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领事及侨务Consular and Overseas Chinese Affairs

领事机关consular post (consulate)

领事辖区consular district

领事团consular mission

外交官兼任领事a diplomat concurrently holding the post of a consul

领馆馆舍consular premises

领馆档案consular archives

领事裁判权consular jurisdiction


领事会见consular access to

委托书power of attorney


征收领事办事费levy consular fees and charges

应接受…管辖to be amendable to the jurisdiction of …

对第三者损害的保险insurance against third party risk

多次入出境签证multiple entry-and-exit visa

居留签证residence visa

有效期三个月good for 3 months

有效期一年good for 12 months

(护照的)延期、换发、补发extension (renewal), replacement

加注、加页reissue, endorsement, page addition

在中国护照上做签证to affix a visa on the Chinese passport

免办签证visa waiver, exemption of visas

撤(吊)销签证to cancel a visa

两国互免签证协议an agreement on mutual exemption of visas between the two countries 简化签证事务手续to simplify the procedure of visa application

入境口岸port of entry

指定口岸designated port

取得国籍to acquire (possess, obtain, adopt) citizenship

取得…国籍to take up the nationality of…

丧失中国国籍to forfeit (lose) the Chinese nationality

放弃/保留/恢复/改变/… to renounce/retain/resume/change the…

国籍nationality of

双重国籍dual citizenship

侨居国country of residence

居住国country of domicile

永久居住地permanent abode

曾用名/别名/又名previous name/other names/alias

开放城市a city open to foreigners

亲戚relatives, relations

未成年人minor, under-age children

法律纠纷legal dispute

限期出境to order to leave the country within a time limit

驱逐出境expulsion from the country

递解出境to be deported from the country

从宽处理to be afforded a lenient treatment, commute, commutation 到场作证to attend as a witness

拒绝作证to decline to testify

为…待聘律师to arrange a lawyer for somebody

直系亲属lineal relative

旁系亲属collateral relative

代管to take into custody

由…代管The management is taken over by…

外国人财产property of foreign nationals



政府封存sealing up for government keeping

提出以资产抵债the offer of assets against its liabilities

赎买to buy out, buying-out

冻结资金blocked funds

冻结资产blocked properties and assets

要求归还财产a claim for the restitution of property

认证to legalize, to authenticate

