
最新广州版小学三年级英语上册教案(全册)最新广州版三年级英语上册教案(全册)Module 1 Greetings!Unit 1 Hello!一、教学内容:unit 1 Dialogue: Hello!二、教学目标:1.能掌握以下“两会”内容:单词:hello, Mr, hi I, am, this is my brother, name,句型:What’s your name? I am….. / My name is …….2.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话3.能掌握A~G七个大小写字母的读和写三、教学重点:单词、对话的理解和掌握。
四、教学难点:1.Gg的正确发音2.字母Bb, Dd的发音与书写区别3. 对话中语言点的掌握:I’m ……..My name is…….What is your name? / My name is ……..五、教学过程:(一):Teaching of the first, second and third dialogues1、Leading-in: 教师自我介绍:Hello, class. I’m Miss Huang.I’m your new teacher. Nice tomeet you. OK. Let’s begin ourEnglish lesson. Please open yourbooks and turn to page 2.2、Teaching of the first and second dialogues:Ask the students to look at the first picture and guess what are the people doing, and then the teacher introduce the way of greeting others in English “ Hello, xxx.” and“ Hi, xxx.”(Ask them to pay more attention to the people’s gesture)3、Teaching of the third dialogue:Ask the students to look at the third picture and guess what are the people doing (they are shaking hands) and ask them when will people shake hands with each other (when they meet each other for the first time), so as to introduce three language focuses:Introduce oneself: “I’m xxx. / My name’s xxx.”Introduce others: “This is xxx.”4、Reading of the dialogues:First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun. Students just listen carefully. Next, students read after the teacher.And then, they read aloud.5、Practice of the new language focuses:The teacher asks one student his/her name. The student answers and then he/she introduce his/her deskmate to the teacher.T: Hello, what is your name?S: I’m xxx /My name is xxx. This is xxx.T: Hello, xxx and xxx.S: Hello, Miss Huang.(二)、Teaching of the first seven letters: A~G1. Students sing ABC song together.2. Make use of the letter cards and teach the students how towrite the seven letters correctly one by one.3. Ask them to compare the small letters “b” and“d”, capitalletters “ E” and “F” ang not to mix them.六Homework:1.抄写A~G七个大小写字母,准备明天听写;2. 读所学对话三遍。

Module 1 Greetings!Unit 1 Hello!一、教学内容:unit 1 Dialogue: Hello! (第|一课时)二、教学目标:1.能掌握以下"两会〞内容:单词:hello, Miss,Ms, hi, moring,句型:Good morning./ Goodbye.2.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话3.能掌握A~G七个大小写字母的读和写三、教学重点:单词、对话的理解和掌握.四、教学难点:1.Gg的正确发音2.字母Bb, Dd的发音与书写区别3. 对话中语言点的掌握:Good evening./ Good afternoon.五、教学过程:(一):Teaching of the first, second and third dialogues1、Leading -in: 教师自我介绍:Hello, class. I ,m Miss Zhan. I ,m your newteacher. Nice to meet you. OK. Let ,s begin our English lesson. Please open your books and turn to page 2.2、Teaching of the first and second dialogues:Ask the students to look at the first picture and guess what are the people doing, and then the teacher introduce the way of greeting othersin English " Hello, xxx.〞and " Hi, xxx.〞(Ask them to pay moreattention to the people ,s gesture)3、Teaching of the third dialogue:Ask the students to look at the third picture and guess what are the people doing (they are shaking hands) and ask them when will peopleshake hands with each other (when they meet each other for the firsttime), so as to introduce three language focuses:Introduce oneself: "Good morning.I ,m xxx. / My name ,s xxx.〞Reading of the dialogues:First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun. Students just listen carefully. Next, students read after the teacher. And then, they readaloud.4、Practice of the new language focuses:The teacher asks one student his/her name. The student answers and then he/she introduce his/her deskmate to the teacher.T: Hello!S: Hi!T: Hello, xxx and xxx.S: Hello, Miss Zhan.(二)、Teaching of the first seven letters: A~G1. Students sing ABC song together.2. Make use of the letter cards and teach the students how to write theseven letters correctly one by one.3. Ask them to compare the small letters "b〞and "d〞, capital letters" E〞and "F〞ang not to mix them.六Homework:1.抄写A~G七个大小写字母, 准备明天听写;2. 读所学对话三遍.Module 1 Greetings!Unit 1 Hello!一、教学内容:Unit 1 Dialogue: Hello! (第二课时)二、教学目标:1.能掌握以下"两会〞内容:单词:Ms, mum,Mr, bye,afternoon, evening.句型:Nice to meet you/ Nice to meet you too.2.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话3能正确听说读写字母A~G三、教学重点:单词、对话的理解和掌握.五、教学难点:对话中语言点的掌握:Good afternoon./ Good evening./教学过程:(一)Warming -up:1.利用下载的字母游戏,复习A~G七个字母的大小写,然后听写.2.复习所学句型:Hello, xxx/ Hi, xxxGood morning, xxx/3. 播放金太阳,让学生听对话.然后全班齐读对话,再抽查个别同学进行对话练习.(二)Teaching of the dialogues:1. Teaching of the forth dialogueAsk the students to look at the first picture in page 3 and guess who the women is so as to introduce the sentence "I , m your newteacher.〞2. Teaching of the fifth dialogue:Take myself as an example. I ,m a new teacher too, so I don ,t know the students , name. I will ask several student what their namesare, and I will also say "Good afternoon.〞to each of them. And askthem when will people say this sentence to others ( when they firstmeet each other)3. Reading of the dialogues:First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun. Students just listen carefully. Next, students read after the teacher. And then, they readaloud.4. Practice of the new language focuses:T: Good afternoon.S: Good afternoon.(三)Exercise:<活动手册>P2 , P3 ,六:Homework:1、背诵Unit1 对话2、听写字母A~FModule 1 Greetings!Unit 1 Hello!一、教学内容:unit 1 Work with language (第三课时)二、教学目标:4.能掌握以下习惯用语:Hello./ Hi, I ,m xxx .Good moring. / Good afternoon./ Good evening.5.能相互致以简单的问候;能简单交流个人信息.三、教学重点:日常用语的交际运用.能正确听说读写字母A~G六、教学难点:1.Gg的正确发音2.字母Bb, Dd的发音与书写区别七、教学过程:(一)、Warming –up:1. Sing a song <Good morning.>(将学生的名字放入歌中进行演唱,一到达滚动复习已学知识的目的.)2.老师与多名学生自由对话:T: Hi, xxxS1: Hi, Miss Zhan.Ss: Good morning.S1: Good morning.3. Teaching of rhyme:Play VCD Kingsun. Students listen to the chant carefully.Next, students read after the model, and then students read it aloud.(二)、呈现与操练:1.Sing a song ( ABCD)2.教师将字母Aa~Gg作为新老师、新同学来介绍.教师戴上Aa的头饰,请六名同学分别戴上Bb~Gg的头饰,具体做法如下:T:Hi, I ,m Miss "Aa〞. I ,m your new teacher.Ss: Hi, Miss, "Aa〞.T: This is "Bb〞.Ss: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.(介绍Cc~Gg也参照上述做法.)3: Play a game: whisper预先准备好的写有字母A~G中四个字母的四张字条分别给每个组最|后一名同学.当老师说游戏开始时,该四名同学翻开字条,并悄声把字条上的四个字母传给前一位同学,直至|传到第|一位同学时,第|一位同学到黑板上写出这四个大写字母,并同时把小写字母也写上.既快又写正确的组获胜,其次为二,三,四名.4. Exercise:<活动手册>P1 , P4第四题.六.Homework:1.抄写第|一单元对话;2.预习第二单元对话.Module 1 Greetings!Unit 2 How are you?一、教学内容:unit 2 Dialogue (第四课时)二、教学目标:6.能掌握以下内容:单词:good, how, are, fine, OK, and, you.句型:Good morning, Good afternoon. How are you? Fine. Thank you. And you? I ,m OK.7.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话三、教学重点:交际语言的理解和运用.八、教学难点:1.词汇记忆.2.区别thank 和thanks.3.五、教学过程:(一)warming -up: 朗读第|一单元对话.(二)Leading in:(1). The teacher use " Good afternoon " to greet the students, andthe students will find out the teacher ,s mistake, then the teacher use "Goodmorning〞to greet the students.(2). Show a rhyme which the students have already learn in their oral EnglishLesson to recall their memory of the content which is related to that we aregoing to learn.Les , chant:Hello, Ben. Hello, Sue. Hello, Jim.How are you? Super!(三)Presentation:(1) 教师出示时间和图片区别Good morning 和Good afternoon, 并引导学生通过拼音规那么记忆单词.告诉学生g 发/ g/音, oo发/u/音,d 发/d/音.然后,一起学唱课本第九页的歌曲:"Good morning.〞(2) 教学How are you? 及其应答:教师向学生问好:How are you? 引导学生答复I ,m fine/good/OK.板书教学How are you? I ,m fine/good/OK. Thank you. And you? I ,m OK.然后一起朗读课本第九页的小诗,以便稳固对How are you 及其应答的学习.(四) consolidation:(1) 看课文光碟,整体感知课文内容,听第二次后答复以下问题:Is it morning or afternoon?How is Miss White?(2) 跟老师读课文后学生一起朗读 .(3) 配音比赛:关掉电脑的声音,让学生自由组队对课文进行配音,然后评选出最|好的配音演员.(五) 最|后齐唱歌曲Good morning和一起颂读小诗,以结束对课文的学习.六Homework:2. 读unit2 对话两遍,家长签名.Module 1 Greetings!Unit 2 How are you ?三、教学内容:unit 2 work with language (第五课时)四、教学目标:8.能掌握以下内容:字母:Hh、Ii 、Jj、Kk、Ll、Mm、Nn.单词:Ms, evening, dad,mum,grandma,grandpa句型:Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night..2. 进一步稳固打招呼、问候和向别人介绍自己朋友的句型.三、教学重点:1. 掌握本课的词汇、句型.2. 认识H~N七个字母的读音和书写.四、教学难点:fine, Ms的发音,各字母的读音和书写.五、教学过程:(一)warming -up: Act out the dialogue of unit 2 and sing the song GoodMorning. (营造轻松的课堂气氛,并让学生再次感受打招呼的用语. )(二)Leading in: make a new chant根据不同的时间,用afternoon 和evening分别替换原来的Hello和morning .根据不同时间段,学生再说上述小诗一次.在新旧两个小诗中,把本课要教的7个字母用特别的颜色(如红色)突出来.Hh in behind.Ii in rice.Jj in jacket.Kk in coke.Ll in floor.Mm in room.Nn in dinner.教完小诗后,让学生拿出抄写本,跟着老师的节奏,把学所字母逐个抄在抄写本上.(三) 补全对话:先让学生回忆到此为止所学过的打招呼、介绍自己、介绍别人的用语, 然后根据图片的内容以小组合作的形式把对话补充完整.然后再分角色把对话朗读出来.五、Homework:抄并默写H~N七个字母.Module 1 Greetings!Unit 2 How are you ?一、教学内容Unit 2 How are you? Story time. (第六课时)二、教学目标(一).语言知识目标:1.能掌握以下"三会〞单词和句型:单词:Aki(人名)复习字母:A~N复习句型:Good morning. Good afternoon./ Good evening.(二).语言技能目标:1.能看图听、说Good morning. / Good afternoon./ Good evening.How are you?句型,并会用Fine作出答复.三、教学重点1.复习本单元单词,掌握本节课的单词拼读.2.复习本单元句型与字母.四、教学难点1.准确朗读和书写所学字母.2."四会〞单词的拼读 .五、教学过程(一) (Warming up)1.课前播放迪士尼得一首|歌曲Good morning,让学生跟唱 .(二 )Presentation1.字母教学1)老师带读并板书 ,学生在自己的练习本上练习 .注意:老师边写边提醒学生容易出错的地方 .2 )复习和稳固新学字母:(还有更多的字母游戏在附件中供选择)T:这里有一些英文缩写 ,让我们把他们一起读出来吧 ,看谁独得准确又响亮 .TPR,IBM,OT ,IQ EF…… (老师可自主找出更多的字母缩写 )2.复习单词:1)morning , evening和afternoon2 )Hi, Hello.How ,fine,you.3.复习句型:Good morning./ Good afternoon./ Good evening./ Goodbye.(三)C onsolidation:(1) 看课文光碟,整体感知课文内容,听第二次后答复以下问题:Is it morning or afternoon?(2) 跟老师读课文后学生一起朗读 .(3) 配音比赛:关掉电脑的声音,让学生自由组队对课文进行配音,然后评选出最|好的配音演员.(四)Letters revision.A - -N(五)Homework.字母课外练习 .(穿插字母练习 )Module 2 IntroductionsUnit 3 What's your name?一、教学内容:Unit 3 Let's talk.(第八课时)二、教学目标:1.能掌握以下"两会〞内容:单词:hello, Mr, hi I, am, this is my brother, name,句型:What ,s your name? I am….. / My name is …….2.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话3.能掌握O~T六个大小写字母的读和写三、教学重点:单词、对话的理解和掌握.四、教学难点:1.Q的正确发音2.字母Tt的书写与旧版本的区别3. 对话中语言点的掌握:I ,m ……..My name is…….What is your name? / My name is ……. 五、教学过程:(一):Teaching of the first, second and third dialogues1、Leading -in: T:Hello, class. I ,m Miss Huang. I ,m your new teacher. Nice tomeet you. OK. Let ,s begin our English lesson.Please open your books and turn to page 2.2、Teaching of the first and second dialogues:Ask the students to look at the first picture and guess what are the people doing, and then the teacher introduce the way of greeting othersin English " Hello, xxx.〞and " Hi, xxx.〞(Ask them to pay moreattention to the people ,s gesture)3、Teaching of the third dialogue:Ask the students to look at the third picture and guess what are the people doing (they are shaking hands) and ask them when will peopleshake hands with each other (when they meet each other for the firsttime), so as to introduce three language focuses:Introduce oneself: "I ,m xxx. / My name ,s xxx.〞Introduce others: "This is xxx.〞4、Reading of the dialogues:First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun. Students just listen carefully. Next, students read after the teacher. And then, they readaloud.5、Practice of the new language focuses:The teacher asks one student his/her name. The student answersand then he/she introduce his/her deskmate to the teacher.T: Hello, what is your name?S: I ,m xxx /My name is xxx. This is xxx.T: Hello, xxx and xxx.S: Hello, Miss Huang.(二)、Teaching of the letters: O~T1. Students sing ABC song together.2. Make use of the letter cards and teach the students how to write theseven letters correctly one by one.3. Ask them to compare the small letters "b〞and "d〞, capital letters" E〞and "F〞ang not to mix them.六Homework:O~T 六个大小写字母, 准备明天听写;2. 读所学对话三遍.Module 2 IntroductionsUnit 3 What's your name?一、教学内容:Unit 3 Fun with language.(第九课时)一、教学目标:1.能掌握以下内容:单词:your, what, what ,s =what is,句型:Nice to meet you/ Nice to meet you too.2.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话(以下内容未编辑)三、教学重点:单词、对话的理解和掌握.五、教学难点:对话中语言点的掌握:What ,s your name?Nice to meet you.六、教学过程:(一)Warming -up:1.利用下载的字母游戏,复习A~G七个字母的大小写,然后听写.2.复习所学句型:Hello, xxx/ Hi, xxxI ,m xxx/ My name is xxxThis is xxx.3. 播放金太阳,让学生听对话.然后全班齐读对话,再抽查个别同学进行对话练习.(二)Teaching of the dialogues:1. Teaching of the forth dialogueAsk the students to look at the first picture in page 3 and guess who the women is so as to introduce the sentence "I , m your newteacher.〞2. Teaching of the fifth dialogue:Take myself as an example. I ,m a new teacher too, so I don ,t know the students , name. I will ask several student what their namesare, and I will also say "Nice to meet you〞to each of them. Andask them when will people say this sentence to others ( when they firstmeet each other)3. Reading of the dialogues:First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun. Students just listen carefully. Next, students read after the teacher. And then, they readaloud.4. Practice of the new language focuses:T: Hello, what is your name?S: I ,m xxx /My name is xxx.T: Nice to meet you, xxx.S: Nice to meet you too.(三)Exercise:<活动手册>P2 , P3 , P5六:Homework:1、背诵Unit1 对话2、<课课精练>P2 第六、七题T: Draw a head, please.老师示意draw就是画的意思 ,在学生画的同时 ,在黑板上示范画一个head .T: OK. Now, please draw your partner ,s hair on the head.示意partner是同桌的意思 .B:运用:同桌互相考考对方 ,Draw a head.2)教 face,eye,nose(正在流鼻涕),ear)时 ,出示这些单词的形象画 ,让学生说说是由哪些字母组成的 .如:5 )单词face,eye,nose,ear mouth的教学重复步骤1)和2) .在比赛拼读的时候可以换一换比赛方式 ,不仅可以同桌比 ,还可以四人小组 ,前后同学比 ,按音节朗读等等 .(四)Practice1. 反响练习(face,eye,nose,ear mouth,head):.Simon says游戏:老师说Simon says ,point to your nose,学生马上指自己的nose .如老师point to your nose ,那么不能指.2.记忆游戏: (帮帮小丑人 ,告诉他哪个part不见了 )1)准备:课前把各个身体局部用五颜六色的吹塑纸剪下来 .2)游戏:课堂上 , ask the pupils to close their eyes and take down one part, then ask them to say what part is missing.3.改正错误:T: 这些单词的字母顺序被打乱了,你能告诉大家正确的排列顺序吗?faec, onse, aer, hadn,edah……(六)ConsolidationListen and draw (书本P19-P2 )老师念单词,全班学生按提示画出相对应的人体局部.同桌比一比谁画的最|快最|准确.(七)Homework:1.抄写并拼读新单词.2.在作业本上画自画像,并标出表五官的单词.3.<活动手册>P12. Ex3 P13. Ex4第三课时一、教学内容Unit 5:Raise My Arms Dialogue二、教学目标(一).语言知识目标:1) "四会〞单词:arm, leg .2) "三会〞单词:touch, toe, raise, right, left, ouch .3) 句型:Touch your toes. Raise your (left/ right) arms. Raise your (left/ right) leg.(二).语言技能目标:1.掌握"四会〞单词,并进一步稳固已学过的表示人体各部位的单词,能听说读三会单词.2.能运用本课所学的语言发号指令,并能比拟准确做出相应的动作.3.能听说并认读课文,大局部同学能表演课文.三、教学重点1.单词和句型Touch your toes. Raise your (left/ right) arms. Raise your (left/ right) leg.的学习和认读.2.对各种句型(口令)的准确理解和正确运用.四、教学难点1.left, right 的分辨.2.学生能根据指令准确快速地做出反响,同时又能准确地向其他同学发出口令.五、教学过程(一 )leading -in1.师生一起唱歌曲This is the way.2.复习Unit 4 已学的表示人体各部位的单词.老师快速出示hand , face, hair, ear, teeth, eye , nose, head ,nose, mouth的图片,让学生说出英语并拼读.3.复习Unit 4 已学过的指示口令 .请同学充当小老师快速发号指令 ,其他学生迅速做动作 .Wash your hands. Brush you hair . Clean your teeth.Wash you face. Clean your ears.(二 )Pre -task1.创设情景:为了迎接学校每年一度的校运会 ,教师和学生一起进行赛前的体育锻炼 ,根据锻炼的结果 ,将选出优秀的举重选手和体操选手等 ,代表班级|参加比赛 .Raise your (left/ right) leg.1 ) 挑选举重选手 .学习 Touch your toes. Raise your (left\right) arm.A.教师先进行TPR演示 Touch my toes. Raise my (left\right) arm.模仿举重运发动的神情和姿势 .B.教师边演示边叫口令 ,全班同学根据节拍边说边做动作 .One , two ,three , four. Touch your toes.One , two ,three , four. Raise your arms.One , two ,three , four .Raise your left arm.One , two ,three , four. Raise your right arm.C.学习单词:touch ,toe , arm, left ,right ,注意让学生感知元音字母和字母组合的发音 ,并板书单词和句型 .D. left, right 的分辨 .询问学生在日常生活中 ,我们哪些活动经常需要右手完成 ?启发:如写字 ,用筷子 .E. 游戏 ,通过游戏 ,让学生进一步稳固所学句型Game1:大小声游戏 ,让学生辨音 ,操练以上句型 ..Game 2: Simon SaysF. 请接受能力快而好的同学作为小老师 ,叫口令 ,全班同学跟做动作 .G.四人小组练习 ,四人轮流叫口令 ,其他同学做动作 ,评出一位优秀的举重运发动 ,给与奖励 .2 )挑选体操选手 .学习Raise your (left/ right) leg.A.教师先进行TPR演示 Raise my (left\right) leg.同样模仿体操运发动的神情和姿势 .B.教师边演示边叫口令 ,全班同学根据节拍边说边做动作 .One ,two ,three , four, Touch your toes.One ,two ,three , four, Raise your left leg.One ,two ,three , four, Raise your right leg.C.学习单词:leg,注意让学生感知元音字母的发音 .D. 游戏Game 1: 开火车游戏:全班分成八小列 ,传口令Raise your (left\right) leg.评出开得最|快的火车 ,给与奖励 ..Game 2: Listen and touch老师只做口型不发出声音说出口令,全班学生提示大声说出口令.每组各派一名代表到黑板前拍打所说到句子,比一比谁最|快.E.请接受能力快而好的同学作为小老师 ,叫口令 ,全班同学跟做动作 .2. 创设情景:警察抓小偷 ,让学生运用指令性口语 .请几个学生扮演警察 ,五、六个学生扮演小偷 ,警察捉获小偷后 ,为了方便搜查赃物 ,对小偷进行口头指令:Raise your (left\right) arm. Raise your (left\right) leg.(三 )While -task1.学唱歌曲1).学唱歌曲Clap, Clap, Clap Our Hands2).学唱改编歌曲 Raise, Raise, Raise Your ArmsTouch, touch, touch your toes! Touch your toes together.Touch, touch, touch your toes! Touch your toes together.Raise, raise, raise your arms! Raise your arms together!Raise, raise, raise your arms! Raise your arms together!Raise, raise, raise your legs! Raise your legs together!Raise, raise, raise your legs! Raise your legs together!1).学生翻开书P21 -22 , 4人小组看插图猜想课文说什么 .2).利用金太阳课件学习课文 .3).听录音 ,要求学生模仿录音中的语音, 语调跟读对话.4).全班朗读课文 .5).小组分角色读课文 .6.教师在黑板上出示课文插图和句子,让学生连线认读.(意图:解决学生刚学习英语认读的困难,也是检测学习效果. )(四 )Post -task1. Task :以小组为单位练习,准备表演课文.(六)Homework:1.抄写并背新单词.2.听读课文20分钟,可边听边用手指指读,解决认读的难点.3.<活动手册>P15. Ex1 P16. Ex2第二课时一、教学内容Unit 4 Wash Your Face Dialogue二、教学目标(一).语言知识目标:1.单词:1)复习单词hair,eye,nose,hand,ear,head,face,mouth2)学习"三会〞:wash , brush , all , right, dad , clean , mum , teeth ,3) 学习"四会〞:your, Mrs, but,2.短语:学习wash your hands, wash your face, brush your hair, clean your ears, clean your teeth3.句型:1 ).复习稳固Draw a head.的句型:2 ).学习:All right. OK.4.语法:初步感知指令性语言.(二).语言技能目标:1 )能听说并认读本课的单词、词组和句型.2 )能用本课的词组发出指令并做出相应的动作.3 )能念本课的小诗(改编后) ,并配上相应的动作.4) 能唱本课的歌曲,并配上相应的动作.5 )能听说认读理解课文.三、教学重点1.本课"三会〞和"四会〞的语言知识.wash your hands, wash your face, brush your hair, clean your ears, clean your teeth3.本课课文.四、教学难点1.单词的准确发音,如wash , brush , clean, teeth .2.新词but的准确理解 .3.句型的准确理解及正确运用.五、教学过程(一)Warming up1.Sing a song播放迪士尼英语歌碟,让学生听Funny Faces这首|歌.(意图:营造轻松的课堂气氛并让学生复习身体部位的单词. )2.复习局部身体部位单词.1 )复习局部身体部位单词,并学习新词teeth .利用自制课件或者拿图片复习身体部位单词.(hair, eye, nose, hand, ear, head, face, mouth)可以顺便学习新单词teeth ,教师先呈现再教授.通过字母组合ee/i:/记忆单词 .(课件说明:用各种形状遮住身体局部的一局部,让学生猜是什么.也可拿图片遮住一局部让学生猜. )2 )Simon says游戏复习身体部位单词,并学习新词your .教师发指令玩Simon says游戏:Touch your nose\mouth\head\hand\hair等等.your ,化解了难点,防止了新词一起教的麻烦,既可复习旧知又可学习新知. )(二 )Pre -task1.情景整体呈现新词组:wash your hands, wash your face, brush your hair, clean your ears, clean your teeth . (目的:防止直接引出的单调,使学生在不知不觉中学习知识. )步骤:1 )教师向学生提问每天早上上学前在家里做了什么?然后教师告诉学生自己做了什么:I wash my hands, then I clean my teeth, and then I wash my face and clean my ears, at last I brush my hair .教师带毛巾,牙刷,棉签和梳子,一边讲一边做动作,学生听和看.希望学生通过听和看理解句子意思.2 )教师边说边做动作,学生跟着老师做动作.帮助学生把句子的音义联系起来.3 )教师说句子,学生仿说句子.教师板书新词组,教师读学生指认,最|后教师带读.解决学生刚学习英语认读的困难 .4 )学生小组内练习.如:P1:Wash your face. P2:做相应动作.2.操练新词组.1 ) 念本课的小诗(改编后) .A,A,A Wash your face.E,E,E Brush your teeth.I, I, I Clean your eyes.O,O,O Clean your nose.U,U,U Thank you, thank you.(意图:1.是操练新词组,并让学生认识元音字母;2.其中有两个短语较难所以改编为学生易上口的内容,同时兼顾到了押韵.)2 ) 唱本课的歌曲:This is the wayA第|一遍,学生听并做动作;B 第二、三遍,学生跟唱,做动作.(意图:1.可以操练新词组,让学生到达熟练的程度;2.唱歌休息一下可以缓解学习的疲劳.) 3.情景呈现礼貌答语All right. OK.1 ) 刚刚唱歌做动作学生很兴奋可能会把头发弄乱,教师向一个头发比拟乱的同学发出指令:xxx, brush your hair ,please. 并引导学生答复OK ,教师加手势帮助理解. 教师带读句子并板书.教师再向其它几个同学发出指令,告诉学生也可以用All right.答复.教师带读句子并板书.2 )小组内操练:P1发命令xxx, brush your hair ,please. ,P2答复并做动作.(意图:稳固词组与句型.但要向学生们强调待人要礼貌.)(三)While -task1.教师播放光碟(点击课件的Dialogue) ,第|一遍,要求学生听并能做动作.检查学生对新知识的掌握程度.2.第二遍,学生闭上眼睛听课文.3.学生翻开书听课文录音 ,要求学生模仿录音中的语音, 语调跟读对话.4.教师帮助学生解决单词Mrs, but, dad , mum1)让学生找出不明白的地方,进行讨论,比方Mrs, but2)让学生小组内讨论3)学生解释,假设不全面,老师可加引导.让学生反复读But mum的上下文,引导学生透彻理解But mum的语境,帮助学生能较好地理解but的意思.5.学生小组内,集体朗读课文.6.教师在黑板上出示课文插图和句子,让学生连线认读.(意图:解决学生刚学习英语认读的困难,也是检测学习效果. )(四)Post -task看图说句子(课本P17第2题)检测学习效果.1)老师引导学生看图中的人物.2)让学生小组内讨论.3)个别抽检.(五 )Sum -up教师引导学生总结本节课所学内容(六)Homework1.抄写并背新单词. .2.听读课文20分钟,可边听边用手指指读,解决认读的难点.3.<活动手册>P11. Ex1 , P12. Ex2第四课时一、教学内容Unit 5 Work with Language, Fun with Language二、教学目标(一 ). 语言知识目标1. "四会〞单词:this, is, that, my, foot.2. "三会〞单词:body.3.稳固复习身体部位名词,如ear , eye etc.及指令性的语言,如Touch your left/right foot. 4.稳固复习right, left 等表示方位的词语.5.学习表示介绍的句型This is my …. That is your….(二 ). 语言技能目标熟练运用身体部位名词、方向名词、表示指令性的语言以及表示介绍的句型,并进行交际性的语言对话.三、教学重点1)本课的单词this, is, that, my, foot和句型This is my …. That is your…. .四、教学难点this, that 的发音以及this is , that is 的连读.五. 教学过程(一 )Warming up1. Sing a song: Clap, Clap, Clap Our Hands2. Chant on P23.3.Chant and do the actions: Rabbit Dance 的一局部歌词 .先教师示范 ,然后跟着老师一起跳 .left left right right go turn around go go goleft right left left right rightleft left right right go go goleft left right right go turn around go go go(二 )Presentation and Practice1.字母教学1 )复习易混淆的字母:(意图:这是最|后一组字母教学,因此要全面复习前面所学的)A:CO ,L I ,AH , bd ,pq , EF ,ij,mn,gy,ce ,AHJK ,BCDEG等.B:Game:老师用中文说:"乐谱的七个调" ,"美|国" ,"圆心和半径" ,"中华人民共|和|国" ,持有这些字母卡片的学生应立即站起来并举起字母"ABCDEFG ,"USA" ,o ,r" ,"PRC"等,答得既快又准的组获胜.2 )老师带读并板书新学字母Uu ,Vv,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz学生在自己的练习本上练习 .3)稳固:快速认读易混淆字母和缩写字母 .WM,UV,WC ,UK ,UFO ,ZOO ,XY等 .3. 复习身体部位名词:hair, eye, nose, hand, ear, head, face, mouth ,arm, leg, toe快速呈现图片 ,学生快速说出单词后拼读 ,可看着图片拼读 .4. 运用Simon Says游戏复习、稳固指令性的句型 .1 )老师说口令,学生边跟说边做动作.2 )让一学生做小老师,其他学生边跟说边做动作.5. 教新单词 "foot〞:接上面的游戏引出 ,Touch your left/right foot. (注意让学生感知字母组合00的发音,正音及拼读)6.呈现 "This is my body.〞及教 "my, body〞:老师介绍自己的身体部位 ,如:T: This is my foot/eye/nose/body….7.小组操练句型: This is my / your ….8.呈现 "That is my / your ….〞句型:黑板上呈现课本里的卡通人物Mr Leon的图象 ,老师站在较远处说: "This is my ….That is Mr Leon ,s….〞让学生充分理解This is ….和That is ….的区别 . (注意this that 的发音和拼写,用手势来帮助学生记忆和分辨. )9.小组操练句型: This is my…. That is your…. 老师先示范 ,然后学生在组内进行 .10. 游戏 - - - -利用"扮木偶〞这个游戏再次稳固复习前面的旧知识.具体操作如下:让一个学生扮木偶,其他三个学生给指令,如Touch your face. Raise your left arm.扮木偶的学生要做出很像木偶的动作.木偶的动作做对了,木偶就要说This is my…其他的学生就要说:Yes, that is your…. 可以轮流换着扮木偶.Homework:1.抄写并背新单词.2.画两幅人物图:自己和一位好朋友,并配上句子各五句. "This is my …. That isyour…〞3.<活动手册> P15. Ex3 , P17. Ex4 , P17. Ex5 , P18. Ex6第|一课时一、教学内容Unit7 where ,s my pencil? Dialogue二、教学目标(一).语言知识目标:1.能掌握以下"三会〞内容:单词:pencil, pencil -case, desk, bed, table.短语: Here it is!句型:where ,s ……? Is it in/on…?语法:方位介词in 和on /的区别.(二).语言技能目标:1. 能用句型where is …? 询问单个物品的位置;用Is it in/on…?猜想物品的位置并会用No, it isn ,t. 及Yes, it is作出答复.三、教学重点1.能掌握"三会〞单词,掌握本节课的单词拼读.2.让学生运用本课所学的知识和技能询问物品的位置.四、教学难点1.词汇的记忆 .2.In和on 的区别.五、教学过程:1. Leading in: sing a song Where is the pencil?(营造轻松的课堂并复习稳固where…?和Here is….等口语课程已学过的内容. )2. Presentation:1). 学习pencil, pencil -case, Here it is!老师出示一只铅笔,说:"Look, I have a pencil.〞将铅笔藏起来,并。

广州版教材—Success with English(三年级上册)Unit 5 Wash your face(第一课时)[概述]本节课是广州市教材小学三年级英语Success with English(三年级上册)Unit 5 Wash your face (第一课时)部分,主要涉及的人体器官词汇有:face,eye,hand,hair,nose,ear,foot,feet. 动词词汇有wash,touch,clean,don’t=do not。
老师借助非网络的资料,学习重点句型——祈使句,并根据学生言语交际的需要,指导学生自主学习2个小文章,拓展了句型“I can …”此外,教师还为学生提供了2个与本课学习相关的,学生感兴趣的英文小故事,将拓展学习的新句型融入其中,让学生在故事学习中巩固句型。
掌握祈使句:Wash …Don’t wash …等,拓展学习句型及人体器官词汇face,eye,hand,hair,nose,ear,foot,feet. 动词词汇有wash,touch,clean,don’t=do not。

(广州版)三年级英语上册教案Module6Unit广州版三年级英语上册教案Module 6 Numbers and ShapesUnit 16 What Shape Is This?第二课时一、教学内容Unit 16 Sing Along, Rhyme and Work with Language二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1.词汇:熟悉形状的名称及拼写。
2.复习巩固询问形状的句型:What shape is this?What shape are these?(二)语言技能目标1.能唱歌曲Shapes(在课本P74)。
Rectangle 进一步熟悉询问形状的“三会”句子;What shape…?四、教学难点本课新单词拼写记忆。
五、教学过程(一)复习巩固同时完成Work with Language中Ex.21.复习四个形状单词及操练句型。
1)Game 1:Simon Says老师利用Ex.2中句型What shape is this ? A …,全班学生用手做出相应的图形。
当学生听到Simon Says的时候,学生才能做动作;如果老师没有说Simon Says,学生就不能做动作,犯规者要被扣分。


Module 1 Greetings!Unit 1 Hello!一、教学内容:unit 1 Dialogue: Hello! (第|一课时)二、教学目标:1.能掌握以下"两会〞内容:单词:hello, Miss,Ms, hi, moring,句型:Good morning./ Goodbye.2.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话3.能掌握A~G七个大小写字母的读和写三、教学重点:单词、对话的理解和掌握.四、教学难点:1.Gg的正确发音2.字母Bb, Dd的发音与书写区别3. 对话中语言点的掌握:Good evening./ Good afternoon.五、教学过程:(一):Teaching of the first, second and third dialogues1、Leading -in: 教师自我介绍:Hello, class. I ,m Miss Zhan. I ,m your newteacher. Nice to meet you. OK. Let ,s begin our English lesson. Please open your books and turn to page 2.2、Teaching of the first and second dialogues:Ask the students to look at the first picture and guess what are the people doing, and then the teacher introduce the way of greeting othersin English " Hello, xxx.〞and " Hi, xxx.〞(Ask them to pay moreattention to the people ,s gesture)3、Teaching of the third dialogue:Ask the students to look at the third picture and guess what are the people doing (they are shaking hands) and ask them when will peopleshake hands with each other (when they meet each other for the firsttime), so as to introduce three language focuses:Introduce oneself: "Good morning.I ,m xxx. / My name ,s xxx.〞Reading of the dialogues:First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun. Students just listen carefully. Next, students read after the teacher. And then, they readaloud.4、Practice of the new language focuses:The teacher asks one student his/her name. The student answers and then he/she introduce his/her deskmate to the teacher.T: Hello!S: Hi!T: Hello, xxx and xxx.S: Hello, Miss Zhan.(二)、Teaching of the first seven letters: A~G1. Students sing ABC song together.2. Make use of the letter cards and teach the students how to write theseven letters correctly one by one.3. Ask them to compare the small letters "b〞and "d〞, capital letters" E〞and "F〞ang not to mix them.六Homework:1.抄写A~G七个大小写字母, 准备明天听写;2. 读所学对话三遍.Module 1 Greetings!Unit 1 Hello!一、教学内容:Unit 1 Dialogue: Hello! (第二课时)二、教学目标:"两会〞内容:单词:Ms, mum,Mr, bye,afternoon, evening.句型:Nice to meet you/ Nice to meet you too.2.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话3能正确听说读写字母A~G三、教学重点:单词、对话的理解和掌握.五、教学难点:对话中语言点的掌握:Good afternoon./ Good evening./教学过程:(一)Warming -up:1.利用下载的字母游戏,复习A~G七个字母的大小写,然后听写.2.复习所学句型:Hello, xxx/ Hi, xxxGood morning, xxx/3. 播放金太阳,让学生听对话.然后全班齐读对话,再抽查个别同学进行对话练习.(二)Teaching of the dialogues:1. Teaching of the forth dialogueAsk the students to look at the first picture in page 3 and guess who the women is so as to introduce the sentence "I , m your newteacher.〞2. Teaching of the fifth dialogue:Take myself as an example. I ,m a new teacher too, so I don ,t know the students , name. I will ask several student what their namesare, and I will also say "Good afternoon.〞to each of them. And askthem when will people say this sentence to others ( when they firstmeet each other)3. Reading of the dialogues:First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun. Students just listen carefully. Next, students read after the teacher. And then, they readaloud.4. Practice of the new language focuses:T: Good afternoon.S: Good afternoon.(三)Exercise:<活动手册>P2 , P3 ,六:Homework:1、背诵Unit1 对话2、听写字母A~FModule 1 Greetings!Unit 1 Hello!一、教学内容:unit 1 Work with language (第三课时)二、教学目标:4.能掌握以下习惯用语:Hello./ Hi, I ,m xxx .Good moring. / Good afternoon./ Good evening.5.能相互致以简单的问候;能简单交流个人信息.三、教学重点:日常用语的交际运用.能正确听说读写字母A~G六、教学难点:1.Gg的正确发音2.字母Bb, Dd的发音与书写区别七、教学过程:(一)、Warming –up:1. Sing a song <Good morning.>(将学生的名字放入歌中进行演唱,一到达滚动复习已学知识的目的.)2.老师与多名学生自由对话:T: Hi, xxxS1: Hi, Miss Zhan.Ss: Good morning.S1: Good morning.3. Teaching of rhyme:Play VCD Kingsun. Students listen to the chant carefully.Next, students read after the model, and then students read it aloud.(二)、呈现与操练:1.Sing a song ( ABCD)2.教师将字母Aa~Gg作为新老师、新同学来介绍.教师戴上Aa的头饰,请六名同学分别戴上Bb~Gg的头饰,具体做法如下:T:Hi, I ,m Miss "Aa〞. I ,m your new teacher.Ss: Hi, Miss, "Aa〞.T: This is "Bb〞.Ss: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.(介绍Cc~Gg也参照上述做法.)3: Play a game: whisper预先准备好的写有字母A~G中四个字母的四张字条分别给每个组最|后一名同学.当老师说游戏开始时,该四名同学翻开字条,并悄声把字条上的四个字母传给前一位同学,直至|传到第|一位同学时,第|一位同学到黑板上写出这四个大写字母,并同时把小写字母也写上.既快又写正确的组获胜,其次为二,三,四名.4. Exercise:<活动手册>P1 , P4第四题.六.Homework:1.抄写第|一单元对话;2.预习第二单元对话.Module 1 Greetings!Unit 2 How are you?一、教学内容:unit 2 Dialogue (第四课时)二、教学目标:6.能掌握以下内容:单词:good, how, are, fine, OK, and, you.句型:Good morning, Good afternoon. How are you? Fine. Thank you. And you? I ,m OK.7.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话三、教学重点:交际语言的理解和运用.八、教学难点:1.词汇记忆.2.区别thank 和thanks.3.五、教学过程:(一)warming -up: 朗读第|一单元对话.(二)Leading in:(1). The teacher use " Good afternoon " to greet the students, andthe students will find out the teacher ,s mistake, then the teacher use "Goodmorning〞to greet the students.(2). Show a rhyme which the students have already learn in their oral EnglishLesson to recall their memory of the content which is related to that we aregoing to learn.Les , chant:Hello, Ben. Hello, Sue. Hello, Jim.How are you? Super!(三)Presentation:(1) 教师出示时间和图片区别Good morning 和Good afternoon, 并引导学生通过拼音规那么记忆单词.告诉学生g 发/ g/音, oo发/u/音,d 发/d/音.然后,一起学唱课本第九页的歌曲:"Good morning.〞(2) 教学How are you? 及其应答:教师向学生问好:How are you? 引导学生答复I ,m fine/good/OK.板书教学How are you? I ,m fine/good/OK. Thank you. And you? I ,m OK.然后一起朗读课本第九页的小诗,以便稳固对How are you 及其应答的学习.(四) consolidation:(1) 看课文光碟,整体感知课文内容,听第二次后答复以下问题:Is it morning or afternoon?How is Miss White?(2) 跟老师读课文后学生一起朗读 .(3) 配音比赛:关掉电脑的声音,让学生自由组队对课文进行配音,然后评选出最|好的配音演员.(五) 最|后齐唱歌曲Good morning和一起颂读小诗,以结束对课文的学习.六Homework:2. 读unit2 对话两遍,家长签名.Module 1 Greetings!Unit 2 How are you ?三、教学内容:unit 2 work with language (第五课时)四、教学目标:8.能掌握以下内容:字母:Hh、Ii 、Jj、Kk、Ll、Mm、Nn.单词:Ms, evening, dad,mum,grandma,grandpa句型:Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night..2. 进一步稳固打招呼、问候和向别人介绍自己朋友的句型.三、教学重点:1. 掌握本课的词汇、句型.2. 认识H~N七个字母的读音和书写.四、教学难点:fine, Ms的发音,各字母的读音和书写.五、教学过程:(一)warming -up: Act out the dialogue of unit 2 and sing the song GoodMorning. (营造轻松的课堂气氛,并让学生再次感受打招呼的用语. )(二)Leading in: make a new chant根据不同的时间,用afternoon 和evening分别替换原来的Hello和morning .根据不同时间段,学生再说上述小诗一次.在新旧两个小诗中,把本课要教的7个字母用特别的颜色(如红色)突出来.Hh in behind.Ii in rice.Jj in jacket.Kk in coke.Ll in floor.Mm in room.Nn in dinner.教完小诗后,让学生拿出抄写本,跟着老师的节奏,把学所字母逐个抄在抄写本上.(三) 补全对话:先让学生回忆到此为止所学过的打招呼、介绍自己、介绍别人的用语, 然后根据图片的内容以小组合作的形式把对话补充完整.然后再分角色把对话朗读出来.五、Homework:抄并默写H~N七个字母.Module 1 Greetings!Unit 2 How are you ?一、教学内容Unit 2 How are you? Story time. (第六课时)二、教学目标(一).语言知识目标:"三会〞单词和句型:单词:Aki(人名)复习字母:A~N复习句型:Good morning. Good afternoon./ Good evening.(二).语言技能目标:1.能看图听、说Good morning. / Good afternoon./ Good evening.How are you?句型,并会用Fine作出答复.三、教学重点1.复习本单元单词,掌握本节课的单词拼读.2.复习本单元句型与字母.四、教学难点1.准确朗读和书写所学字母.2."四会〞单词的拼读 .五、教学过程(一) (Warming up)1.课前播放迪士尼得一首|歌曲Good morning,让学生跟唱 .(二 )Presentation1.字母教学1)老师带读并板书 ,学生在自己的练习本上练习 .注意:老师边写边提醒学生容易出错的地方 .2 )复习和稳固新学字母:(还有更多的字母游戏在附件中供选择)T:这里有一些英文缩写 ,让我们把他们一起读出来吧 ,看谁独得准确又响亮 .TPR,IBM,OT ,IQ EF…… (老师可自主找出更多的字母缩写 )2.复习单词:1)morning , evening和afternoon2 )Hi, Hello.How ,fine,you.3.复习句型:Good morning./ Good afternoon./ Good evening./ Goodbye.(三)C onsolidation:(1) 看课文光碟,整体感知课文内容,听第二次后答复以下问题:Is it morning or afternoon?(2) 跟老师读课文后学生一起朗读 .(3) 配音比赛:关掉电脑的声音,让学生自由组队对课文进行配音,然后评选出最|好的配音演员.(四)Letters revision.A - -N(五)Homework.字母课外练习 .(穿插字母练习 )Module 2 IntroductionsUnit 3 What's your name?一、教学内容:Unit 3 Let's talk.(第八课时)二、教学目标:1.能掌握以下"两会〞内容:单词:hello, Mr, hi I, am, this is my brother, name,句型:What ,s your name? I am….. / My name is …….2.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话3.能掌握O~T六个大小写字母的读和写三、教学重点:单词、对话的理解和掌握.四、教学难点:1.Q的正确发音2.字母Tt的书写与旧版本的区别3. 对话中语言点的掌握:I ,m ……..My name is…….What is your name? / My name is ……. 五、教学过程:(一):Teaching of the first, second and third dialogues1、Leading -in: T:Hello, class. I ,m Miss Huang. I ,m your new teacher. Nice tomeet you. OK. Let ,s begin our English lesson.Please open your books and turn to page 2.2、Teaching of the first and second dialogues:Ask the students to look at the first picture and guess what are the people doing, and then the teacher introduce the way of greeting othersin English " Hello, xxx.〞and " Hi, xxx.〞(Ask them to pay moreattention to the people ,s gesture)3、Teaching of the third dialogue:Ask the students to look at the third picture and guess what are the people doing (they are shaking hands) and ask them when will peopleshake hands with each other (when they meet each other for the firsttime), so as to introduce three language focuses:Introduce oneself: "I ,m xxx. / My name ,s xxx.〞Introduce others: "This is xxx.〞4、Reading of the dialogues:First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun. Students just listen carefully. Next, students read after the teacher. And then, they readaloud.5、Practice of the new language focuses:The teacher asks one student his/her name. The student answersand then he/she introduce his/her deskmate to the teacher.T: Hello, what is your name?S: I ,m xxx /My name is xxx. This is xxx.T: Hello, xxx and xxx.S: Hello, Miss Huang.(二)、Teaching of the letters: O~T1. Students sing ABC song together.2. Make use of the letter cards and teach the students how to write theseven letters correctly one by one.3. Ask them to compare the small letters "b〞and "d〞, capital letters" E〞and "F〞ang not to mix them.六Homework:O~T 六个大小写字母, 准备明天听写;2. 读所学对话三遍.Module 2 IntroductionsUnit 3 What's your name?一、教学内容:Unit 3 Fun with language.(第九课时)一、教学目标:1.能掌握以下内容:单词:your, what, what ,s =what is,句型:Nice to meet you/ Nice to meet you too.2.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话(以下内容未编辑)三、教学重点:单词、对话的理解和掌握.五、教学难点:对话中语言点的掌握:What ,s your name?Nice to meet you.六、教学过程:(一)Warming -up:1.利用下载的字母游戏,复习A~G七个字母的大小写,然后听写.2.复习所学句型:Hello, xxx/ Hi, xxxI ,m xxx/ My name is xxxThis is xxx.3. 播放金太阳,让学生听对话.然后全班齐读对话,再抽查个别同学进行对话练习.(二)Teaching of the dialogues:1. Teaching of the forth dialogueAsk the students to look at the first picture in page 3 and guess who the women is so as to introduce the sentence "I , m your newteacher.〞2. Teaching of the fifth dialogue:Take myself as an example. I ,m a new teacher too, so I don ,t know the students , name. I will ask several student what their namesare, and I will also say "Nice to meet you〞to each of them. Andask them when will people say this sentence to others ( when they firstmeet each other)3. Reading of the dialogues:First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun. Students just listen carefully. Next, students read after the teacher. And then, they readaloud.4. Practice of the new language focuses:T: Hello, what is your name?S: I ,m xxx /My name is xxx.T: Nice to meet you, xxx.S: Nice to meet you too.(三)Exercise:<活动手册>P2 , P3 , P5六:Homework:1、背诵Unit1 对话2、<课课精练>P2 第六、七题T: Draw a head, please.老师示意draw就是画的意思 ,在学生画的同时 ,在黑板上示范画一个head .T: OK. Now, please draw your partner ,s hair on the head.示意partner是同桌的意思 .B:运用:同桌互相考考对方 ,Draw a head.2)教 face,eye,nose(正在流鼻涕),ear)时 ,出示这些单词的形象画 ,让学生说说是由哪些字母组成的 .如:5 )单词face,eye,nose,ear mouth的教学重复步骤1)和2) .在比赛拼读的时候可以换一换比赛方式 ,不仅可以同桌比 ,还可以四人小组 ,前后同学比 ,按音节朗读等等 .(四)Practice1. 反响练习(face,eye,nose,ear mouth,head):.Simon says游戏:老师说Simon says ,point to your nose,学生马上指自己的nose .如老师point to your nose ,那么不能指.2.记忆游戏: (帮帮小丑人 ,告诉他哪个part不见了 )1)准备:课前把各个身体局部用五颜六色的吹塑纸剪下来 .2)游戏:课堂上 , ask the pupils to close their eyes and take down one part, then ask them to say what part is missing.3.改正错误:T: 这些单词的字母顺序被打乱了,你能告诉大家正确的排列顺序吗?faec, onse, aer, hadn,edah……(六)ConsolidationListen and draw (书本P19-P2 )老师念单词,全班学生按提示画出相对应的人体局部.同桌比一比谁画的最|快最|准确.(七)Homework:1.抄写并拼读新单词.2.在作业本上画自画像,并标出表五官的单词.3.<活动手册>P12. Ex3 P13. Ex4第三课时一、教学内容Unit 5:Raise My Arms Dialogue二、教学目标(一).语言知识目标:1) "四会〞单词:arm, leg .2) "三会〞单词:touch, toe, raise, right, left, ouch .3) 句型:Touch your toes. Raise your (left/ right) arms. Raise your (left/ right) leg.(二).语言技能目标:1.掌握"四会〞单词,并进一步稳固已学过的表示人体各部位的单词,能听说读三会单词.2.能运用本课所学的语言发号指令,并能比拟准确做出相应的动作.3.能听说并认读课文,大局部同学能表演课文.三、教学重点1.单词和句型Touch your toes. Raise your (left/ right) arms. Raise your (left/ right) leg.的学习和认读.2.对各种句型(口令)的准确理解和正确运用.四、教学难点1.left, right 的分辨.2.学生能根据指令准确快速地做出反响,同时又能准确地向其他同学发出口令.五、教学过程(一 )leading -in1.师生一起唱歌曲This is the way.2.复习Unit 4 已学的表示人体各部位的单词.老师快速出示hand , face, hair, ear, teeth, eye , nose, head ,nose, mouth的图片,让学生说出英语并拼读.3.复习Unit 4 已学过的指示口令 .请同学充当小老师快速发号指令 ,其他学生迅速做动作 .Wash your hands. Brush you hair . Clean your teeth.Wash you face. Clean your ears.(二 )Pre -task1.创设情景:为了迎接学校每年一度的校运会 ,教师和学生一起进行赛前的体育锻炼 ,根据锻炼的结果 ,将选出优秀的举重选手和体操选手等 ,代表班级|参加比赛 .Raise your (left/ right) leg.1 ) 挑选举重选手 .学习 Touch your toes. Raise your (left\right) arm.A.教师先进行TPR演示 Touch my toes. Raise my (left\right) arm.模仿举重运发动的神情和姿势 .B.教师边演示边叫口令 ,全班同学根据节拍边说边做动作 .One , two ,three , four. Touch your toes.One , two ,three , four. Raise your arms.One , two ,three , four .Raise your left arm.One , two ,three , four. Raise your right arm.C.学习单词:touch ,toe , arm, left ,right ,注意让学生感知元音字母和字母组合的发音 ,并板书单词和句型 .D. left, right 的分辨 .询问学生在日常生活中 ,我们哪些活动经常需要右手完成 ?启发:如写字 ,用筷子 .E. 游戏 ,通过游戏 ,让学生进一步稳固所学句型Game1:大小声游戏 ,让学生辨音 ,操练以上句型 ..Game 2: Simon SaysF. 请接受能力快而好的同学作为小老师 ,叫口令 ,全班同学跟做动作 .G.四人小组练习 ,四人轮流叫口令 ,其他同学做动作 ,评出一位优秀的举重运发动 ,给与奖励 .2 )挑选体操选手 .学习Raise your (left/ right) leg.A.教师先进行TPR演示 Raise my (left\right) leg.同样模仿体操运发动的神情和姿势 .B.教师边演示边叫口令 ,全班同学根据节拍边说边做动作 .One ,two ,three , four, Touch your toes.One ,two ,three , four, Raise your left leg.One ,two ,three , four, Raise your right leg.C.学习单词:leg,注意让学生感知元音字母的发音 .D. 游戏Game 1: 开火车游戏:全班分成八小列 ,传口令Raise your (left\right) leg.评出开得最|快的火车 ,给与奖励 ..Game 2: Listen and touch老师只做口型不发出声音说出口令,全班学生提示大声说出口令.每组各派一名代表到黑板前拍打所说到句子,比一比谁最|快.E.请接受能力快而好的同学作为小老师 ,叫口令 ,全班同学跟做动作 .2. 创设情景:警察抓小偷 ,让学生运用指令性口语 .请几个学生扮演警察 ,五、六个学生扮演小偷 ,警察捉获小偷后 ,为了方便搜查赃物 ,对小偷进行口头指令:Raise your (left\right) arm. Raise your (left\right) leg.(三 )While -task1.学唱歌曲1).学唱歌曲Clap, Clap, Clap Our Hands2).学唱改编歌曲 Raise, Raise, Raise Your ArmsTouch, touch, touch your toes! Touch your toes together.Touch, touch, touch your toes! Touch your toes together.Raise, raise, raise your arms! Raise your arms together!Raise, raise, raise your arms! Raise your arms together!Raise, raise, raise your legs! Raise your legs together!Raise, raise, raise your legs! Raise your legs together!1).学生翻开书P21 -22 , 4人小组看插图猜想课文说什么 .2).利用金太阳课件学习课文 .3).听录音 ,要求学生模仿录音中的语音, 语调跟读对话.4).全班朗读课文 .5).小组分角色读课文 .6.教师在黑板上出示课文插图和句子,让学生连线认读.(意图:解决学生刚学习英语认读的困难,也是检测学习效果. )(四 )Post -task1. Task :以小组为单位练习,准备表演课文.(六)Homework:1.抄写并背新单词.2.听读课文20分钟,可边听边用手指指读,解决认读的难点.3.<活动手册>P15. Ex1 P16. Ex2第二课时一、教学内容Unit 4 Wash Your Face Dialogue二、教学目标(一).语言知识目标:1.单词:1)复习单词hair,eye,nose,hand,ear,head,face,mouth2)学习"三会〞:wash , brush , all , right, dad , clean , mum , teeth ,3) 学习"四会〞:your, Mrs, but,2.短语:学习wash your hands, wash your face, brush your hair, clean your ears, clean your teeth3.句型:1 ).复习稳固Draw a head.的句型:2 ).学习:All right. OK.4.语法:初步感知指令性语言.(二).语言技能目标:1 )能听说并认读本课的单词、词组和句型.2 )能用本课的词组发出指令并做出相应的动作.3 )能念本课的小诗(改编后) ,并配上相应的动作.4) 能唱本课的歌曲,并配上相应的动作.5 )能听说认读理解课文.三、教学重点"三会〞和"四会〞的语言知识.wash your hands, wash your face, brush your hair, clean your ears, clean your teeth3.本课课文.四、教学难点1.单词的准确发音,如wash , brush , clean, teeth .2.新词but的准确理解 .3.句型的准确理解及正确运用.五、教学过程(一)Warming up1.Sing a song播放迪士尼英语歌碟,让学生听Funny Faces这首|歌.(意图:营造轻松的课堂气氛并让学生复习身体部位的单词. )2.复习局部身体部位单词.1 )复习局部身体部位单词,并学习新词teeth .利用自制课件或者拿图片复习身体部位单词.(hair, eye, nose, hand, ear, head, face, mouth)可以顺便学习新单词teeth ,教师先呈现再教授.通过字母组合ee/i:/记忆单词 .(课件说明:用各种形状遮住身体局部的一局部,让学生猜是什么.也可拿图片遮住一局部让学生猜. )2 )Simon says游戏复习身体部位单词,并学习新词your .教师发指令玩Simon says游戏:Touch your nose\mouth\head\hand\hair等等.your ,化解了难点,防止了新词一起教的麻烦,既可复习旧知又可学习新知. )(二 )Pre -task1.情景整体呈现新词组:wash your hands, wash your face, brush your hair, clean your ears, clean your teeth . (目的:防止直接引出的单调,使学生在不知不觉中学习知识. )步骤:1 )教师向学生提问每天早上上学前在家里做了什么?然后教师告诉学生自己做了什么:I wash my hands, then I clean my teeth, and then I wash my face and clean my ears, at last I brush my hair .教师带毛巾,牙刷,棉签和梳子,一边讲一边做动作,学生听和看.希望学生通过听和看理解句子意思.2 )教师边说边做动作,学生跟着老师做动作.帮助学生把句子的音义联系起来.3 )教师说句子,学生仿说句子.教师板书新词组,教师读学生指认,最|后教师带读.解决学生刚学习英语认读的困难 .4 )学生小组内练习.如:P1:Wash your face. P2:做相应动作.2.操练新词组.1 ) 念本课的小诗(改编后) .A,A,A Wash your face.E,E,E Brush your teeth.I, I, I Clean your eyes.O,O,O Clean your nose.U,U,U Thank you, thank you.(意图:1.是操练新词组,并让学生认识元音字母;2.其中有两个短语较难所以改编为学生易上口的内容,同时兼顾到了押韵.)2 ) 唱本课的歌曲:This is the wayA第|一遍,学生听并做动作;B 第二、三遍,学生跟唱,做动作.(意图:1.可以操练新词组,让学生到达熟练的程度;2.唱歌休息一下可以缓解学习的疲劳.) 3.情景呈现礼貌答语All right. OK.1 ) 刚刚唱歌做动作学生很兴奋可能会把头发弄乱,教师向一个头发比拟乱的同学发出指令:xxx, brush your hair ,please. 并引导学生答复OK ,教师加手势帮助理解. 教师带读句子并板书.教师再向其它几个同学发出指令,告诉学生也可以用All right.答复.教师带读句子并板书.2 )小组内操练:P1发命令xxx, brush your hair ,please. ,P2答复并做动作.(意图:稳固词组与句型.但要向学生们强调待人要礼貌.)(三)While -task1.教师播放光碟(点击课件的Dialogue) ,第|一遍,要求学生听并能做动作.检查学生对新知识的掌握程度.2.第二遍,学生闭上眼睛听课文.3.学生翻开书听课文录音 ,要求学生模仿录音中的语音, 语调跟读对话.4.教师帮助学生解决单词Mrs, but, dad , mum1)让学生找出不明白的地方,进行讨论,比方Mrs, but2)让学生小组内讨论3)学生解释,假设不全面,老师可加引导.让学生反复读But mum的上下文,引导学生透彻理解But mum的语境,帮助学生能较好地理解but的意思.5.学生小组内,集体朗读课文.6.教师在黑板上出示课文插图和句子,让学生连线认读.(意图:解决学生刚学习英语认读的困难,也是检测学习效果. )(四)Post -task看图说句子(课本P17第2题)检测学习效果.1)老师引导学生看图中的人物.2)让学生小组内讨论.3)个别抽检.(五 )Sum -up教师引导学生总结本节课所学内容(六)Homework1.抄写并背新单词. .2.听读课文20分钟,可边听边用手指指读,解决认读的难点.3.<活动手册>P11. Ex1 , P12. Ex2第四课时一、教学内容Unit 5 Work with Language, Fun with Language二、教学目标(一 ). 语言知识目标1. "四会〞单词:this, is, that, my, foot.2. "三会〞单词:body.3.稳固复习身体部位名词,如ear , eye etc.及指令性的语言,如Touch your left/right foot. 4.稳固复习right, left 等表示方位的词语.5.学习表示介绍的句型This is my …. That is your….(二 ). 语言技能目标熟练运用身体部位名词、方向名词、表示指令性的语言以及表示介绍的句型,并进行交际性的语言对话.三、教学重点1)本课的单词this, is, that, my, foot和句型This is my …. That is your…. .四、教学难点this, that 的发音以及this is , that is 的连读.五. 教学过程(一 )Warming up1. Sing a song: Clap, Clap, Clap Our Hands2. Chant on P23.3.Chant and do the actions: Rabbit Dance 的一局部歌词 .先教师示范 ,然后跟着老师一起跳 .left left right right go turn around go go goleft right left left right rightleft left right right go go goleft left right right go turn around go go go(二 )Presentation and Practice1.字母教学1 )复习易混淆的字母:(意图:这是最|后一组字母教学,因此要全面复习前面所学的)A:CO ,L I ,AH , bd ,pq , EF ,ij,mn,gy,ce ,AHJK ,BCDEG等.B:Game:老师用中文说:"乐谱的七个调" ,"美|国" ,"圆心和半径" ,"中华人民共|和|国" ,持有这些字母卡片的学生应立即站起来并举起字母"ABCDEFG ,"USA" ,o ,r" ,"PRC"等,答得既快又准的组获胜.2 )老师带读并板书新学字母Uu ,Vv,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz学生在自己的练习本上练习 .3)稳固:快速认读易混淆字母和缩写字母 .WM,UV,WC ,UK ,UFO ,ZOO ,XY等 .3. 复习身体部位名词:hair, eye, nose, hand, ear, head, face, mouth ,arm, leg, toe快速呈现图片 ,学生快速说出单词后拼读 ,可看着图片拼读 .4. 运用Simon Says游戏复习、稳固指令性的句型 .1 )老师说口令,学生边跟说边做动作.2 )让一学生做小老师,其他学生边跟说边做动作.5. 教新单词 "foot〞:接上面的游戏引出 ,Touch your left/right foot. (注意让学生感知字母组合00的发音,正音及拼读)6.呈现 "This is my body.〞及教 "my, body〞:老师介绍自己的身体部位 ,如:T: This is my foot/eye/nose/body….7.小组操练句型: This is my / your ….8.呈现 "That is my / your ….〞句型:黑板上呈现课本里的卡通人物Mr Leon的图象 ,老师站在较远处说: "This is my ….That is Mr Leon ,s….〞让学生充分理解This is ….和That is ….的区别 . (注意this that 的发音和拼写,用手势来帮助学生记忆和分辨. )9.小组操练句型: This is my…. That is your…. 老师先示范 ,然后学生在组内进行 .10. 游戏 - - - -利用"扮木偶〞这个游戏再次稳固复习前面的旧知识.具体操作如下:让一个学生扮木偶,其他三个学生给指令,如Touch your face. Raise your left arm.扮木偶的学生要做出很像木偶的动作.木偶的动作做对了,木偶就要说This is my…其他的学生就要说:Yes, that is your…. 可以轮流换着扮木偶.Homework:1.抄写并背新单词.2.画两幅人物图:自己和一位好朋友,并配上句子各五句. "This is my …. That isyour…〞3.<活动手册> P15. Ex3 , P17. Ex4 , P17. Ex5 , P18. Ex6第|一课时一、教学内容Unit7 where ,s my pencil? Dialogue二、教学目标(一).语言知识目标:"三会〞内容:单词:pencil, pencil -case, desk, bed, table.短语: Here it is!句型:where ,s ……? Is it in/on…?语法:方位介词in 和on /的区别.(二).语言技能目标:1. 能用句型where is …? 询问单个物品的位置;用Is it in/on…?猜想物品的位置并会用No, it isn ,t. 及Yes, it is作出答复.三、教学重点1.能掌握"三会〞单词,掌握本节课的单词拼读.2.让学生运用本课所学的知识和技能询问物品的位置.四、教学难点1.词汇的记忆 .2.In和on 的区别.五、教学过程:1. Leading in: sing a song Where is the pencil?(营造轻松的课堂并复习稳固where…?和Here is….等口语课程已学过的内容. )2. Presentation:1). 学习pencil, pencil -case, Here it is!老师出示一只铅笔,说:"Look, I have a pencil.〞将铅笔藏起来,并。
最新广州版小学三年级英语上册教案(全册 共80页)

教具:图片、小黑板 、录音机 、字母卡、头饰
3、谈话引出短语Good morning的学习。
同学们想不想知道怎样用英语向老师问好呢?生:......师:“早上好”英语的说法是“Good morning”
教具:图片、小黑板 、录音机 、字母卡、头饰
1复习字母Aa... Dd。
3、唱歌:《Good morning》
1、Sing a song ( I can say My ABC )
4、Let’s chant:
Aa for apple. Bb for book. Cc for…
①eba ②bed ③FEC ④gdb ⑤cfg
5、复习字母Aa... Dd.
(1)出示字母表让学生齐念,并重点认读Aa... Dd。
(2)指导学生书写Aa... Dd。

4. ---Good afternoon, Ben. ---G__o_o_d_a_f_te_r_n_o_o_n_, Janet.
/ei/ /i:/
The writing of the letters
Good morning, Alice !
Hello, Frank!
Hello, Eric!
Good morning, Good morning,
Dale !
Cindy !
A: Good morning, class.
B: Good morning, sir. Thank you. 老师(上午)好。
(字母的书写) (注意笔画和笔顺)
Do you know what these letters mean?
mor ning after noon eve ning
hel lo
hi good
上午,早晨 下午 晚上,黄昏 喂(表示问候) 嗨(表示问候) 好的
A: Good morning, Miss Zhao. 早晨好,赵老师。
B: Good morning, Mr. Wang. 早晨好,王校长。
2. Morning: 适用于比较熟悉的朋友 之间或比较繁忙的情况下。
3. Hello: 是最广泛、最简单的打招呼 语,显得亲切自然。例如:

三年级上册英语教案Unit1 Hello!Unit 1 V ocabulary一.教学目标1.复习26个字母2.熟读单词,背默。
3.掌握morning afternoon evening的拼读。
三. 教学难点1.单词的准确发音。
2.Good morning/ afternoon/ evening的发音。
good 好的morning 早Ms 女士,老师hello 喂;你好hi 喂;你好goodbye 再见bye 再见mum 妈妈afternoon 下午evening傍晚2.让学生自己拼读单词。
五.小结巩固1. 四个大组分读单词。
板书good 好的morning 早Ms 女士,老师hello 喂;你好hi 喂;你好goodbye 再见bye 再见mum 妈妈afternoon 下午evening傍晚七.教学反思Unit1 Hello!一.教学目标1.掌握本单元的课文内容。
2. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening的发音及情景对话。

执教者:年月日课题Unit 1 Hello!课时 1教学目标1、能“两会”掌握下列单词:hello, Ms, Mr, morning, good, hi,短语:Good morning.2、了解英语国家的称谓习俗,如Mr, Ms.教材分析重点:单词、对话的理解和掌握。
难点:单词Ms,Mr的区别教具:图片、小黑板、录音机、字母卡、头饰教学过程教学过程:(一)热身与复习1、唱字母歌2、读数字0至93、谈话引出短语Good morning的学习。
师:上课!值日生:请起立!学生:老师早上好!师:同学们早上好!......同学们想不想知道怎样用英语向老师问好呢?生:......师:“早上好”英语的说法是“Good morning”(二)呈现与操练1、老师出示Mr Chen, Ms White, Xiaoling, Jiamin, Ben,Janet,Aki等的头像,并且用句子This is…介绍各人,并引导学生用Hello / Hi向人物打招呼。
2、把头像发给个别学生,让他们分别扮演各位人物,老师示范用Hello/Hi,Good morning进行对话。
T: Hello,Janet.Good morning! S1:Hello,Ms Zou.Good morning! .3、根据老师给出的练习内容,两人小组扮演所选角色练习对话,老师板书句型,并指导学生学习认读句子。
5、复习字母Aa... Dd.(1)出示字母表让学生齐念,并重点认读Aa... Dd。
(2)指导学生书写Aa... Dd。
(三)拓展与运用1、游戏巩固句型Hello,xxx.Good morning!2、小组就各自组里组员的名字,仿照课文进行对话,并尝试表演。

2、开火车游戏:老师任选中的字母Aa—Hh,在小组中进行传话练习。如:T: I’m Aa.
T:Good morning/afternoon/evening/night ,xxx. How are you ?
Ps: Good morning/afternoon/evening/night , Ms Liu .
T:How are you ?
Ps: Fine.Thank you.
(先示范,再指导学生运用句型进行Pair work)
2.读字母Aa... Dd
Unit 1 Hello
hello A:Good morning.
MsB:Good morning.
2.读字母Aa... Dd
教师向学生问好:How are you?引导学生回答Fine.
T: Let’s listen to the song《Hello》. Four students walk around three chairs. When the music stops,you must stop walking and sit on the chairs as quickly as you can.

2020年精编广州版英语资料中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计执教者:年 月 日增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计执教者:年 月 日增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计执教者:年 月 日增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计执教者:年月日增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计执教者:年月日增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计执教者:年月日增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计执教者:年月日增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计执教者:年月日增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计执教者:年月日增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计增城市中小学课时教学设计。

T: My name is Aa. What’s your name?
S1: My name is Bb, What’s your name?
S2: My name is Cc, What’s your name?
1、老师出示Mr Chen, Ms White, Xiaoling, Jiamin, Ben,Janet,Aki等的头像,并且用句子This is…介绍各人,并引导学生用Hello / Hi向人物打招呼。
2、把头像发给个别学生,让他们分别扮演各位人物,老师示范用Hello/Hi,Good morning进行对话。然后组织全体学生提问,扮演角色的同学回答。
1、练唱歌曲,字母歌《I can say My ABC》及《Good morning》.
2、Free talk
教师向学生问好:How are you?引导学生回答Fine.
T: Let’s listen to the song《Hello》. Four students walk around three chairs. When the music stops,you must stop walking and sit on the chairs as quickly as you can.

Module 1 Greetings!Unit 1 Hello!一、教学内容:unit 1 Dialogue: Hello!二、教学目标:1.能掌握以下“两会”内容:单词: hello, Mr, hi I, am, this is my brother, name,句型:What’s your name? I am….. / My name is …….2.能在情景中理解对话内容,并能流利朗读对话3.能掌握A~G七个大小写字母的读和写三、教学重点:单词、对话的理解和掌握。
四、教学难点:1.Gg的正确发音2.字母Bb, Dd的发音与书写区别3. 对话中语言点的掌握:I’m ……..My name is…….What is your name? / My name is ……..五、教学过程:(一):Teaching of the first, second and third dialogues1、Leading-in: 教师自我介绍:Hello, class. I’m MissHuang. I’m your new teacher. Nice tomeet you. OK. Let’s begin ourEnglish lesson. Please openyour books and turn to page 2.2、Teaching of the first and second dialogues:Ask the students to look at the first pictureand guess what are the people doing, and then theteacher introduce the way of greeting others inEnglish “Hello, xxx.”and “Hi, xxx.”(Ask themto pay more attention to the people’s gesture)3、Teaching of the third dialogue:Ask the students to look at the third pictureand guess what are the people doing (they areshaking hands) and ask them when will people shakehands with each other (when they meet each other forthe first time), so as to introduce three languagefocuses:Introduce oneself: “I’m xxx. / My name’sxxx.”Introduce others: “This is xxx.”4、Reading of the dialogues:First of all, the teacher play VCD Kingsun.Students just listen carefully. Next, students readafter the teacher. And then, they read aloud.5、Practice of the new language focuses:The teacher asks one student his/her name. The student answers and then he/she introduce his/herdeskmate to the teacher.T: Hello, what is your name?S: I’m xxx /My name is xxx. This is xxx.T: Hello, xxx and xxx.S: Hello, Miss Huang.(二)、Teaching of the first seven letters: A~G1. Students sing ABC song together.2. Make use of the letter cards and teach the studentshow to write the seven letters correctly one byone.3. Ask them to compare the small letters “b” and“d”, capital letters “E”and “F”ang not tomix them.六 Homework:1.抄写A~G七个大小写字母,准备明天听写;2. 读所学对话三遍。
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Module 1 Greeting教材分析:语言功能:打招呼、告别;自我介绍;问候。
学习任务:Hello. Hi. Goodbye! Good morning. How are you? I’m fine, thank you.教学内容:学习单词:hello , goodbye , how , are , you , good , morning , fine,句型:Hello. Hi. (Hello, Sam. Hi, Daming.) Goodbye! I’m Sam. Good morning. How are you? I’m fine, thank you.并会熟练运用。
模块教学目标:1)知识目标:需要掌握的单词:I , am , hello , goodbye , how , are , you , good , morning , fine , thank , 主要句型: Hello. Hi.(Hello, Sam. Hi, Daming.) Goodbye! I’m Sam. Good morning.How are you? I’m fine, tha nk you.2)能力目标:熟练运用所学句型向别人打招呼、告别;自我介绍;问候。
Unit 1 Hello教学目标:1) 知识目标:需要掌握的单词有:hello, hi, bye, morning, mum, good,evening, afternoon, goodbye。
主要句型Hello. Hi. Goodbye! Good morning! Good evening!Good afternoon!2)能力目标:会运用所学句型和别人打招呼、告别。
3) 情感目标:让学生养成讲礼貌的好习惯。
教学重点:掌握单词:hello, hi, bye, morning, mum, good, evening,afternoon, goodbye。
主要句型:Hello. Hi. Goodbye! Good morning! Goodevening! Good afternoon!教学难点:会运用所学句型和别人打招呼、告别。
教具:单词卡片、点读笔、人物头饰教学过程Step One: Greeting with students.T: Hello, my dear children. This is your first English class. I’m very happy to teach you English this term. Speaking English is a piece of cake. Please remember that. Let’s say “Hello” to each otherfirst. Please stand up, all of you.( 教师边说边翻译,做手势示意全体起立)T: (教师边挥手边走向学生。
) Hello, my dear children!S: Hello!T: Do what I do like this. ( 挥手,微笑,大声)S: ( 在教师的指导下模仿)T: It’s interesting to speak English. Sit down, please.T: (面带微笑,朝向一个小女孩) Hello! Lovely girl!S: Hello!T: Good girl! Say it like this, please! It’s easy to speak English.T: (朝向另一男孩) Hello! Cool boy!S: Hello!T: Good boy! See, it’s easy. Let’s try again. ( 再叫几名学生,师生挥手打招呼)T: Now please say “hello” to your classmates like this. Who can try? ( 叫几名学生到前面来,面向全体问好,注意表情和动作,并且要声音洪亮)T: Then say “hello” to your neighbors and your friends. You can go out of your seat and move around the classroom.S: (学生自由活动问好)T: You did a good job!Step Two: New courseT: Next I want to know your name. How do you introduce your name then? Listen! I’m Mr Qiu. ( 说三遍) Please say hello to me.(Some excellent students can answer like the following)S1: Hello, Mr Qiu.S2: Hello, Mr Qiu .T: Hello! What's your name, please?S2:I’m ...T: Hello, .... Your name, please?S3: I’m ....T: Hello, ....S3: Hello, Mr Qiu.T: Well done. Now please practice. Say hello and your name, then let's have a race. ( 给学生一分钟时间练习)T: Let’s try to say that: Hello, I’m…..( 板书) Team by team, and one by one. (以小组为单位,计时开始)S: Hello, I’m….( 学生一一进行自我介绍)T: You are terrific. Team One is the winner.Step Two: Knowledge extensionT: Now let’s play a game. Do what I do. (教师边做动作,边说,学生学做) Stand up, stand up. Sit down, sit down. Stand up, sit down.Sit down, stand up. Hands up, Hands up. Hands down, hands down. Hands up, hands down. Hands down, hands up. Hello, hello, say hello. Goodbye, goodbye, say good bye. Hello, hello, say hello. Goodbye, goodbye, say good byeT: Eyes front, try your best to say it while you are doing it.S: (学生试图边说边做动作)Step Three:ConsolidationT: Next I’ll introduce four children to you. Please listen! What are their names? ( 展示四个头饰)T: (教师放CDrom 两遍) OK, what’s this boy’s name? Tom?S: No, Sam. T: Right. Smart girl. And what’s this girl’s name? Lisa? S: No, Amy.T: Good. Clever boy. And who is she? Yuanyuan? Dandan?S: No. Lingling.T: Yes, right. Her name is Lingling. And who is he? Qiangqiang?Liangliang?S: No. Daming.T: Yes, his name is Daming. Well, let’s know them again. His name? Ss: Sam.T: Her name?Ss: Amy.T: And her name?Ss: Lingling.T: His name?\Ss: Daming.T: Fantastic. Following we’ll study and play with them for this whole term. Please remember them and make good friends with them.Next open your English books and read the text together. (学生看图像并跟读,强调指读)T: Please practice for a while.S: ( 学生自己练习指读)T: At last who can introduce yourself in English as much as you can. S: ( 展示自我介绍)Step Four: Sum up and homework.T: Today we learnt how to greet and introduce. You all did a good job. Please introduce yourself into the mirror at home. And readthe text five time. It’s time to say goodbye. Let’s sing a song and say goodbye with each other. ( 最后唱再见歌结束)Step Five :Homework运用所学句型和家人朋友打招呼,自我介绍,告别。
Unit 2 How are you ?教学目标:1)知识目标:掌握的单词有:How are you? fine, dad, night, grandpa, grandma主要句型:Good morning. How are you? I’m fine, thank you.2)能力目标:会运用所学句型和别人问好。
3) 情感目标:通过学习,使学生养成讲礼貌的好习惯,提高学生的交际能力。