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【关键词】药品管理;信息化; WEB

Design and Implementation of Pharmacy Medicines

Management System

[Abstract]Now with the development of computer technology and popularization, people from all walks of life management agencies began to use a computer to process a large number of information. In our country's drug variety, the scale is very great, in the past, the manual records, inquires the easy operation error and work efficiency is low, can not be adapt to the requirement of The Times development already, from management point of view, the managers can cause many inconvenience, and may neglect some details.In order to solve the present pharmacy medicines management in the prevalence of low efficiency, management owe science problem, through the demand analysis, feasibility analysis, the use of computer technology, network technology, communication technology based on WEB design a set of pharmacy medicines management system, this system includes user management,

procurement management, inventory management, system maintenance function. This set of system put into use can improve pharmacy medicines management work efficiency and achieve a medicines information, scientific management, and the operation is simple, easy to human-computer interaction, the application prospect of widely.

[Keywords]Medicines Management; Informatization;WEB


1前言 (1)

2系统需求分析 (2)

2.1药房药品管理的现状分析 (2)

2.2药房药品管理系统建立的目的和意义 (2)

2.3系统需求研究 (2)

2.4经济可行性研究 (3)

2.5技术可行性研究 (4)

2.5.1数据库—MySQL Server 5.5 (4)

2.5.2设计前台语言——html和struts2标签 (5)

2.5.3开发平台——JSP (6)

2.5.4系统架构——B/S模式和三层系统架构 (7)

2.5操作可行性研究 (9)

3系统概要设计 (10)

3.1设计思想 (10)

3.2设计原则 (10)

3.3系统功能 (11)

3.3.1系统用户前端模块的主要功能 (12)

3.3.2系统后台模块的主要功能 (12)

3.4数据库设计 (13)

3.4.1数据库的概要设计 (13)

3.4.2药房药品管理系统总体E-R图 (14)

3.4.3数据库的详细设计 (14)

3.4.4数据库配置 (19)

4系统详细设计 (24)

4.1设计思想及流程图 (24)

4.1.1添加新用户流程图 (24)

4.1.2系统登陆流程图 (25)

4.1.3添加新药流程图 (25)

4.1.4药品入库流程图 (26)

4.1.5处方录入流程图 (27)

4.1.6药师配药流程图 (27)

4.1.7审核员发药流程图 (27)

5系统的实现 (28)

5.1药房药品管理系统前端实现 (28)

5.1.1采购员模块 (28)

5.1.2药库管理员模块 (29)

5.1.3医生模块 (30)

5.1.4药师模块 (31)

5.1.5审核员模块 (32)

5.1.6找回密码模块 (34)

5.2系统管理员后台实现 (36)
