牛津中考英语第一轮复习8A Unit 6

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Unit 6 Natural disasters
Nouns Adjectives
sun wind rain
sunny windy rainy
cloud fog frost
cloudy foggy frosty
1. I was walking when someone called me from behind. 2. She was doing her homework while her mother was cooking. 3. I like apples while my sister likes oranges.
2. 雪很厚,人们不得不缓缓前行。车辆开的 也非常慢。
The snow was so thick that people had to walk very slowly. And the cars moved slowly too.
3. 在我上学的路上,我突然听见有人喊:“救 命”!是一位老太太摔倒了,她站不起来了。 On my way to school, I heard someone shouting, ‘help’. An old lady fell down and she could not stand up. 4. 人们花了两天的时间才把积雪清理干净。城 市的道路和房屋又 和以前一样了。 It took people two days to clean up the snow. Now the roads and houses in the city are the same as they were before.
5. ______ Amy ______ (visit) the Science Was visiting Museum from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. yesterday?
连词 while 与过去进行时
■ 当两个延续性动词同时进行时,我们 可以在两个句子中都用过去进行时,并 用 while 连接。
A snowstorm hit Nanjing
Introduction: when, what, where, how
During the snowstorm: the road, the house, the traffic, people, school, etc.
What you see/hear …
3. When I saw him, he was searching _____________ (search) the Internet.
4. They ______________ (discuss) a were discussing problem in the meeting room at this time yesterday.
1. 过去进行时主要表示:
■ 在过去某一时刻正在进行的动作
(a)They were eating breakfast at 7:00 am yesterday . (b)I was writing a letter at this time yesterday .
■ 在过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作
1. What’s your attitude toward the relationship between human and nature?
2. What do you think of natural disasters? 3. How do people act during a disaster?
After the snowstorm: results … what you feel
1. 1月23日的夜晚,南京开始降雪。第二天, 整个城市都被厚厚的积雪覆盖了。 It began to snow on the night of 23rd, January in Nanjing. The whole city was covered with heavy snow the next day.
7. The days get longer _______ spring when comes.
8. Lucy was listening to the radio __________ Lily was watching TV. while 9. ______ we were boating on the lake, While we saw a fish jump out of the water. 10. They have their PE lesson indoors _______ it rains. when
4.惊恐地对望 look at each other in fear
5.四处逃散 run in all directions 6. 失控地逃跑 run wildly 7.被吓住 be frightened 8.倒下去 fall down/come down 9.平静下来 calm down 10.结束 be over be trapped 11.被困
1. My wallet dropped on the ground __________ I was running. while 2. __________ I was falling asleep, there When was a loud knock on the door.
3. __________ he was reading, an While earthquake started.
1. The earthquake started while I was doing some shopping. 2. I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.
when和while作并列连词时, when 意为 “就在这时;突然”, 相当于and then. While 则表示 “而;却”, 相当于but, yet.
(a)From 1983 to 1998 , he was teaching at Yale . (b)They were building a dam last winter .
基本结构:was/were + V.-ing
at this time yesterday, at that time, at nine yesterday morning, the whole afternoon, from 6:00 to 8:00 yesterday morning
4. Were the students listening to the teacher carefully __________ the while teacher was giving a lesson? 5. __________ the telephone rang, I When became nervous. 6. Was she clearing up the desk __________ the bell rang? when
▲ We were shocked with mouth open _______. wide widely ▲ English is _________ used in the world.
▲ Animals ran _________ in fear. wildly
finish, end, be over • After I ________ my homework, I can finish watch TV. • You can’t find out the murderer until the ______ of the film. end • until the film _______________. ends/ finishes. • The film _________________ for 5 minutes had been over when I reached there.
巩固练习 was 1. What ________ your brother doing ______(do) at nine o’clock last night? 2. They ____________ (listen) to music were listening at that time.
表 天气的名词 + y (双写 + y)
Complete the sentences with the right words according to the pictures
rainy (1) It is ______ outside. I should bring my umbrella! windy (2) Look! How ______ it is! It will blow my hat off. foggy (3) It’s quite _____ . I can not see things clearly . (4) Don’t forget your sunglasses. It is very sunny _______ today. clouds (5) There are many______ in the sky, cloudy rain it’s very______ .It’s going to ____ . .
a moment of fear shout for help stay alive in a great hurry
14. 仍然活着 15.急急忙忙地
16. 搬开砖石 move away the bricks and stones
wide (adj.)宽的;广阔的; 张大的,开得很大的 widely (adv.) 广泛地 wildly (adv.) 失控地
4. What are the results of a natural
1.一个地震幸存者 an earthquake survivor 2.从地震中逃生 survive the earthquake 3.我的身体 feel a slight shaking through my body
1. People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down. 2. Suzy was making a snowman while Kitty was standing beside her.
当延续性动作进行的同时也有别的动作 发生, 用when或while 连接两动作,延续 性动作用过去进行时而短暂性动作用过 去时.