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II、翻译官 1. 想要,喜欢________ 2. 牛肉面________3. 鸡肉______ 4 胡萝卜______ _____ 5 土豆(复数) ___________ 6.西红柿(复数) ________7. special _________8. 我还没想好______________ 10.牛肉面里面有蔬菜吗?______________

III.自学“would like”的用法:would like意为想要,愿意,相当于want,用于提出要求或建议;但语气比want委婉,一般有一下三种形式:①would like sth. 想要某物如:我想要些冰淇淋。I would like some ice cream. ②would like to do sth. 想要干某事如:我想要和你一起去。I would like to go with you. ③would like sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事如:我想要她去接你。I would like her to meet you. 注意:would like 中的would 在句中经常和前面的主语缩写成’d, 如 I’d = I would, You’d = You would, He’d = He would. 注意:与would like 有关的各种句型:①Would you like something?你想要某东西吗?这是日常生活中有礼貌、很客气、语气又很委婉地征求对方要求时的用语。这个问句的肯定答语是:Yes, please. / All right.



2.完成1a,match the words with the foods,

3.look at the pictures about “special 1. special 2 and special 3.” Explain “p ecial” then let them watch and say what kind of noodles can they see.

4.listening.listen and check the noodles that the person orders.

5.work in pairs. Practice the conversation in 1a with your partner.


( )1.She’d like a small bowl of noodles. “She’d” means_______ .

A. she would

B. she need

C. she had

( )2.There are few___ in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some carrots and cabbage.

A. meat

B. fruit

C. vegetables

( ) 3. –What’s her favori te vegetable?--__________

.A. Eggs. Bananas. C. Cabbages.

( ) 4. Dale likes _______ very much.

A. tomato

B. tomatoes

C. tomatos

( ) 5. What would you like _______ breakfast? A. for B. on C. at

II、完美呈现 Some _________ (beef) is in the box. Mutton _________ (be) my favor ite food. Bring me some __________ (orange), and I want to make orange juice. I like rice. But my sister ____________ (not like) it.

五,思学:成功&收获: 失败&不足:



青铜峡市第五中学七年级下英语讲学案Unit 10 I’d like some noodles.

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles .


Talk about : When is your birthday ? What do you do on your birthday ? What do you eat on your birthday? What do people like to eat on their birthday in our country ?

2. 阅读文章完成2b 的表格.

3. 阅读文章完成2c .

4. 再读课文,提出自己在词汇、语言结构或文章内容理解上的困难。



1.There are a lot of ________ (potato)in the supermarket.

2.Many Americans like _________ (China) food.

3.Would you like something __________ (eat)?

4.I'd like ________(have) a cup of tea.

5.The Pizza House has some great ________(special).


A Special gift

Alan is eleven years old. And it is his first time to come to China to visit his grandparents. Today is Sunday. It’s his eleventh birthday. He gets up early and he wants to buy some food for his birthday party in the afternoon.

He sees a big bowl of noodles on the table when he comes out of the his bedroom. It is a bowl of egg and tomato noodles. Alan usually eats bread for breakfast in America. He likes egg and tomato noodles, but he wants to know why Grandma cooks noodles this morning.

“It is your birthday today,” says Grandma. “In China, eating noodles on your birthday means you can live longer. We call noodles changshou noodles. I hope you live a happy and healthy life.”

“Thanks, Grandma. I think it’s the first special gift I get for my birthday,” says Alan. ( ) 1. How old is Alan? A. He is 10. B. He is 11. C. He is 12.

( ) 2. When is Alan’s birthday party?

A. On Saturday morning.

B. On Saturday afternoon.

C. On Sunday afternoon. ( ) 3.What does Alan see on the table?

A. A big bowl.

B. A bowl of noodles.

C. A tomato.

( ) 4. What does Alan often have for breakfast in America?

A. Bread and milk.

B. Fruit and milk.

C. Egg noodles.

( ) 5. From the passage, we know that _____________.

A. Alan’s mother cooks noodles for him

B. Alan thinks his grandma’s gift for him is special

C. Alan’s grandma doesn’t want to have the birthday party




句型:__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


