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The History of Eyeglasses

By eyeTopics Staff Editor | Eyeglasses| Rating:

Reading Stones - The First Lenses to Improve Eyesight

阅读石头-第一个眼镜来改善视力It's been reported that Seneca - the Roman statesman, dramatist, and philosopher (4 BC-65 AD) - used a glass globe filled with water as a magnifier to read "all the books of Rome." Around the year 1000, glass blowers in Italy are credited with producing reading stones made of solid glass. These devices were similar to hand-held magnifying lenses of today. 但据报道,塞内卡(罗马政治家、剧作家,和哲学家(公元前4年-公元65年),他们使用了一个装满水的玻璃世界本来读所有的书的罗马。“大约在1000年,吹玻璃工在意大利被认为具有制作阅读石头制成的固体玻璃。这些设备是类似于今天的手持放大镜。

In the mid-13th century, English philosopher and scientist Roger Bacon reported on the use of reading lenses. It's unclear whether he was referring to reading stones or lenses in frames worn in front of the eyes, but he wrote in 1268:

"If anyone examines letters or other minute objects through the medium of crystal or glass or other transparent substance, if it be shaped like the lesser segment of a sphere with the convex side toward the eye, he will see the letters far better and they will seem larger to him. For this reason, such an instrument is useful to all persons and to those with weak eyes for they can see any letter, however small, if magnified enough."在mid-13th世纪,英国哲学家和科学家罗杰·培根报道的利用阅读眼镜。目前尚不清楚他是否指的是阅读的石头或透镜的画框中穿在前面的眼睛,但他在1268年写道“如果任何人检查信件或其他微小物体通过介质的水晶和玻璃或其他透明物质,如果它是形状像小段的球体与凸一边向的眼睛,他将看到字母更好,他们似乎对他大。由于这个原因,这种工具是有用的所有的个人和那些软弱眼睛因为他们可以看到任何的信,但是小,如果足够放大。”

Early Reports of the Invention and Use of Eyeglasses


Most historians believe monks or craftsmen in Pisa (or perhaps Venice), Italy produced the first form of eyeglasses around 1285-1289. The magnifying lenses for reading were set into bone, metal, or leather mountings, shaped like two small magnifying glasses with the handles riveted together to form an inverted "V" shape that could be balanced on the Bridge of the nose.大多数历史学家认为僧侣或者工匠在比萨(或者威尼斯),意大利制造了第一个形式的眼镜大约1285 - 1289。对阅读的放大镜设置成骨头、金属或者皮革机架、形状像两个小放大镜和处理铆接在一起以形成一个倒V字型,可以平衡桥上< javascript:空白(0)>的鼻子。

The first specific mention of eyeglasses is in a 1289 Italian manuscript written by a member of the di Popozo family. The author wrote, "I am so debilitated by age that without the glasses known as spectacles, I would no longer be able to read or write.


In 1306, Giordano da Rivalto - a monk in Pisa, Italy - remarked in a sermon, "it is not yet twenty years since the art of making spectacles, one of the most useful arts on earth, was discovered. I myself have seen and conversed with the man who made them first." But the name of the inventor was never mentioned. Rivalto coined the word occhiali (eyeglasses) and its use began to spread throughout Italy and Europe.1306年,佐丹奴·Rivalto——一个和尚在比萨、意大利——布道中说,“这是没有二十年来制作艺术的眼镜,最实用的艺术在地球上,被发现。我自己已经看
