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was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young
woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very
angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the
3.The play was very interesting. 戏很有意思。
This is an interesting book/idea.这是一本有趣的书/一个令人感兴趣的主意。
The play was very interesting. 戏很有意思,
这个座位有人么?Is anyone here?/Is this seat taken, please?
vt. 使就坐
结构:seat oneself 常用be seated形式。
We were seated at the table.
All of us were seated around the table and Aunt Pat served spaghettifor supper.
Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话
First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。
Why did the writer complain to the people behind him?
Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play
5. A young man and a young womanwere sitting behind me. 坐在我的身后,
were sitting 过去进行时,交待故事发生的背景
. One night, I was reading in my study, suddenly a man broke into my house.
而I was very angry则仅表示当时的状态是生气,并不暗示过程。
got取代be动词,got是一个半联系动词,可以直接加形容词。Link v.
get angry get 做系动词,意思为“变得”,
比较 I am (was) angry. 与 I got angry.
I am (was) angry. 我很生气,表状态
lines 台词
9.I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. 我回过头去怒视着那一男一女。
turn round = turn around 转身同义词:face about; I faced about.
look at sb. angrily = glare
go to the butcher's 买肉
2.had a very good seat,座位很好。
the front seat of a car汽车的前座
Take a seat, please.请坐。
Seatn. 座位
rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地
课文详注? Further notes on the text
1.Last week I went to the theatre.上星期我去看戏。
(1)句首的“Last week”点明叙述的事情发生的时间是上星期。因此整篇课文的时态基本上应是过去时
go tothetheatre = go to the theatre to see a play去剧场看戏(theater美式)
go to the cinema =see a film 去电影院看电影
go to the dairy 去牛奶店
go to the + 人 + 's 表示去这个人开的店
go to the doctor's 去看病;
They were talking aloud.(loudly = aloud)
consideratea. 体谅人的
7.I got very angry. 我非常生气。
10.They did notpay any attention.他们却毫不理会.
attention n. 注意
.Attention, please!
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?
There is a small restaurant round(around)the corner(绕过街角有一家小餐馆).
2. 美国人以及部分英国人也常用around表示"到处","无目的地","附近","左右"等较为模糊的概念, 例如
The news that President Clinton was coming spread rapidly around the campus
I couldn't hear you clearly./I couldn't catch your words.
Beg your pardon? /I couldn't catch your words.
round 和around的意思相近,但用法不完全相同.
1.在表示"圆形运转,回到原处", "环绕","周围"时,英语用round,但美国人用around, 例如:
There is a tree in front of the room.
ahead 在……前面,动态的,两个比较的东西至少有一个是动的,in front of 静止的“在前面”。
. He went ahead of me.
6.They were talking loudly.大声地说着话。
I got angry. 我变得很生气,表示从不生气到生气的转变过程。
表示变得,除了get,还可以用turn, become.
I turned very angry.=I became very angry.
seem look appear sound taste feel smell stay remain keep grow turn go run get prove stand
go to school上学
go to bed上床,睡觉
go to church上教堂,去做礼拜
go to hospital(医院) 去看病;
go home(跟home相连一定表示没有事情可做回家休息)
I am at home. 在家休息
go to the +地点 表示去某地干嘛
The earth revolves round(around)the sun(地球绕太阳运行).
They sat round(around)the table.(他们围着桌子而坐)
New things are happening all round(around) us(新事物在我们周围不断发生)
表主语的动作目的。课文中go to the theatre = go to the theatre to see a play,即去剧场看戏。类似的还有
go to the cinema = go to the cinema to see a film(去电影院看电影)。这种表达方式简明扼要。请注意在
angry adj. 生气的,愤怒的 angrily adv. 生气地
同义词:cross / annoyed (= angry) cross adj. 生气的,v. 穿过;
mad 发疯的,暴怒的; 暴跳如雷的,勃然大怒的
8. Icould not hear the actors.因为我听不见演员在说什么。
man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the
end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!'
I said angrily.
theatre n. 剧场,戏院
seat n. 座位
play n. 戏
loudly adv. 大声地
angry adj. 生气的
angrily adv. 生气地
attention n. 注意
actor. n男演员
turn. vi 转身
bear(bore, borne) v. 容忍
business n. 事
4.I did not enjoy it. 但我却无法欣赏.
enjoy vt. 欣赏,享受,喜爱后面的宾语为名词、代词、动名词
① enjoy +n. 喜欢,从当中得到一种享受(后面不能跟人)
I enjoy the music.
enjoy the dinner/film/program/game
② enjoy oneself/代词 玩的开心
I glared at the man and the woman
I cFra Baidu bibliotekuld not hear you. Beg your pardon?
I couldn't hear you./I couldn't hear a word./I couldn't catch your words.
behind 在……的后面
在……之前 in front of
I was sitting in front of a young man and a young woman.
in the front of 在……的前面(内部的前面),in front of 在外部的前面
. He is sitting in the front of the bus.我坐在汽车的前面(内部的前面)。
was(be 系动词) “是”
interestinga. 有趣的
interesteda. 感兴趣的 be interested in
I was very interested in the play.
take an interest in
I took a great interest in the play.
enjoy +代词,一般为反身代词
enjoy oneself =have a good time 玩的很开心,过的很愉快
. I enjoyed myself last night./I had a good time last night.
③ enjoy +动名词
Jane doesn’t enjoy swimming. She enjoys going to the theatre.
(Clinton 总统就要到来的消息很快地就在校园里传开啦)
3.around 还可以表示"不止一处","在许多地方","在不同地方". 但在美国英语里,一般只用around, 例如:
The students are standing around(学生们在到处站着)
They are rushing around in New York.(他们在New York到处奔波).
‘It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. ‘This is a
private conversation!'
New words and expressions 生词和短语
private adj. 私人的
conversation n. 谈话