

苏教版五年级语文下册 习作4 写参观记或游记(附教案)

苏教版五年级语文下册 习作4 写参观记或游记(附教案)

穿过甬道,我们来到墓室。墓室共15间, 面积达700多平方米,几乎掏空了整个山体。马 厩、兵器库、厨房、歌舞厅、会客厅……一应俱 全,完全是仿造墓主人——楚王刘注生前居住的 宫殿建造的。最有趣的是刘注夫人墓室内的歌舞 厅。一根粗大的擎天矗立在大厅的中央,拱形的 屋顶上有许多凸起的小石包。抬头仰望,那屋顶 宛如浩渺的夜空,而那些小石包,就是散落在天 空中的星星。
(2)文中哪些语句介绍了作者的参观 线路?用横线划下来。
步入南面的甬道,只见一束红 色的激光从墓内直射出来。 穿过甬道,我们来到墓室。 走进北甬道,导游让我们注意 石壁下面的石槽。
按照作者的路线,思考:作者到底写 了哪些景物?
甬道 ----墓室 ---- 马厩 ---- 兵器库 ---有重点

说笑间,不知不觉我们就登上了山顶。从山上向下 俯视,马路四通八达,楼房一幢接一幢,江面上传着几 艘豪华的大轮船,码头旁的大吊车犹如长颈鹿玩具,好 一片壮观景象。 狼山因为落座在一马平川、沃野千里 的江海平原之上,耸立在一望无垠的长江之滨,所以显 得特别突兀高大。尤其是它山势陡峭,拔地而起,临江 高耸,直插蓝天,气势更加非凡。登上支云塔,仿佛觉 得不是站在一座百米小山之上,而是置身于九霄云外了 。辽阔的江海平原,从脚下一直伸展到无边的远方;滚 滚的万里长江,犹如一条闪光的缎带,从遥远的天际蜿 蜒而来,奔腾入海;那海,那长江入口处的大海,更是 水天相连,烟波苍茫,好一派江天寥廓、沧海浩瀚的壮 丽景象。怪不得宋朝大诗人王安石来此,情不自禁地发 出这样的赞叹:“遨游半是江湖里,始觉今朝眼界开” 。想起萃景楼前两根石柱上的那副楹联:“长啸一声山 鸣谷应,举头四顾海阔天空”。我们的胸怀也顿觉无限 宽广!这样的山,怎能不名闻遐迩呢?

苏教版五年级下册习作4 学写参观记或游记课件(含过渡语)

苏教版五年级下册习作4 学写参观记或游记课件(含过渡语)

• 除了可以看县城全景,楼上每个方位、每 个角度都有不一样的风景,从左边看县城 仿佛被绿荫环绕。从右边看又是一望无际 的竹林。楼下还建有一个地下室,经常有 书画摄影作品展出。 • 民族广场之旅到此结束,谁来说说我们游 览了哪些地方?
水景观 五彩云楼
• (评价:同学们真了不起!记录得真准确!)
想一想:我们游览了哪些地 方?哪个地方你最感兴趣?尝试 着把你看到的、听到的、想到的、 感受到的用例文的方法介绍给大 家。
一到民族广场我们首先看到的会是什么? (花腰傣铜像)
• 谁来为我们描述一下?象征着什么?(勤 劳的人民)听到了什么?他们在歌颂什么? (美好的生活) • 铜像的背后是什么?(音乐喷泉)
一楼为陈列室,图文并 茂地宣传新平改革开放30 年所取得的成就;顺着古朴 的楼梯旋转上楼就到了二楼, 这儿集中展示了新平的民族 文化和人文历史。三楼,可 眺望县城全景,并悬
挂一口外形古朴、制作精巧 的3吨重铜铸大钟,钟体铭 文《新平赋》,钟声响起时, 将美好的祝愿传遍千家万户, 祝福全县人民吉祥安康。
• 音乐喷泉两侧有什么呢?(12根民族风情 柱)
• 它代表着什么?(新平的12个乡镇) • 继续往南走就到了哪里?
• 水景观(出示图)指名介绍。
• 沿着水景观两旁的石阶拾级而上就来到了
• 它的名字叫“五彩云楼”,也叫“新平钟 楼”,算是县城里的一个标志性建筑了, 对新平有着非凡的纪念意义。
• 还记得游览之前老师给大家提的要求吗?
想一想:我们游览了哪些地 方?哪个地方你最感兴趣?尝试 着把你看到的、听到的、想到的、 感受到的用例文的方法介绍给大 家。
• 那你最感兴趣的是哪个地方?你能试着把 你所见、所闻、所感运用例文的方法介绍 给大家吗? • 7.指名汇报。谁来评价一下。(说的很 完整。语言生动形象还用了比喻和列数字 的方法。) • 8.如果把刚才同学们的话记录下来就是一篇 文章。拿出习作草稿本,用笔记录本次游 览中最精彩的一个片段吧。 • 9.提示书写:“提笔即是练字时”注意写字 姿势。有的同学真是下笔如有神,转眼就 写了好几行。


























































让我们准备一份好心情,去尽情地赏玩、尽情地书写华美的篇章吧! 2.回忆这几篇课文,你觉得作者用了哪些方法写景物特点的?学生回顾课文内容,交流写法。



思考下列问题: 1。文章是围绕哪句话展开描写的? 号称“中华一绝”的龟山汉墓,就 开凿在这只“大乌龟”肚子里。 2。读了文章,你感觉到了“绝”吗? 为什么?
思考下列问题: 1。文章是围绕哪句话展开描写的? 号称“中华一绝”的龟山汉墓,就 开凿在这只“大乌龟”肚子里。 2。读了文章,你感觉到了“绝”吗? 为什么? 3。小作者重点写了哪些部分?文章 是怎样抓住一个“绝”字来介绍和 描写的呢?
你参观、游览过 哪些地方?请学习例文 的写法,写一篇参观记 或游记,题目自定。
我们又到了“科学原理区”。这一片区 的作品都是根据科学原理研制成的。那毫不 起眼的“魔球”很有趣,“魔球”与平常的 皮球一般大小,中间有一个蓝色的球,周边 有七八根紫色的小绳。 我们又去了“标本展览”处参观,这儿 到处都是五光十色的贝壳标本和五颜六色的 蝴蝶标本,其中最吸引我的有可爱的鸟类标 本。这些鸟类标本栩栩如生,吸引了很多的 人。 这次参观科普馆,我的收获还真不少啊!
1、参观龟山汉墓后作者最深的感 受是什么,在文中找到一个字概 括
1、参观龟山汉墓后作者最深的感 受是什么,在文中找到一个字概 括

根据感受 确定中心
2、作者参观时先后看到什么?重 点写了什么?为什么重点写这些 景物。
2、作者参观时先后看到什么?重 点写了什么?为什么重点写这些 景物。

围绕中心 选择材料
甬道 ----墓室 ---- 马厩 ---- 兵器库 ---重点
厨房 ---- 歌舞厅---- 会客厅----排水沟
感受适度 我们听了连声赞叹,真想象不 出两千多年前,我们的先人使用什 么办法开凿的。 龟山汉墓是我们先人用錾子蘸着 汗水写出来的一本书哇!我们又一 次赞叹不已。





















1 游览乐山大佛乐山大佛是我们到四川游览的第一个景点。

























2 九寨沟之水在一个假期里,我们去九寨沟旅游,我高兴极了。

























苏教版五年级下册英语第四课的作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Unit in English ClassUnit 4 of our English textbook this semester was my favorite unit for sure! It was all about sports and staying active, which I just love. I had so much fun learning all the new vocabulary words and doing the different activities.First off, we learned the names of a bunch of different sports like basketball, soccer, tennis, baseball, and many more. My favorite sport to play is definitely basketball. I'm quite tall for my age and love running up and down the court dribbling and shooting hoops. Soccer is fun too though. I enjoy kicking the ball around with my friends during recess and trying to score goals.Along with the different sport names, we learned some great action words that go with sports. Words like "throw", "catch", "kick", "run", "jump" and so on. It was really helpful to put those words into context by acting them out. Our teacher would call out an action, and we'd have to do it. It was a lively way to practice the new vocabulary!We also learned the names of different pieces of equipment used in sports, like "racket", "bat", "ball", "net", and so on. I have a tennis racket at home that I like to use to hit a ball against the wall and practice my swing. Someday I'll be good enough to play on a real tennis court!In addition to vocabulary, we learned how to express our interests, abilities, likes and dislikes relating to sports. We practiced asking each other questions like "What sports do you like to play?" or "Are you good at baseball?" It helped me learn how to share my own thoughts and understand my classmates' interests too.My favorite activity from the unit was when we had to make posters showcasing a sport we enjoyed. I made mine about basketball, showing pictures of a basketball court, a player dribbling, and aball going through a net. I wrote descriptive sentences underneath each picture using the vocabulary we had learned. It was a fun way to be creative while practicing our English skills.Another great activity was when we did role plays about joining a sports team or club. We had to pretend to interview each other about our skills and interests. I played the role of the coach, asking my classmate questions to see if she should beadmitted to the tennis club. It helped me practice using the vocabulary in a conversational way.Overall, Unit 4 was jam-packed with engaging activities, helpful visuals in the textbook, fun games, and opportunities to practice speaking, writing, listening and reading. All the content about different sports, actions, and equipment really sparked my interest and motivation. It felt interactive and lively compared to some of the other units.What I appreciated most though was that this unit enabled me to share my passion for sports and physical activities. At my age, I have so much energy to burn and I love being active, running around, and playing recreational games. This unit let me channel that enthusiasm while building my English skills at the same time. I got to learn how to express myself and describe my interests, goals, and experiences related to sports and fitness.I also realized through this unit how universal sports are. Even though we may speak different languages, kids all around the world still play Basketball, soccer, tennis and other games. We user similar equipment and actions. Sports can connect cultures and allow youth to find common ground. No matter our backgrounds, we all understand the joy and benefits of being physically active.In Chinese class, we focus more on academics like reading, writing, math, science and so on. Those subjects are crucial too, but English class is a space where we can explore different topics that engage our interests and personalities. Units like this one about sports make the English learning process more fun, relatable and memorable.My teacher also used this unit to teachsome broader life lessons beyond just vocabulary. She reminded us about the importance of being active and getting exercise, which is good for our growing bodies and minds. She encouraged us to join sports teams or clubs, as they build teamwork, discipline and social skills. Those are abilities that will help us be successful in any path we choose later in life.So in conclusion, Unit 4 on sports was definitely a home run (see what I did there with the baseball pun?). Between the interesting content, engaging activities, chances to be creative and collaborative, andoverarching lifestyle lessons - I came out of it with a whole new appreciation for how sports can enrich our lives and our English skills simultaneously. I wait in excitement to see what future units have in store, but Unit 4 certainly set the bar high! Maybe our next unit will be about music or art and allow us to explore those worlds just as vividly.Either way, I know my English abilities are rapidly improving thanks to our wonderful textbook and teacher. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be the next Yao Ming representing China in the NBA, smooth talking in perfect English. For now, I'm just happy to be an energetic kid student having fun withmy friends while becoming proficient in this important global language. Three cheers for Unit 4!篇2My Favorite Unit From English Class This YearHi everyone! I'm so excited to tell you all about my favorite unit we did in English class this year. It was Unit 4 from our textbook and I just loved everything we learned and did while studying it. Let me tell you all about it!The unit was called "A Diary of an Adopted Stray Dog" and it was all about this super cute stray dog named Lucky who gets adopted by a nice family. Lucky tells the whole story through diary entries which I thought was a really fun way to learn. Each diary entry talked about something new that happened as Lucky settled into his new home and life with his adopted family.In the first entry, Lucky talks about getting rescued from the streets by an animal shelter worker. He was just a tiny puppy allalone without a mom or anyone to take care of him. Lucky says he was really scared at first in the shelter, but then the worker gave him food and water and told him not to worry. I felt so bad for poor Lucky being so little and lonely like that! But I was glad he was safe at the shelter and not out on the dangerous streets anymore.Then in the next few entries, Lucky writes all about getting adopted by the Wilson family - a mom, a dad, and two kids named Amy and Michael. When the Wilsons first took Lucky home, he was really confused and missed the animal shelter at first. Everything was so new and different! But soon Lucky started to feel more comfortable as the family showed him so much love and gave him toys, a cozy dog bed, and lots of yummy food and treats.My favorite diary was the one where Lucky talks about playing fetch with Michael outside and how Michael patted him on the head and said "Good boy, Lucky!" Aw, I just loved picturing that scene in my mind of Michael throwing a ball for Lucky and Lucky bringing it back to him, both of them having so much fun together. It made me want a dog so bad! I'll have to beg my parents for one.As the unit goes on, Lucky keeps writing about all his adventures and the Wilson family continues teaching him commands like "sit", "stay", and "come". They also took him to get his puppy shots at the vet which Lucky did NOT like at all! He says those shots really hurt. I don't blame him - I hate getting shots too. They're the worst!Towards the end, Lucky's diary shows that he has become such a huge part of the Wilson family. The kids love playing with him every day after school, the mom cuddles with him on the couch while reading, and the dad even takes him on runs. In the very last entry, Lucky writes "I am one lucky dog!" and says he's so happy the Wilsons adopted him and gave him a warm, loving forever home. Aw, that part always makes me a little teary-eyed!There are so many reasons why this was my favorite unit. First of all, I'm just a huge animal lover, especially when it comes to dogs. They're literally the cutest, most loyal, happy pets ever in my opinion. Hearing all about Lucky's journey from a scared homeless puppy to a beloved family dog with a safe home was so heartwarming. It reminded me of watching those animal rescue TV shows my mom likes - you know, where they save dogs and cats from bad situations and then get them adopted. Those shows always make me cry happy tears!Another reason I adored this unit is because I'm obsessed with any books, movies, or stories told in diary/journal form. I think keeping a diary myself would be so fun to write about my daily life and all my thoughts and feelings. Getting to read Lucky's diary entries made it feel like he was a real dog writing to me and I was getting this inside look into his doggy mind. It was awesome!Plus, the unit taught us so much great vocabulary about dogs, pets, animal shelters, and taking care of an animal. Words like "stray", "adopt", "leash", "treats", "commands"...I didn't know most of those before this unit but now I'll never forget them. We also learned some super helpful sentences about describing how dogs look and act, like "The puppy is playful" or "My dog's fur is shaggy." Useful stuff to know as a future dog owner for sure!Finally, I have to mention how much I loved all the activities and projects we got to do throughout this unit. We made super cute doggy drawings and posters. We did fun role plays where we pretended to be the篇3Sure, here's an essay in English from the perspective of a fifth-grade student on Unit 4 of the Jiangsu Edition English textbook for fifth grade, around 2000 words long:My Summer Vacation in the CountrysideWow, where do I even begin? This summer vacation was one of the most exciting and memorable times of my life! I got to experience something totally different from my usual city life in Nanjing. My parents decided to take me to my grandparents' village in the countryside for a few weeks. At first, I wasn't too thrilled about the idea. I thought it would be boring, dirty, and have nothing fun to do. Boy, was I wrong!The journey there itself was an adventure. We took ahigh-speed train from Nanjing to a small town nearby the village. From there, we had to take an old bus that looked like it was from the last century! The roads were so bumpy, and the bus kept making these funny noises. I kept giggling to myself, imagining the bus breaking down in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, we made it to the village safely, albeit a bit shaken from the ride.As soon as we stepped off the bus, I was hit with the most amazing scents I've ever smelled. The fresh air, the blooming flowers, the earthy aroma of the soil – it was like nothing I hadever experienced in the city. My grandparents were waiting for us with the biggest smiles on their faces. They looked so happy to see us, and I couldn't help but feel excited too.Their house was nothing like our apartment in Nanjing. It was a traditional one-story building with a tiled roof and a courtyard in the middle. My grandparents showed us around, and I was in awe of how simple yet cozy everything was. They even had a small vegetable garden in the backyard where they grew their own food!The first few days were all about getting used to the countryside lifestyle. I had to wake up early, which was a struggle for a city kid like me. But the mornings were so peaceful and beautiful, with the sound of roosters crowing and the sun peeking through the trees. My grandparents taught me how to feed the chickens and collect the eggs. It was a bit scary at first, but I got the hang of it quickly.One of the highlights of my trip was going to the nearby river with my grandfather. He took me fishing, something I had only seen in movies or on TV. We sat by the river bank, our fishing rods in hand, waiting patiently for a bite. At first, I got a bit restless, but my grandfather taught me the importance of patience and appreciating the beauty of nature around us. Andwhen I finally caught my first fish, the feeling was indescribable! I was so proud of myself, and my grandfather was beaming with joy.In the evenings, we would all gather in the courtyard and play traditional games or tell stories. My grandmother was an excellent storyteller, and she would regale us with tales of her childhood, complete with sound effects and funny voices. I would be on the edge of my seat, completely captivated by her narratives.One of the most memorable experiences was attending the village festival. The whole village came together to celebrate with music, dance, and delicious food. I had never seen anything like it before. Everyone was dressed in colorful traditional clothing, and the atmosphere was electric. I even got to participate in a dragon dance, which was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time!As the weeks went by, I found myself becoming more and more accustomed to the countryside life. I didn't miss the hustle and bustle of the city as much as I thought I would. Instead, I cherished the simple pleasures of life – playing in the fields, exploring the nearby woods, and spending quality time with my grandparents.Towards the end of our stay, my grandmother taught me how to make some traditional dishes from scratch. She showed me how to prepare the ingredients, mix the sauces, and cook everything over a wood-fired stove. The flavors were unlike anything I had tasted before, and I felt a sense of pride knowing that I had helped create these delicious meals.Saying goodbye to my grandparents was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. We had grown so close over those few weeks, and I didn't want to leave the peaceful haven of the countryside. As we boarded the bus back to the city, I looked out the window and watched the rolling hills and fields slowly disappear from sight. A part of me felt like I was leaving a piece of myself behind.Back in Nanjing, everything felt so different. The noise, the pollution, the constant rush – it was overwhelming after the tranquility of the village. But I also felt like I had gained a newfound appreciation for the simple things in life. I realized that true happiness doesn't come from material possessions or technology, but from the connections we make with people and the beauty of nature around us.This summer vacation in the countryside was more than just a trip; it was a life-changing experience that taught me valuablelessons about appreciating the little things, being patient, and embracing different cultures and lifestyles. I'll never forget the memories I made with my grandparents, the skills I learned, and the incredible sights and sounds of the village. It was a reminder that there's a whole world out there beyond the confines of the city, and I can't wait to explore more of it.篇4Sure, here is a 2000 word essay written from the perspective of a 5th grade student about Unit 4 in the Jiangsu Edition English textbook for 5th grade, using language appropriate for that level:My Favorite AnimalMy name is Xiao Ming and I am a student in the 5th grade. Today, I want to tell you about my favorite animal - the giant panda! We just learned about pandas and other animals in Unit 4 of our English textbook.Pandas are so cute and fluffy! They are black and white and have a distinctive black patch around their eyes that makes them look like they are wearing masks. Their bodies are round and they walk on all fours. Adult pandas can grow to be about 1.5 meters long and weigh over 100 kilograms! Even though they areso big, baby pandas are tiny when they are first born - only about 90 grams.Pandas are mammals, which means the mothers feed their babies milk from their bodies when they are young. Baby pandas only drink milk for the first few months until they are big enough to eat bamboo. Bamboo makes up 99% of a panda's diet! They have special teeth and a special digestive system that allows them to eat the tough bamboo stalks and leaves. An adult panda can eat up to 20 kilograms of bamboo per day. That's a lot of bamboo!Pandas live in the dense bamboo forests on the mountains of central China. They use their strong jaws and flat teeth to crush the bamboo before eating it. Pandas are very good climbers and can climb up the thick bamboo stalks very quickly when they need to escape danger. They are also good swimmers and will sometimes bathe in pools or streams.Pandas are solitary animals, which means they live alone most of the time. The only time pandas are together is when mating season comes once a year, or when a mother panda is caring for her cubs. Panda cubs are very dependent on their mothers for the first few years of life. The mother teaches themhow to climb, find food, and take care of themselves. Baby pandas are born very small and helpless.Unfortunately, pandas are an endangered species. This means there are not very many left in the wild and they could become extinct or disappear forever if we don't protect them. Deforestation, which means cutting down the bamboo forests where they live, is the biggest threat to pandas. Climate change is also making it harder for bamboo to grow in some areas. There are now only around 1,800 pandas left in the wild.To help protect pandas, China has created over 60 panda reserves in the mountains where bamboo forests are protected from deforestation. There are also many zoos and breeding centers that have successful panda breeding programs to ensure their population grows. Celebrities and companies have also raised money and awareness to save the pandas.I think pandas are wonderful creatures and I hope I can see one in real life some day! They are cute, unique animals that are very special to China. We should do everything we can to make sure they never go extinct. Protecting their bamboo forest habitat is the most important thing. I will share what I've learned about pandas with my family and friends so more peopleunderstand how incredible yet vulnerable these animals are. What's your favorite animal?篇5Sure, here's a 2000-word essay written from the perspective of a fifth-grade student, based on the fourth lesson in the Suzhou Education Edition English textbook for the second semester:My Summer Vacation AdventureLast summer was the most exciting summer of my life! I had so much fun and went on an incredible adventure. Let me tell you all about it.It started on the first day of summer vacation. My parents woke me up early and said, "Get ready, we're going on a trip!" I was so happy and couldn't wait to find out where we were going. After packing our bags, we drove for a few hours until we reached a small town near the mountains.My dad told me, "We're going hiking in the mountains for a few days. Isn't that exciting?" I was a bit nervous because I had never been on a real hiking trip before, but I was also really excited for the adventure.We checked into a little hotel and the next morning, we set off for the hiking trail. The path was narrow and winding, leading us deeper into the beautiful mountain scenery. Tall trees surrounded us, and the sound of a nearby stream was so peaceful.After a few hours of hiking, we stopped for a picnic lunch. The food tasted amazing, and I felt so refreshed by the clean mountain air. We continued our hike and eventually reached a stunning waterfall. The sound of the rushing water was deafening, but the sight was breathtaking.That night, we set up our tent in a small clearing and cooked our dinner over a campfire. Roasting marshmallows and telling stories under the stars was so much fun. I had never seen so many stars in the night sky before.The next day, we hiked to the top of one of the mountains. It was a tough climb, but the view from the summit was incredible. We could see for miles and miles, with mountains stretching out in every direction. I felt so accomplished for making it to the top.On our way back down, we spotted some wildlife. We saw a family of deer grazing in a meadow and even caught a glimpse of a majestic eagle soaring high above us. It was like being in a nature documentary!After a few more days of hiking, exploring, and enjoying the great outdoors, it was time to head back home. I was sad to leave the beautiful mountains behind, but I knew I would never forget this amazing adventure.When we got home, I couldn't stop talking about our hiking trip. I told all my friends about the waterfall, the wildlife, and the incredible views from the mountain tops. They were so jealous and wished they could have come too.This summer vacation was truly unforgettable. I learned so much about nature, and I feel like I grew braver and stronger from the experience. I can't wait for our next big adventure!。


















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