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JUNE 2021模块六








21. Is it _______ to you that the government is having a hard time now?

A. of much important

B. of much consequence

C. of very important

D. of many consequence

22. Something must be done to ______ the river from _________.

A. stop; being polluted

B. stop; polluting

C. prevent; pollution

D. keep; polluted

23. There ______ quantities of apples in the basket and there was ______ milk in the bucket.

A. were; a number of

B. was; quantities of

C. was; a good many

D. were; a quantity of

24._______ we get good weather it will be a successful holiday. Which is wrong?

A. So long as

B. Provided that

C.So long

D. On condition that

25. —Go for a picnic this weekend, ok?

—_______. I love getting close to nature.

A. I don’t think so.

B. I believe not.

C. I couldn’t agree more

D. I am afraid not.

26. —Now, where is my purpose?

—________! We will be late for the picnic.

A. Come on

B. Don’t worry

C. Take your time

D. Take it easy.

27. It was not until 1999 ________ regular radio broadcast began.

A. while

B. which


D. since

28. Can it be in the restaurant _____ we had dinner last Sunday ______ you left your wallet?

A.where; where

B. where; that

C. that ; where

D. that; that

29.—What’s the matter with you?

—______ the window , my finger was cut unexpectedly.

A. Cleaning

B.To clean

C. While cleaning

D. While I was cleaning

30. The other day , my brother drove his car down the street at ______ I thought was a dangerous speed.

A. as

B. which

C. there

D. what

31. The school has ________ a plan for the committee to consider.

A. set up

B. set aside

C. come true

D. come into being

32. ________ is impossible for us to offer him any help.

A. This

B. It

C. That

D. which

33. Can you tell me what ________ her _________here?

A. stop; from coming

B. stopped; from coming

C. keep; from coming

D. prevent; coming to

34. He couldn’t make his voice ______ .

A. hear

B. be heard

C. hearing

D. heard

35. They have _________ a plan for reducing the daily outcome, which is quite practical.

A. put off

B. put away

C. put down

D. put forward

II完形填空(共20小题, 每题1.5分, 满分30分)

Recently I was invited to a friend’s house for supper—and had a meal I have never had before.

All the friends invited were a little 36 . It’s not that Ben is unsociable , or a bad cook , but it’s just that he never 37 more than he has to. So how come he was inviting us round for a meal? Had he bought something 38 for his friends? He greeted us at the door and showed us into his dinning room where a 39 table was waiting for us.“Nothing but the 40 for my friends!”said Ben. We all sat down and looked 41 at each other—what did he 42 to?

Ben returned with four bowls of hot soup.“It’s a 43 of carrots , potatoes and tomatoes,”said Ben. The next 44 was also a little strange in that we didn’t quite know what it was again. It’s just 45 mixture of vegetable.

As we ate we chatted and finally the 46 turned back to what we were eating.“Was there a recipe(食谱)for this,”asked Marina ,“or did you 47 it up?”Ben put his fork down. “What I cooked 48 what I could find.”Marina was surprised.“But you can find anything in supermarkets these days.”“But there’s 49 choice in what you can find 50 supermarkets.”He replies.

51 that we had all finished the food , Ben decided to tell the truth. He had read recently that supermarkets usually 52 away 5 percent of their food every day. So Ben decided to look inside his local supermarket bins. There he found food that was slightly out of 53 , boxes of throw-away vegetables and fruit.

So Ben had 54 provided a decent(不错的) meal for his friends , and made us away of the fact that there are many poor people who need the food , but the amount of food thrown away is enough to 55 millions of people.

36. A. excited B. disappointed C. surprised D. delighted

37. A. takes B. spends C. uses D. costs

38. A. cheap B. special C. practical D. usual

39. A. new B. separate C. booked D. laid

40. A. worst B. most C. best D. least

41. A. nervously B. carefully C. sadly D. happily

42. A. think B. consider C. mean D. ask

43. A. mixture B. liquid C. matter D. dish

44. A. course B. food C. soup D. salad
