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11. A. book B. cook C. food

12. A. doctor B. on C. all

13. A. banana B. must C. under

14. A. can B. any C. flat

15. A. know B. spring C. young

第二节单项选择〔共10小题,每题1分,总分值10分〕16. --- ________ do you pay a cisit to your grandparents?

--- Once a week.

A. How long

B. How soon

C. How often

D. How fast

17. My mother is________ university teacher. My father is________ engineer.

A. a, an

B. a, a

C. an, an

D. an, a

18. Enjoy ________ at the party, boys and girls!

A. you

B. your

C. yourself

D. yourselves

19. Today we are both free. Why not________ in the evening?

A. go shopping

B. going shopping

C. go shop

D. to shop

20. He usually goes to school________.

A. by a metro

B. on walk

C. by bike

D. on feet

21. He looks really________ because his mother was sick at hospital.

A. worry

B. worries

C. worrying

D. worried

22. It is nice of you________ me when I am in great need.

A. help

B. helping

C. to help

D. to helping

23. There________ some water, air and all kinds of living animals________ Earth.

A. is, in

B. is; on

C. are; on

D. spends; on

24. People usually________ time________ their children on Children’s Day.

A. spend; with

B. spend; in

C. spends;

for D. spends; on

25. I enjoy________ different places in the world.

A. learning

B. learn

C. to learn

D. learns

第二节语法选择〔共10小题,每题1分,总分值10分〕The Earth is___26_____ wonderful place. There are forests and rivers, mountains and fields. Some places are very hot, and _____27___are very cold. There are many different ____28____ of plants. They all need light and water. Various animals____29____ on the Earth, too. We can find them on the land, ____30____ the sky and under the water.

The Earth is like a generous mother. It provides___31_____ with air, water and food. It seems___32_____the best habitat(栖息地) for human beings. The other planets in the universe are either too cold or too hot.

Today, people are doing harm to the Earth and there is___33_____ pollution. We burn things ___34_____energy. Factories pour dirty water into rivers and seas. Rubbish piles up and ___35_____ the land. Animals lose their home and are in great danger. So are we!

We’d better take action and protect the Earth.

( ) 26. A. a B. an C. the D.
