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Writing Handout: 10


Abroad commute fare pollution service traffic jams rush hour crowded extremely industry alternative petrol

significant accommodation problematic

Practice 2: Circle the correct option.

1.The government promised not to increase /increasing the price of train travel.

2.Many people enjoy to travel/ travelling by plane.

3.We suggest to find/ finding alternative sources of fuel.

4.People want to travel/ travelling cheaply.

5.Oil companies are considering to raise / raising petrol prices.

6.The government plans to change / changing their policy on air travel.

7.We can expect to see / seeing a rise in the number of people who own cars.

8.I have decided to commute / commute to work by bus.

Practice 3: Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets in the correct form (tense followed by to or -ing).

Many people (1).................................(enjoy - drive), but they should try to walk asmuch as possible. Although using public transport is better than driving, it still pollutesthe environment. If everyone (2).........................................(decide - walk) at leasttwice a week, this might have a significant effect on levels of pollution. People who(3).........................................(choose - walk) to work or school might also become fitter.People who manage to walk a short distance every day (4).........................................(appear - feel) healthier and less stressed. Unfortunately many people are unable(5).........................................(resist - use) their cars because they have busy lives.

Practice 4: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the noun in brackets (plural, zero article orplus a / an / the).

1 ........................................cause less pollution than cars, (train)

2 .........................................is a common problem in cities, (pollution)

3 .........................................is a common way of travelling in town, (public transport)

4 .........................................are one of the most popular forms of transport, (car)

5 You'll need.........................................to travel to other countries, (passport)

6 You can book flights and accommodation on ......................................... (Internet)

Part 2: Skill development

Practice 2.1: Read the essay title and the list of problems and solutions below. Decide which areproblems and which are solutions. Write P (problem) or S (solution) next to each idea.

Many cities suffer from traffic-related problems. What problems does traffic cause in cities and what are the possible solutions?

1 The government should increase road tax.

2 People should use their cars less and public transport more .

3 Traffic jams create stress in people's lives .............

4 The cost of travelling by bus or train needs to be cheaper .......

5 There is a lot of air pollution in cities ........

6 Public transport is too crowded .......

7 Many accidents happen because there are so many cars on the roads ..

8 If driving tests were more difficult, there would be fewer cars on the roads ........
