Canada Chapter14 geography and history加拿大地理历史英文版

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is British Columbia’s largest city and the third largest city in Canada. It is the largest cargo port on the Pacific. It is internationall百度文库 renowned for its scenic setting and it consistently ranks among the top five of the worldwide rankings for quality of life. It has one of North America’s largest urban parks, Stanley Park. (斯坦利公园)
on the St. Lawrence River is the chief port and the second largest city in Canada. It is also the largest grainshipping city in the world.
Geographic regions
Mountains and the West( Pacific Region)--British Columbia, Alberta Prairies-- Saskatchewan,Manitoba Central Canada--- Ontario, Québec East Coast( Atlantic Region)--Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland-Labrador Northern Canada--- Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, Nunavut Territory Canada has numerous lakes which cover about 7.6% of its landmass.-------the Great Lakes (the largest freshwater lakes); Niagara Falls. Canada is abundant in forest resources (39% ). The country’s highest peak is Mount Logan (洛根山 ).
Canada has a typical continental climate, characterized by cold winters, hot summers and sparse rainfall------wide regional variations. the Pacific Region
Stephen Harper
•Canada Day (Fête du Canada), formerly
Dominion Day is Canada's national day, a federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment of the British North America Act (today called the Constitution Act, 1867, which united two British colonies and a province of the British Empire into a single country, still within the Empire, called Canada. Canada Day observances take place throughout Canada as well as internationally.
Geography and History
By Jolly
Location and Size
Canada is the world’s second largest country with the land area of about 10 million square kilometers. It covers about two fifths of the North American continent. It is a sparsely populated country with 2.7 people per square kilometer. It is a country with as many as 100 nationalities: British(44.6%), French(28.7), Native people—Eskimos and Indians(1.5%). English is the language most commonly spoken throughout the country, with the exception of Quebec. One third of the population of New Brunswick is French-speaking.
the capital of Ontario, is the largest city in Canada,with an area of about 630 square kilometers. Toronto is one of the most mulicultural cities in the world.
dominion of Canada. • After World War I, Canada’s economy and business advanced significantly. • In 1931, Canada became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations with the passage of the Statute of Westminster.《威斯敏斯特法案》 • After World War II, tremendous development took place in industry and agriculture, and Canada emerged as the world’s fourth largest industrial nation. • In 1949, Newfoundland became Canada’s tenth province. • The Canada Act 《加拿大法案》of 1982 made Canada a fully sovereign state. • Meech Lake Accord 《米其湖协议》-------in 1990 defeated
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Canada since the 1980s—Primers
1. Pierre Trudeau (Liberal Party)---1980s, Canada was in its worst economic recession. 2. 1984---1993 (Progressive Conservative Party) Brian Mulroney: Meech Lake Accord, Charlottetown Accord (failed) Kim Campbell: the first woman Primer for 4 month 3. 1993---2006 (Liberal Party) Jean Chrétien “NAFTA” Paul Martin: improve Canadian-U.S. relations In 2005, the Civil Marriage Act was passed by the House of Commons and the Senate, making Canada the fourth country in the world to allow same-sex marriage. 4. 2006----(Conservative Party)
European Discovery
The end of 15th century:
John Cabot---an Italian captain Jacques Cartier---a French navigator(1535) Samuel de Champlain---French explorer(1608)
He established his habitation in what is now Quebec City to lay the roots of French Canada.
Canadian Nations • IN 1867, British North America Act ----created the self-governing
the Atlantic Region
Major Cities
Ottawa the capital of Canada, is in the province of Ontario. Half of the populations of the capital are Frenchspeaking and half are English-speaking.