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假如你是John,将于今年12月参加中英文中学生文化交流(the cultural exchange between Chinese and English middle school students)。你将寄宿在英国Mr. and Mrs. Clinton 家里,请你给Jim 写一封信,简单介绍一下自己的情况,如:年龄、家庭、所在学校、所学课程、兴趣爱好。


Dear Jim,

I am a Chinese boy. My name is John. I am very happy to know that I will stay in your family. I’d like to say something about myself so that you can know me well. I’m 13 years old. I have a happy family with three people. I’m studying in NO.1 Middle School. We learn 8 subjects(科目). I’m interested in all of them. I like reading books and playing the piano. I like English very much, but my English is not good enough. I think you can help me with my English.

I am looking forward to visiting you soon!




假如你是班长,请你写一篇书面通知,告诉同学们这个星期六你们班决定去Wonderful Museum 参观。

内容包括:1.出发时间:早上九点在校门口集合坐车前往。2.参观内容; 简单介绍Wonderful Museum 的情况。3.注意事项:不许大声喧哗及拍照。


Dear classmates,

This Saturday,we are going to visit Wonderful Museum. There is a special display(展览)about old machines(机器) from different countries there . We’ll know how the machines were used to help people one hundred years ago. Then we’ll also enjoy some coffee made with modern machine. Maybe(也许) we can see how different modern machines are from the old time (旧时代) that our grand grandfather (曾祖父)used.

we will meet at the school gate at 9:00 in the morning and go there by bus. Please remember when(当) we are in the museum,we cannot make any noise or take any pictures.

Thank you.


上文中的Wang Fang 因遭受邻居噪音的困扰,而决定和邻居谈谈此事。现在请你以Wang Fang 的名义帮她写一封信给Mr. Green and Mrs. Green。

内容包括:1.指出Mr. Green and Mrs. Green 一家人行为带来的困扰。2. 提出你的建议和要求。


Dear Mr. Green and Mrs. Green,

Welcome to our neighborhood(社区) . I am very glad your family becomes our neighbors(邻居). Since(自从)you moved in, I have noticed(注意到) that your family really enjoy music.

However, the hours you have chosen to play the piano, dancing and singing often do not well with my family, because we are trying to have some rest. And the noise your sons and daughters make can be heard through all buildings. I hope you can let them know that it is difficult for my baby son to sleep. I hope you can try to play and sing in right time, and ask your children not to make much noise.

I really hope we can together make our life better and happier.


Wang Fang


假设你是某学生杂志的编辑Alice,你收到读者Lily 的一封来信,在信中Lily 倾诉她与同学相处中存在的问题,请你给Lily 写一封回信。



Dear Lily,

I’ve learned about your problem. I will tell you something about my similar(相似) experience. I didn’t know how to talk with my classmates and afraid to talk in public(公众场合). But I find some ways to overcome(克服) it. I think you should be active in class discussion and be brave(勇敢) enough to say your ideas. Try to talk with your classmates at break.(休息时间). Say hello when you meet them. Because I think friendly and helpful are also important. You need to take part in class activities, such as sports meetings, football games and singing competitions. I’m sure you will soon make more and more friends.

Best wishes,

