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1.He was very surprised at what I said and stared at me in _______. (belief

2.He still suffers considerable ________ (comfort from his injury.

3.If you don’t pay your bills they’ll ________ your electricity. (c onnect

4.I’ll have to ________ these weekly visits because I have something more important to do.(continue.

5.Parents should _______ their children from smoking. (courage

6.His being caught stealing brought ________ on his family. (honor

7.If you go on like that, others will _________ you. (like

8.Those who _______ the law should be punished severely. (obey

9.The capital is calm, but continuing __________ has been reported elsewhere. (order

10.He shows a total for other people’s feelin gs. (regard

11.My ass urances ________him: he’s still skeptical. (satisfy

12.Letters from viewers express their ________ with current programs. (satisfaction

13.Her latest book is quite _________ from her previous one. (similar

14.Negotiations between unions and management are made more difficult by mutual

__________. (trust

15.It’s a pity that the expensive machine has been rusty from ________. (use

16.His rash outburst incurred the _________ of the judge. (pleasure

17.The sudden change in current political situation ___________ their plan. (organize

18.The children are starving because of the _________ of food. (existence

19.They were very glad to meet each other and chattered _________ all the way. (stop

20.This so-called translation is pure __________. (sense

21.He’s very _________ for his age, for he easily makes hasty decisions. (mature

22.I may be ________ for a modest , let me tell you about the latest book that I have written. (modest

23.As we all know, it’s _________ to steal. (moral

24.Have you read any works written by the __________ Shakespeare. (mortal

25.Whatever happens, we should be _________ in purpose. (movable

26.Don’t be so __________! The bus will be here soon. (patient

27.Giving people time to get to know one another will make the meeting less


28.Some people still think it is __________ for men not to stand up when a woman comes into a room. (polite

29.It would be (proper to comment at this stage.

30.Her contribution was of (measurable importance.

31.It would be (practicable for each member to be consulted on every occasion.

32.Her gold necklace doesn’t cost much; it’s made of (pure gold.

33. (moderate drinking does harm to your health.

34.All our sale items are slightly (perfect.

35.The traffic is so busy that it’s (possible for me to be ther e on time.

36.Her (modesty makes her unpopular with her classmates, for she is always thinking highly of her role in the class.

37.Rich and famous as the footballer is, he is said to lead a life of
