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北师大版高中英语必修 4 Unit10 Lesson1 说课稿

Unit 10 Money

Lesson1 A Material World

m glad to stand here to share some of my teaching ideas with Good morning, everyone! Today I’

you. My topic is “A Material World “lesson one of Unit10 Model 4 by Beijing Normal University Publishing House .It is made up of five parts. At first, I would like talk about the teaching material.

I .The teaching material

and the title of this article is “AMaterial World”. By The headline of this unit is “Money” 

the students learn different lifestyles of some millionaires, learn some studying this unit, we’ll make

western people’s

attitudes towards money and help students build up correct attitudes towards money.

After analyzing the teaching material, I will talk about the teaching aims.

ⅡTeaching aims

Knowledge aims.

(1) Let students understand the content of the article

(2) Let students master several phrases:

(3) Let students read a text to find out some specific facts

Ability aims:

, speaking, and reading abilities. Especially the abilities of reading (1)To develop the Ss’ listening

and speaking

(2) To develop students’ awareness of cooperation

(3) To use the information from the text to finish some exercises

Emotion aims:

By learning this lesson, students can learn different lifestyles of some millionaires and different ideas about money, thus they can build up correct attitude towards money. That is the emotional aims. To achieve the above goals, I will use the following methods .They are

Ⅲ.Teaching methods

1. Listening, reading and peaking

2.Discussion and cooperation

3. task-based teaching 4 students-centered methods 5. Conclusion

Ⅳ.Teaching aids:

In the process of teaching, I will use the following teaching aids: the multimedia, a tape recorder

and the blackboard

V. The teaching procedure

The teaching procedure consists of several steps:

Step1.Greeatings and Leading- in

1. T: I will greet the class as usual .Then, I will take a note of one hundred yuan to arise students' learning interest and ask them what it is, and the student will say“money”. After that, I’ll show pictures of two millionaires: LiJiacheng and Bill Gates. Let students guess who they are? Then ask students to answer the following questions. Do you want to be a millionaire? Why or why not? Before answering the questions, to make students take active part in the activity, I’ll divide the whole class into six groups. Meanwhile, a column is made to do the assessment .A star will be given to each good performance. Then give students 4 minutes to exchange their ideas with their partners. And ask some volunteers to present their opinions .After that, students will form different
