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• 有一位在第一次世界大 战中表现非常出色的的 意大利空军英雄叫做 Francesco Baracca, 他的父母看见法拉利赛 车所向无敌的神采,该 飞行员的父母亲---一对 伯爵夫妇建议:法拉利 也应在车上印上这匹带 来好运气的跃马,法拉 利欣然接受了这个建议。
• But unfortunately the pilot sacrifice his life for the country, so his parents urge Ferrari to paint the "Prancing Horse" logo on his son’s fighter embedded in the Ferrari cars. But the horse becomes a black color and at the top of the "Prancing Horse"
法拉利的跃马故事 speed and passion

A very good performance in World War I hero of the Italian Air Force, called Francesco Baracca, his parents i.e. the pilot's parents a couple of duke saw Ferrari invincible expression provide a suggestion that Ferrari should also printed the logo on the vehicle match to bring good luck the Prancing(腾跃的)Horse. Ferrari accept this proposal with pleasure.
plus the national emblem of Italy stand for the “sky”, the horizontal writing font "Ferrari" stand for the "ground", and finally use the color yellow to mark his hometown Monad(蒙那达市) between the heaven and earth. And the “S F” stand for the Squadron Ferrari means team Ferrari
• 后来这位飞行员战死为国捐躯,于是他的 父母恳请法拉利将原来标徽绘在其爱子战 斗机上的“跃马”标志,镶嵌在法拉利车 系上,马就变成了黑颜色 ,并在“跃马” 的顶端,加上意大利的国徽为“天”,再 以“法拉利”横写字体串连成“地”,最 后以自己故乡蒙达那市的代表颜色黄色渲 染全幅而组合成“天地之间,任我驰聘” 的豪迈图腾 。