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1. Make yourself a priority优先考虑自己

If you don’t take care of yourself, nobody else will. You have to be number one. All things in your life stem from your happiness. Be someone who makes you happy!


2. Enjoy the small things享受生活中的那些小事

Take walks more often. Stop and look at a babbling brook. Sit in an oversized chair at Barnes & Noble and read a great book. Observe an elderly couple holding hands. Life is made up of these small and seemingly insignificant things. They aren’t insignificant. Be sure to take the time to appreciate them.


3. Get outside留恋户外

Being outdoors is good for you. Soak in the sunlight, get those endorphins kicking, and enjoy the beauty that nature offers.


4. Be confident in who you are对自己要有自信

Every person is unique and special in their own way. Understanding this early in life is critical. Be proud of who you are and don’t be afraid to let the world know it.


5. Take calculated risks承担可估算的风险

Life is a series of risks and rewards. Be smart with your risks and understand the consequences.


6. Focus on the present关注当下

Worrying to a certain degree about your future is normal, but don’t overlook the power of being in the present moment. You can’t change

the past, but you can control what you do right now.


7. Stop caring about what people think of you别在意别人对你的看法

Fear of criticism is one of the most destructive fears known to humanity. It can debilitate you to the point paralysis. Learn early in life that it doesn’t matter what people think of you. It really doesn’t. And besides, people are too worried about what you think about them to care about you!


8. Remember that people are good at heart记住人性本善

Being a lifelong cynic can and will make your life an uphill climb. Recognize that people are inherently good and you will embrace relationships in a far greater capacity.


9. Be a positive person积极向上

Make being positive a habit early in life. Your success in life will come from your thoughts and your thoughts can be either negative or positive. Only you can control which you choose.


10. Let go of negative influences远离负面影响

Avoid bad situations, unhealthy relationships, and people who make your life worse. Letting go of a good friend who is going to drag you down is a difficult yet intelligent decision. Failure to do so can negatively affect where you end up in life.


11. Surround yourself with positive people与积极向上的人为友

Jim Rohn said "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with". And it’s completely true. If you want to be a success,
