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Look! This is a picture of my (教室).There is a (灯), a (风扇),a (窗户),

a (门),many (桌子)and (椅子)in it.


( )1.How many people are there in your family?

A.There are seven. B.They are 3 yuan. C.It’s three.

( )2.Who’s that woman?

A.She’my aunt. B.He’s my uncle. C.He’s my brother.

( )3.Are they students?

A.No, it isn’t. B.Yes, they are. C.They are look young. ( )4.My family three member?

A. is B.has C.have

( )5.What’s brother?

A.your B.you C.he

( )6.I’m going to a baseball player ?

A.am B.is C.be

( )7.people are there in your famliy?

A.How much B.How many C.How old

( )8.you tomorrow?

A.See B.Look C.Watch

( )9.Help yourself?

A.Thank you B.See you C.Oops

( )10.It ’s sunny today. Put your hat.

A.in B.up C.on

( )11.Look at the cat. It a long tail.

A.is B.have C.has

( )12.Look at the this dog . It so small.

A.is B.have C.has

( )13.Welcome our school.

A.for B.to C.on

( )14.There four armchairs and a sofa in this room.

A.is B.am C.are

( )15.How many are there in your family?

A.people B.peoples C.the people

( )16.Where the canteen?

A.is B.are C.am

( )17.I like this .

A.one B.first C.is

( )18.Let’s there.

A.go to B.go C.going

( )19.I like .

A.paint B.painting C.paints

( )20.I have apple.

A.a B.an C./

( )21.-----Mum, can I play footboll?

-----Of course. But you must be home 5 ’colck.

A.by B.in C.at

( )22. This is playground.

A.our B.us C.we

( )23.I like this computer . I don’t like that .

A.one B.first C.two

( )24. Go to the playground, and play football.

A.the B./ C.a

( )25. What a lot of.

A.fan B.fun C.funny

( )26. We have art room.

A.an B./ C.a

( )27.Let ’ s go have a look.

A. in B.and C.at

( )28.that a picture?

A.Am B.Are C.Is

( )29.It’s time lunch.

A.to B.for C.have

( )30.When the moon,our school will shine.

A.go up B.goes up C.going up

( )31.Wendy is sleeping her clock.

A.from B.on C.beside

( )32.I’m late school.

A.for B.to C.at

( )33.Breakfast is .

A.ready B.read C.really

( )34.It’s time English class.

A.for B.to C.of

( )35.Let ’ s go the playground.

A. to B.on C.in

( )36.It’s time read story-books.

A.for B.to C.of

( )37.These my jeans.

A.is B.am C.are

( )38.This my dress.

A.is B.am C.are

( )39.There’s a map the wall..

A.on B.at C.in

( )40.What’s your classroom.

A.on B.at C.in

( )41.It’s 10 o’clock. It’s time go to school.

A.for B.to C./

( )42.way ,please.

A.This B.this C.This is
