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江西省樟树中学2011届高三年级 (应届)




A. Apple.

B. Pear.

C. Peach.

Wlio i? dw ullcrc girl of th:

A. Susan.

B. Linda.

C. Angela.

XVtier 亡 d.{xs This con\r ersatioii cake place?

Ai In i 黄hwl ・ B* In 3 取?K*

C. In 应召

第二节C4t 15小题:每小题1.号分,満分22. 5分) 请听第E 段删.回答第G 至&题.

Whom will Katy have a meal vith this evenin-^^

A. S ome classmates.

B. Some American friends

C. Het paients. What sKan^ 仃口?ing Henn foL

A. To aik turn to hav? a meal together.

B. To tell him something importaiit.

C. To to tlie cin#mi with him.

Why does Henry lrftise Kan?

A. He VL 1 pick up his parents at S pm..

B- got a headache 2nd has some other things to do.


lfcT9 hav^ idinxiei wjthfb 「口goers.


9. What ' the probable relati on ship betwee n the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student .

B. shop assistant and customer. C . Husband and wife . 10. On which channel is the baseball game on?

A . Channel 2.

B . Channel 6.

C. Channel 8 11 . What does the woman agree to see at last?

A . The baseball match. B. A western film.

C. An American film.


12 . Why does the woman feel happy now?

A . She has got a good job.

B . She is going home soon .

C. She has bought a beautiful house . 13. Where is the woma n probably now?

A. In the USA.

B. In Chi na.

C. In En gla nd.

第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5 分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。

L. 3. Wha 【does ±

e man lit 电 best?

A. Fish

B. Fried chicken

U'Tiat do we ]eam about \ tari - and Jane?

A. Th-vy are good friends.

B. 7he\f ar« both Jack s iriends.

C. They arcbo± interested in art

Which is The most expensive in the market?

C. Fried chips


27 .

14. Which of the following does the woman not like according to the conversation?

A . Wet weather .

B . Schools .

C. Libraries


15. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. How to become a milli on aire.

B. How to spe nd mon ey.

C. Collect ing stamps 16. How much does the man spend on stamps a year?

A . 50 yuan.

B. 180 yuan..

C.600 yuan.

17. What can we know about the man?

A. He does n 'like the stamps his father gave him.

B. He has made many friends by collecti ng stamps.

C. He has traveled to many places.


18. What perce ntage of America n workers were farmers two hun dred years ago?

A . 85%.


C. 92%.

19 . Why is agriculture still America 's biggest industry now? A . 95% of America n are farmers. B. It employs more workers tha n any other in dustry and


much more food.

C. The US con sumes the most agricultural goods in the world. 20 . Why can America n farmers produce more today tha n before?

A . The weather and soil are gett ing better tha n before. B. They want to sell more goods abroad.

C. They use moder n farming and bus in ess methods.

第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)



A . to have; you to be

C . to have; you are —Is it for two mon ths

havi ng; that you

being hav ing;

that you are

21 . 22 . 23 . —Would you mind givi ng your advice on how to improve our bus in ess man ageme


—If you make __ most of the equipme nt, there will be _ rise in product ion

A .不填;不填

B . the ; a

C .不填;a

D . the ;不填

When I was at college I ______ three foreig n Ian guages, but I A . spoke; had forgotte n

B .

C . had spoke n; had forgotte n —I really appreciate time to relax . —I don ' t doubt D.

all except a few words of each .

spoke; have forgotte n had spoke n; have forgotte n able to

do .so





24 . D .

they have stayed here?
