2019高考英语 考前30天之备战 专题四 任务型阅读 第二节 任务型阅读基本功训练学案

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1. A ban on the importation of drugs has been issued (recent).

2. The economic sanctions could not prevent the (develop) of that country.

3. An anonymous businesswoman (donation) one million dollars to the charity.

4. Alan is someone who always needs the (approve) of other people.

5. These old people are unaccustomed to the (press) of modern life.

6. The government’s actions had no (affect) on the trade imbalance.

7. The new policy was announced (official) this morning.

8. A lot of children at the school do not live in the town, but come from the (surround) countryside.

9. She's been feeling very (stress) since she started her new job.

10. (unfortunate) the restaurant he recommended fell far short of our expectations.

11. You would expect that there would be strong (disagree) about this.

12. What do you think were some of the more (persuade) arguments on the other side?

13. The main (functional) of the merchant banks is to raise capital for industry.

14. She sat up late that night to write a detailed account of the (forget) moment.

15. A manager has to learn some economics if he wants to improve his (manage).

16. The first walk on the moon was quite an (accomplish).

17. Regular (apply) o f the cream should reduce swelling(疙瘩) within 24 hours.

18. (person) speaking, I think the show is going to be a great success.

19. After 25 years the town centre had changed beyond all (recognize).

20. Your information is inaccurate and your (conclude) is therefore wr ong.


1. recently

2. development

3. donated

4. approval

5. pressure

6. effect

7. officially

8. surrounding

9. stressed 10. Unfortunately 11. disagreement

12. persuasive 13. function 14. unforgettable

15. management 16. accomplishment 17. application

18. Personally 19. recognition 20. conclu sion


1. No one has come up with a (convince) explanation of why the dinosaur died out.

2. (disappoint) to learn that she had failed the course, she couldn t help crying.

3. He tried to earn more money (provide) for a large family.

4. The movie “After shock”, (base) on the real event, moved viewers to tears.

5. (compare) the copy with the original, I found there was not much difference.

6. (relate) what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind, and you may find the cause of your illness.

7. He is a fugitive(亡命之徒) from justice trying to avoid (catch) by the police.

8. Though several problems remained (solve), he decided to have a drink that night.

9. (intend) as an introduction to the course for starters, the notes were written in simple English.

10. We strongly recommend (report) the incident to the police, but our boss disagreed.

11. I really appreciate (give) such a good ch ance to join in a significant trip.
