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Small ball and her family, classmates, very cute. When I was young, my hair in a fairly long period of time is our moms favor
小丸子和她的家人,同学,都很可 爱。小时候,小丸子的发型在相当 长一段时间内被我们的妈妈们青睐 。
让我们再来听听,那句“休息,休息一会”。Let's listen to, the phrase " rest, rest for a while".
《黑猫警长》,想起白猫班 长的死,依然很心痛。
" Black cat sir", monitor 's death still let me heartache.
《神奇宝贝》,当然少不了最可爱的皮卡丘,和它的同伴们。 " The magical baby", little of course not the most loveable Pikachu, and its companios it right? You also hope to have a peaceful star?
我把它叫着“牛皮糖”,因为看上去还有点像。I called it" Mac", because still look like.
一只姓“兔”被叫着“八哥”的美国兔子。A surname " rabbit" called" Pug" the American rabbit.
男生们最喜爱的《数码宝贝》,现在依然很喜欢太一和他的亚古兽 The boys favorite" Digimon", still love too and his digimon 。
《灌篮高手》,最中间那个肯定是樱木花道 ~! " Slam master", the intermediate that is certainly Sakuragi hanamichi ~!
小学时代,小燕子在女生中很流行,《还珠 格格》似乎是我们最早接触的爱情~
Primary school age, little swallow in girls is very popular," Huanzhugege" appears to be the earliest we contact you
NO.2 零食篇 NO.2: 零食篇
我清晰的还记得,那“嘭”的一声。孩子们每次经过都会馋馋的盯着 ... I clearly remember, that the "bang". The children each time after all greedy stares at ...
大大泡泡糖,是当时的国内泡泡糖的知名品牌。嚼啊嚼啊嚼啊, 嚼到没味道了,就可以吹泡泡了。Big bubble gum, bubble gum at the time of the domestic famous brand. Chew it ah chew, chew to did not have the flavor, can blow bubbles.
这种饮料现在已经绝迹了……This beverage has now disappeared ... ...
是一种很神奇且我至今还不 知其名的糖,很喜欢当时嘴 里卟卟声放炮仗的感觉。Is a very amazing and I still don't know its name sugar, like the mouth offers offers sound put firecracker.
永远也长不大的蜡笔小新,和他的小白。 Never grow crayon Shinchan, and his white.
可能现在的孩子只知道有“海尔”牌的冰箱。Now children only know" Haier " brand refrigerator.
一个头比爸爸头大的儿子和一个头比儿子头小的爸爸之间的小故事。A head than his father big head son and a head than his son small head dad between small story.
卖了这么多年,“咪咪”还是五毛钱一袋... Sell so many years," Mimi" or five cents a bag ...
一种被我们叫着“猪耳朵”的三无零食... A kind of be called " pig's ear" 3 without snacks ...
“爷爷”级的棒棒冰,不知道现在还有没有。" Grandpa" level ice Bang Bang, I do not know is there any.
《葫芦娃》,7个一出生就要打妖怪的孩子。现在依然还记得它的歌词。 " The bottle gourd child". 7 born to play the devil's child. Still remember it lyric..
I remember to seaman had vigorously food will become very strong, and we were all very envious of reality is there really such a dish ... ... 我还记得大力水手吃了大力菜就 会变得很大力,而且我们当时都 很羡慕现实中真的有这样的菜 ……
不知道,我的“蜘蛛王斑马号”还能不能跑... I don't know," spider zebra" can not run ...
我认为这是在我们学校使用率最高的手机铃声!I think it is in our school to use the highest rate of mobile phone ringtones!