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( )1. A. It’s very interesting. B. I don’t think so.

C. Let’s go and ask our teacher.

( )2. A. Once. B. Once a week. C. A week.

( )3. A. I live in a town. B. Yes, I do! C. Thanks a lot.

( )4. A. It doesn’t matter. B. Good idea. C. My English teacher.

( )5. A. I play ping-pong. B. I have dinner. C. I have classes.


第一节:听5段小对话, 每段对话后有一个小题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出


( )6. Where is Jim?

A. In the dining hall.

B. In the bathroom.

C. In the living room.

( )7. What is Kangkang doing?

A.He is doing his homework.

B. He is watching TV.

C. He is swimming.

( )8. What’s in the room?

A. There is a chair.

B. There is a desk.

C. There is a chair and a desk.

( )9. What must Jack do now?

A. Put on his shoes.

B. Put away his guitar.

C. Look after his mother.

( )10. Whose bike is that?

A. It’s Helen’s.

B. It’s Mike’s.

C. It’s mine.



( )11. Who is looking for a bookstore?


B.A girl.

C. A and B.

( )12. Where is the post office?

A. In front of the apartment.

B. In front of the bookstore.

C. Close to the apartment.


( )13. What kind of home does Linda live in?

A.It’s an apartment.

B. It’s a farmhouse.

C. It’s a townhouse with two floors.

( )14. Is the apartment close to Linda’s school?

A.Yes, it is.

B. No, it isn’t.

C. We don’t know.

( )15. What’s the farmhouse like?

A.It’s a quiet house with a big garden.

B. It’s a big house with a small yard.

C. It’s a quiet house with a big yard.


( )16. What is Kitty’s favorite activity?

A. Drawing.

B. Dancing.

C. Swimming.

( )17. Who does Kitty often go swimming with?

A. Her father.

B. Her uncle.

C. Her brother.

( )18. What does Alan like?

A. Swimming.

B. Playing soccer.

C. Playing basketball.

( )19. What does Alan want to be?

A.A scientist.

B. A soccer player.

C. A teacher.

( )20. What day is it today?


B. Saturday.

C. Monday.



( )21. I like to ______ a movie ______ my family.

A. see; with

B. look at; and

C. read; with

( )22. There is a one picture ______ the wall and a desk ______ the window.

A. on; in

B. on; near

C. in; near

( )23. The old man lives ______ the ______ floor. I often go there to help him.

A. in; two

B. on; second

C. to; second

( )24. Aunt Li isn’t at home. Can you help her ______ her baby?

A. look like

B. look after

C. look around

( )25. There is a ______ on the wall in Jim’s bedroom.

A. lamps

B. table

C. guitar

( )26. —Where is Henan?

—It’s ______ China.

A. on

B. in the center of

C. under

( )27. —What’s in your room?

—There ______ a clock and two pictures in my room.

A. have

B. are

C. is

( )28. —How many ______ are there in the bedroom.

—There is only one.

A. bed

B. beds

C. chair

( )29. There are ______ houses on the bank of the river.

A. not

B. not a

C. no

( )30. —What can you see ______ the left?

—I can see some beautiful flowers ______ the street corner.

A. on; on

B. on; to

C. at; on

( )31. —I think your music is too ______. My baby is sleeping now.

—Oh, I am ______ about that.

A. quiet; sorry

B. noisy; glad

C. noisy; sorry

( )32. Mr. Lee gets a ticket for ______ in the wrong place.

A. park

B. parking

C. a park

( )33. —______ is it from Hong Kong to Beijing?

—It’s about 2200 kilometers.

A. How long

B. How often

C. How far

( )34. Linda’s home is ______ his school. He always goes to school ______ foot.

A. close to; by

B. far from; on

C. close to; on

( )35. —______

—It’s a townhouse.

A.What kind of home do you live in?

B.Where is your home?

C.Where do you live?


There is a very nice picture 36 the wall of my room. It’s a picture of the Children’s Park near my school. 37 the park, you can 38 many 39 . You can also see a lake(湖). On the lake there are 40 boats. Some boys are 41 in the lake. You can see many trees and flowers, too. 42 the big tree, some girls are playing 43 . In the trees, 44 birds are singing. You can see two boys 45 at 46 table and 47 . Near 48 there 49 some girls. They are drinking 50 juice.

( )36. A. at B. on C. in D. from

( )37. A. in B. on C. at D. In

( )38. A. see B. look C. watch D. look at

( )39. A. girls B. boys C. children D. child

( )40. A. any B. a little C. a lot D. a few
