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1. We will see even stronger China in near future.

A. a;the

B. an;the

C. the; a

D. an;a

2. -- will the manager come back'?

--Maybe in three days.

A. How often

B. How long

C. How soon

D. How far

3. --A nice day today, isn't it'?

--Yes. go for a picnic and relax ourselves?

A. Would you like

B. Why not

C. What about

D. Why don't

4. Can you pass my glasses to me, Betty? I can sec the words on the blackboard.

A. really

B. hard

C. only

D. hardly

5. To live a green life, we should try to save energy and produce


A. more; less

B. less; more

C. more; fewer

D. most; least

6.--I won't have time to go shopping with you this afternoon.

--But you me yesterday.

A. ordered

B. mentioned

C. promised

D. knew

7.No decision about that matter yet. We are still considering it.

A. has been made

B. has made

C. will be made

D. will make

8.--Which dress do you like best, Madam?

--Sorry, I can't decide now.

A. to buy which one

B. buy which one

C. which one to buy

D. which I should buy it

9. The little boy was wrapping the present would be sent to his teacher.

A. who

B. /

C. what

D. that

10.-- I try on those shoes in the window?

-- . They are just on show.

A. Could; Yes;you can

B. Can; Sorry, you couldn't

C. Could; Sorry; you can't

D. Can; Yes, you could

11. The accident happened 7 p.m. 9 p. m..

A. from;to

B. between; to

C. from; and

D. between; and

12.--I'm afraid the class has begun.

--Don' t worry. It until the bell

A. doesn't begin; rings

B. won't begin; will ring

C. won't begin; rings

D. doesn't begin; will ring

13.--Which hobby do you think the least time?

--Collecting stamps.

A. takes up

B. tidies up

C. gives up

D. makes up

14.--What did your teacher say this morning?

--She told us

A. why was Tom Late for school again

B. whether we had too much homework

C. how she did come to school this morning

D .that we would have a test soon

15. --I hear your grandpa your grandma like watching Beijing Opera.

--Right. just as many old people do in our city.

A. both: and

B. either: or

C. neither: nor

D. not only: but also



When Jeff was young, he had always been thin and strong. Now Jeff was forty. and he was fat and his muscles (肌肉) were very 16 . He did not wish to get fatter and softer every year. One day one of his friends said to him. " Do you want to be thinner. Jeff'?

" 17 . I do. " Jeff answered.

"well,stop going to your office 18 car, and get a bicycle. "

Jeff had not ridden a bicycle for many years. "It is very hard to learn to ride a bicycle again at your 19 . " his wife said.

In 20 .it was not too hard for Jeff to ride a bicycle again. He usually sat in his living room and read the newspaper in the evening. But now he 21 riding his bicycle every evening. He hoped that it would help him to get 22 . and he also got a lot of pleasure from it.

He found some little roads which were not really very narrow but were not 23 enough for cars. and there he got away from the noises of the city. which were becoming too _24 for him.

Then he began to go to his office on his bicycle. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, but he could pass them to the 25 . because his bicycle was narrow. So he was very happy.

16. A. soft B. hard C. sweet D. smooth

17. A. No longer B. A1 once C. At All D. course

18. A. in B. through C. by D. on

19. A. body B. age C. wish D. leg

20. A. fact B. short C. silence D. place

21. A. liked B. enjoyed C. practiced D. hated

22. A. better B. thinner C. weaker D. fatter

23. A. high B. many C. wide D. tall

24. A. few B. many C. much D. little
