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Change and beauty
蓝调乐队现场演绎进行暖场 blue
蓝调乐队现场演绎音乐暖场 Blue music band warming up.
Change and beauty
外籍礼仪/统一标准发型 Hostess
精致造型、发型统一、黑色抹胸礼服 外籍model引领礼仪时尚 Vantage style、uniformed haircut、black strapless gown . Foreign models lead etiquette fashion.
Change and beauty
官方微博启动 The official weibo start
嘉宾评论:活动开始前,邀请嘉宾编辑一句评论并附加话题前缀#恒大.因改变而美#并@官方微博帐号 大屏幕实时跟进网友互动,小花炮齐发,仪式完成 互动环节:现场转发抽取幸运来宾即可获得礼物 Guest comments: activity, prior to the start of the guests are invited to edit a comment and additional topic prefix # Evergrande. Beauty and @ # due to change the official weibo account Big screen in real time to follow up a netizen, floret cannon volley, ceremony finished Interactive link: the forward extraction lucky visitors can get a gift
15:20pm 官方微信启动The official WeChat start 15:25pm 官方微博启动The official weibo start 15:30pm 萨克斯过渡表演Saxophone performance
16:00pm 媒体提问环节Media questions 17:00pm 创意酒会Weight performance
Plan 1
Change and beauty
- 因改变才有提升 因改变我们才能开辟未来
- “商务时尚文化”的呈现 - 媒体精英与品牌交流对话
- Without history sediment, we can only look into the future - Presentation of “Business fashion Culture” - the elite & Brand communication dialogue
Design Report
会场内布置吊装多角气球灯 过道布置座式气球
Executed / Overall Agenda
Prபைடு நூலகம்ject introduction of reception
14:00pm 媒体、 嘉宾抵达VIPs arrived 14:00—14:40pm 迎宾暖场、项目宣传片循环播放Warm-up
Change and beauty
创意情景秀 Creative scene show
根据项目定制创意情景秀 立体化呈现项目规划以及业主生活情景 让媒体嘉宾感受到项目的各种优点 According to the project custom creative scene show Three-dimensional rendering of project planning and owner life scenes Let the media guests feel all sorts of advantages of the project
活动主题:恒大.因改变而美 活动時間:(暂定)2015年11月 活动地点:恒大.御江城销售中心 參與人數:100人 邀请来宾:恒大领导、媒体嘉宾
- 从对媒体嘉宾的邀请开始,将精致与时尚的元素融入每一个细节
- 从环节到每一个小点的体验,呈现恒大的品牌与传奇 - 会场内部的体验将全方位呈现恒大所倡导的礼宾之遇
Change and beauty
自由交流酒会 The free exchange cocktail party
项目推介结束后主持人致以感谢词,来宾可进行自由交流酒会 酒会创意:邀请米其林厨师抵达活动现场现场制作精致下午茶,供现场来宾享用 Creative cocktail party: invite Michelin chef arrived at the scene of the event to make delicate tea in the afternoon A total of on-site guests to enjoy
Change and beauty
主持人致辞/政府领导致辞 Speech
主持人上台致辞 介绍来宾 /邀请政府领导致辞 Host will give a short speech, welcoming our guests, introducing profects./Invite government delivered a speech
14:45pm 肩上芭蕾开场Beginning 14:50pm 主持人致开场词Host the opening word
15:00pm 创意情景秀Creative scene show 15:05pm 恒大领导致辞leader delivered a speech
15:10pm 产品亮相发布仪式Product launch 15:15pm 媒体代表致辞Media representatives made a speech
肩上芭蕾开场 Beginning
肩上芭蕾开场,以其优雅时尚的态度拉开本次媒体发布会的序幕 展示活动时尚大气基调 Shoulder ballet began, with its elegant and fashionable attitude marks the prelude to the press conference Fashion show activity atmosphere tone
Change and beauty
签到形式:因改变而美 Sing in
可翻转的签到姓名LOGO牌 最终翻转完成后将形成一个完整的项目LOGO
因改变而美 来宾抵达签到处在签到墙上选择方块后,翻转签上姓名 每个方块相当于一个小的拼图,最终翻转完成后,完成整个项目LOGO 用创意开启来宾与御江城的一段美妙旅程
Change and beauty
Change and beauty
签到/国际摄影师 Singing
来宾到达后在签到墙进行签到(伴手礼推荐:青花瓷商务礼盒) 签到处设置专业摄影师,拍照留念,给人尊崇感。 Guests will arrive and sign in, where they can take photo by international photographer as souvenir.
Change and beauty
自由交流 Party
签到完毕 来宾自由交流 After signing, guests shall be free to enjoy the cocktail party.
Change and beauty
Change and beauty
Begin with the invitation,we will integrate most main essential of the fashion
We will show the Jin MAO centre brand history from the start off to every destination The experience inside will present a picture of the Jin MAO centre ’s service
Change and beauty
恒大领导致辞 leader delivered a speech
播放项目推介视频,用视频或PPT介绍项目本规划、项目设计概念、项目招商等具体 情况, 金贸中心领导上台就项目进行推介讲解 Project promotion video, video or PPT to introduce this project planning, project design concept, project investment, such as the specific circumstances, Jin Mao center leadership took office on project promotion
Change and beauty
经典萨克斯演奏 Saxophone playing
外籍萨克斯演奏过渡小憩 Foreign saxophone playing
Change and beauty
媒体提问环节 Media questions
媒体自由提问 拟定新闻话题点: 1、揭晓恒大.因改变而美话题 2、恒大御江城项目价值体现 3、区域板块掘金点 I proposed news topics: 1, announced Evergrande. Due to change the subject 2, Evergrande royal river project value The nuggets point 3, regional plate
Change and beauty
产品亮相发布仪式 Product launch
创意:利用多米诺骨牌打造城项目形象,通过仪式立体化呈现项目,让现场来宾惊叹 仪式完成,冷焰火进行庆祝 Creative: using the domino build an image of a city project through ritual three-dimensional rendering project, let the site visitors
Change and beauty
媒体代表致辞 Media representatives made a speech
邀请媒体代表登台进行致辞 Zheshang bank project
Change and beauty
官方微信启动 The official WeChat start
嘉宾评论:活动开始前,邀请嘉宾编辑一句评论并附加话题前缀#恒大.因改变而美#并@官方微信帐号 大屏幕实时跟进网友互动,小花炮齐发,仪式完成 互动环节:现场摇一摇与媒体互动,赠送礼品 Guest comments: activity, prior to the start of the guests are invited to edit a comment and additional topic prefix # Evergrande. By changing the # @ officially WeChat account Big screen in real time to follow up a netizen, floret cannon volley, ceremony finished
In the sign in the wall the arrival of guests choose square, flip sign your name Each square is equivalent to a small puzzle, eventually turn over, after the completion of LOGO to complete the whole project Use creative open guests a wonderful journey with royal river