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Hyponymy can be described in terms of tree-like graphs, with higher-order superordinates above the lower superordinates. But their status either as superordinates or as subordinates is relative to other terms. For example, horse, dog, pig are subordinates in relation to animal, but superordinates to mare, hound and boar. Animal itself becomes a subordinate of creature. And creature in turn becomes a subordinate of living things. It would seem reasonable that the whole of the vocabulary could be organized in this way:
Semantic Classification of Words
Semantic classification of words means that vocabulary units are classified on the basis of various meaning relations between words on the paradigmatic axis (语义聚合轴线). Paradigmatic relation existing between words not only define the word meaning but also function as the main criteria underlying (accounting for) the semantic classification of words. For example, the criterion of common concept serves to classify words into semantic fields, whereas semantic relations of similarity, contrast and inclusion underlie ( are the basis of) respectively the classification of lexical items into synonyms, antonyms and hyponyms (下义词).
We know that living things include animals and plants. On the one hand, animals contain birds, fishes, snakes, insects, etc. as well as mammals; on the other hand, animals include human and beasts. The relationship of inclusion among living things is evident. First, animals may be used in contrast with plants to include birds , fishes, snakes etc. Second, animals maΒιβλιοθήκη Baidu be used in the
sense of ‘mammal’ to contrast with birds, fishes, snakes etc. to include human and beasts. Third, animals may be used in the sense of ‘beasts’ to contrast with human beings.
Inclusion refers to including and being included.
Hyponymy refers to the relationship which obtains
between general and specific lexical items (between the genus and the species). That is to say, hyponymy includes the upper term and the lower term. The upper term is called the superordinate while the lower term is called the hyponym.we say that dog and cat belong to animal, the word animal is the upper term called the superordinate. The words dog and cat are lower terms called hyponyms.
1. The superordinate and the hyponym
Some words refer to the genus(类概念); others refer to the species(种概念). As has been stated earlier, the genus is a class of things made up of two or more subordinate classes of species. This involves us in the notion of semantic inclusion (语义内包) in the sense that tulip and rose are included in flower, and lion and elephant in animal. Inclusion is thus a matter of class membership. John Lyons’ term for the relation is Hyponymy ( 上 下 义 关 系 ), which is also known as “semantic inclusion”.