sorrel. 我要来擦铜壶用的I asked him for some to clean the brass pots.[03:59.73] 食物准备得也太多了吧Seems like a lot of food 他们可是正在服丧when you think they're all in mourning.[04:05.01] 我姐姐走的时候愿她安息When my sister died, God rest her soul, 我一口气吃了四盘三明治I ate my way through four platefuls of sandwiches at one sitting 然后睡了整整12 个小时and slept round the clock.[04:14.06] 这些碎鸡蛋本来要撒在哪里来着What was this chopped egg supposed to be sprinkled on? 是不是那盘鸡肉Was it the chicken?[04:19.32] 没错赶紧送楼上去It was. Take it upstairs now. -可我不能进餐厅-我当然知道-I can't go in the dining room. - I should think not.[04:25.20] 比葬礼好没这么伤感I prefer memorials to funerals, they're less dispiriting.[04:30.45] 建了泰坦尼克号公墓are making quite a thing at the Titanic cemetery. 想不到他们能找回这么多遗骸I'm surprised at the number they found. 本以为更多遇难者将安眠大海深处You'd think the sea would've taken more of them.[04:39.62] 这个应该撒在鸡肉上This is supposed to be sprinkled on the chicken. 不是还有菜要端吗But isn't there more to go up? 求你了用不了几分钟Oh, please, it won't take a moment.[04:45.24] 伊迪丝何必这么入戏呢Really, Edith, do you have to put on such an exhibition? 她是真伤心She's not.[04:51.38] 要和他订婚的不是你是我I was supposed to be engaged to him, for heaven's sake, not you.[04:55.32] 这碗蛋怎么还没送上去Oh, and don't tell me you've not sent up the egg yet.[05:00.19] 还是橘片白切鸡上or the plain chicken with sliced oranges? 感谢万能慈悲的主谢谢你Oh, thank you, blessed and merciful Lord! Thank you.[05:08.42] 可否劳驾您In fact, if you'd be so good 派车送我过去as to ask for the motor be brought round?[05:13.99] 玛丽请大家进餐厅Mary, try to get everyone into the dining room. 伊迪丝请敏特里老爷坐下Edith, make sure old Lord Minterne sits down.[05:21.55] 格温连蓝屋的床单都铺了Gwen's put clean sheets on the Blue Room bed. 现在又得收起来Now she'll just have to strip it again.[05:27.28] 威廉在书房摆好茶了William's laid tea in the library, 但夫人还没下楼but Her Ladyship hasn't come down.[05:31.99] 她累了端上去送进房吧Oh, she'll be tired. Take a tray up to her bedroom.[05:36.98] 您平白没了财产They can't expect you to sit by silent 还得故作镇定as your fortune is stolen away.[05:42.24] 他腿脚不方便Only it seems unkind to criticise a man 我不该多嘴的for an affliction, my lady.[05:47.80] 这上楼下楼的And the house hasn't worn you out 你吃得消吗with the endless stairs and everything?[05:53.06] 退伍后我遇上点麻烦After I left the army, I had a spot of bother 后来解决了and just when I got through that 一年前这膝盖开始不听使唤about a year ago my knee started playing up.[06:01.58] 里面有块弹片移了位A bit of shrapnel got left in or something and it moved, 不过不碍事but it's fine.[06:06.33] 我要还跟老爷早探出消息了If I was still his valet, I'd get it out of him. -贝茨的嘴严着呢-没错-Bates won't say a word. - He will not.[06:13.08] 我可是他的得力助手We were all right together, His Lordship and me. 那等贝茨走了Then be sure to get your foot in the door 你就想办法跟紧老爷when Bates is gone.[06:20.18] 东方不亮西方亮办法多的是There's more than one way to skin a cat.[06:23.83] 布尔战争时他给老爷当过勤务兵He was Lord Grantham's batman when he was fighting the Boers. [06:28.24] 他连老爷的箱子都差点提不动He can hardly manage His Lordship's cases. 去伦敦参加追思会的那次You saw how it was when they went up 您也看见了to London for the memorial.[06:33.86] 但让威廉担那么多活合适吗But is it fair on William to have all the extra work?[06:38.49] 我想您不愿看到I don't believe you'd like to think 家务水准低于以往吧the house was falling below the way things ought to be.[06:45.07] 莫里挑明说了吗Did Murray make matters clearer? 是恐怕没戏Yes, I'm afraid he did.[06:50.44] 即便是你身边跟着个瘸腿男仆It is quite eccentric, even for you, 也够让人侧目的了to have a crippled valet.[06:56.66] 我可以理解你的心情Of course I understand what it must 毕竟你们曾彼此并肩作战出生入死be like to have fought alongside someone in a war.[07:01.82] 也难怪别人说长道短的Is it any wonder if the others' noses are put out? 我只是想给他个机会I just want to give him a chance.[07:07.10] 妈妈抱歉我不知您来此Mama, I'm sorry, no one told me you were here. 真要命这么刺眼的光Oh, dear, such a glare. 搞得我觉得自己跟登台唱大戏似的I feel as if I were on stage at the Gaiety.[07:17.04] 但柯拉财产可就保不住了But to lose Cora's fortune to...[07:21.79] 现在钱要拱手送人Give it away now, what was the point 那之前费劲娶她有什么意义呢of your peculiar marriage in the first place?[07:27.26] 假如我说她让我无比幸福If I were to tell you she'd made me very happy, 您会相信吗would that stretch belief?[07:32.37] 晚餐已经准备好了夫人Dinner is served, my lady.[07:35.61] 但是所有的人But all them people, 大半夜都冻死在冰冷的海水里freezing to death in the midnight icy water. 你这语气跟那些廉价恐怖小说一样Oh, you sound like a penny dreadful.[07:43.70] 黛西告诉帕特莫太太Uh, Daisy, tell Mrs. Patmore 我们15 分钟之后开饭we'll eat in 15 minutes.[07:48.24] 你认为公爵已察觉到玛丽的前景有所改观You realise the Duke thinks Mary's prospects have altered.[07:53.01] 那是肯定以及一定的Of course, this is exactly 只要我们能事事都以玛丽的利益为重the sort of opportunity that will come to Mary 那么这就是玛丽千载难逢的好机会if we can only get things settled in her favour.[08:01.51] 等玛丽服完丧Well, give him a date 就安排他俩约会吧for when Mary's out of mourning. 没人愿意跟穿丧服的姑娘谈情说爱No one wants to kiss a girl in black.[08:13.89] 别太花枝招展亲爱的Hmm. Let's not gild the lily,dear. 还有玛丽尽量显得惊讶些And Mary, try to look surprised.[08:20.08] 今天是唐顿庄园的大日子Well, it's certainly a great day for Downton 因为要欢迎公爵的大驾光临to welcome a Duke under our roof.[08:26.95] 我的贴身男仆在启程时生病了所以我My man has taken ill just as I was leaving, so I... 这个好办是吧卡森Oh, well, that won't be a problem, will it, Carson?[08:33.36] 不行我可不能这么大材小用Oh, no, I wouldn't dream of being such a nuisance. 不过是个男仆Surely a footman...[08:38.64] 很好Very well, 我们先从大厅开始最古老的we can begin in the hall, which is one of the oldest... 不不要那些客厅藏书室No, not all those drawing rooms and libraries.[08:45.81] 听起来有些古怪但有何不可呢Well, it seems a bit odd but, why not?[08:49.82] 不过是军队的晚宴而已It's just a regimental dinner.[08:54.28] 那你肯定是忘了Then you've forgotten 在北布洛克斯家那次我把你拉进温室when I pulled you into the conservatory at the Northbrooks'.[08:59.44] 那次不一样It's not quite the same 那时有好多女伴躲在树丛暗中窥觊with 20 chaperones hiding behind every fern.[09:04.72] 天哪若我坦诚相告Oh, dear, if I answer truthfully, 那就太不矜持了you'll think me rather forward.[09:09.72] 这是我的习惯It's a habit of mine. 事实表明尽管贝茨先生无过The plain fact is Mr Bates, through no fault of his own, 但他无法完成应担的额外工作is not able to fulfil the extra duties expected of him.[09:19.84] 他不能提重物更不能侍奉用餐He can't lift. He can't serve a table. 还四处乱掉东西He's dropping things all over the place. 比如今晚他就该充当第三男仆On a night like tonight he should act as a third footman.[09:30.98] 我喜欢充实点I like to keep busy. 这样就不至于胡思乱想It takes your mind off things.[09:35.35] -您还有何吩咐老爷-没有-Will that be all, my lord? - Yes. 其实还有点事That is... Not exactly.[09:42.88] 若需额外男仆时That when an extra footman is required, 他的工钱从我工资里扣the cost could come out of my wages. 不行我决不允许Absolutely not. I couldn't possibly allow that.[09:49.68] 单身汉在这里可是众星捧月A single man outranks the Holy Grail. 不能与您一家共进晚餐实在荣幸之至No, I'm terribly flattered to be dining en famille.[09:58.68] 我想玛丽只是带公爵到处看看而已对吧I expect Mary was just showing the Duke the house. Weren't you? -您是学建筑的吗-没错-Are you a student of architecture? - Mmm, absolutely.[10:09.79] 别絮絮叨叨的伊迪丝Don't be such a chatterbox, Edith.[10:14.11] 格兰瑟姆伯爵的长女和继承人There is no reason why the eldest daughter 成为公爵夫人and heiress of the Earl of Grantham 再合适不过了should not wear a duchess's coronet with honour.[10:21.69] 我想拿点吃的给贝茨先生I thought I'd take something up to Mr Bates,[10:25.60] 去吧给他送吃的吧No, take him whatever he might need.[10:29.40] 我不介意多做一些...I don't mind doing a bit of extra work... 这不是你能决定的It's not up to you. 让我来服侍老爷卡森先生行吗I'll take care of his lordship. Shall I, Mr Carson? 不行你还得照顾公爵Not while you're looking after the Duke, you won't.[10:39.33] 安顿好了记得告诉我们Tell us when you're fixed. 写封信来Just... drop us a line. 不然我会担心的Else I'll worry.[10:49.41] 若能再逗留片刻我将不胜感激I should be grateful if we could stay just a minute more. 还有些事想请教I have... I have something to ask you.[10:54.57] 尽管艰难但我确无此意It pains me to say it, but I am.[10:58.24] 您要放弃所有家产吗You'll give up your entire estate? 将您夫人的财产也交给一个陌生人吗Your wife's money into the bargain, to a perfect stranger? 您都不反抗吗You won't even put up a fight?[11:08.20] 金龟婿没上钩吗So he slipped the hook?[11:11.32] 你知道我的使命决不会变Well, you know how I'm fixed. 我得娶一位继承人I have to have an heiress,[11:18.48] 我们之间似乎没有We don't seem to have the basis 发展主仆恋情的可能不是吗of a servant-master relationship, do we? 你来此不就是为了与我相会You came here to be with me.[11:25.46] 记住孤燕不成夏And one swallow doesn't make a summer.[11:29.76] 一段年少无知的风流韵事Because of a youthful dalliance? 伦敦社交忙季的数周缱绻A few weeks of madness in a London season? 你不会要拿这些事威胁我吧You wouldn't hold that against me, surely?[11:37.51] 我母亲一直叮嘱我You know, my mother's always telling me 别留下白纸黑字的明证never put anything in writing. 如今多亏了你我会引以为戒的And now, thanks to you, I never will again.[11:45.28] 不理解也罢唐顿是我的家族祖业Well, why should you? Downton is in my blood and in my bones. 又不是你的It's not in yours.[11:51.14] 别得了便宜还卖乖Don't pretend to be a child because it suits you. 你觉得她跟慕钱而来的人结婚会幸福吗Do you think she would've been happy with a fortune hunter? 也许会呢She might've been.[11:59.47] 老爷要赶上这班火车的话我们得走了We ought to go, my lord, if His Grace is to catch the train.Downton-Abbey-0102[00:00.00] 我先去帮泰勒先生搬行李I'll just give Mr Taylor a hand with the cases. -我能... -谢谢你莫斯利-I can... - Thank you, Molesley.[00:05.20] 妈妈格兰瑟姆伯爵不幸发现Mother, Lord Grantham has made the unwelcome discovery 他的继承人是一名中产阶级律师that his heir is a middle-class lawyer 是一名中产阶级的医生的儿子and the son of a middle-class doctor.[00:11.16] 我们的新侍从就你一个人吗So, are you the whole of our new household?[00:16.22] 林奇咱们从南屋那边回去吧Lynch, I think we'll go back by the South Lodge. 是小姐Very good, my lady.[00:20.64] 好不到哪去她连贴身女仆都没有I shouldn't think much. She hasn't even got a lady's maid. 又不是什么大忌It's not a capital offence. 她有个女仆名叫艾伦She's got a maid, her name's Ellen. -她提前一天到的-她又不是贴身女仆-She came a day earlier. - She's not a lady's maid.[00:29.73] 就是个持家女仆She's just a housemaid that 招之即来缝缝补补fastens hooks and buttons when she has to.[00:34.15] 我们要当他是继承人来服侍吗Are we to treat him as the heir?[00:36.81] 黛西你是没听见还是选择性耳聋Daisy, did you hear me call or have you gone selectively deaf?[00:40.84] 这位是卡森万事打点都少不了他This is Carson. We'd all be lost without him.[00:45.14] 那儿可称不上是医院Well, it isn't really a hospital. 别让克拉克森医生听见您这么说Don't let Dr Clarkson hear you. 他认为那里仅次于圣托马斯医院He thinks it's second only to St Thomas'.[00:53.25] 我父亲提供了场所并出资运营My father gave the building and an endowment to run it. 他其实是给自己树碑立传In a way, he set up his own memorial.[01:00.62] 他们正需要一个They need someone 懂工业法的人who understands industrial law, I'm glad to say. 虽然恐怕大部分业务Although I'm afraid most of it will be 还是遗产分配和产权转让wills and conveyancing.[01:08.16] 还是听我的吧快把那盘腰花端过去No! Listen to me, and take those kidneys up to the server 要不我只能把你敲晕了用脑仁做煎饼before I knock you down and serve your brains as fritters! 是的帕特莫太太Yes, Mrs Patmore.[01:17.85] 下个月的义卖会Well, you could always 你倒是能帮上些忙help with the bring-and-buy sale next month.[01:22.05] 注意到你的肩膀处开线了吗Are you aware the seam at your shoulder is coming apart? 我之前发现了打算睡前缝上I felt it go a bit earlier on. I'll mend it when we turn in.[01:28.94] 我来缝吧I'll do it. 别在意谁没挨过卡森先生骂呢And cheer up, we've all had a smack from Mr Carson. 总有一天你会成为管家You'll be the butler yourself one day,[01:37.96] 到时候你就可以去教训别人了then you'll do the smacking. 我可不会像他那样I could never be like him. 我打赌他家I bet he comes from a line 祖祖辈辈都是给人做管家的of butlers that goes back to the Conqueror. 这是他从业多年的积累He learned his business 你早晚也会学到的and so will you.[01:47.61] 谢谢威廉Thank you, William.[01:50.54] 您对医疗事业真是有心了It's kind of you to take an interest. 这就像战马闻鼓声那种兴奋I'm afraid it's a case of the warhorse and the drum.[01:57.19] 卡劳利医生在I do. I'm familiar with Dr Crawley's 儿童传染病症方面的工作我曾反复拜读work on the symptoms of infection in children.[02:02.85] 恐怕是积水It's dropsy, I'm afraid.[02:06.14] 是肝脏还是心脏Is the dropsy of the liver or the heart? 从各种症状来看是心脏Everything points to the heart.[02:11.92] 她大概会努力让农场维持下去She may try to keep the farm on. 伯爵对佃户向来宽厚Grantham is not a harsh landlord, 可毕竟她家孩子还小but her children are young.[02:19.39] 我负责把衣物送洗I get to take the linen down to the laundry. 差不多就这一件事But that's about all.[02:23.30] "我自己来" 他总是说"I'll do this", he says, "我要拿另一件" "我来系那个""I'll take the other". "I'll tie that". 而我就像个笨蛋一样站在那儿And I'm just stood there like a chump[02:31.58] 她的财产都得扔给这个古怪的年轻人whose fortune must go to this odd young man, 说着什么周末什么工作的who talks about "weekends" and "jobs". 如果玛丽嫁给他一切问题迎刃而解If Mary were to marry him then all would be resolved.[02:41.97] 看什么呢What've you got there? 没什么Nothing.[02:46.12] 可别让休斯太太听见Don't tell Mrs. Hughes 要么她得找牧师给你驱鬼or she'll bring the vicar round to have you exorcised.[02:51.02] 说要帮她和卡劳利先生牵线呢Seems they want to fix her up with Mr. Crawley.[02:55.00] 时候到了Would she have, though,[02:58.17] 有贵客上门拜访I've been paid the compliment of a visit.[03:02.32] 是啊我婆婆生前住时It always seemed rather dark 这儿总乌糟糟的when my mother-in-law lived here. 不过话说回来她能让所有事物都乌糟糟的But then she made everything rather dark.[03:11.49] 我们得告辞了I'm afraid we must be going.[03:14.61] 刚才您自荐时When you made your offer, 我以为您是要来装装样子I thought you might be a "great lady nurse" 见血就要晕了and faint at the sight of blood. 没想到您训练有素But I see you're made of sterner stuff.[03:25.15] 过去几年里许多医生成功地通过用针筒Considerable success have been achieved over the last few years 抽出心包积水并注入肾上腺素的方法by draining the pericardial sac of the excess fluid 治愈了病人and administering adrenaline. 卡劳利夫人感谢您的周全考虑Mrs. Crawley, I appreciate your thoroughness.[03:37.53] 一旦有此先例We would be setting an impossible precedent 村民佃户们一有点头疼脑热when every villager could demand the latest fad in treatment 就都跑来要新疗法了for each new cut and graze. 恕我直言I would remind you that 这可不是头疼脑热we're not talking of a cut or a graze,[03:50.90] 今天有件怪事I've just seen something ever so odd. 不是谁都受得起我伺候的And if anyone thinks I'm going to pull my forelock and curtsey 尤其是这位不速之客to this mr Nobody from Nowhere... 奥布瑞恩O'Brien! 你说的是卡劳利先生吗Were you discussing Mr. Crawley?[04:03.69] 这是我新晚礼服掉的扣子This is the button we're missing from my new evening coat. 我在碎石路上找到的I found it lying on the gravel.[04:08.59] 您没想让他You never wanted him to... 你真是太过分了奥布瑞恩You're sailing perilously close to the wind, O'Brien.[04:14.32] 我上楼休息了更衣时叫醒我Now I'm going up to rest. Wake me at the dressing gown.[04:19.10] 这样不公平至少在仆人大堂不该这样I don't think that's fair, not here in the servant's hall.[04:23.18] 她要是真高贵就不会屈尊下楼If she was a real lady, she wouldn't have come down here. 摇铃叫我去拿纽扣不就行了She'd have rung for me and given me the button, that's all. 这不是她的地盘我们说什么她管不着This isn't her territory. We can say what we like down here.[04:31.56] 收敛点托马斯Don't push your luck, Thomas.[04:35.23] 我们只是下人We're servants, you and me. 领工钱伺候主子再没别的And they pay us to do as we're told, that's all.[04:41.18] -能让我... -我能行-May I... - I can manage. 我那对袖扣呢Now where have I put my cuff links? -我寻思帮您换对试试-就要平常那对-I thought these would make a change. - I want my usual ones.[04:52.22] 跟茜玻和我没有关系It makes no difference to Sybil and me. 反正遗产没我们的份We won't inherit, whatever happens.[04:58.63] 他不上档次He isn't one of us. 弗雷迪堂哥也学法律Cousin Freddie's studying for the bar,[05:03.64] 亲爱的玛丽不是在什么里彭的破烂事务所工作Not sitting at a dirty little desk in Ripon.[05:07.53] 我们也需要清道夫和马车夫We all need crossing sweepers and draymen, too. 并不意味着我们必须与之共餐It doesn't mean we have to dine with them.[05:12.14] 茜玻乖女儿Sybil, be a dear 去把我的黑色晚披肩拿过来and fetch my black evening shawl. 奥布瑞恩知道是哪条O'Brien knows which one. 伊迪丝去看看客厅布置好没有And, Edith, can you see that the drawing room's ready?[05:22.51] 我不相信一个女人能被迫将她所有积蓄I don't believe a woman can be forced to give away all her money 交给她丈夫的远房亲戚to a distant cousin of her husband's. 现在是二十世纪了简直荒谬之极Not in the 20th century. It's too ludicrous for words. 不是你想的那么简单It's not as simple as that. 这些积蓄已经不属于我了The money isn't mine any more. 它早已成为家业的一部分It forms a part of the estate.[05:36.33] 真没想到Oh, you amaze me! 他正在为您的一位佃农约翰·德雷克治疗积水He's treating one of your tenants, John Drake, for dropsy,[05:44.25] 请告知林奇他会安排一切just let Lynch know and he'll sort it out for you. 爸爸马修表亲不骑马的Oh, Papa, Cousin Matthew doesn't ride.[05:50.49] 我在为他们更换甜点I'm changing round the dessert services. 我们还缺一个糖筛我记得拿出去三个We're missing a sugar sifter. I know I put three out.[05:57.45] 是啊她也许是对的我会留心的Ah. Yeah, she may have a point. I'll keep an eye out. 找到了Here it is.[06:06.67] 真的吗玛丽Really, Mary, 一会儿我们得需要嗅盐了we'll all need our smelling salts in a minute.[06:13.63] 你不知道灰熊舞吗Don't you know the Grizzly Bear? 灰熊舞难道你知道The Grizzly Bear! As if you do. 我当然知道Certainly, I do. 奥布瑞恩太太我们来演示一下吧Miss O'Brien, shall we show them?[06:22.20] 别干那种蠢事了小心关节扭脱臼Stop that silly nonsense before you put your joints out. 去看看炉灶然后上床睡觉See to the range and go to bed.[06:29.90] 很抱歉玛丽今晚如此刻薄I'm sorry Mary was rather sharp this evening. 我与玛丽表亲是否注定成为密友还未可知I doubt Cousin Mary and I are destined to be close friends. 我不怪她I don't blame her.[06:39.81] 如果说为玛丽着想What would you say 驳回这限定继承权你会怎么想呢if the entail were set aside in Mary's favour?[06:46.94] 看看这刮痕Look at that scratch. 他们去伦敦的时候我得把刮痕弄掉I'll have to get that sorted out when they're up in London. -几乎看不见-我知道它在那里-You can hardly see it. - Well, I'll know it's there.[06:57.07] 不过要是他们想要撮合他们Although they won't make a match between them 我看是没戏if that's what they're thinking.[07:01.44] 卡森先生为什么让你做这活儿Why does Mr Carson let you do that? 因为我爸曾是个钟表匠Because my dad was a clockmaker. 你当真向他请求做克劳利家的贴身侍从吗Did you really ask him for the job at the Crawleys'?[07:11.64] 我当够了男仆I'm sick of being a footman. 我宁愿做个男仆I'd rather be a footman than 也不愿伺候一个骨子里的下等人wait on someone who ought to be a footman himself. 但是卡森先生不应该告诉贝茨But Mr Carson shouldn't have told Bates. 格兰夫人怎么样了How are things with Lady G?[07:25.17] "夫人夫人你来看三个口袋鼓囊囊"[儿歌《黑羊毛》]"Yes, my lady. No, my lady. Three bags full." 我倒是想把她塞到鼓鼓囊囊的麻袋里I'd like to give her three bags full, 最好是月黑风高的晚上preferably on a dark night.[07:32.25] 你会递上辞呈吗Will you hand in your notice? 好让她给我提供不好的推荐吗我可不想And let her ruin me with a nasty reference? Oh, I think not.[07:39.38] 你看到宅邸高深摇摇欲坠You see a million bricks that may crumble, 水管年久失修残破不堪a thousand gutters and pipes that may block and leak, 残垣断壁捱不过酷寒严霜and stone that will crack in the frost. 但您不这么看吧But you don't?[07:50.64] 都去村子里了They've gone down to the village. 下午有四处云游的商贩在酒馆卖东西Some travelling salesman's set up at the pub for the afternoon.[07:57.14] 你应该要求加薪You should put in for a raise.[07:59.92] 因为查理·卡森才是这里的管家Because Charlie Carson's the butler round here.[08:04.24] 我本想让他呆在楼下I tried to stick him downstairs, 以避人耳目卡森先生但是他不愿意out of sight, Mr Carson, but he wouldn't come. 谢谢你想得很周到Yes, thank you. That was thoughtful.[08:10.53] 我们是剧院的双人戏表演者We were a double act, on the halls. 你曾经登过台You were on the stage?[08:17.83] 我们可受欢迎了是吧We did quite well, didn't we? 那是在你手脚不干净以前Until you couldn't keep your hands out of the till. 你想让我们回避吗卡森先生Would you like us to go, Mr Carson? 不必了你现在都知道了No. You know it now. 见证我的丑事也无妨了You might as well bear witness to my shame.[08:31.00] 他几天前突然在He turned up in the village 村子里露面一路在逃with no warning some days ago, on the run, 寻找一个藏身之处当然还要钱asking for somewhere to hide and, of course, for money.[08:39.26] 他因几项盗窃罪He is wanted for some 被通缉当然他罪有应得petty crime of which he is, of course, guilty. 悠着点儿说Steady on.[08:44.61] 碍于我的虚荣与骄傲我满足了他的要求And in my vanity and pride, I gave him what he wanted. 你才没有You did not![08:51.96] 我把他安排在闲置的村舍I put him in an empty cottage 从厨房里给他带去食物and fed him from the kitchens.[08:56.44] 卡森没有必要搞得这么戏剧化Really, Carson, there's no need to be quite so melodramatic. 悉尼·卡尔顿:狄更斯《双城记》中的人物你又不是在演悉尼·卡尔顿You're not playing Sydney Carton.。
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