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现已捉拿归案的有: with together/along with except/but/ besides/in addition to including not rather than like
A with/including/in addition to B + 谓语(A)
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
部落二: 意义一致
Rule: 谓语动词的人称和数取决于主语的 实际意义。
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
Subject-verb Agreement
Learning goals:
At the end of the lesson, you’ll be able to 1. Define the subject-verb agreement. 2. Identify the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject in number and person(人称和数). 3. Learn the rules to form sentences keeping the agreement.
E.g. (1) Each of the shows is (be) very popular. (2) Neither of the books on the table belongs(belong) to me. (3) Everybody wants (want) to attend the meeting.
3. 在表示数量的one and a half 后, 名词要用复数形式, 而谓语 动词应用 单数 . • One and a half bananas is (be) on the table.
4. 在主谓倒装的句子中, 谓语与其后的主语保持一致. • Between the two windows hangs (hang) a picture.
2. 学科; 时间,金钱,距离,度量
学科名称做主语时, 谓语动词用 单数 形式。
主语为表示时间,金钱,距离,度量时,即使其中的名词为复数形式, 谓语动词也用 单数 形式。
E.g. (1)Physics plays(play) an important part in our daily life. (2) Ninety minutes is (be) not enough for audience to enjoy their singing. (3) Fifty yuan has (have) been spent on the tickets. (4) Ten miles is (be) not far away.
about it. (2)Not only he but also I am (be) going to Shanghai next
2. There be...
在此句型中,若主语是一系列的人或事物,谓语动词与最近 的主语保持一致。
E.g. (1) There is (be) a pen, a knife and several books on the desk.
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
5. each/neither/either + of + 复数名词
each/neither/either + of + 复数名词或代词 在句中作主语时, 谓语动词应用 单数 。
由any-, some-, no-, every- 构成的不定代词作主语时,谓语 动词用 单数 。
部落三: 就近一致
Rule: 谓语动词的人称和数由最靠近 它的主语保持一致。
1. 部分连词
not only...but also...
neither...nor... not...but...
E.g. (1)Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
4. 成双成套组
Chopsticks, glasses, shoes, gloves, scissors… 这一类的词做主语,谓语用复数。
但如果与 a/the pair of 等连用,跟pair的人称和数保持 一致。 • The pair of glasses makes Sha Baoliang more charming. • Two pairs of shoes are put in the suitcase.
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
Practice right now
1. Tom and Lucy are (be) both my friends. 2. The singer and dancer oftenattends (attend) our evening party. 3. He like you and Xiao Liu is (be)very clever. 4. A pair of scissors in addition to two knives is (be) necessary. 5. Many a boy likes (like) playing basketball.
• A quantity of time is (be) needed to finish the task.
• Large quantities of moneyhave (have/has) been spent on the experiment.
2. 动名词或不定式作主语,谓语用 单数 . • Playing the piano is very interesting. • To see is (be) to believe.
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
2. as well as 狐假虎威系列
E.g. The teacher as well as her students is fond of popular music very much.
A as well as B : 谓语动词 A
(2) There are (be) three boys and a girl in the park.
1. 数词与量词作主语 ➢ the rest of/ all of/ most of/ part of/ half of/ …percent of/ one third of +
1. 变色龙 and
表示不同的人或事物,谓语用 复数 。 E.g. John and Marry are both my classmates.
表示同一人或事物,谓语用 单数 。(此时and后名词前面 没有冠词)
E.g. The poet and writer has come.
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
名词 作主语,谓语动词取决于of 后面的名词。 • One third of the members are (be) in favor of the plan. • Half of the work has (have) been done.
➢ a number of + 名词复数作主语,谓语用复数; the number of + 名词复 数作主语, 谓语用单数.
• Please finish Task 1 and Task 2 on your paper.
5. “one of + 复数名词+定语从句” 结构中, 定语从句的谓语 动词用 复数形式; 而在“the only one of + 复数名词 + 定语从 句”结构中, 定语从句的谓语动词用 单数。 • She is one of my friends who are (be) very tall. • She is the only one of my friends whohas (have) been to
3. the + 姓氏名词的复数/ adj.
the + 姓氏名词的复数,表示“一家人”或“… 夫妇”;the+adj. 表示“一类人”,谓语动词 应用 复数 形式。
E.g. (1) The Greens are (be) watching the football match now.
(2) The injured were (be) saved after the fire last night.
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
部落一: 语法一致
Rule: 主语单数,则谓语单数; 主语复数,则 谓语复数。
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25百度文库PPT)
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
3. more than one ; many a/an 虚张声势组
虽然概念上表示“许多”,但谓语仍 用 单数 。
E.g. Many a boy likes playing basketball.
More than one student was (be) late yesterday.
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
• family • team • class • crowd • group
1. 集体名词
1. 强调整体,谓语动词用 单数 。
2. 强调整体中的成员,谓语动 词用 复数 。
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
• Our family is (be) a big one. • Our family watch (watch) I AM A SINGER every day.
人教高中英语必修1Unit1Subject-ver b Agreement(共25张PPT)
• A number of people are (be) present at the meeting. • The number of the members in the club is (be)500.
➢a (large) quantity of ; (large) quantities of + 可数名词/不可数 名词 作主语, 谓语动词的单复数取决于quantity 的单复数.