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理想是指路明灯。没有理想, 不要只因一次失败,就放弃 就没有坚定的方向;没有方向, 你原来决心想达到的目的。 就没有生活。(俄国作家 托尔 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚) 斯泰)
Have faith would necessarily win, no confidence will lose Success is not inevitable, but efforts are needed!
年岁岁的脚印里,他的歌声他的电影暖暖的陪我走 过一生!
有信心未必会赢,没信心一定会输! 成功不是必然的,但努力是必需的!
His life has taught me how to realize his dream of survival.
他的人生教会了我如何去实现自己赖以 生存的梦想。
听他的音乐像是在饮咖wk.baidu.com品生活 他非音乐像是在与玫瑰陪伴
Listening to his music like a drink coffee product life His music like with roses in the company
Do not, for one repulse, give up Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, the purpose that you resolved there is no secure direction; to effect.(William Shakespeare, without direction, there is no British dramatist) life.(Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer)
Follow him into the music world

Enter the film highlights Andy lau
精 华
Perhaps because of future bosom filled with hope, perhaps because • 或许是因为对未来怀满希望,或许是因为对人生拥 of life, perhaps because they have faith to lift the blue sky eight 有信仰,或许是因为对举目天空八厘米蔚蓝的坚持。 centimeters persistence. In dreams and free edges of hope, then choreographed as pale winter, step on bluestone alley, hand holding 在梦与游离的边缘的寄望,那么轻灵犹如苍白色的 the flame of the candle, even if the cold wind of white snow area is 冬天,踏在青石板的小路上,手捧着火光摇曳的白 blown on the potential of fabric, can heart pennant but have not 色蜡烛,即使寒风的势吹落雪域上的幡巾,可心中 destroy of hope. In the end of&nbsp om, in yours footprints, he sings his film warm accompany me through life! 却拥有着不灭的希望。在岁岁年年的遥望中,在年