毕业设计BP神经网络方法对车牌照字符的识别(含外文翻译) (1)
一、外文资料License Plate Recognition Based On Prior KnowledgeAbstract - In this paper, a new algorithm based on improvedBP (back propagation) neural network for Chinese vehiclelicense plate recognition (LPR) is described. The proposedapproach provides a solution for the vehicle license plates (VLP)which were degraded severely. What it remarkably differs fromthe traditional methods is the application of prior knowledge oflicense plate to the procedure of location, segmentation andrecognition. Color collocation is used to locate the license plate inthe image. Dimensions of each character are constant, which isused to segment the character of VLPs. The Layout of theChinese VLP is an important feature, which is used to constructa classifier for recognizing. The experimental results show thatthe improved algorithm is effective under the condition that thelicense plates were degraded severely.Index Terms - License plate recognition, prior knowledge,vehicle license plates, neural network.I. INTRODUCTIONVehicle License-Plate (VLP) recognition is a veryinteresting but difficult problem. It is important in a number ofapplications such as weight-and-speed-limit, red trafficinfringement, road surveys and park security [1]. VLPrecognition system consists of the plate location, thecharacters segmentation, and the characters recognition. Thesetasks become more sophisticated when dealing with plateimages taken in various inclined angles or under variouslighting, weather condition and cleanliness of the plate.Because this problem is usually used in real-time systems, itrequires not only accuracy but also fast processing. Mostexisting VLP recognition methods [2], [3], [4], [5] reduce thecomplexity and increase the recognition rate by using somespecific features of local VLPs and establishing someconstrains on the position, distance from the camera tovehicles, and the inclined angles. In addition, neural networkwas used to increase the recognition rate [6], [7] but thetraditional recognition methods seldom consider the priorknowledge of the local VLPs. In this paper, we proposed anew improved learning method of BP algorithm based onspecific features of Chinese VLPs. The proposed algorithmovercomes the low speed convergence of BP neural network[8] and remarkable increases the recognition rate especiallyunder the condition that the license plate images were degradeseverely.II. SPECIFIC FEATURES OF CHINESE VLPSA. DimensionsAccording to the guideline for vehicle inspection [9], alllicense plates must be rectangular and have the dimensionsand have all 7 characters written in a single line. Underpractical environments, the distance from the camera tovehicles and the inclined angles are constant, so all charactersof the license plate have a fixed width, and the distancebetween the medium axes of two adjoining characters is fixedand the ratio between width and height is nearly constant.Those features can be used to locate the plate and segment theindividual character.B. Color collocation of the plateThere are four kinds of color collocation for the Chinesevehicle license plate .These color collocations are shown intableI.TABLE IMoreover, military vehicle and police wagon platescontain a red character which belongs to a specific characterset. This feature can be used to improve the recognition rate.C. Layout of the Chinese VLPSThe criterion of the vehicle license plate defines thecharacters layout of Chinese license plate. All standard licenseplates contain Chinese characters, numbers and letters whichare shown in Fig.1. The first one is a Chinese character whichis an abbreviation of Chinese provinces. The second one is aletter ranging from A to Z except the letter I. The third andfourth ones are letters or numbers. Thefifth to seventh onesare numbers ranging from 0 to 9 only. However the first or theseventh ones may be red characters in special plates (as showninFig.1). After segmentation process the individual characteris extracted. Taking advantage of the layout and colorcollocation prior knowledge, the individual character willenter one of the classes: abbreviations of Chinese provincesset, letters set, letters or numbers set, number set, specialcharacters set.(a)Typical layout(b) Special characterFig.1 The layout of the Chinese license plateIII. THE PROPOSED ALGORITHMThis algorithm consists of four modules: VLP location,character segmentation, character classification and characterrecognition. The main steps of the flowchart of LPR systemare shown in Fig. 2.Firstly the license plate is located in an input image andcharacters are segmented. Then every individual characterimage enters the classifier to decide which class it belongs to,and finally the BP network decides which character thecharacter image represents.Fig.2 The flowchart of LPR systemA. Preprocessing the license plate1) VLP LocationThis process sufficiently utilizes the color feature such ascolor collocation, color centers and distribution in the plateregion, which are described in section II. These color featurescan be used to eliminate the disturbance of the fake plate’sregions. The flowchart of the plate location is shown in Fig. 3.Fig.3 The flowchart of the plate location algorithmThe regions which structure and texture similar to thevehicle plate are extracted. The process is described asfollowed:(1)(2)Here, the Gaussian variance is set to be less than W/3(W is the character stroke width), so 1P gets its maximumvalue M at the center of the stroke. After convolution,binarization is performed according to a threshold whichequals T *M (T<0.5). Median filter is used to preserve theedge gradient and eliminate isolated noise of the binary image.An N * N rectangle median filter is set, and N represents theodd integer mostly close to W.Morphology closing operation can be used to extract thecandidate region. The confidence degree of candidate regionfor being a license plate is verified according to the aspectratio and areas. Here, the aspect ratio is set between 1.5 and 4for the reason of inclination. The prior knowledge of colorcollocation is used to locate plate region exactly. The locatingprocess of thelicense plate is shown in Fig. 4.Fig. 4 The whole process of locating license plate2) Character segmentationThis part presents an algorithm for charactersegmentation based on prior knowledge, using characterwidth, fixed number of characters, the ratio of height to widthof a character, and so on. The flowchart of the charactersegmentation is shown in Fig. 5.Fig. 5 The flowchart of the character segmentationFirstly, preprocess the license the plate image, such asuneven illumination correction, contrast enhancement, inclinecorrection and edge enhancement operations; secondly,eliminating space mark which appears between the secondcharacter and the third character; thirdly, merging thesegmented fragments of the characters. In China, all standardlicense plates contain only 7 characters (see Fig. 1). If thenumber of segmented characters is larger than seven, themerging process must be performed. Table II shows themerging process. Finally, extracting the individual character’image based on the number and the width of the character.Fig. 6 shows the segmentation results. (a) The incline andbroken plate image, (b) the incline and distort plate image, (c)the serious fade plate image, (d) the smut license plate image.TABLEIIwhereNf is the number of character segments, MaxF is thenumber of the license plate, and i is the index of eachcharacter segment.The medium point of each segmented character is determinedby:(3)where 1i S is the initial coordinates for the character segment,and 2i S is the final coordinate for the character segment.The distance between two consecutive medium points iscalculated by:(4)Fig.6 The segmentation resultsB. Using specific prior knowledge for recognitionThe layout of the Chinese VLP is an important feature(as described in the section II), which can be used to constructa classifier for recognizing. The recognizing procedureadopted conjugate gradient descent fast learning method,which is an improved learning method of BP neural network[10]. Conjugate gradient descent, which employs a series ofline searches in weight or parameter space. One picks the firstdescent direction and moves along that direction until theminimum in error is reached. The second descent direction isthen computed: this direction the “conjugate direction ” is theone along which the gradient does not change its direction willnot “spoil ” the contribution from the previous descentiterations. This algorithm adopted topology 625-35-N asshown in Fig. 7. The size of input value is 625 (25*25 ) andinitial weights are withrandom values, desired output valueshave the same feature with the input values.Fig. 7 The network topologyAs Fig. 7 shows, there is a three-layer network whichcontains working signal feed forward operation and reversepropagation of error processes. The target parameter is t andthe length of network output vectors is n. Sigmoid is thenonlinear transfer function, weights are initialized withrandom values, and changed in a direction that will reduce theerrors.The algorithm was trained with 1000 images of differentbackground and illumination most of which were degradeseverely. After preprocessing process, the individualcharacters are stored. All characters used for training andtesting have the same size (25*25 ).The integrated process forlicense plate recognition consists of the following steps:1) Feature extractingThe feature vectors from separated character images havedirect effects on the recognition rate. Many methods can beused to extract feature of the image samples, e.g. statistics ofdata at vertical direction, edge and shape, framework and allpixels values. Based on extensive experiments, all pixelsvalues method is used to construct feature vectors. Eachcharacter was reshaped into a column of 625 rows’featurevector. These feature vectors are divided into two categorieswhich can be used for training process and testing process.2) Training modelThe layout of the Chinese VLP is an important feature,which can be used to construct a classifier for training, so fivecategories are divided. The training process of numbers isshown in Fig. 8.Fig. 8 The architecture of a neural network for character recognitionAs Fig. 8 shows, firstly the classifier decides the class ofthe input feature vector, and then the feature vector enters theneural network correspondingly. After the training process theoptimum parameters of the net are stored for recognition. Thetraining and testing process is summarized in Fig. 9.(a) Training process(b)Testing processFig.9 The recognition process3) Recognizing modelAfter training process there are five nets which werecompletely trained and the optimum parameters were stored.The untrained feature vectors are used to test the net, theperformance of the recognition system is shown in Table III.The license plate recognition system is characterizedby therecognition rate which is defined by equation (5).Recognition rate =(number of correctly read characters)/(number of found characters) (5)TABLE IIIIV. COMPARISON OF THE RECOGNITION RATE WITH OTHERMETHODS In order to evaluate the proposed algorithm, two groupsof experiments were conducted. One group is to compare theproposed method with the BP based recognition method [11].The result is shown in table IV. The other group is tocompare the proposed method with the method based on SVM[12].The result is shown in table V. The same training andtest data set are used. The comparison results show that theproposed method performs better than the BP neural networkand SVM counterpart.TABLE IVTABLE VV. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we adopt a new improved learning methodof BP algorithm based on specific features of Chinese VLPs.Color collocation and dimension are used in the preprocessingprocedure, which makes location and segmentation moreaccurate. The Layout of the Chinese VLP is animportantfeature, which is used to construct a classifier for recognizingand makes the system performs well on scratch and inclinedplate images. Experimental results show that the proposedmethod reduces the error rate and consumes less time.However, it still has a few errors when dealing with speciallybad quality plates and characters similar to others. This oftentakes place among these characters (especially letter andnumber):3—8 4—A 8—B D—0. In order to improve the incorrect recognizing problem we tryto add template-based model [13] at the end of the neuralnetwork.REFERENCES[1] P. Davies,N. EmmottandN. Ayland,“LicensePlateRecognitionTechnologyforTollViolationEnforcement”ProceedingsofIEEColloquiumonImageanalysisforTransportApplications, Vol. 035, pp.7/1-7/5, February16, 1990.[2] V. Koval,V. Turchenko,V. Kochan, A. Sachenko, G. Markowsky,“Smart.LicensePlateRecognitionSystemBasedonImageProcessingUsingNeuralNetwork”IEEEInternationalWorkshoponIntelligentDataAcquisitionandAdvancedComputingSystem: TechnologyApplications8-10September2003.[3] Abdullah, S.N.H.S.; Khalid, M.;Yusof, R.;Omar, K.“LicensePlateRecognitionusingmulti-clusterandMultilayerNeuralNetworks”InformationandCommunicationTechnologies, 2006. ICTTA'06. 2ndVolume1, 24-28April2006Page(s):1818–1823.[4] Nathan, V.S.L.; Ramkumar, J.;KamakshiPriya, S.“Newapproachesforlicenseplaterecognitionsystem”IntelligentSensingandInformationProcessing, 2004. 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基于神经网络的车牌识别(License plate recognition based on Neural Network)
基于神经网络的车牌识别(License plate recognition based onNeural Network)Automatic license plate recognition system based on neural network *Zhang Xinghui Du 1 Chen Zengqiang 2 rise 1 yuan Zhuzhi 21 、 Department of computer science, Tianjin vocational and Technical Teachers College, Tianjin 300222, China (Department of automation, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071) (2)In this paper, the car license plate tilt correction, vehicle license plate location, character segmentation, character recognition and processing are discussed in detail. In this paper, BP network is used to study vehicle license plate charactersPractice classification, achieve better results.Keywords vehicle license plate; Hough transform; character recognition; BP network;Mobile, Sign, Recognition, Based, on, Neural, NetworksZhang, Xinghui1, Du, Shengzhi1, Chen, Zengqiang2, Yuan, Zhuzhi21 (Tianjin, Vocational, Technical, s, College, Tianjin, 300222)2 (Nankai, University, Tianjin, Teacher)Abstract, Mobile, sign, recognition, is, key, technique, a, of, traffic, administering.This,, paper, discusses, about, slope-Adjusting, mobile, sign, detection, characters, departing, and, characters, recognition., In, this, paper, we, use, BP, neu-Ral, networks, to, learn, classify, characters, and, and, obtain, a, good, result.Key, words, Mobile, sign, Hough, transform, Characters, recognition,, BP, neural, networks1 IntroductionAutomatic identification of vehicle license plate is a typical problem of automatic target recognitionQuestions. The characters in the vehicle license plate are mainly limited Chinese characters, letters and numbersA fixed print format. Due to natural factors, such as light,Climate and human factors (such as license plate fouling, deformation) caused by samplingGeometric deformation, stroke defect and additive random noise are introduced in the dataDistortion of printed characters in the original rules makes it difficult to recognize.The automatic identification system of vehicle license plate is obtained by license plate image and license plateTilt correction, license plate location, character segmentation, character recognition and processingAnd so on.Is the vehicle plate image photographed by digital camera, meterAfter the computer is collected by video card, the BMP file is obtained.2 car license plate tilt correctionBecause the upper and lower boundaries of the license plate are not necessarily water in the whole imageThe square direction is shown in figure 1. In order to accurately determine the location of the license plate,First of all, to tilt the car license plate correction. Hough transform is adopted in this paper* the project was supported by the research foundation of Tianjin Municipal Education Commission (10002005).Good results have been achieved by changing technology.Figure 1The basic principle of the 2.1 Hough transformConsider arbitrary edge points (x, y) that will pass through numerous linesThis point. The simplest straight line expression is oblique cut y=mx+b;Any straight line passing through (x, y) can be represented by the two parameter m and B.(m, b) constitute the parameter space through any point (x, y). parameter spaceEach point in (m, b) also corresponds to a straight line in the image space (x, y)Line。
BP(Back Propagation)神经网络是一种多层前馈神经网络,可以通过反向传播算法来训练网络。
字 符识 别方 法对 噪 声 不 敏感 , 较 好 的稳 定 性. 有 但 当字符 出现 断裂 、 分缺 失 时 , 部 识别效 果 不理 想 .
* 收稿 日期 : 0 0 1 - 6 2 1 — 10 基金 项 目 :0 8年 宿 迁 学 院 科 研 基 金 项 目 20 作者简介 : 沈 洋 ( 9 9) 男 , 苏 宿迁 人 , 教 . 17一, 江 助
定 位 , 符 分割 与字 符 识别 。 字
所谓 字 符识 别 即是 使 用 模 式 识 别 的技 术 在 前 面 定位 的 车 牌 图 像 中 准 确 的 识 别 出 车 牌 号 码 , 当 前 , 究 者对 字符 识 别 主要 采用 模 板 匹 配法 [ 、 研 1 统 ]
间 , 训练 好 的神 经 网 络 可 以 很 有 效 的用 于识 别 但 字 符. 目前 , 出并 应用 于 模 式识 别 领 域 的神 经 网 提 络模 型 己 有 近 百 种 , 中应 用 广 泛 且 识 别 效 率 较 其 好 的有 : P网 络 , pil B Ho f d网络 , e ART 网络 等. 而 在这 些 网络 之 中 B P神 经 网络 因为 具 有 较 好 的 自 学 习能力 、 大 的分类 能 力 和 容错 能力 , 使 用 最 强 故
为广 泛.
计模 式识 别 法[ 等 几 种识 别 方法 . 2 ]
1 1 符 特 征 与 图 像 库 中 的 字 符特 征相 匹配 , 符 相 似 度 最 高 的 即 为识 别 结 果 . 字
这 种识 别 方法 简单 、 速 , 规 整 字 符 的识 别 率 比 快 对 较 高 , 在 字符 变形 等 情况 下 , 别能 力有 限. . 但 识
关键词:字符识别;BP神经网络;车牌识别中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A1 引言(Introduction)汽车牌照的识别是计算机视觉与模式识别应用于的重要研究课题,车牌识别的准确率和高效性是识别的关键。
2 字符识别的原理(The principle of characterrecognition)字符识别的基本原理即对字符进行匹配识别。
3 BP神经网络字符识别算法(The BP neural networkcharacter recognition algorithm)BP算法基本原理是利用输出后的误差来估计输出层的直接前导层的误差,再用这个误差估计更前一层的误差,如此一层一层的反传下去,就获得了所有其他各层的误差估计[3]。
关键词:图像采集,图像预处理,边缘检测,二值化,车牌定位ENGLISH SUBJECTABSTRACTThe subject of the automatic recognition of license plate is one of the most significant subjects that are improved from the connection of computer vision and pattern recognition. In LPSR, the first step is for locating the license plate in the captured image which is very important for character recognition. The recognition correction rate of license plate is governed by accurate degree of license plate location.Firstly, the paper gives a deep research on the status and technique of the plate license recognition system. On the basis of research, a solution of plate license recognition system is proposed through the software MATLAB,by the M-files several of methods in image manipulation are compared and analyzed. The methods based on edge map and das differential analysis is used in the process of the localization of the license plate,extracting the characteristics of the license plate in the car images after being checked up for the edge, and then analyzing and processing until the probably area of license plate is extracted,then come out the resolutions for localization of the car plate.KEY WORDS:imageacquisition,image preprocessing,edge detection,binarization,licence,license plate location目录前言 (1)第1章绪论 (2)§1.1 课题研究的背景 (2)§1.2 车牌的特征 (2)§1.3 国内外车辆牌照识别技术现状 (3)§1.4车牌识别技术的应用情况 (4)§1.5 车牌识别技术的发展趋势 (5)§1.6车牌定位的意义 (6)第2章MATLAB简介 (7)§2.1 MATLAB发展历史 (7)§2.2 MATLAB的语言特点 (7)第3章图像预处理 (10)§3.1 灰度变换 (10)§3.2 图像增强 (11)§3. 3 图像边缘提取及二值化 (13)§3. 4 形态学滤波 (18)第4章车牌定位 (21)§4.1 车牌定位的主要方法 (21)§4.1.1基于直线检测的方法 (22)§4.1.2 基于阈值化的方法 (22)§4.1.3 基于灰度边缘检测方法 (22)§4.1.4 基于彩色图像的车牌定位方法 (25)§4.2 车牌提取 (26)结论 (30)参考文献 (31)致谢 (33)前言随着交通问题的日益严重,智能交通系统应运而生。
青岛理工大学毕业设计(论文)题目基于BP网络的车牌识别学生姓名:XXXX指导教师:XXx通信与电子工程学院电子信息工程专业093班2013年6 月15日毕业设计(论文)任务书第2 页第3 页第4 页摘要随着世界各国汽车数量的日益增加,城市交通状况越来越受到人们的关注。
关键词:车牌定位,字符分割,BP神经网络,字符识别ABSTRACTWith the world growing number of cars, urban traffic conditions more and more people's attention. Traffic management level, has become one of the criteria to measure the government sector. Automatic license plate recognition is on the pattern recognition technology in the field of intelligent transportation applications, an important research topic is to achieve an important part of intelligent traffic management.This thesis is based on the BP neural network car license plate recognition system, which consists of image preprocessing, license plate location, license plate segmentation, character segmentation and character recognition five parts. First, get the license plate image gradation processing, histogram equalization for image enhancement using Roberts operator for image edge detection. Then, using morphological methods for plate positioning, the use of color information of the license plate color segmentation method license plate from the background image segmentation. The segmentation of license plate binarization processing and vertical projection of the vertical projection for line scanning, complete the license plate character segmentation. Finally, the segmented character normalization, BP network construction license plate reader, the experiment proved that the method can also quickly and effectively identify the plate proved that the method is effective.KEY WORDS:license plate location, character segmentation, BP neural network,character recognition目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT........................................................... I I 目录............................................................ I II 前言 (1)第1章绪论 (3)第2章基于BP网络的车牌识别系统总体设计方案 (6)第3章图像预处理 (8)3.1图像预处理 (8)3.1.1图像的灰度化 (9)3.1.2灰度图像的增强 (10)3.1.3 图像的边缘检测 (11)3.2车牌定位 (12)3.3车牌字符分割 (15)3.3.1彩色车牌预处理 (15)3.3.2字符分割 (15)3.3.3字符的归一化处理 (17)第4章车牌字符识别 (18)4.1车牌字符识别 (18)4.1.1神经网络概述 (18)4.1.2 BP神经网络的原理 (19)4.2BP网络的构建 (21)4.2.1 神经网络结构的构建 (21)4.2.2 网络函数和参数的确定 (24)4.3字符识别结果 (27)第5章总结与展望 (28)5.1设计结果分析总结 (28)5.2展望 (29)致谢 (30)参考文献 (31)前言现代的世界已进入信息化的时代,随着通信技术、计算机技术和网络技术的不断进步,自动化信息化水平不断提高和改善。
)工作基础:了解C++的基本概念和语法,熟练使用Visual C++软件。
工作目的:熟练掌握Visual C++应用程序的开发。
熟练掌握Visual C++中的图片处理的基本方法。
二、参考文献[1]人工智能原理及其应用,王万森,电子工业,2007.[2]VC++深入详解,鑫,电子工业,2006.[3]人工神经网络原理, 马锐,机械工业,2010.[4]Visual C++数字图像处理典型案例详解,晶,机械工业,2012.[5]Application of Image Processing to the Characterization ofNanostructures,Manuel F. M. Costa,Reviews on Advanced Materials Science,2004.三、设计(研究)容和要求(包括设计或研究容、主要指标与技术参数,并根据课题性质对学生提出具体要求。
3、完成Visual C++中对于图像的预处理。
I2=bwareaopen(I1,20); subplot(3,2,5); imshow(I2),title('中值滤波后的二值化图像');
%%%%%%%去除图像顶端和底端的不感兴趣区域%%%%% Y1=zeros(y1,1); for i=1:y1 for j=1:x1 if(I3(i,j,1)==1) Y1(i,1)= Y1(i,1)+1 ; end end end Py1=1; Py0=1; while ((Y1(Py0,1)<20)&&(Py0<y1)) Py0=Py0+1; end
Py1=Py0; while((Y1(Py1,1)>=20)&&(Py1<y1)) Py1=Py1+1; end I2=I2(Py0:Py1,:,:); subplot(3,2,6); imshow(I2),title('目标车牌区域');
为进一步提高识别精度,在确定车牌区域后,继续对车牌进行灰度 化、二值化、滤波、膨胀腐蚀等操作,实行第二次预处理,具体 方法与图像预处理所述基本相同。
if isrgb(I) I1 = rgb2gray(I); %将RGB图像转化为灰度图像 else I1=I; end g_max=double(max(max(I1))); g_min=double(min(min(I1))); T=round(g_max-(g_max-g_min)/3); % T 为二值化的阈值 [m,n]=size(I1);% d:二值图像 %h=graythresh(I1); I1=im2bw(I1,T/256); subplot(3,2,4); imshow(I1),title('二值化车牌图像');
文章编号:1002—8692(2008)S1-0140—03基于B P神经网络算法的车牌字符识别系统设计张玲,张呜明,何伟(重庆大学通信工程学院,重庆400030)·实用设计·【摘要】构建车牌字符识别系统,并对系统中B P网络反传学习速率进行改进,提高了识别率并降低学习时间;在特征提取上针对汉字综合采用非均匀网格特征和外围特征提取法,字母与数字采用均匀粗网格特征加笔划密度特征提取法。
采用B P算法增强了车牌识别的容错性、鲁棒性。
【关键词】车牌识别;B P算法;特征提取;神经网络;字符识别【中图分类号】TP391.41【文献标识码】AD es i gn of L i cens e Pl at e C ha r act er R ecogn i t i on Syst e m B a se d o n B P N e ur a l N et w or kZ H A N G L i n g,Z H A N G M i ng-m i ng,H E W e i(Co l l ege of C om m uni c at i on E ng i neer i ng,C ho ngqi ng U ni ve rs饥C hongqi ng400030,C hi na)【A bs t ra ct】A l i cens e pl at e cha r act er r ecogni t i on sys t em i s con st r uc t ed,a nd t he r ecogni t i on r a te i s i m pr o ved。
Lear ni n g t i m e i s als o de cr ea sed by i m pr ov i ng t he B ack Propagat i on(B P)net w ork.O n t he f eat ur e ext r act i on,C h i nese char act er s non—uni f orm鲥d 。
关键词:BP神经网络;车牌字符识别;模板匹配;智能交通系统中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2017)32-0201-02A License Plate Character Recognition Algorithm Based on BP Neural NetworkWANG Na(Department of Information Engineering, Liaoning Construction Vocational College,Liaoyang 111000, China)Abstract: From the reality of the development of intelligent transportation, combined with graphics and image processing technology, the character recognition of license plate recognition is studied, which is an important component of intelligent transportation.A new method is used to recognize license plate characters, that is, neural network method is combined with template matching method.Through practice, we can conclude that this method has good recognition effect,and improves the efficiency and accuracy of recognition.Key words: BP neural network; License plate character recognition; template matching;Intelligent transportation system目前,全球经济迅速发展,汽车数量的不断增加,进而智能交通系统(简称ITS)也就成了研究的焦点。
基于BP神经网络的车牌号码识别文祝青;罗威;杜华英【摘要】The feature extraction and recognition of the license plate plays a very important role in the modern intelligent transportation system. Uses two main steps to deal with the license plate: the first is the image preprocessing part, including the location and extraction of license plate image, grayscale, tilt correction, binarization, character segmentation, size normalization and rearrangement. The second is the fea-ture extraction and recognition part, gets the number of pixels of 9 regions and Double horizontal and vertical lines for the three-layer 13-8-7 BP neural network that is trained offline to recognize the characters of the license plate. We achieve good recognition results in the MATLAB simulation environment.%车牌号码的提取与识别在现代智能交通系统中起着非常重要的作用。
1.基于HALCON汽车牌照的识别 [J], 徐雯斐;薛慧慧;王宜宁;程玉玲
2.基于HALCON的汽车牌照识别研究 [J], 高永勋;任德均;严扎杰;陈儒侠
3.基于MATLAB的汽车牌照自动识别技术研究 [J], 张萍
4.基于HALCON与MFC汽车牌照识别技术研究 [J], 王涛;张乐
5.基于图像纹理识别的澳门汽车牌照定位提取 [J], 李雪涵
试验结果进行分析 、验证 ,才能得到~个较好的确定值。以下是
车牌字符 的识别
车牌 字符经 过 一系 列的处 理后 ,终 于到 了车牌 字符 识 别系统 的最 后一 步了 ,即车牌 字符 的识 别 。这一 步也 是本 论 文 中计算 量
造 更可靠 的分类 规则 。
个神经网络一汉字网络 、字母 网络以及数字网络来实现对字符的
分 类 ,如 图6 所示 。
本论文采用了K — L 算法对字符进行特征的提取 。K — L 算法是
种相 对 容 易 实 现 和 理 解 的分 析 手 段 ,它 的 目的 是 将字 符 的 高
图6 字符分 类器 的流 程 图
4 、根 据 A的公 式 一定 可 以 找到 A的Ⅳ 一 1 个 特 征 向量 以 及 它
5 、根 据得 到的 特征 值从 大 到小将 该 组特 征 向量 排 序 ,将 前T 1 个特 征 向量单 位化 ,以便 组成一 个变 换矩 阵 y 。
的网络复杂度也大大增加了。鉴于本论文是对小类别的车牌字符 的识别,所以选取了三层的B P 网络对字符进行训练 ,即仅合一个
技术 < T E C H N O L O G Y
已经 有 了很多 字符 识别 f ; 勺 方 法 ,本章 主要是 基于 B P 神 经 网络 算法
潮 圜 圈 图 圜 圜 窟 团
图5 归一 化后整 齐 的车牌 字符 图像
对 车牌字 符的 识别 。
基于B P 神经网络的车牌字符识别算法则是目前比较流行的算
法 。首先 进 行分 类 器 的设 计 ,由于标 准 车牌 共 有7 位 字符 ,分别 是 汉 字 、字母 和 数 字 ,因 此在 车牌 字 符识 别 系统 中 ,分 别 设计 3
BP神经网络方法对车牌照字符的识别 精品
第一章概述1.1 基本概念随着21世纪经济全球化和信息时代的到来,计算机技术、通信技术和计算机网络技术迅猛发展,自动化的信息处理能力和水平不断提高,并在人们社会活动和生活的各个领域得到广泛应用。
车辆牌照识别(License Plate Recognition, LPR)技术作为交通管理自动化的重要手段,其任务是分析、处理汽车监控图像,自动识别汽车牌号,并进行相关智能化数据库管理。
基于BP人工神经网络的车牌字符识别优化算法张旭兰【期刊名称】《计算机工程与应用》【年(卷),期】2012(048)035【摘要】车牌识别是电子警察系统重要的功能模块,字符识别是车牌识别的关键步骤.目前,BP(Back Propagation)人工神经网络因其优越的性能而广泛应用到车牌识别中,但是BP神经网络在局部极值、假饱和、收敛速度缓慢等方面存在着不足.针对这些局限性,从网络的层数、节点数、动量项、学习因子方面进行分析和改进,构建了一个优化的BP人工神经网络,进行字符识别.仿真结果表明,该优化的识别算法识别准确率高,具有良好的识别性能.%License plate recognition is an important function module of E-police system. Character recognition is a key step in the process of license plate recognition. Currently, BP(Back Propagation) artificial neural network is widely used in vehicle license plate recognition because of its superior performance. However, the BP network has some disadvantages, such as the local minimum, false saturation and slow convergence. According to these drawbacks of BP networks, an optimized BP artificial neural network is built to identify characters from the aspects of the layers of network, nodes number, momentum, learning factors. The results show that the algorithm has good performance and satisfies the application required.【总页数】4页(P182-185)【作者】张旭兰【作者单位】益阳职业技术学院,湖南益阳413049【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.4【相关文献】1.基于BP人工神经网络的车牌字符识别优化算法 [J], 张旭兰;2.基于改进LeNet-5网络的车牌字符识别 [J], 张秀玲;魏其珺;周凯旋;董逍鹏;马锴3.基于TensorFlow的车牌字符识别方法 [J], 孟祥环;罗素云;张玉祖;陈亚;陈思涛4.基于灰狼优化算法的车牌字符识别研究 [J], 陈科全;吴耀光;陈一铭;穆协乐;张铁异5.基于SCG-BP神经网络的车牌字符识别 [J], 李非因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
一种基于BP神经网络的车牌字符识别算法杨建华;王鹏【期刊名称】《软件工程师》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【摘要】License plate recognition system is an important branch in the intelligent transportation.This paper presents a license plate character recognition algorithm based on neural network, the traditional template matching method has low recognition accuracy problem.First extracted the character image features to obtain its feature vector,then put the feature vector to BP network train and get trained weights,which weights the license plate character recognition.The experiments results showed thatthe recognition accuracy of number and alphabet is above 90%.%车牌识别系统是智能交通中的一个重要分支,本文针对传统的模板匹配算法存在识别准确率低的问题,提出了一种基于神经网络的车牌字符识别算法。
【总页数】2页(P19-20)【作者】杨建华;王鹏【作者单位】咸阳师范学院信息工程学院,陕西咸阳 712000;咸阳师范学院信息工程学院,陕西咸阳 712000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.41【相关文献】1.基于BP神经网络算法的车牌字符识别系统设计 [J], 张玲;张鸣明;何伟2.基于PCA和BP神经网络算法的车牌字符识别 [J], 闫雪梅;王晓华;夏兴高3.一种基于全局阈值二值化方法的BP神经网络车牌字符识别系统 [J], 张坤艳;钟宜亚;苗松池;王桂娟4.基于填充函数法训练BP神经网络的车牌字符识别算法 [J], 徐应涛;陆福宏;张莹5.一种基于BP神经网络的车牌字符识别算法 [J], 王娜因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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关键字:车牌识别;LPR;字符识别;特征提取; BP神经网络;AbstractFor the discernment to the number plate character, this text applies BP neural network to the automatic discernment of the automobile number plate, on the basis that the number plate picture goes on in advance treated , is it use BP neural network method to car discernment , license plate of character to discuss especially. Will train samples to do the pretreatment of the picture at first, character in number plate cut apart, get the individual character. After making normalization to the character not of uniform size, drew the characteristic to the character 15, wide to draw out for character information of 25 picture behind the normalization, picture white point it puts to be 0, black point of picture is it as 1 , receive 15* 25 characteristic vector quantity like this to put, what the vector quantity of this characteristic is written down is the characteristic of the character . Send the characteristic vector quantity BP network train, get good right value of training, keep him in win.dat and whi.dat. Open picture (namely number plate) discerned to want, go on to picture in advance treated to can discern. The discerning rate is above 90% too; show the validity of this method.Key word:The number plate discerning;The character discerning;LPR;The characteristic is drawn;BP neural network;目录摘要 (Ⅰ)ABSTRACT (Ⅱ)第一章概述 (1)1.1 基本概念 (1)1.2 字符识别简介 (2)1.2.1字符识别发展概况 (2)1.2.2字符识别系统用到的方法 (3)1.2.3字符识别原理 (4)1.3 国内外研究现状和发展趋势 (5)1.4 基于神经网络的字符识别系统 (6)1.4.1 系统简介 (6)1.4.2 系统的基本技术要求 (7)1.4.3系统的软硬件平台 (7)第二章字符识别系统中的关键技术 (8)2.1 特征提取 (8)2.1.1 基本概念 (8)2.1.2 区域内部的数字特征 (10)2.1.3 基于边界的形状特征 (13)2.2 神经网络 (18)2.2.1 人工神经元 (18)2.2.2 人工神经网络构成 (22)2.2.3 人工神经网络的学习规则 (23)2.2.4 BP神经网络 (24)第三章系统的实现 (31)3.1 系统流程图 (31)3.2 程序实现 (31)3.3 程序的总体框架 (36)第四章系统使用说明、测试及注意事项 (37)4.1 系统使用说明 (37)4.2 系统测试 (39)4.2.1 数字识别 (39)4.2.2 字母识别 (40)4.2.3 汉字识别 (40)4.2.4 车牌识别 (41)4.3 注意事项 (41)第五章结论和展望 (42)致谢 (43)参考文献 (44)外文原文与译文 (46)●外文原文 (46)●译文 (57)第一章概述1.1 基本概念随着21世纪经济全球化和信息时代的到来,计算机技术、通信技术和计算机网络技术迅猛发展,自动化的信息处理能力和水平不断提高,并在人们社会活动和生活的各个领域得到广泛应用。
车辆牌照识别(License Plate Recognition, LPR)技术作为交通管理自动化的重要手段,其任务是分析、处理汽车监控图像,自动识别汽车牌号,并进行相关智能化数据库管理。
1.2 字符识别简介1.2.1 字符识别发展概况字符识别发展可分为三个阶段:第一个阶段为初级阶段,在这一阶段中,技术上是应用一维图像的处理方法完成二维图像的识别任务。
字符识别系统根据输入设备的不同有如下分类[19],如图1.1所示:字符识别磁识别光学识别机械识别在线识别脱机识别单个字符识别连笔字符识别印刷体字符识别手写体字符识别图1.1 字符识别分类目前开展比较多,并进入实用阶段的是光学字符识别系统 (OCR系统)。
到一九七八年,能阅读英文字母、数字、片假名和平假名等118 种OCRT0300上市。
1.2.2 字符识别系统用到的方法字符识别系统用到的方法很多。
表 1.1 几种识别方法的本系统中主要用到的是基于神经网络的字符识别方法。
1.2.3 字符识别原理近年来,字符识别逐渐成为模式识别领域内的一个重要分支。
抽取代表未知字符模式本质的表达形式 (如各种特征) 和预先存储在机器中的标准字符模式表达形式的集合 (称为字典) 逐一匹配,用一定的准则进行判别,在机器存储的标准字符模式表达形式的集合中,找出最接近输入字符模式的表达形式,该表达形式对应的字就是识别结果。