民航飞行人员英语等级考试(ICAO)模拟题-Hazardous weather for takeoff-297

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P: Tower, CCA101, holding point of runway18L.

C: CCA101, hold position for a few minutes, there is thunderstorm with lightning over the airport.

P: Holding, CCA101.

P: CCA101, we also found there is CB on our weather radar, we intend to wait for the weather improvement.

C: CCA101, roger.

check, wind is 250 degrees 35 knots. You have to wait when

C: DAB, taxi to the holding point and hold, traffic is departing from an intersection down-field.

P: Tokyo Tower, DAB, request entering the runway and check the engine.

C: DAB, what is the reason for engine check on the runway?

vibration is high, but ’

C: DAB, enter the runway after the aircraft taking off.

intersection of runway 29.

C: VHB. You are going to have a training flight, aren’t you?

P: Affirm. I am a supervisor. We are going to have engine failure simulated flight training to revalidate the captain's command instrument rating.

C: VHB, you are approved to have the maneuver. Clear ed for takeoff.

Valid = useful 有效的invalid = useless 无效的revalidate 使重新有效

C: GUP, line up and cleared for immediate take off.

P: Tower GUP airborne 25.

P: Tower, GUP, we noticed anomalous engine instrument readings.EPR is high in indications. The stall warning stick shaker activated shortly after take-off and continued until the aircraft settled,

C: GUP, what is your intention?

We have to go back right away. De celerate

P: Tower, CCA101, we have to abandon takeoff due to No 4 engine reverse problem. We have an “engine 4 reverse unlocked” message on the indicator.

C: CCA101, say intentions.

P: Tower, can we execute the brakes on the runway to check the status of the brakes? C: Affirm. Take your time. There is no inbound traffic or outbound traffic within one hour.

C: GUP, line up and takeoff, wind calm.

P: Lining up and cleared for takeoff, GUP.

during departure. The landing gear is still down. Have you noticed that in the cockpit?

P: Affirm, Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, we are declaring an emergency. There is a loud fire warning. We are now 400 feet.

C: GUP, roger Mayday, what is your intention?

P: We will return and land as soon as possible.

P: GLK, we are taking off.

P: Tower, GLK takeoff rejected due loss of directional control.

C: GLK what happened? Is the situation serious?

P: The aircraft has just veered onto left side of runway due to the effects of

nose gear appears to be stuck in the mud. It seems there are three runway lights broken, GLK.

C: GLK, Wait there, airport assistance will reach you very soon.

P: Tower, GLB, we are lining up on the threshold of runway 18, request takeoff.

C: GLB, takeoff immediately, no delay is allowed.

C: GLB. Hold position, cancel take off, I say again, cancel take off, another aircraft is lining up 200 meters before you from intersection J.

P: Holding, GLB, traffic in sight..

P: B Tower, HDA305, ready for takeoff

C: HDA305, cleared for takeoff runway 12.

P:Cleared for takeoff, HDA305.

P: Tower, HDA305, we have suffered a tail strike on takeoff. We intend to return for landing.

C: HDA305, do you know the reason for tail strike?

P: Affirm. It results from low take-off speeds. And I regret that we did not have cross-checking of the speeds during the departure..

C: Do you think your aircraft has any damage?

P: I am not sure. Perhaps the aft pressure bulkhead=firewall has been severely damaged.
