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班级____________________ 姓名_________________ 成绩________________

Part one: Translate the following expressions.

Task one: Translate the following expressions into English:(10 points)

1.茶艺表演tea- serving performance

2.品茶tea tasting

3.色、香、味color, fragrant and aroma

4.餐饮业catering industry

5.在自助餐厅at the buffet

6.外币兑换水单exchange memo

7.结账settle the bill

8.团队预订group reservation

9.健身中心fitness center

10.楼层服务员floor attendant

Task two: Translate the following expressions into Chinese:(10 points)

1.be open around the clock 全天候开放

2.build up one’s health 塑身

3.local specialities 地方特产

4.luggage claim checks 行李认领检查

5.paper cuts and embroidery 剪纸和刺绣

6.front desk前台

7.traveler’s checks 旅行支票

8.turn-down service 做晚床

9.reservation form 预订登记表

10.one-price shop 没有折扣的商店

Part two: Translate the following sentences into English: (20 points):

1. 饮茶已成为每一位中国人生活中不可分割的一部分。

Tea is an indispensable part of the life of a Chinese.

2. 我想为与会的客人预定一些房间

I would like to reserve rooms for the guests attending the convention.

3. 请坐。给您菜单。我一会儿就回俩为您点菜。

Take your seat, please. Here is the menu, I’ll be back to take your order.

4. 非常高兴你们选择本店作为你们展览会的展地。

We are very pleased that you have chosen our hotel for your exhibition.

5. 我们饭店为客人提供各种服务以及多种娱乐设施。

Our hotel may offer our guests various services and recreation facilities.

6. 这是兑换水单,请签上您的大名,需要兑换的数量。

Here is the exchange memo, please sign your name and the amount of money you intend to change.

7. 难道你不想给你的朋友们买些纪念品吗?

Don’t you want to buy some souvenir to your friends?

8. 人们深信中国是美食王国之一。

China is believed to be one of the Kindoms of Gourmet.

9. 川菜以麻辣口味而闻名。

Sichuan cuisine is well-kown for its spicy hot flavor.


Kunqu has a longer history than any other operatic form in China.

Part three:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese: (20 points)

Bitahai lake, which is also close to shangri-la, is regarded as a "holy lake". in tibetan, "bita" means "piece of land as soft as cattle hair" and the locals often call the lake "hai", or "sea" in chinese. I was endlessly surprised at the unexpected view on small meadow on the way from shangri-la county to the bitahai lake. on the vast grass carpet, various nameless small yellow flowers were blooming, besides, there were streamlets flowing gently on hills, and smoke from kitchen chimneys rising. Among the farmhouses, I was totally fascinated by the wonderful view before I reached the bitahai lake. with leisureliness and serenity there, people all believed that it was the best place that jinn inhabit.

Bitahai lake:碧塔海;cattle:牛;meadow:草地; Streamlets:溪流; serenity: 祥和,宁静; jinn神仙



Part four: Reading comprehension: (20 points)

Read the following passage and decide whether they are true ( T )or false ( F).

