Lesson4 Is an Ivy League Diploma Worth It?花钱读常春藤名校值不值?1.如果愿意的话,施瓦茨(Daniel Schwartz)本来是可以去一所常春藤联盟(Ivy League)院校读书的。
2.18 岁的施瓦茨被康奈尔大学(Cornell University)录取了,但他最终却去了纽约市立大学麦考利荣誉学院(City University of New York’s Macaulay Honors College),后者是免费的。
私立学校医学院一年的花费动辄就要4 万5 美元。
他说,不值得为了一个本科文凭一年花5 万多美元。
5.Robert Pizzo 越来越多的学生选择收费较低的公立大学,或选择住在家里走读以节省住房开支。
美国学生贷款行销协会(Sallie Mae)的一份报告显示,2010 年至2011 学年,家庭年收入10 万美元以上的学生中有近25%选择就读两年制的公立学校,高于上一学年12%的比例。
6.这份报告称,这样的选择意味着,在2010 至2011 学年,各个收入阶层的家庭在大学教育上的花费比上一年少9%,平均支出为21,889 美元,包括现金、贷款、奖学金等。
高收入家庭的大学教育支出降低了18%,平均为25,760 美元。
这份一年一度的报告是在对约1,600 名学生和家长进行问卷调查后完成的。
课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson20
![课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson20](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/130ca7b1647d27284a73511a.png)
Lesson 20 East Versus West东西方观念和思维的差异classmates chime in.同学插话。
That kind of collectivism confirms the commonly held belief that learning by organic induction is more effective than rote memorization.这种集体主义证实了有机归纳学习比死记硬背更有效的普遍信念。
Why do you find, in a music conservatory, a lot of Asian would-be concert pianists but comparatively few Asian opera-singers-in-training?为什么在音乐学院会有很多想成为钢琴家的亚洲人,而受训的亚洲歌剧演员却相对较少?There's a physical limit to how many hours a day a person can sing, Nisbett says, but not to how many hours one can practice sonatas.尼斯贝特说,一个人每天唱歌的时间有生理上的限制,但练习奏鸣曲的时间没有生理上的限制。
He attributes these differences to history.他将这些差异归因于历史。
East Asian agriculture was a communal venture in which tasks like irrigation and crop rotation had citizens acting in concert.东亚农业是一种公共事业,其中灌溉和作物轮作等任务需要公民协同行动。
In contrast, Western food production led to more lone-operator farmers and herdsmen. 相比之下,西方食品生产导致了更多的孤独的农民和牧民。
人民大新英美报刊选读(第五版)教学课件理论部分Chapter 1 Features of News
![人民大新英美报刊选读(第五版)教学课件理论部分Chapter 1 Features of News](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/316fbd52f56527d3240c844769eae009581ba2fa.png)
Language Features
Translate the following English news headlines into Chinese.
6. Paralympians Raring for Games to Begin 7. US, Russia Hold Talks to Ease Tensions over Ukraine 8. Efforts Underway to Help Rohingya in Bangladesh Weather Next Monsoon Season 9. Duolingo English Test Gains Support, Questions Remain 10. Costs of Goods, Services Increase around the World
标题 8:Soaring Dragon, Busy Tigers 译文:巨龙腾飞,众虎繁忙
标题 9:Desperate Need, Desperate Deed 译文:燃眉之急,行动火急
Language Features
Language Features
第二节 英语新闻标题的措辞特点
为了以简单扼要、立意新颖、精辟动人的文字形式浓缩新闻的基本内容, 吸引读者在最短的时间内获得尽可能多的信息,英语新闻标题往往遵循 “ABC原则”,即准确 (accuracy)、简洁 (brevity) 和清晰 (clarity) 原则。 英语新闻标题措辞特点鲜明,在词汇的选择和使用、修辞手法的运用等方 面都有别于其他文体。
Comments: 英语新闻标题首选字形短小、词义广的单音节或双音
节小词。字形短小的小词不仅能节约空间,更具有生动灵活的特点, 会增加新闻报道的简洁性和可读性,如示例中使用了单音节词ban, 而非同义的多音节词prohibit。常见的类似用法包括使用probe而非 investigation/inquiry来表示“调查”,使用deal而非transaction来表 示“交易”等。
课⽂翻译英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本第五版端⽊义万Lesson7Lesson 7 :Cities and Suburbs Are Trading Places远程办公Young Singles, Other ‘Non-Families’ Taking Over Outer Areas, Study Shows研究显⽰,单⾝青年和其他“⾮家庭成员”占据了周边地区By D’Vera Cohn.A role reversal between cities and suburbs is rewriting a demographic script that has dominated American life for decades.城市和郊区之间的⾓⾊转换正在改写⼏⼗年来主导美国⽣活的⼈⼝统计学脚本。
Young singles, elderly widows and other such “non-family households”now outnumber married-with-children homes in the nation’s suburbs, creating changes in demand for housing, entertainment and services in the communities where most Americans live.在美国的郊区,年轻的单⾝⼈⼠、年⽼的寡妇和其他类似的“⽆家庭家庭”现在的数量超过了结婚带孩⼦的家庭,这就改变了⼤多数美国⼈居住的社区对住房、娱乐和服务的需求。
At the same time, the married-with-children families often thought of as typically suburban are increasing in many growing cities of the South and West, according to a study based on the 2000 Census to be released today by the Brookings Institution.与此同时,布鲁⾦斯学会(Brookings Institution)今天发布的⼀项基于2000年⼈⼝普查的研究显⽰,在美国南部和西部许多发展中城市,通常被认为是典型的郊区已婚带孩⼦家庭的⼈数正在增加。
课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson19
![课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson19](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/549b81bc951ea76e58fafab069dc5022aaea46f7.png)
课文翻译英美报刊阅读教程中级本第五版端木义万 Lesson19导读本文是英美报刊阅读教程中级本第五版的第19课。
the U.Sw.aSnetnsaYtOe U to go abroad4
Sena8tereRceosgonluiztieosnth3e08importance of a study abroad experience to
future employment.
, passed on November 11, 2005, lists several
team. Of all my friends, only the ones who I know through Chinese classes went to China,
and the eight of us couldn’t even fill a dugout.
■ So why did they go? There are a number of reasons to study abroad. In fact, according to the American
Aside from a foreign cultural 12experience, students are able to re-examine the assumptions of their own lives and the assumptions of the societies they belong to. ■ So why Asia?
federal grossly institution predominance refreshing Senate steady unequaled Vietnam
严重地;令人不快地 令人欣喜的,使人耳目一新的 美国联邦政府的 社会机构 有规则的,平稳的 占优势,显著,支配地位 (正式)无与伦比的,无双的 参议院 越南
课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson19
![课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson19](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/88999b76f8c75fbfc67db21b.png)
Lesson 19 It's a Glad, Sad, Mad World主观幸福感Where you live, as much a show you live, is a key influence on the feel-good factor你住在哪里,就像你在现场表演一样,是影响你感觉良好的关键因素By Walter KirnIt's almost impossible for most people in well-off countries to begin to understand how it feels to live in the extreme poverty of Calcutta, surviving in India's third largest city in a shack, or on the street with little access to clean water,food or health care.对于生活在富裕国家的大多数人来说,他们几乎不可能开始理解生活在印度第三大城市加尔各答的极度贫困中是什么感觉,在一个简陋的棚子里生存,或者在没有干净的水、食物或医疗保健的街道上生存。
The filth. The crowds. The disease.污秽、人群、疾病。
From the perspective of the comfortably housed and amply fed, these conditions sound hopeless, and the suffering they must breed seems unimaginable.从那些住得舒舒服服、吃得饱的人的角度来看,这些条件听起来让人绝望,它们所带来的痛苦似乎难以想象。
But not as unimaginable as this: according to a researcher who employs a method of ranking human happiness on a scale of 1 to 7, poor Calcuttans score about a 4, meaning they' reslightly more happy than not.但没有这么不可思议:根据一位研究人员使用一种方法给人类幸福打分,分值从1到7,贫穷的Calcuttans给出的了4分,表示他们的幸福程度稍微高一些。
美英报刊文章选读 译文
![美英报刊文章选读 译文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/511c8a14cc7931b765ce156f.png)
《美英报刊文章阅读》China Finds Western ways bring new woes中国对于美国而言,是增长最快的市场,是反恐战争中的盟友,同时也是在亚洲地区最大的竞争者。
考虑到这个世界上人口最多的国家是如此重要,USA TODAY将会对于‘中国的世纪’这个说法进行持续一年的抽样调查,看看有多少是已经做到的,有多少还没有完成。
根据北卡大学研究发展中国家饮食的经济学家Barry Popkin的研究结果,1995年到2025年,因不健康饮食导致的心脏病,高血压,心肌梗塞,糖尿病而死亡的人数将会增加10倍,超过了人口的增长速度。
人民大新英美报刊选读(第五版)教学课件unit 6 Passage 2
![人民大新英美报刊选读(第五版)教学课件unit 6 Passage 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0e56822bbb1aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a87c28bfa.png)
Para.4 Harbaugh has a high winning rate. Para.5 The characteristics that make Harbaugh seem a little
weird and how h loves competing more than anything else.
process can be disruptive and difficult to sustain. Para.10 Harbaugh’s lack of victories at Michigan over his first
(完整word版)English Book 5-6课文翻译
![(完整word版)English Book 5-6课文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0d1d875a2af90242a895e58e.png)
English Book 5 Lesson 1 救赎----兰斯顿.休斯在我快13岁那年,我的灵魂得到了拯救,然而并不是真正意义上的救赎。
Lesson5 Food and Obesity Being fat is be coming the norm for Americans.As it will soon be come in this country, I have seen the future, and it's extra large.By Joan SmithA friend who happens to be both American and a superb cook-his poulet de Bresse en deuil is one of the most memorable dishes I have tasted--called me a couple of days ago,enthusing about a lecture he had just at ended.The thesis,he said,was that the human body has changed irrevocably over the last quarter of a century and that the physical environment—chairs,beds, airline seats-will gradually adapt to accommodate the new shape.It is,of course,in the US, where my friend no longer lives,that this evolutionary experiment is most advanced;for years now, millions of people have been gorging themselves on vast helpings of fast food, with the consequencethat about 60 percent of the population is overweight.According to Greg Critser, author of Fat Land:How Americans Became the Fattest People in the Word, none of this has happened by accident. Critser argues that the challenge to the US food industry in the 1970s was that the population was growing more slowly than the food supply, so people had to be persuaded to change their eating habits. Fast food, invented after the Second World War as an affordable way of getting families to eat together, became a means of selling surplus fat and sugar to the far-from-unwilling masses. This is a social revolution on a grand scale as scarcity, with which most human beings have had to struggle throughout history, has given way to an apparently permanent state of plenty.It may also help to explain why the magician David Blaine, suspended without food in a Perspex box beside Tower Bridge,has such a grip on people's imaginations.In an astonishingly short period of time, starvation has metamorphosed from a threat to a spectacle, and families are turning out en mass eat weekends to see how his hunger strike is going. For the fifth of the British population who are obese, and unused to doing without food for more than a few hours, the notion of someone giving it up for 44 days is unthinkable, some normal-size people have turned up to mock, throwing egg, cooking food and even trying to cut off the water supply to the hung American. Perhaps this is the point, that there are so few starving Americans in the world, which makes his self-imposed ordeal appear ludicrously self-indulgent.Yet it is possible to take Critser's argument a stage further and suggest that millions of Americans are trapped between two industries, fast food and slimming, which enjoy a cosily symbiotic relationship. Researchby a fast-food chain showed that what customers cared about was neither taster nor quality but portion size; what they have come to expect from food, and what their neighbours are beginning to want as well-obesity has increased by 158 per cent in Mexico in a decade, since fast food outlets began to replace the traditional diet-is a feeling of being stuffed to the gills. Cooking has become a spectator sport, something to watch famous people do on telly, as the populations of affluent countries rely increasingly on supermarket meals and takeaways. For many people, eating has become an addiction rather than a pleasure, and going on a diet merely replaces on morbid habit with another.In the circumstances, it is not really surprising that people are confused and an gered by Bia ine, whose stunt highlights the disordered relati on to eat ing which has become habitual in Western societies. Far from being an object of derision as his body en ters ketosis, the state in which it starts to con sume itself, he should logically be the envy of all those in dividuals who are en dlessly trying Atk ing and other fashi on able diets. We are so used to heari ng people pay to get hun gry, tur ning the con diti on of starvi ng Africa ns into a Ion ged-for luxury. There is someth ing sham ing about this, and about the extent to which so many people-like Kafka' hunger artist, who was addicted to starv in g-have lost con trol of their appetites.Perhaps the thesis my frie nd described to me on the phone is correct, and houses and cars and pla nes will just have to get bigger as the huma n race-the afflue nt part of it, that is-continues to inflate itself with empty calories. Bizarrely, being fat is fast beco ming the norm for America ns, and eve n in this country it will soon be people likeme(5ft 5in and a paltry nine stone) who are the freaks. I have seen the future, and ' extra large.Pla in food moves up a classI was supposed to give a talk myself at the weeke nd, on food and class, but had to pull out becauseof an annoyin gly persiste nt throat virus. I was going to discuss Eat ing above your stati on” ,which is someth ing I lear nt to do, like many people of my gen eratio n, whe n I went to uni versity. Un til the n, I had scarcely ever eate n in a restaura nt and I had n ever tried what my family referred to as foreig n muck ”.Ever macar oni cheesewas too exotic for my pare nts, who tipped it in to the bin whe n I came home from cookery class with a Pyrex dish full of overcooked pasta and melted cheddar.Food was pla in, served on a plate with thick porti ons of gravy or custard, and the idea of helping yourself from serving dishes seemed the height of sophistication. What strikes me no w, looki ng back on that traditi onal work in g-class diet, is that it was un adve nturous but it did n 'do me ant harm. My father grew vegetables, my mother shelled peas and sliced carrots, and I don't recall anyone in my family being overweight. It s hard to eat too much whe n some one else puts the food on your plate. These days, if a work in g-class diet can be said to exist, it is surperficially much more cosmopolitan-curries, pizza, the ubiquitous Chin ese takeaway-but adapted to satisfy the British appetite for saturated fat, salt and sugar.In a curious reversal, plain food-simple grilled fish with a green salad, such as the wonderful meal I ate in Marbella in the summer-has become the province of the middle class. I am one of those lucky people who cha nged class at the right time and in the right directi on, but the effects of our eat ing habits-a sle nder elite, as millio ns of ordinary people pile on the poun ds-suggest that class divisi ons are as deep as ever.Bring on the euroI was driving back from a health farm the other day when the friend with whom I had just shared three days of massage, facials and Pilates said rather n ervously that she wan ted to ask me a questio n. I n aturally assumed that she wan ted to talk about men, underwear or the least painful way of shaving your legs, as women do when they know each other well, but it turned out to be something far more intimate. Am I, sheasked, in favour of jo ining the euro?Oh God, anything but that. Admitt ing that you fell no attachme nt to the pound, and would like to use the euro in Waitrose, is like telling your friends that you have joined a weird sect. I don't think people spend much time thinking about Gordon Brow n 'five econo mic tests, but there is a presumpti on that the British did jolly week to stay out of the eurozone when all those foreigners gave up their currencies almost two years ago. And now we're supposed to admire the Swedes for resoundingly voting No” at the weekend.I don 'thi nk I v e ever con fessed this in public before, and I suspect I won 'be in vited to any smart parties for weeks at the very least. But I really want to join the euro. And since we both came out somewhere on the M1-it was a relief, I can tell you-I now know at least one other pers on who feels the same.。
美英报刊选读中文翻译U1Who We Are Now?现在我们是谁
![美英报刊选读中文翻译U1Who We Are Now?现在我们是谁](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b9625eee524de518964b7dc1.png)
”对温斯顿·丘吉尔借老线,当林登·约翰逊(Lyndon Johnson)是正确的,他是对的,但是当他错了,哦,我的上帝。
约翰逊签署了10月的一天是他最重要的一个重要的职位,和几乎被遗忘在创建美国立法发挥了关键作用,使得本周的巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)就职成为可能。
课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson18
![课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson18](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/826b6b4efad6195f312ba6ea.png)
Lesson 18 Those Rugged Individuals美国个体主义价值观No ideal may be held more sacred in America, or be more coveted by others, than the principle of individual freedom.在美国,没有什么理想比个人自由原则更神圣,也没有什么理想比个人自由原则更令人垂涎。
Given the chance to pursue the heart's desires, our Utopian vision claims, each of us has the ability and the right to make our dreams come true.我们乌托邦式的愿景宣称,只要有机会去追求内心的渴望,我们每个人都有能力和权利去实现自己的梦想。
This extraordinary individualism has prevailed as the core doctrine of the New World through four centuries, bringing with it an unrelenting pressure to prove one's self.四个世纪以来,这种非凡的个人主义一直是新世界的核心信条,随之而来的是证明自我的无情压力。
The self-made man has been America's durable icon, whether personified by the prairie homesteader or the high-tech entrepreneur.'白手起家的人是美国经久不衰的偶像,无论是草原上的农场主还是高科技企业家都是他们的化身。
”Yet, from the beginning,the idea of a community of rugged individualists struck many as an oxymoron. In the 1830s, Alexis de Tocqueville warned that the tendency of Americans to do their own thing could very likely doom the country.然而,从一开始,由粗犷的个人主义者组成的社会这个想法就给许多人以矛盾的感觉。
课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson8
![课文翻译 英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本 第五版 端木义万 Lesson8](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/72f0b84dfc4ffe473368abe8.png)
Lesson 8 Seeing the Back of the Car汽车文化“I’LL love and protect this car until death do us part,” says Toad, a 17-year-old loser whose life is briefly transformed by a “super fine” 1958 Chevy Impala in “American Graffiti”.一名17岁的失败者,图德说,“我将会爱护这辆车并且保护它,一直到死亡把我们分开为止”,他的生活由于“美国风情画”中的一辆1958年的超精细雪佛兰羚羊而完全改变了。
The film follows him, his friends and their vehicles through a late summer night in early 1960s California: cruising the main drag, racing on the back streets and necking in back seats of machines which embody not just speed, prosperity and freedom but also adulthood, status and sex.这部电影带着他,他的朋友们和他们的车穿越到了二十世纪六十年代加州,一个夏天的夜晚:快而平衡地穿过那里的主要街道,在破旧的街巷中飙车,在汽车后座位上拥吻,这辆车体现的不仅仅是速度,财富和自由,还有成年的宣告,社会地位和性关系的成熟。
The movie was set in an age when owning wheels was a norm deeply desired and newly achievable.当时这部电影的制作背景是----拥有辆车的深深渴望和它代表的一种新型的成就。
美英报刊阅读lesson 3
![美英报刊阅读lesson 3](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2421a018763231126edb11fa.png)
claims is not only the the dads? best way of parenting but also the Chinese way.
During our first weeks in Beijing, we attended a talent show at our children’s British school and watched Chinese students ascend the stage and play Chopin etudes and Beethoven symphonies, while their Western counterparts ambled up and proudly played the ABCs under their flapping arms. It was enough to make anyone pause and a paragon of excellence (黄金标准,典范) ponder the way we are raising our kids. But time in China also taught me that while some here view a Chinese education as the gold standard standard, many there are questioning the system, noting that it stifles creativity and innovation, two things the nation sorely needs. Further, having seen it in action, I have a strong aversion to hard driving “Tiger” parenting, certain that is not a superior method if your goals are my goals: to raise independent, competent, confident adults.
课⽂翻译英美报刊阅读教程中级精选本第五版端⽊义万Lesson18Lesson 18 Those Rugged Individuals美国个体主义价值观No ideal may be held more sacred in America, or be more coveted by others, than the principle of individual freedom.在美国,没有什么理想⽐个⼈⾃由原则更神圣,也没有什么理想⽐个⼈⾃由原则更令⼈垂涎。
Given the chance to pursue the heart's desires, our Utopian vision claims, each of us has the ability and the right to make our dreams come true.我们乌托邦式的愿景宣称,只要有机会去追求内⼼的渴望,我们每个⼈都有能⼒和权利去实现⾃⼰的梦想。
This extraordinary individualism has prevailed as the core doctrine of the New World through four centuries, bringing with it an unrelenting pressure to prove one's self.四个世纪以来,这种⾮凡的个⼈主义⼀直是新世界的核⼼信条,随之⽽来的是证明⾃我的⽆情压⼒。
The self-made man has been America's durable icon, whether personified by the prairie homesteader or the high-tech entrepreneur.'⽩⼿起家的⼈是美国经久不衰的偶像,⽆论是草原上的农场主还是⾼科技企业家都是他们的化⾝。
LESSON 1The top talent in countries around the world have a new suitor: the Chinese government.China has a severe shortage of skilled talent and, in a policy reversal, has decided to open its doors to talent from around the world. This could mean that the brilliant NASA scientists the U.S. laid off, could find new employment — and a new home — in Shanghai or Beijing.Chinese research labs have long had difficulty recruiting qualified workers to perform necessary research and development, and its corporations struggle to find competent managers. The situation will likely get worse as China's high-tech industries grow and it increases its national R&D spending from the present 1.62 percent of GDP, according to the Chinese government, to the planned 2.5 percent by 2020. China's President Hu Jintao, in May 2010, declared talent development a national priority in order to fill the void. The goal is to dramatically increase the education level of China's workforce and to build an innovation economy.China has launched several high-priority programs to encourage skilled Chinese to return home — all in an effort to meet the country's pressing talent demands.One of these programs is the "Thousand Foreign Talents Program." The program's goal is to bring 2,000 experienced engineers, scientists, and other experts of Chinese origin back from the West. The government also announced that it aims to cultivate 100 "strategic entrepreneurs" who can lead Chinese firms getting into the ranks of the world's top 500 countries.Both efforts are running ahead of target according to Dr. Huiyao Wang, the Director General of the Center for China and Globalization and an advisor to the Chinese government. China had recruited more than 1,500 "high quality talents," according to Wang, and 300 returnees had been enrolled in management training courses by August 2011. The courses were conducted by senior ministers. These individuals, while re-learning how to operate successfully within the Chinese system, are expected to serve as a critical catalyst in transforming China's innovation environment in ways that will enhance the country's competitive edge across a range of key, strategic industries.China is getting more ambitious, based on the initial recruitment successes of the returnee program.The Chinese government invited me to attend the International Conference on the "Exchange of Talent" held in Shenzhen on Nov. 5. Vice Premier, Zhang Dejiang launched China's "Thousand Foreign Talents Program," which, for the first time, opens China's doors to skilled foreigners to secure long-term employment in China. The Chinese government announced that it will allow foreign nationals to take senior roles in science and technology sectors and state-owned enterprises. They will also pay foreigners salaries equal to what they can earn at top paying jobs in America. And the government announced that it intends to offer permanentresident-type visas to foreign entrepreneurs.This announcement was front-page news in China, and its importance should not be underestimated in the U.S. where these developments were not widely covered. These programs, which were announced with amazing fanfare, represent a significant break from the traditional "use Chinese" policies and a greater openness to the outside world. Chinese governors and senior officials from across the country participated in the ceremonies, and the Chinese government claimed the conference had 100,000 attendees. The festivities that accompanied this were nothing short of dazzling, with cultural entertainers and acrobats brought in from all over China.Denis Fred Simon, author and Vice-Provost for International Affairs at the University of Oregon was one of the nine foreign experts at the Shenzhen conference. China, said Simon, sees talent as the next big global race for driving competitiveness and innovation. The country is determined to win this race if only to ensure it can complete the goal of transforming its economy. Wang also explained that the Chinese see this new talent pool as the key to moving from a "made in China" orientation to a "created in China" capability. China's future growth, continued Wang, will rely more on the new talent strategy, even as its past successes were built mainly on its population dividend and investment.But sometimes things aren't as rosy as they seem.Some of the returnees have found themselves victims of discrimination and petty jealousy from those who stayed behind. Moreover, they have struggled to re-adapt to China's relationship-oriented culture, which stands in sharp contrast to the performance-oriented culture of the West. Compared to the generally transparent set of rules and decision-making processes that are commonplace in U.S. and European research and university settings, returnees are frequently confounded by the "personalized" ways research proposals are evaluated and research grants are distributed. The reality is that despite the good intentions of the program, the Chinese research environment remains plagued by plagiarism, fraud, and other scandals.There is an even greater challenge, however. Returnees are refusing to make full-time commitments to their new Chinese employers. Many have returned only sporadically, often not meeting the stated residency requirements of the Thousand Talents Program.The best of the Chinese talent pool abroad has not yet chosen to return to China, especially in the science and technology fields, said Simon. Some who were considering returning home, he said, are still watching and waiting as their peers cope with the challenges of returning. Family considerations also pose an important barrier, said Simon, as many Chinese expatriates based overseas would prefer their children to complete their education abroad and not have to suffer through China's "examination hell" prior to college.Discussions with Chinese government leaders in Shenzhen made it clear that Chinese leaders are not satisfied with the level of innovation in the country. I told them that I didn't believe that China could fix this problem merely through returnees. China would need to learn some of the techniques that Indian industry has employed to upgrade its workforce. China's most critical challenge will be to create a more conducive environment for entrepreneurship. Innovation requires risk-taking, breaking existing systems and challenging the norms. Within Hu Jintao's model of a "harmonious" society (what he calls "hexie shehui"), this presents some real challenges.Until China allows and encourages more "out of the box" thinking and behavior, it simply won't innovate, nor will it produce the types of breakthroughproducts top Chinese leaders wish to see coming out of China's research labs and key enterprises.BWCHINESE中文网讯,曾在美国国家航空航天局任职的精英科学家们将在上海或北京安新家。
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Lesson4 Is an Ivy League Diploma Worth It?花钱读常春藤名校值不值?1.如果愿意的话,施瓦茨(Daniel Schwartz)本来是可以去一所常春藤联盟(Ivy League)院校读书的。
2.18 岁的施瓦茨被康奈尔大学(Cornell University)录取了,但他最终却去了纽约市立大学麦考利荣誉学院(City University of New York’s Macaulay Honors College),后者是免费的。
私立学校医学院一年的花费动辄就要 4 万 5 美元。
他说,不值得为了一个本科文凭一年花 5 万多美元。
5.Robert Pizzo 越来越多的学生选择收费较低的公立大学,或选择住在家里走读以节省住房开支。
美国学生贷款行销协会(Sallie Mae)的一份报告显示,2010 年至 2011 学年,家庭年收入 10 万美元以上的学生中有近 25%选择就读两年制的公立学校,高于上一学年12%的比例。
6.这份报告称,这样的选择意味着,在 2010 至 2011 学年,各个收入阶层的家庭在大学教育上的花费比上一年少 9%,平均支出为 21,889 美元,包括现金、贷款、奖学金等。
高收入家庭的大学教育支出降低了 18%,平均为 25,760 美元。
这份一年一度的报告是在对约1,600 名学生和家长进行问卷调查后完成的。
8.今年秋天,施瓦茨开始在纽约市立大学皇后学院(Queens College)上麦考利荣誉学院的课程,虽然失望情绪挥之不去,但他已经接受了自己的决定。
他的父亲和叔叔分别毕业于普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)和哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University),不过这都没能影响他的决定。
12. 拥有大学学历无疑会为求职者在就业市场提供优势。
据美国劳工统计局( Bureau of Labor Statistics)统计,上个月,本科毕业生的失业率是 4.9%,而没有学位的高中毕业生的失业率为 10.5%。
13.Bryan Derballa for The Wall Street Journal19 岁的皮尔森现在开始对自己就读纽约市立大学亨特学院的决定表示怀疑。
她说,当初她没去上波士顿学院,因为那样家里需要每年拿出 3 万美元。
助学贷款网站 及 出版人坎特罗维茨(Mark Kantrowitz)说,今年毕业的大学生里,申请助学贷款学生的平均债务负担创造了 2.72 万美元的纪录。
据纽约联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)统计,第二季度总体人均债务达到了 4.726 万美元,这个数字近几年是一直在下滑的。
14.20 岁的加州居民叶杰西(Jesse Yeh)在加州大学伯克利分校(University of California at Berkeley)和斯坦福大学(Stanford University)之间选择了前者。
伯克利是公立学校,州内学生的学费约为 1.446 万美元,而斯坦福的学费是 4.005 万美元。
伯克利说在 2006 年(这是最近的有统计数据的时间点)入学的学生中,有 71% 在四年内毕了业。
在斯坦福,这个数字接近 80%。
比如布朗大学(Brown University)就为家庭年收入不足 10 万美元的学生提供资助而不是贷款。
17.但罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)约翰·海利奇劳动力发展中心(John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development)主任霍恩(Carl Van Horn)说,毕业生的成就通常和专业以及学生如何利用人脉及实习机会有更大关系,而非学校的选择。
18.19 岁的皮尔森(Natasha Pearson)现在开始对自己就读纽约市立大学亨特学院(Hunter College)的决定表示怀疑。
她说,当初她没去上波士顿学院(Boston College),因为那样家里需要每年拿出 3 万美元。
Lesson5 Debt Burden alters Outlook of US graduates负债改变美国大学毕业生对未来的展望By Shannon Bond and Jason Abbruzzese in New York and Robin Harding in Washington At universities across the US, the class of 2012 is celebrating the end of college. But, for the estimated 1.8m students receiving bachelor’s degrees this spring, the financial crisis that unfolded during their first year on campus in 2008 is still casting a long shadow over their futures.目前全美的2012年大学毕业生正在庆祝完成大学课程。
Almost five years after the crisis began, the overall unemployment rate is still mired above 8 per cent while that for recent university graduates is stuck at 6.8 per cent.自从危机开始,大约5年后今天,整体失业率仍然陷于8%以上,而最近的大学毕业生失业率约6.8%。
For many young Americans, the promise of a degree has turned to disappointment as they find themselves struggling to find their first job, still burdened by student debt.What is worse, studies show that graduating at a time of high unemployment can blight a young person’s earning power for the rest of their career – and have an impact on the broader economy as well.对许多背负学生贷款的美国青年,当他们正艰辛的寻找第一份工作时,学历对他们来说,希望变成了失望。
In a widely-cited paper, Lisa Kahn of the Yale School of Management looked at data from the early 1980s recession, and found a one-percentage-point increase in theunemployment rate for college graduates led to a 6-7 per cent drop in initial wages. Even 15 years later, their wage loss was a statistically significant 2.5 per cent. 在一篇广被泛引用的报告中,耶鲁管理学院的Lisa Hahn观察1980年代的经济衰退数据,大学毕业生的失业率每增加1%,就会导致起薪降低6-7%。
Seventeen-year-old Chelsea Katz, who plans to attend the University of Maryland in the autumn, said she took into account the economy and possible debt when picking a school and choosing her degree.准备今秋进入马里兰大学的17岁Chelsea Katz说,她在选择大学与学历时,把经济与可能的债务列入了考虑。
“For a long time I have wanted to study business but definitely a major factor in that is the more promising outlook for a business major coming out of college,”Ms. Katz said. “The idea of post-college debt definitely scares me but I try and focus on the present, not the future, while keeping in mind coming out of college with the minimum amount of debt possible.”Katz小姐说,”我一直想要读商,主要原因是大专商科毕业后比较有前途。