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Lessor (Party A):Tel:ID:Lessee (Party B):Tel:ID:Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attach ed facilities all owned by Party A itself, which is located at _______________________________________ ________________ __________ and in good condition for_____________. In acc ordance with relevant Chinese laws, decrees and pertinen t rules and regulations, Party A an-d Party B have reach ed an agreement through friendly consultation to conclu de the following contract.

1.Lease time:

The lease term will be from _____(month) _____(day) __ _____(year) to ________(month) _____(day) _______(year). Par ty A will clear the premises and provide it to Party B for use before _____(month) ___(day) _______(year).


The rental will be _________ per month in the first yea r,_______ per month in the second year,________ per mon th in the third year.

3.Rental payment:

Party B should pay _______Margin deposit and the fir st month rental to Party A on contract day. The succeedi ng Payment of rental will be paid to Party A on the first day of each month. If Part-y B cannot pay off the rental within 15 days after the payment day,nonperformance s hould be took as by party A. So the contract com-es up with automatic avoidance, in the mean time, party A no need to pay back Margin deposit to part B.

4.Dual responsibility:

a.Party A cannot optionally increase the rental or take

back the apartment within lease period.

b.When the contract period comes to expiration, Party

B should pay off all the charges produced by part

y B, and keep the apartment and attached facilities

intact and clean. Based on this situation Party A

should pay back the Margin deposit to Party B wit

hin 5 days of the expiration date.

c.Within the contract period, all the charges includes:

managem-ent fee, water/electricity fee, TV cable fee,

lease tax. All thecharges should be paid by Party B.

If the rental and (or) wat-er/electricity fee cannot b

e paid within one week, the supply o

f power and wa

ter will be cut off immediately.

d.Party B is not allowed to change the use or constru

ction of the apartment and attached facilities. If an y breakdown or da-mage happens within the contra ct, Party B should pay for it or make it to be origin al.

e. Party B is not allowed to do anything illegal in the

apartment. Party B should be responsible for the legal liability and economical responsibility if anything

related happens. Illegal behavior is regarded as the

evidence of scraping the contract by Party B. Party B is not allowed to stock inflammable, poisonous and other dangerous goods in the apartment. Party B should be responsible for all the results if any inobservance. Party

A no needs to take any responsibilities for the results

and losses of the inobservance.

f. Without the permission of Party A, Party B cannot

sublease the apartment to others by any verbal or

written deal. Party B should inform Party A in written form before sublease it to others. Party B should settle down all the certificates needed. Otherwise should take
