现代大学英语听力1 课堂听力Unit 3

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T ask 1


1) Her hobby is sky-diving. She jumps from an aeroplane and falls through the air. She opens her parachute only when she is very close to the ground.

2) He wants to organize a band.

3) To win.


My hobby is sky-diving. Do you know what that is? I jump from an aeroplane and fall through the air. I open my parachute only when I‘m very close to the ground. Of course it‘s rather dangerous. Perhaps that‘s why I enjoy it. I think it‘s fun. V ery few women do it. But we‘re just as good at it as men.

I‘m very interested in music. In my free time I play and listen to it. I can play the guitar and the flute. I enjoy all kinds of music but my favorite is folk music. Good folk music. I like classical music, too. But I prefer folk music. I‘d like to have my own group some day.

I love all kinds of sports but my favorite is tennis. But I don‘t enjoy watching it. I only enjoy playing it. And when I play I want to win. That‘s very important. I hate losing!

T ask 2



1) F, 2) F, 3) T, 4) T


She was taught where to sit in the aeroplane, how to jump out, how to guide the parachute, and how to land safely on the ground.


I made my first parachute jump because I had read an article about it and I had always wanted to try it.

Before the jump I went to six training classes. I was taught where to sit in the aeroplane, how to jump out, how to guide the parachute, and how to land on the ground safely.

On the big day I was very nervous. The weather was cloudy, but the pilot thought it was all right, so the two of us (the instructor and I) got into the aeroplane with the pilot, and Helen Gray got into the other. (She wanted to take some parachuting photographs.) We took off and climbed to 1000 metres. I was really very frightened waiting for the big moment! Then the instructor told me to jump. I looked out of the open door and saw the ground below. It was the most terrifying moment of my life! I closed my eyes and jumped.

It was a great relief when the parachute opened! I looked up and saw the orange canopy. Below me was the landing area. It was really beautiful falling peacefully through the air. I landed well and waited for the instructor. Then we picked up our parachutes and went off to have a coffee and talk about the jump.

Parachuting is definitely more exciting than other things I have done before — like mountain climbing and sailing —and it‘s more fun, too. I‘m going to make my second jump next week.



1) a, 2) c


a – c – b


When I was seven years old, my family grew our first square watermelon. No one had ever seen a square watermelon before, so it became an instant celebrity. People visited our garden to see the unusual fruit, and I even took it to school for show-and-tell.

What‘s so great about square watermelons? Well, besi des their odd shape, the melons stack nicely, fit in the refrigerator, and won‘t roll off the table.

Whenever people ask how they can grow their own square watermelons, my dad tells them to ―use square seeds‖. Truthfully, though, my dad discovered the key to square fruit by accident.

Every summer we plant a small vegetable garden. To keep the young fruit from rotting on the moist ground, my dad props them on cinder blocks. In 1996, we returned from vacation to find a young melon stuck in the centre of a cinder block. The watermelon had grown inside the block until it was wedged too tightly to remove.

―We didn‘t want to kill it, so we just left it there,‖ my father remembers. ―At harvest time when we broke the cinder block, we found a perfectly healthy melon — but it was also perfectly square.‖

Since that summer my family has been growing square watermelons on purpose.

T ask 4



Name: Matthew Treharne

Age: 10

Hometown: Cambridgeshire, in the east of England

A ward: a black belt for karate

Time of getting this award: this summer

Time of starting practicing karate: 6 years ago

Reason practicing karate: He liked it and he wanted to be strong

Other sport he plays: football and rugby


1) He gives his karate shows near his home in Cambridgeshire.

2) He gives the money away.

3) It was used to buy a heart ventilator, a special machine for people with weak hearts.


Philip: My special visitor today is Matthew Treharn e, one of this year‘s Children of Courage. Good afternoon, Matthew.

Matthew: Good afternoon.

Philip: Where do you come from, Matthew?

Matthew: From Cambridgeshire, in the east of England.

Philip: Now you‘ve got a black belt for karate, haven‘t you?
