
group stage group stage group stage round of 16 quarter-finals semi-finals 3rd place play-off
13 June 2010 18 June 2010 23 June 2010 27 June 2010 3 July 2010 7 July 2010 10 July 2010
Tournament World Cup
Stage final
Date 11 July 2010
Prediction Spain[34]
Res ult 0–1
Outco me
you !
Host country: South Africa Dates: 11 June - 11 July Team: 32<from 5 or 6 confederations> Venues: 10<in 9 host cities>
South African World Cup mascot is a peculiar Leopard ,named Zakumi. At first glance ,it was deeply impressed besides its implied meaning .Unlike the tradition sense of Leopard ,Zakumi has amiable appearance.
Kaka: He was born in 1982 at Brazil . He is a famous football player . He belongs to Brazilian club.

Match ball
• The match ball for the 2010 World Cup, manufactured by Adidas, is named the Jabulani, which means "bringing joy to everyone" in Zulu. It is the eleventh World Cup match ball made by the German sports equipment maker; it features eleven colours, representing each player of a team on the pitch and the eleven official languages of South Africa.
• /programs/view/ZDaaBQ2 dU9E/-
• The 2010 World Cup in South Africa has been adjudged FIFA’s best World Cup in shape, form and value; Danny Jordaan, CEO of the South Africa 2010 World Cup has disclosed.
Official song
• The official song of the 2010 World Cup "Waka Waka" was performed by the Colombian singer Shakira and the band Freshlyground from South Africa, and is sung in both English and Spanish

2010年世界盃足球賽第十九屆世界盃足球賽(官方名稱:2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa ™)決賽周為國際足協第十九屆舉行的世界盃足球賽,將於2010年6月11日至7月11日在南非的十個城市舉行,共有來自世界各地的32支球隊參加賽,共進行64場作賽決定冠軍隊伍,本屆亦是首次在非洲舉行的世界盃。
南非總統姆貝基說,2010年世界盃在南非舉辦是對非洲的一種敬意,這表明...圍繞此主題此制定的2010年南非世界盃口號是「在非洲與非洲一起勝利(Win in Africa with Africa」。
他的名字來自南非的簡稱"ZA" 和數種非洲語言裏代表十的字"kumi"。

Who Will Be The Winner ?
Win the World Cup is a symbol of the world's top teams, thus it can be seen, how fierce the competition is.
B e s i d e s B r a z i l , A rg e n t i n a , Germany, Italy and Spain will be also likely to win the champion.
Over the past six years, Spain won three champions, including the European champions for the second time in a row. Currently, FC Barcelona( 巴塞罗那 ) and real Madrid (皇家马德里) are essential factors in Spain national team. Owning players like Xavi(哈维), Iniesta (伊涅斯塔), Fabregas(法布雷加斯), Alonso(阿隆索), David Silva (大卫 席尔瓦), and so on, Spain still dominates the midfield(中场) by a large margin.
Super stars in the World Cup Pele(贝利)
Pele was Brazilian football player, owning three champions in the World Cup. On the soccer field, Pele's outstanding achievements is virtually unrivaled in the modern history of international sports. We are used to calling him “football king".

PortElizabeth(伊丽莎白港)Nelson PortElizabeth(伊丽莎白港)Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium 纳尔逊纳尔逊曼德拉海湾球场 Bloemfontein(布隆方丹) Bloemfontein(布隆方丹) Free State Stadium 自由州球场 Nelspruit(内尔斯普雷特) Nelspruit(内尔斯普雷特) Mbombela Stadium 姆博贝拉球场 Polokwane(波罗瓜尼) Polokwane(波罗瓜尼) Rustenburg(勒斯滕堡) Rustenburg(勒斯滕堡)
Zakumi (扎库米)
【Schedule 】 (时间表)
【Schedule 】 (时间表)
All times are Bei Jing Standard Time .
【 Integral Billboard 】 (积分榜)
In the following tables: Pld = total games played 场次 W = total games won 胜 D = total games drawn (tied) 平 L = total games lost 负 GF = total goals scored (goals for) 进球 GA = total goals conceded (goals against) 失球 GD = goal difference (GFGA) 净胜球 Pts = total points accumulated 积分
City Johannesburg(约翰内斯 Johannesburg(约翰内斯 堡) Durban(德班) Durban(德班) Cape Town(开普敦) Town(开普敦) Johannesburg(约翰内斯 Johannesburg(约翰内斯 堡) Pretoria(比勒陀利亚) Pretoria(比勒陀利亚)

Brazilian football
Football quickly became a passion for Brazilians, who often refer to their football”. country as “the country of football . the Over 10,000 Brazilians play professionally all over the world. Football has a major effect on Brazilian culture. It is the favorite pastime of youngsters playing football on streets.
South Africa
The saddest host The best devotion for South Africa is that it brings African football to the continent of Africa, but its performance is not good as its devotion. In the first group game, it claimed a 1-1 draw against Mexico. However, it was defeated by Uruguay that it lost three goals in the second game. And , it defeated France 2:1 through goals in the third game. But it just ranked the third place so that it was eliminated. And it makes a new history but not good, which become the first eliminated host country in the group game.

The first is called the Jules Rimet Cup(雷米特杯).It was born in 1928. During world war ii, FIFA vicepresident( 副总裁) Ottorino Barassi throughout(自始至终)hide it under the bed of a shoe box, it makes it survived (幸存)during the war. • 在二战期间,国际足联的副主席Ottorino Barassi在整个战争期间一直将它藏在床 底下的一个鞋盒里,这才将其保存下来。
World Cup
The World Cup is the world top level(水平 )football game, and with the Olympic Games, F1 and called global(全球的) three Big top matches. It held every four years, any FIFA member countries (regions)To send teams and participated(参与)in the World Cup qualifying phase (资格赛阶段) and mainly divided(分为) into the final phase( 阶段)of the two Stage(阶 段).
• Then in 1966, it suddenly missing in England in a exhibition(展览会).Later It was found under a tree , a dog find it 。 • 然后在1966年,金杯在英格兰展示时突 然失踪,后来被发现被埋在一棵树下面 ,找到它的是一只狗。

国 旗
国 徽
这只卡通小猎豹的名 字为扎库米(Zakumi), 它长着一头绿色鬃毛,这 代表了足球的绿茵场。猎 豹是陆上奔跑速度最快的 动物,主要分布在非洲。 南非世界杯赛组委会说, 扎库米在南非11种官方语 言中有许多意思:Zakumi 由“Za”和“Kumi”两部 分组成,“Za”代表南非, 而“Kumi”在非洲大陆多 种语言中都是“10号”的 意思;扎库米还可以解释 为“快来”。
通过世界杯预选赛获得决赛阶段名额的国家代表队,加上主办国的代表队一共32支球队将 会到主办国进行决赛阶段的比赛争夺冠军。决赛阶段32支球队通过抽签被分成8个小组,每个 小组4支球队,进行分组积分赛,各个小组的前两名共十六支球队将获得出线资格,进入复赛; 进入复赛后,十六支球队按照既定的规则确定赛程,不再抽签,然后进行单场淘汰赛,直至决从1930年乌拉圭世界杯到2010 南非世界杯,已经是第19届,经 历了80年。南非世界杯这是非洲 国家第一次举办世界杯赛,预示 着非洲足球事业逐步踏入颠峰 。
南 非 简 介
南非地处南半球,位于非洲大 陆的最南端,介于南纬22度至35度 和东经17度和33度之间,陆地面积 为1219,090平方公里,相当于荷兰、 比利时、意大利、法国和德国五国 面积之和,比我国的新疆维吾尔自 治区小,略大于内蒙古自治区。其 东、南、西三面被印度洋和大西洋 环抱,北面与纳米比亚、博茨瓦纳、 津巴布韦、莫桑比克和斯威士兰接 壤。
亚洲区 大洋洲区 欧洲区 中北美区 南美区 巴西、巴拉 圭、智利、 阿根廷、乌 拉圭 非洲区 南非(东道 主)、加纳、 科特迪瓦、 喀麦隆、尼 日利亚、阿 尔及利亚 日本、韩国、 澳大利亚、 朝鲜 新西兰 荷兰、西班 墨西哥、美 牙、英格兰、 国、洪都拉 塞尔维亚、 斯 意大利、丹 麦、德国、 斯洛伐克、 瑞士、希腊、 葡萄牙、斯 洛文尼亚、 法国

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
England USA Algeria Slovenia
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
2F 1G
Match 54
2E 1H W54 W56
Match 56
W = Winner Page 10
L = Loser
World Cup 2010 - Final matches
Round of 16
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
26/06 26/06 27/06 27/06 28/06 28/06 29/06 29/06
Nelson Mandela Bay / Port Elizabeth Johannesburg - JEP Johannesburg - JSC Cape Town Durban Nelspruit Ivory Coast Brazil Brazil Portugal Portugal North Korea
Results Chile Switzerland Switzerland Honduras Spain Honduras
Page 7
World Cup 2010 - Group table A - D

Regulations2010 FIFA World CupSouth Africa TMRegulations 2010 FIFA World CupSouth Africa TM11 June – 11 July 20101. FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONPresident: Joseph S. BlatterGeneral Secretary: Jérôme ValckeAddress: FIFA-Strasse20P.O.Box8044ZurichSwitzerlandTelephone:+41-43/2227777Telefax:+41-43/2227878Internet:Bank correspondent: UBS AG, Bahnhofstrasse 458021 Zurich, SwitzerlandSWIFT address: UBSW CH ZH 80ACHF Account No. 325.519.30UUSD Account No. 325.519.61YEUR Account No. 325.519.62B2. ORGANISING COMMITTEE FOR THE 2010 FIFA WORLD CUP SOUTH AFRICA™Chairman: Issa H ayatouDeputy Chairmen: Julio H. Grondona, Michel Platini 3. ORGANISING ASSOCIATION: SOUTH AFRICASOUTH AFRICAN FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONPresident: Molefi OliphantGeneral Secretary: Raymond HackAddress: SAFAHouse76 NASREC RoadNASREC Ext 3JohannesburgSouth Africa 2190Telephone: +27 11 494 3522Telefax: +27 11 494 30132010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™ Local Organising Committee Chairman: Irvin KhozaCEO: DannyJordaanAddress: SAFAHouse76 NASREC RoadNASREC Ext 3JohannesburgSouth Africa 2190Telephone: +27 11 567 2010Telefax: +27 11 494 3164E-Mail: info@Internet:Article PageGENERAL PROVISIONS 6-181. 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa TM62. Organising Association responsibilities 73. Organising Committee for the FIFA World Cup TM84. Participating member associations 95. Entries for the FIFA World Cup TM 106. Withdrawal, penalty for failing to play and replacement 117. Eligibility of players 138. Laws of the Game 139. Refereeing 1410.Disciplinarymatters 15 11.Doping 15 12.Disputes 16 13.Protests 16 14.Commercialrights 18 PRELIMINARY COMPETITION 19-28 15.Entryforms 1916. List of players 1917. Preliminary draw, format of play and group formation 2018. Venues, kick-off times and training sessions 2219.Stadiums,fi elds of play, clocks, displays 24 20.Footballs 26 21.Equipment 2622. Flags and anthems 2723.Financialprovisions 27 24.Ticketing 28 Article PageFINAL COMPETITION 29-46 25.Finalcompetition 2926. List of players 2927.Accreditation 3128. Teams and draw for the fi nal competition 3129. Venues, dates and kick-off times,arrival at the venues for fi nal competition matches 32 30.Stadiums,fi elds of play, clocks, displays 34 31.Footballs 35 32.Equipment 3533. Flags and anthems 3734.Protocol 37 35.Media 3736. Financial provisions 3837.Ticketing 4038. Final competition format 4039.Groupstage 4040. Round of sixteen 4241.Quarter-fi nals 43 42.Semi-fi nals 4343. Final, play-off for third place 4444. Trophy, awards and medals 44 FINAL PROVISIONS 47-48 45.Specialcircumstances 4746. Matters not provided for 4747.Languages 47 48.Copyright 47 49.Nowaiver 47 50.Enforcement 48Article 1 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™1. The FIFA World Cup™ is a FIFA event embodied in the FIFA Statutes.2. On 15 May 2004, the FIFA Executive Committee designated the SouthAfrican Football Association (SAFA) as the Organising Association ofthe fi nal competition for the 2010 FIFA World Cup™. The OrganisingAssociation is responsible for organising, hosting and staging the fi nalcompetition, as well as the security for the duration thereof.3. SAFA has set up a Local Organising Committee (LOC) in the form ofan internal division to organise the fi nal competition, in accordancewith the List of Requirements (LoR) and the Organising AssociationAgreement (OAA) between FIFA and the Organising Association.4. SAFA and its LOC are collectively referred to as the OrganisingAssociation. The Organising Association is subject to the supervisionand control of FIFA, which has the last word on all matters relevant tothe 2010 FIFA World Cup™. The decisions of FIFA are fi nal.5. Working relations between the Organising Association and FIFAare regulated in a special contract, the OAA, its annexes, the LoR,FIFA guidelines and circulars as well as the FIFA Statutes and variousregulations. The Organising Association undertakes to observe the FIFAStatutes, regulations, directives, decisions, guidelines, circulars as wellas the LoR and the OAA.6. The FIFA Executive Committee has also appointed the OrganisingCommittee for the FIFA World Cup™ (FIFA Organising Committee) toorganise the competition.7. The regulations for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™ (theRegulations) regulate the rights, duties and responsibilities of allassociations taking part in the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ and of theOrganising Association by forming an integral part of the OAA. TheRegulations and all guidelines and circulars issued by FIFA are bindingfor all parties participating and involved in the preparation, organisationand hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup™.8. Any rights associated with the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ that arenot granted by these Regulations and/or specifi c agreements to aparticipating member association in the preliminary or fi nal competition,or to a confederation, belong to FIFA.9. The FIFA Statutes and all FIFA regulations in force shall apply. Anyreference in these Regulations to the FIFA Statutes and regulations referto the Statutes and regulations valid at the time of application. Article 2 Organising Association responsibilities1. The obligations and responsibilities of the Organising Association arestipulated in the OAA and the LoR, these Regulations and other FIFAregulations, guidelines, directives, decisions, circulars or any otheragreement reached between FIFA and the Organising Association.2. The responsibilities of the Organising Association shall include but notbe limited to:a) ensuring that order and safety is maintained in cooperation withthe government of South Africa, particularly in and around thestadiums. It shall take adequate measures to prevent and avoidoutbreaks of violence;b) ensuring that order and safety is maintained around theheadquarters and training grounds of the participating memberassociations;c) concluding insurance policies in consultation with FIFA to cover allrisks relating to the fi nal competition’s organisation, in particular,adequate liability insurance in respect of the stadiums, localorganisation, members of the Organising Association and theLOC, employees, volunteers and any other persons involved in theorganisation of the fi nal competition;d) concluding liability insurance against possible spectator accidentsor deaths;e) ensuring the presence of a suffi cient number of ground staff andsecurity stewards to guarantee safety.3. The Organising Association shall discharge FIFA from all responsibilityand relinquish any claim against FIFA and the members of its delegationfor any damages resulting from any act or omission relating to theorganisation and course of the FIFA World Cup™.Article 3 Organising Committee for the FIFA World Cup™1. The Organising Committee for the FIFA World Cup™, appointed by theFIFA Executive Committee, is responsible for organising the FIFA WorldCup™ in accordance with the FIFA Statutes.2. The FIFA Organising Committee may, if necessary, appoint a bureauand/or one or more sub-committee(s) to deal with emergencies. Anydecision taken by the bureau or the sub-committee(s) shall come intoeffect immediately but shall be subject to confi rmation by the plenarycommittee at its next meeting.3. The responsibilities of the FIFA Organising Committee include, amongstother matters:a) supervising general preparations and deciding on the competitionformat, the draw and the formation of groups and sub-groups;b) fi xing the dates and venues of the matches in the fi nal competitionas well as in the preliminary competition whenever associations failto agree;c) determining the match schedule and kick-off times for the fi nalcompetition;d) choosing the stadiums and training grounds for the fi nal competitionin accordance with the LoR and OAA after consultation with theLOC;e) appointing match commissioners, security offi cers and any otherFIFA offi cials;f) judging infringements concerning the eligibility of players in thefi nal competition (cf. art. 7, par. 2);g) choosing the offi cial football and stipulated technical material forthe fi nal competition;h) deciding at which matches of the preliminary competition dopingtests will be conducted;i) reporting cases in relation to article 6 of these Regulations to theFIFA Disciplinary Committee for its deliberation;j) judging protests and taking appropriate steps to verify their admissibility;k) replacing associations that have withdrawn from the FIFA World Cup™;l) settling cases of force majeure;m) dealing with any other aspect of the FIFA World Cup™ that is not the responsibility of any other body under the terms of theseRegulations or the FIFA Statutes.4. The decisions taken by the FIFA Organising Committee and/or itssub-committee(s) are fi nal and binding.Article 4 Participating member associations1. Each participating member association shall be responsible throughoutthe competition for:a) the conduct of the members of its delegation (offi cials and players),and of any person carrying out duties on its behalf throughoutthe competition, from their arrival in the host country until theirdeparture;b) concluding compulsory insurance cover, particularly health,accident and travel insurance, for all members of its delegation;c) paying for incidental expenses incurred by its delegationmembers and for any costs incurred by additional members of thedelegation;d) paying for any costs of extending the stay of any member of itsdelegation, the duration of which is determined by FIFA;e) applying for visas in good time from the relevant host country, ifnecessary;f) attending media conferences and other offi cial media activitiesorganised by FIFA in accordance with the instructions issued byFIFA;g) ensuring that every member of its delegation completes the FIFAentry forms and signs the required declarations.2. The participating member associations and their players and offi cialsagree to comply with the Laws of the Game and the FIFA Statutes andregulations, in particular the FIFA Disciplinary Code, the FIFA DopingControl Regulations, the FIFA Code of Ethics, the FIFA CommercialRegulations and the FIFA Equipment Regulations as well as all directivesand decisions of FIFA bodies unless these Regulations stipulateotherwise. The participating member associations and their players andoffi cials also agree to comply with the Participating Member AssociationTicketing Allocation Agreement and all further FIFA guidelines andcirculars that have any signifi cance regarding the FIFA World Cup™. 3. All members of the participating member associations’ delegations shallundertake to comply fully with the regulations and decisions taken byFIFA bodies, in particular the Executive Committee, FIFA OrganisingCommittee, Referees Committee, Disciplinary Committee and AppealCommittee.4. Unless otherwise mentioned in these Regulations, each participatingmember association hosting a match in the preliminary competitionwill be responsible, among other matters, for:a) guaranteeing, planning and implementing law and order as wellas safety and security in the stadiums and other relevant locationsin conjunction with the relevant authorities;b) obtaining adequate insurance cover for all risks relating to matchorganisation, including but not limited to public liability insurance.FIFA shall be expressly identifi ed as a named insured party in allsuch insurance policies;c) providing the match commissioner with a DVD or video cassetteof each home match immediately after the match in question. Article 5 Entries for the FIFA World Cup™1. The FIFA World Cup™ takes place every four years. As a general rule,every association affi liated to FIFA may participate in the FIFA WorldCup™ with its representative team.2. The FIFA World Cup™ consists of two parts:a) the preliminary competition;b) the fi nal competition.3. The Organising Association’s representative team, the South AfricanFootball Association, automatically qualifi es for the fi nal competition.4. On entering the competition, the participating member associationsand their players and offi cials automatically undertake to:a) observe and comply with the FIFA Statutes, regulations, directives,circulars, guidelines and decisions as well as national andinternational laws;b) accept that all the administrative, disciplinary and refereeingmatters related to the competition shall be dealt with by FIFA incompliance with the relevant FIFA regulations;c) participate in all matches of the competition in which their teamis scheduled to take part;d) accept all the arrangements made by the Organising Associationin agreement with FIFA;e) accept the use and/or sublicense by FIFA, as well as the recordingand broadcast of the images, names and records of players andoffi cials and those of participating member associations that mayappear in connection with the fi nal competition in accordancewith the FIFA Commercial Regulations;f) provide suffi cient insurance to cover their delegation against allrisks, including but not limited to injury, accident and disease;g) observe the principles of fair play.Article 6 Withdrawal, penalty for failing to play and replacement1. All participating member associations undertake to play all of theirmatches until eliminated from the FIFA World Cup™.2. Any association that withdraws between the preliminary draw and thestart of the preliminary competition is liable to a fi ne of CHF 20,000.Any association that withdraws after the start of the preliminarycompetition is liable to a fi ne of CHF 40,000.3. Any association that withdraws no later than 30 days before thestart of the fi nal competition shall be fi ned between a minimum ofCHF 250,000 and a maximum of CHF 500,000. Any association thatwithdraws less than 30 days before the start of the fi nal competition, orduring the fi nal competition itself, shall be fi ned between a minimumof CHF 500,000 and a maximum of CHF 1,000,000.4. Depending on the circumstances of the withdrawal, the FIFA DisciplinaryCommittee may impose additional sanctions, including the suspensionof the association concerned from subsequent FIFA competitions.5. Any association that withdraws or is excluded from playing in thecompetition may be replaced by another association. The FIFAOrganising Committee will decide on the matter at its sole discretion. Noappeals may be lodged against these decisions. Furthermore, the guiltyassociation will forfeit any claim to fi nancial remuneration from FIFA.6. Depending on circumstances and the decision of the FIFA OrganisingCommittee, any association that withdraws may be ordered toreimburse FIFA and the Organising Association for any expenses alreadyincurred as a result of its involvement in the competition, and may alsobe obliged to pay compensation for any damages or losses incurred.7. If a team does not report for a match – except in cases of force majeurerecognised by the FIFA Organising Committee – or if it refuses tocontinue to play or leaves the stadium before the end of a match, theteam will be considered as having lost. The match and three pointswill be awarded to its opponents with a score of 3-0 or more if, in thecase of an abandoned match, the winning team has already reacheda higher score at the time the guilty team leaves the fi eld or refuses tocontinue to play.8. The guilty team will, as a general rule, be excluded from furtherparticipation in the competition so that none of its matches will bedeemed valid, unless the incidents mentioned in par. 7 occurred in itslast match. In addition, the guilty association shall pay compensationfor any damages or losses suffered by the other association(s) andby FIFA. Furthermore, the guilty association will forfeit any claim tofi nancial remuneration from FIFA. Further measures may be taken bythe FIFA Organising Committee.9. If the circumstances of withdrawal are sufficiently serious, theDisciplinary Committee may also take whatever additional action isappropriate under the terms of the Disciplinary Code.10. The relevant FIFA committee shall determine the amount of damagesfor fi nancial loss upon receipt of a substantiated and documentedrequest from the Organising Association.11. No appeals may be lodged against these decisions.12. If, through the fault of a participating member association, a matchcannot take place or be played in its entirety, the FIFA OrganisingCommittee shall declare that the match be forfeited (awarding victoryand the resultant three points to the opposing team as well as thescore of 3-0, or greater, depending on the score in the match at thetime of abandonment) and/or exclude the team concerned from thecompetition.13. The FIFA Organising Committee shall take whatever action is deemednecessary in cases of force majeure.Article 7 Eligibility of players1. Each association shall ensure the following when selecting itsrepresentative team for the FIFA World Cup™:a) all players shall be citizens of its country and subject to itsjurisdiction;b) all players shall be eligible for selection in accordance with theRegulations Governing the Application of the FIFA Statutes andother relevant FIFA regulations.2. Any team that is found guilty of fi elding an ineligible player shall forfeitthe match in question. Victory and the resultant three points will beawarded to the opposing team as well as the score of 3-0, or greater,depending on the score of the match. The FIFA Organising Committeeis the competent body to decide in this regard.Article 8 Laws of the Game1. All matches shall be played in accordance with the Laws of the Gamein force at the time of the tournament and as laid down by theInternational Football Association Board. In the case of any discrepancyin the interpretation of the Laws of the Game, the English version shallbe authoritative.2. Each match shall last 90 minutes, comprising two periods of45 minutes, with a half-time interval of 15 minutes.3. If, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, extra timeis to be played as the result of a draw at the end of normal playingtime, it shall always consist of two periods of 15 minutes each, withan interval of fi ve minutes at the end of normal playing time, but notbetween the two periods of extra time.4. If the score is still level after extra time, penalty kicks will be taken todetermine the winner in accordance with the procedure described inthe Laws of the Game.Article 9 Refereeing1. The referees, assistant referees and fourth offi cials for the preliminaryand fi nal competitions will be appointed for each match by the FIFAReferees Committee. They shall be selected from the FIFA InternationalRefereeing List in force and come from a member association whoseteam is not playing in the group or match in question. A reserve assistantreferee will also be appointed for each match of the fi nal competition.The decisions of the FIFA Referees Committee are fi nal and not subjectto appeal.2. The referees, assistant referees, fourth offi cials and reserve assistantreferees shall receive their official refereeing kit and equipmentfrom FIFA. They shall wear and use only this kit and equipment onmatchdays.3. The referees, assistant referees, fourth offi cials and reserve assistantreferees shall be given the opportunity to use training facilities.4. If the referee or one of the assistant referees is prevented from carryingout his duties, such referee or assistant referee shall be replaced by thefourth offi cial.5. After each match, the referee shall complete and sign the offi cialFIFA report form. In the preliminary competition, he shall send thisreport within 24 hours to the FIFA general secretariat (by telefax orpost). In the fi nal competition, he shall hand it over to the FIFA generalcoordinator at the stadium immediately after the match.6. On the report form, the referee shall note all occurrences, such asmisconduct of players leading to caution or expulsion, unsportingbehaviour by supporters and/or by offi cials or any other person actingon behalf of an association at the match and any other incidenthappening before, during and after the match in as much detail aspossible.Article 10 Disciplinary matters1. Disciplinary incidents are dealt with in compliance with the FIFADisciplinary Code in force and all relevant circulars and directives, withwhich the participating member associations undertake to comply.2. FIFA may introduce new disciplinary rules and sanctions for the durationof the fi nal competition. Such rules shall be communicated to theparticipating member associations one month before the fi rst matchof the fi nal competition at the latest.3. In addition, the players agree notably to:a) respect the spirit of fair play and non-violence;b) behave accordingly;c) refrain from doping as defi ned by the FIFA Doping ControlRegulations.4. The participating member associations and their delegations shallcomply with the FIFA Statutes, the Disciplinary Code and the Code ofEthics, in particular in matters regarding the fi ght against discriminationand racism.Article 11 Doping1. Doping is prohibited. FIFA will inform the participating memberassociations by means of a circular letter of the doping controlprocedures and list of prohibited substances.2. The FIFA Organising Committee shall be responsible for the approvalof the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)-accredited laboratory whichwill carry out the analysis of samples.3. The FIFA Disciplinary Code, the Doping Control Regulations, as well asall other relevant FIFA directives will apply to the FIFA World Cup™.1617Article12 Disputes1. All disputes in connection with the FIFA World Cup™ shall be promptlysettled by negotiation.2. In compliance with the FIFA Statutes, participating member associations,players and offi cials may not take disputes to an ordinary court of lawbut to the exclusive jurisdiction of FIFA.3. The participating member associations, players and offi cials acknowledgeand accept that, once all internal channels have been exhausted atFIFA, their sole recourse shall be to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne, Switzerland. Any such arbitration proceedings shall be governed by the CAS Code of Sports-related Arbitration, subject to decisions which are fi nal and binding.4. Any disputes between FIFA and the Organising Association shall besettled as stipulated in the OAA.Article13 Protests1. For the purpose of these Regulations, protests are objections of anykind related to events or matters that have a direct effect on matchesorganised in the preliminary and fi nal competitions of the 2010 FIFA World Cup™, including but not limited to the state of and markings on the pitch, accessory match equipment, eligibility of players, stadium installations and footballs.2. Unless otherwise stipulated in this article, protests shall be submitted inwriting to the FIFA match commissioner or the FIFA general coordinatorwithin two hours of the match in question and followed up immediately with a full written report, including a copy of the original protest, to be sent in writing and by registered letter to the FIFA general secretariat or, during the fi nal competition, to the FIFA headquarters in South Africa within 24 hours of the end of the match, otherwise they will be disregarded.3. Protests regarding the eligibility of players nominated for matchesin the preliminary competition shall be submitted in writing to theFIFA general secretariat no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the match in question. Protests regarding the eligibility of players nominated for matches in the fi nal competition shall be submitted in writing to the FIFA general secretariat no later than 5 (fi ve) days before the opening match.4. Protests regarding the state of the pitch, its surroundings, markingsor accessory items (e.g. goals, fl ag posts or footballs) shall be madein writing to the referee before the start of the match by the head of delegation of the team lodging the protest. If the pitch’s playing surface becomes unplayable during a match, the captain of the protesting team shall immediately lodge a protest with the referee in the presence of the captain of the opposing team. The protests shall be confi rmed in writing to the FIFA general secretariat during the preliminary competition, and to the FIFA headquarters in South Africa during the fi nal competition, by the head of the team delegation no later than two hours after the match.5. Protests against any incidents that occur during the course of a matchshall be made to the referee by the team captain immediately after thedisputed incident and before play has resumed, in the presence of the captain of the opposing team. The protest shall be confi rmed in writing to the FIFA match commissioner or FIFA general coordinator by the head of the team delegation no later than two hours after the match.6. No protests may be made about the referee’s decisions regardingfacts connected with play. Such decisions are fi nal, unless otherwisestipulated in the FIFA Disciplinary Code.7. If an unfounded or irresponsible protest is lodged, the FIFA DisciplinaryCommittee may impose a fi ne.8. Once the fi nal match of the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa TM hasended, any protests described in this article will be disregarded.9. The FIFA Organising Committee will pass decisions on any protestslodged.GENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 14 Commercial rights1. FIFA owns and controls all commercial rights in relation to the FIFAWorld Cup™.2. FIFA will issue, at a later date, Commercial Regulations for thepreliminary and fi nal competitions specifying these commercial rights.All FIFA members must comply with these Commercial Regulationsand ensure that their members, offi cials, players, delegates and otheraffi liates also comply with these regulations.Article 15 Entry forms – preliminary competitionSubject to any other decision by the FIFA Executive Committee, theassociations shall complete and send the offi cial entry form to theFIFA general secretariat in accordance with the deadline stipulated inthe relevant FIFA circular. Only the entry forms sent to the FIFA generalsecretariat by the deadline set will be valid and taken into consideration.Entries sent by telefax or e-mail shall be confi rmed on the offi cial entryform.Article 16 List of players – preliminary competition1. Each association entering the preliminary competition shall send theFIFA general secretariat a provisional list of at least 50 prospectiveplayers for the preliminary competition no later than 30 (thirty) daysbefore its fi rst qualifying match. This list shall show each player’s lastname, fi rst name, club, date of birth and passport number as well asthe coach’s last name, fi rst name, date of birth and nationality.2. This list is not binding. Further players may be added, showing thesame information, at any time but no later than the day before thequalifying match in question.3. 18 players may be entered on the list of players (11 players and 7substitutes). The 11 (eleven) fi rst-named players must start the match,the other 7 (seven) are designated as substitutes. The numbers on theplayers’ shirts must correspond with the numbers indicated on thematch sheet (numbers 1-18 only). All goalkeepers and the captainmust be identifi ed as such.4. Both teams must return their match sheet to the referee at least60 (sixty) minutes before kick-off.5. After the match sheets have been completed, signed and returnedto the referee, and if the match has not yet kicked off, the followinginstructions apply:a) If any of the fi rst 11 players listed on the match sheet are not ableto start the match for any reason, they may be replaced by any ofGENERAL PROVISIONS PRELIMINARY COMPETITION1819。
The 2010 FIFA World Cup英语口译资料

The 2010 FIFA World CupThe 2010 FIFA World Cup will be the 19th FIFA World Cup, the premier international football tournament. It is scheduled to take place between 11 June and 11 July 2010 in South Africa. The 2010 FIFA World Cup will be the culmination of a qualification process that began in August 2007 and involved 204 of the 208 FIFA national teams. As such, it matches the 2008 Summer Olympics as the sports event with the most competing nations.This will be the first time that the tournament has been hosted by an African nation, after South Africa beat Morocco and Egypt in an all-African bidding process. This decision left the Oceania Football Confederation as the only confederation yet to host the FIFA World Cup. Italy are the defending champions. The draw for the finals took place on 4 December 2009 in Cape Town.MascotThe official mascot for the 2010 FIFA World Cup is Zakumi (born 16 June 1994 (age 15)), an anthropomorphised leopard with green hair. His name comes from "ZA", the international abbreviation for South Africa, and "kumi", a word that means "ten" in various African languages. The mascot's colours reflect those of the host nation's playing strip – yellow and green.Zakumi's birthdate coincides with a day known and celebrated as Y outh Day in South Africa and their second group match. The year 1994 marks the first non-racial nationwide elections in South Africa. He will turn 16 in 2010.The Zakumi's official motto is: "Zakumi's game is Fair Play." The motto was seen in the digital advertisement boards during the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup, and it will also appear at the 2010 FIFA World Cup.PreparationsFive new stadiums have been built for the tournament, and five of the existing venues are to be upgraded. Construction costs are expected to be R8.4bn.In addition to the stadiums being built and upgraded, South Africa is also planning to improve its current public transport infrastructure within the various cities, with projects such as the Gautrain and the new Bus Rapid Transit system (BRT) titled Rea V aya. Danny Jordaan, the president of the 2010 World Cup organising committee, has said that he expects all stadiums for the tournament to be completed by October 2009.The country is also going to implement special measures to ensure the safety and security of local and international tourists attending the matches in accordance with standard FIFA requirements, including a temporary restriction of flight operation in the airspace surrounding the stadiums.The readiness of this African nation to host one of the biggest events in a sports that is worshiped by millions has received positive response from FIFA. FIFA has rated the readiness of South Africa at eight on a scale of 10 with the hope that they would be completely ready before the matches actually start.Construction strike70,000 construction workers who were supposed to be working on the new stadiums walked off their jobs on 8 July 2009. The majority of the workers receive R2500 per month (about £192, €224 or $313), but the unions allege that some workers are grossly underpaid – some receiving as little as R40 (£3.11) a week. A spokesperson for the National Union of Mineworkers said to theSABC that the "no work no pay" strike will go on until FIFA assesses penalties on the organisers. Other unions threatened to strike into 2011. The World Cup organising committee downplayed the strike and expressed confidence that the stadiums will be ready.TransportationMajor road networks have been improved to cater for the expected influx of people coming to the country who will be traveling to and from the match stadiums. The Gautrain(underground rail network) will be complete in time for the opening game, but only limited lengths of the route. Major metros have also updated their current public bus systems to cater for visitors. Websites such as V aya Nathi have been created for host city visitors to view bus route information in host cities.EvictionsAs with many 'hallmark events' throughout the world, the 2010 FIFA World Cup has been connected to evictions which many claim are meant to 'beautify the city', impress visiting tourists, and hide shackdwellers. On 14 May 2009, Durban-based shack-dwellers took the KwaZulu-Natal government to court over their controversial Elimination and Prevention of Re-Emergence of Slums Act, meant to eliminate slums in South Africa and put homeless shackdwellers in transit camps in time for the 2010 World Cup. They have gained a lot of publicity for their efforts even in the international media.Another prominent controversy surrounding preparations for the World Cup is the N2 Gateway housing project in Cape Town, which plans to remove over 20,000 residents from Joe Slovo Informal Settlement along the busy N2 Freeway and build rental flats and bond houses in its place in time for the 2010 World Cup. The residents would be moved to the poverty stricken Delft township on the outskirts of the city and out of sight from the N2 Freeway. There has been particular concern about forced removals to the Blikkiesdorp camp in Delft and that, in Durban, children are being forcibly removed from the city centre.In July 2009, South Africa was hit with rolling protests by poor communities who demanded access to basic services, jobs, adequate housing and the democratisation of service delivery. These protests have been linked to the World Cup as protesters complain that public funds are being diverted away from social issues to build stadiums and upgrade airports. Fears have been expressed that the growing protests by shack dwellers could result in the tournament being disrupted. Some grassroots social movements have called for a boycott of the event.Human rightsIn April 2010, the Swiss Labour Assistance SLA launched a petition to FIFA's President Joseph Blatter. The petition asks FIFA to actively engage against exploitation and against the violation of human rights in the context of FIFA World Cups. The petition will be handed over in June 2010.BlikkiesdorpBlikkiesdorp has become well-known for its high crime rate, its substandard living conditions, and its extremely hot or cold, windy and sandy living environment. NGOs, international human rights organisations, and the Anti-Eviction Campaign have publicly criticised the conditions in Blikkiesdorp and how they say it is used to reinforce the eviction of poor families especially to make way for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Residents have also threatened to burn down Blikkiesdorp before the World Cup begins because of the bad conditions in the settlement. Crime and SecurityTournament organiser Danny Jordaan dismissed concerns that the terrorist attack on the Togo national team which took place in Angola in January 2010, had any relevance to the security arrangements for the World Cup.South Africa and others have expressed concerns that the World Cup will stimulate and be a boon to the illicit sex trade.Non-FIFA eventsIn November 2009 it was reported that a rugby Test match between the Springboks and France scheduled to take place in Cape Town on the 12th June 2010 would be moved to Europe due to FIFA regulations banning other sport events in host cities during the time of the World Cup.After negotiations between the South African Rugby Union and members of the local organising committee, it was announced that the Test will be allowed to take place in Cape Town on the originally scheduled date because no World Cup match is to be played in Cape Town on that day, and the Test will be played at Newlands, which is not a World Cup venue.FIFA Trademarks were ordered by FIFA it to withdraw an advertisement that it claimed infringed on their trademarks. The advert, titled "The unofficial carrier of the you-know-what", features soccer balls, vuvuzelas and the National Flag of South Africa which FIFA claims when used in conjunction with each other constitutes a infringement of its trademarks. disputed FIFA's claim, but later announced that they would withdraw the specific advert whilst continuing with the advertisement campaign第十九届世界杯足球赛(官方名称:2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™)决赛周将于2010年6月11日在南非的九个城市的十座球场举行,本届是首次在非洲举行的世界杯。

看一看球场外一些最耀眼的庆祝 活动,比如阅兵和音乐表演。
欣赏世界杯得分英雄们的最佳进球,在他们的 传奇中找到启发。
了解最佳教练的策略和领导力,以及如何助力 他们的球队赢得比赛。
为最佳球员呐喊助威,了解他们卓越的表现和 个人贡献。
回顾最佳球队的巅峰时刻,探查他们的战术和 历史。
了解比赛的初步Байду номын сангаас排,球队如何晋级下一轮比赛。
了解每个南非世界杯球场的位置, 建筑和特点。
探索每个球场本身的独特文化, 以及主办城市的魅力。
初步了解比赛对主办国经济的 影响,包括旅游,建筑和解决 方案的创新。
探索比赛对南非社会的影响, 例如提高国民自豪感,减轻贫 困问题和文化促进。
深入探索比赛对环境的影响, 包括可持续发展,可再生能源 和对当地野生动植物生态系统 的影响。
总结南非世界杯,回顾比赛对全球足球和南非的影响,希望未来的世界杯也能给我们留下绝佳的回忆。 ### 参考资料
• 2010南非世界杯官方网站 • 《世界足球》杂志 • 维基百科南非世界杯页面
# 2010南非世界杯PPT课件
Explore the excitement and wonder of the 2010 World Cup hosted by South Africa. Learn about the teams, the stadiums, and the cultural impact of this unforgettable event.
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Following the decision of the FIFA Executive Committee not to allow co-hosted tournaments, Tunisia withdrew from the bidding coprocess. The committee also decided not to consider Libya's solo bid as it no longer met all the stipulations laid down in the official List of Requirements. After one round of voting, the winning bid was announced by FIFA president Sepp Blatter at a media conference on May 15, 2004 in Zurich. South Africa was awarded the rights to host the tournament, defeating Morocco and Egypt. Results: 1. South Africa, 14 votes 2. Morocco, 10 votes 3. Egypt , 0 votes * Tunisia withdrew on May 8, 2004 after joint bidding was not allowed. * Libya was rejected: bid did not meet the list of requirements and joint bidding was not allowed.
Zakumi (扎库米)
【Schedule 】 (时间表)
【Schedule 】 (时间表)
All times are Bei Jing Standard Time .
【 Integral Billboard 】 (积分榜)
In the following tables: Pld = total games played 场次 W = total games won 胜 D = total games drawn (tied) 平 L = total games lost 负 GF = total goals scored (goals for) 进球 GA = total goals conceded (goals against) 失球 GD = goal difference (GFGA) 净胜球 Pts = total points accumulated 积分
【 Theme Songs 】 (主题曲)
《Wavin' Flag》 Wavin' Flag》
——《飘扬的旗帜》 ——《飘扬的旗帜》 K'naan
Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)
——哇咔哇咔(非洲时刻) ——哇咔哇咔(非洲时刻) 哇咔哇咔 Shakira (夏奇拉) (夏奇拉 夏奇拉)
City Johannesburg(约翰内斯 Johannesburg(约翰内斯 堡) Durban(德班) Durban(德班) Cape Town(开普敦) Town(开普敦) Johannesburg(约翰内斯 Johannesburg(约翰内斯 堡) Pretoria(比勒陀利亚) Pretoria(比勒陀利亚)
2010 FIFA World Cup
The 2010 FIFA World Cup will be the 19th FIFA World Cup, an international tournament for football, that is scheduled to take place between 11 June and 11 July 2010 in South Africa. It will be the first time that the tournament has been hosted by a nation in the Confederation of African Football, leaving the Oceania Football Confederation as the only FIFA Confederation never to have hosted the event.
The preliminary draw for the 2010 World Cup was held The Final draw for the 2010 FIFA World Cup will be
staged in Cape Town, South Africa, in December 2009 at the Cape Town International Convention Cen资格 ) Qualification】
As the host nation, South Africa qualifies automatically.
However, South Africa are the first hosts since 1934 to participate in World Cup qualifiers. This is because the CAF qualifiers will also serve as the qualifying tournament for the 2010 African Cup of Nations, for which South Africa must qualify separately. Since 2002 the defending champions no longer qualify automatically. in Durban, South Africa on 25 November 2007.
【Controversies】 (争议) Controversies】
Several non-governmental organisations and nonpoor people's movements have expressed major concern about plans to regulate the prevalence of squatter camp shelters to improve the image of the World Cup venues. Concerns are particularly acute in Durban where local politicians have promised to 'clear the slums by 2010'.[14] It has also been argued that it is inappropriate to invest so much public money on stadia when much of the population lacks basic services and housing.
PortElizabeth(伊丽莎白港)Nelson PortElizabeth(伊丽莎白港)Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium 纳尔逊纳尔逊曼德拉海湾球场 Bloemfontein(布隆方丹) Bloemfontein(布隆方丹) Free State Stadium 自由州球场 Nelspruit(内尔斯普雷特) Nelspruit(内尔斯普雷特) Mbombela Stadium 姆博贝拉球场 Polokwane(波罗瓜尼) Polokwane(波罗瓜尼) Rustenburg(勒斯滕堡) Rustenburg(勒斯滕堡)
【Venues】(地点) Venues】
In 2005, the organizers released a provisional list of thirteen venues to be used for the World Cup: Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg (two), Kimberley, Nelspruit, Orkney, Polokwane, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria (two), and Rustenburg. This was narrowed down to ten venues which were officially announced on 17 March 2006 by FIFA:
【Host selection】(申办) selection】
Africa was chosen as the host for the 2010 World Cup as part of a new policy to rotate the event between football confederations (This policy was later revoked in October of 2007). Five African nations placed bids to host the 2010 World Cup: * * * * Egypt 埃及 Libya 利比亚/ Tunisia 突尼斯(co-hosting) 利比亚/ 突尼斯(co-hosting) Morocco 摩洛哥 South Africa 南非
Peter Mokaba Stadium 彼得-莫卡巴球 45,000 彼得场 Royal Bafokeng Stadium 皇家班佛肯球 42,000 场
【Preparations】 (准备) Preparations】
Five new stadiums are to be built for the tournament (three match venues and two practice grounds), and five of the existing venues are to be upgraded. Construction costs are expected to be R8.4bn. In addition to the stadiums being built and upgraded, South Africa is also planning to improve its current public transport infrastructure, and implement special measures to ensure the safety and security of local and international tourists attending the matches in accordance with standard FIFA requirements.