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Which comes first or tell me your order ?
A Cost c Comfort e Season
B Time D friends f Culture
The place I want to go most
ふじさん 富士山
Potala Palace
Jokhang temple 大昭寺
Biblioteka Baidu
Namtso Lake
karuola glacier
when it comes to Paris, what word you have thought of?
Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris. It was built between 1887 and 1889. It is 300 metres tall, the total height of the structure is 324 metres .There are also 1,665 steps inside the Eiffel Tower.
Potala Palace is in Lhasa,which is the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region .It is located in the northwest suburb of a small hill about two kilometers away. The local people believe in Tibetan Buddhism
1.What is the first thing we should be clear for a business trip?
2.What arrangement(准备) should w make?
1.Do you think traveling on business is fun? Why or why not?
The world is a book and those who not travel read only one page.
Do you like traveling? Why do you like traveling?
➢Why do people travel?
✓To see their families or friends ✓Increase their knowledge and make friends
A:Good morning. xx Hotel.Can I help you? B:Yes, I'd like to book ..房间类型 A:When will you arrive? B:We'll arrive ... A:Can I have your name and cellphone numbe B;Yes... A; Any thing else do you need? B: Yes. I wold like to...
Five main sections:
• Business and official travel 商务旅游 • Incentive Travel 奖励旅游
• Exhibition Tour
• Conference Travel 会议旅行
• Special Events Tourism 特殊活动旅游
(1)I would like to reserve a double room at your hotel for four nights from June8, 2012.
(2)Please reserve a single room under the name of Mr. Lin.
(3) Have you got any vacancies for the nights of 12th and 13th. ?
In summer holiday, many students including you may prefer to go traveling for a break.
1. If you want to go traveling, where are you going?
2. How are you going there? 3. Who will you go with?
2.Will you be happy if you're asked to go on a business trip? Why or why not?
单人间:single room 双人间:double room 标准间:standard room 套间:suit room 总套房:presidential suit 客厅:sitting room
time destination目的地 means of transportation交通方式 things to take
travel cost/budget(费用)
What to do…
the Spring Festival
National Day
May Day
summer( winter) vacation
Paris Church
Tell us you travel plan for summer holida Ask and answer with your parter.
Where are you going? Why do you to go there? How will you go there? Who are you going to travel with?Why? How much money will you spend? How long are you staying in…?
✓To learn other cultures ✓To see beautiful scenery of different countries
To taste the delicious local food? ✓To do their business
How will you prepare for traveling?