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Displaying Questions 1-5

1. When a large truck wants to pass you, what should you do?

Pull over

Honk your horn until the truck stops trying to pass you

Speed up

Slow down to shorten the time required to pass

2. You are approaching an intersection with a traffic signal and the light changes from green to yellow. You should:

Speed up to get through the intersection before the red light comes on

Consider it the same as a caution sign and continue through the intersection

Stop immediately

Stop before entering the intersection unless you are too close to stop safely

3. A yellow highway sign is for:




General warning

4. What does a double solid yellow line mean?

Passing not permitted

School zone

Passing or changing lanes permitted only if obstructions or conditions require it Passing permitted

5. How old must you be to get an instruction permit in Oregon?





6. A brown highway sign is for:




All of the above

7. Changing from one lane to another is best done:

Quickly and often

When a car is in your blind spot

Only after engaging your hazard lights

Gradually and carefully

8. As a driver, you must stop for a pedestrian(s) at an intersection:

If the pedestrian is in a marked or unmarked crosswalk

Only if the pedestrian is on your side of the road

Only if there is a separate walk signal for pedestrians at the intersection

Only if the pedestrian is in a marked (painted) crosswalk

9. You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one-way street only if:

Traffic on the street also moves to the left.

Your lane merges into the target lane via an overpass

Traffic on the street moves to the right.

A sign permits the turn.

10. It is a very windy day. A dust storm blows across the freeway reducing your visibility. You should slow down and turn on your:

Hazard lights

Parking lights

Air conditioner


11. If you plan to pass another vehicle, you should:

Assume the other driver will let you pass if you use your turn signal.

Not assume the other driver will make space for you to return to your lane.

Assume the other driver will maintain a constant speed.

Honk your horn until the other driver pulls over to let you pass.

12. You are approaching an intersection with a traffic signal and the light changes from green to yellow. You should:

Consider it the same as a caution sign and continue through the intersection.

Stop before entering the intersection unless you are too close to stop safely.

Stop immediately.

Speed up to get through the intersection before the red light comes on.

13. Two sets of solid double yellow lines that are two or more feet apart:

May not be crossed for any reason

May be crossed at any time

Should be treated as a separate traffic lane

May be crossed to enter or exit a private driveway

14. To avoid last minute moves, you should be looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about __________.

5 to 10 seconds

2 to

3 minutes

10 to 15 seconds

15 to 20 seconds

15. In 50-55 mph traffic you are least likely to have an accident if you:

Drive a few miles per hour faster than other traffic

Drive a few miles per hour slower than other traffic

Stay within the 50-55 mph speed range

Make sudden lane changes without using your signal

16. When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving:

5 to 10 MPH slower than the traffic on the freeway

At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway- CORRECT

As fast as you can

The posted speed limit for traffic on the freeway

17. The following statements regarding the use of seatbelts are true, with the EXCEPTION of:
