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01年 1月托福听力文字

Truth maybe oppressed, not suppressed!

Part A

1. W: Jane was really upset that you didn’t invite her to the graduation ceremony.

M: well, you know. They only let you invite four people. But as it turns out my brother can go after all. And she is the next in my list. Q: what does the man mean?

2. M: Do you know what time the train goes into the city?

W: Normally it’s every 20 minutes. But, this’s weekend, so I’m not sure. Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?

3. M: Could you do me a favor? I really need to get this notebook to Kathy, and I know she’s in your chemistry class this afternoon, so I was wondering.

W: Not a problem. Consider it done(包在我身上 .

Q: What will the woman probably do?

4. W: There you are. Finally, we’d better get mov ing if we expected to get a seat.

The lectures start in fifteen minutes. And we still have a long walk ahead of us.

M: These things never start on time. And anyway, I don’t think it would be crowded.

Q: What does the man imply?

5. W: I studied French in high school, but I never really learned it until I spent the summer in Paris.

M: Really using the language makes all the differences, doesn’t it?

Q: What does the man imply?

6. W: I wait it until midnight for your call last night. You know I really need those notes.

M: Oh, I am so sorry. I get caught up on a conversation my roommate and completely

forgot. But you know what, I get there right here.

Q: What will the man probably do?

7. M: Can you believe that doctor Foster actually giving us an extra week to hand in the papers?

W: That’s time I can certainly use. Believe me, I am not even the half way through.

Q: What does the woman mean?

8. W: My parents want to come visit next weekend, but I check every hotel in the area, and all seem to be full.

M: Why not ca ll the Coside inn, it’s not so near the campus but it’s always get a few vacancy.

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

9. M: I heard you’re looking for someone to pick up your mail when you

are away the conference next week.

W: Oh, could you?

Q: What the woman want the man to do?

10. M: I just got back from the campus bookstore, every single textbook I need in

this semester is sold out.

W: That what you get the waiting until the day class begin.

Q: What does the woman imply?

11. M: I’m sorry, I shouldn’t volunteer to help you memorize your lines to the play,

I still haven’t finish writing my essay.

W: That’s ok. Sue said she will help me rehearse if you couldn’t do it. Q :What will the woman probably do next?

12. M: You know, I was really hoping to get that journalism internship at the times. But I was only two weeks before start. And I still haven’t heard from them.

W: Don’t worry about it. They must be plenty of other places would be happy

to have you.

Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?

13. M: you know, Tim’s acting really funny lately, every since they won that tennis tournament last week and got photograph in the local paper. Well, he is kind of change, like he is hard to talk now.

W :yeah, I know what you mean, I guess it’s all going to his head(冲昏了头 .

Q: What does the woman say about Tim?

14. W: if I can keep up the pace, I will graduate in just 3 years. M: That may be true, but I never want to give up my summer breaks. Q: What does the man imply?
