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curled crown, foot wear square mouth become warped persistently pointed, wearing a double long xiuruji, outside 怶 color fish scales, or the robes not head, hold the long fine beard, keep your chin up. Some appear terrible magnanimous, male wind threatening, arose out of stereotypes; Some appear full military strategy, gas demeanor, and performance of Mr Wind.
Hale Waihona Puke 铠甲武士俑,披甲站立,或免冠,或头 戴软帽,腿扎行滕,脑后绾六股宽辩行 扁髻,个个神情严肃恭谨。 Armor
warriors, head to stand, or fax, or head wear soft cap, leg firm enough to do, Wan six stocks after brain wide flat line divides bun, all looking serious marches
武士佣高1.8米左右,体格健壮,体态匀称,身上穿着 战袍,套着铠甲,脚上蹬着前端向上翘起的战靴,头发大 多挽成了偏向右侧的发髻。它们有的握着铜戈,有的擎着 利剑,有的拿着盾牌。个个目光炯炯,双唇紧闭,神态严 峻,好像一场大战就在眼前。
Warrior also features: terrible dignified
骑兵鞍马俑,一般立于马前,一手 牵缰绳,一手作提弓状。骑兵俑头 戴圆形小帽,身穿紧腰窄袖短袍, 披短甲,足蹬短皮靴,装束便于骑 射。 The side horse cavalry musicians, generally in before the horse, a bridle and in one hand, make mention of bow. Cavalry warriors wearing round cap, wearing tight narrow waist short sleeve coats, a short armour, foot short boots, easy to QiShe costume.
Terra Cotta Warriors large-scale. Already discovered three commission pit, the total area of 19120 square meters, there are two full and a half football pitch and pit of nearly 8000 there were terracotta warriors. In three commission pit, a pit no. Is the largest, things is 230 metres long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters. In the pit of the terracotta warriors, a total of 6000 or so. Number one grass, now already built a huge arch hall. Enter the hall, all people for terracotta warriors and half the grand craftmanship tracks. Standing in a bird's eye view of the high places, a pit of soldiers and horses and also signed, seemingly, a, very neat, arranged in a huge rectangle JunZhen, really look like under the leadership of a travelling in qin shi huang, the invincible army.
战袍武士俑,免冠束髻,身穿短袍,挽弓挎箭。 这种不戴头盔,不着铠甲的武士,更显示出秦军 的英勇善战和大无畏精神。 The warriors shirt, fax beam bun, wearing a short robe, wan ku arrow bow. This not wearing helmets, body armor no warrior, more show qin jun's courageous troops and daring.
将军佣身材魁梧,头戴金冠,身披铠甲,手 握宝剑,昂首挺胸,站在队伍前列,像是在指挥 身后的军吏和士兵行进。那神态自若的样子,一 看就知道是久经沙场、肩负重任的高级将领。
The general also features: battletested, have broad shoulders.
铠 甲 士 兵
Armor soldiers
铜 车 马
Bronze chariots and horses
将军俑,大都身材高大魁梧,头戴双卷尾冠,足穿方口翘 尖履,身穿双重长襦,外怶彩色鱼鳞甲,或着长袍不披甲, 长髯飘洒,昂首挺胸。有的显得威武大度,雄 风逼人,勃 发出阳刚之气;有的显得满韬略,气轩昂,表现了儒将之 风。The general musicians, mostly tall burly, head wear double
Terra cotta Warriors
A pit of horses
兵马俑不仅规模宏大,而且类型众多, 个性鲜明。
Terra Cotta Warriors not only on a grand scale, and many types of, personality is distinct.
Cavalry horse Figurines
骑兵佣上身着短甲,下身着紧口 裤,足蹬长筒马靴,右手执缰绳,左 手持弓箭,随时准备上马冲杀。
Cavalry commission characteristics: brave fighting
兵马俑规模宏大。已发掘的三个佣坑,总面积达19120平方米,足有 两个半足球场那么大,坑内有兵马俑近8000个。在三个佣坑中,一 号坑最大,东西长230米,南北宽62米,总面积有14260平方米。坑 里的兵马俑也最多,共有6000个左右。一号坑上面,现在已盖起了 一座巨大的拱形大厅。走进大厅,人们无不为兵马俑的恢弘气势和 高超的制作工艺所折服。站在高处鸟瞰,坑里的兵佣、马佣相间, 一行行,一列列,十分整齐,排成了一个巨大的长方形军阵,看上 去真像是秦始皇当年统帅的一支南征北战、所向披靡的大军。
Hale Waihona Puke 铠甲武士俑,披甲站立,或免冠,或头 戴软帽,腿扎行滕,脑后绾六股宽辩行 扁髻,个个神情严肃恭谨。 Armor
warriors, head to stand, or fax, or head wear soft cap, leg firm enough to do, Wan six stocks after brain wide flat line divides bun, all looking serious marches
武士佣高1.8米左右,体格健壮,体态匀称,身上穿着 战袍,套着铠甲,脚上蹬着前端向上翘起的战靴,头发大 多挽成了偏向右侧的发髻。它们有的握着铜戈,有的擎着 利剑,有的拿着盾牌。个个目光炯炯,双唇紧闭,神态严 峻,好像一场大战就在眼前。
Warrior also features: terrible dignified
骑兵鞍马俑,一般立于马前,一手 牵缰绳,一手作提弓状。骑兵俑头 戴圆形小帽,身穿紧腰窄袖短袍, 披短甲,足蹬短皮靴,装束便于骑 射。 The side horse cavalry musicians, generally in before the horse, a bridle and in one hand, make mention of bow. Cavalry warriors wearing round cap, wearing tight narrow waist short sleeve coats, a short armour, foot short boots, easy to QiShe costume.
Terra Cotta Warriors large-scale. Already discovered three commission pit, the total area of 19120 square meters, there are two full and a half football pitch and pit of nearly 8000 there were terracotta warriors. In three commission pit, a pit no. Is the largest, things is 230 metres long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters. In the pit of the terracotta warriors, a total of 6000 or so. Number one grass, now already built a huge arch hall. Enter the hall, all people for terracotta warriors and half the grand craftmanship tracks. Standing in a bird's eye view of the high places, a pit of soldiers and horses and also signed, seemingly, a, very neat, arranged in a huge rectangle JunZhen, really look like under the leadership of a travelling in qin shi huang, the invincible army.
战袍武士俑,免冠束髻,身穿短袍,挽弓挎箭。 这种不戴头盔,不着铠甲的武士,更显示出秦军 的英勇善战和大无畏精神。 The warriors shirt, fax beam bun, wearing a short robe, wan ku arrow bow. This not wearing helmets, body armor no warrior, more show qin jun's courageous troops and daring.
将军佣身材魁梧,头戴金冠,身披铠甲,手 握宝剑,昂首挺胸,站在队伍前列,像是在指挥 身后的军吏和士兵行进。那神态自若的样子,一 看就知道是久经沙场、肩负重任的高级将领。
The general also features: battletested, have broad shoulders.
铠 甲 士 兵
Armor soldiers
铜 车 马
Bronze chariots and horses
将军俑,大都身材高大魁梧,头戴双卷尾冠,足穿方口翘 尖履,身穿双重长襦,外怶彩色鱼鳞甲,或着长袍不披甲, 长髯飘洒,昂首挺胸。有的显得威武大度,雄 风逼人,勃 发出阳刚之气;有的显得满韬略,气轩昂,表现了儒将之 风。The general musicians, mostly tall burly, head wear double
Terra cotta Warriors
A pit of horses
兵马俑不仅规模宏大,而且类型众多, 个性鲜明。
Terra Cotta Warriors not only on a grand scale, and many types of, personality is distinct.
Cavalry horse Figurines
骑兵佣上身着短甲,下身着紧口 裤,足蹬长筒马靴,右手执缰绳,左 手持弓箭,随时准备上马冲杀。
Cavalry commission characteristics: brave fighting
兵马俑规模宏大。已发掘的三个佣坑,总面积达19120平方米,足有 两个半足球场那么大,坑内有兵马俑近8000个。在三个佣坑中,一 号坑最大,东西长230米,南北宽62米,总面积有14260平方米。坑 里的兵马俑也最多,共有6000个左右。一号坑上面,现在已盖起了 一座巨大的拱形大厅。走进大厅,人们无不为兵马俑的恢弘气势和 高超的制作工艺所折服。站在高处鸟瞰,坑里的兵佣、马佣相间, 一行行,一列列,十分整齐,排成了一个巨大的长方形军阵,看上 去真像是秦始皇当年统帅的一支南征北战、所向披靡的大军。