

.contact用法 -回复

.contact用法 -回复






1. .contact是什么?.contact是一种计算机科学领域中的文件扩展名,用于存储联系信息。




2. 如何创建.contact文件?要创建.contact文件,可以使用许多不同的方法。

首先,您可以使用各种电子邮件客户端或联系管理应用程序,如Microsoft Outlook、Google Contacts或Apple Contacts,通过输入个人或组织的联系信息并将其保存为.contact文件。


3. 如何打开和编辑.contact文件?要打开和编辑.contact文件,您需要一个兼容的软件程序。




4. .contact文件的优势和用途是什么?使用.contact文件的一个主要优势是它能够集中存储和组织联系信息。



第六章 Internet信息服务

第六章 Internet信息服务

phoneGap 跨平台
phoneGap 本地功能
摄像头 重力感应 js 能够访问
js js
电话本 照片库 本地通知 设备信息
phoneGap 打包
phoneGap building
Windows XP
Windows 2003
IIS 5.1
IIS 6.0
IIS 5.1 安装
IIS 6.0 安装
基于Tab / List页的移动应用模版
自动获取 云端调试
在线跟踪 一键安装
将web app 变成 Hybird app
可以发布到 应用商店



Unit 1 The Principle of PCM 请将下述词组译成英文1、抽样量化与编码sampling , quantizing and coding2、话路speech channel3、幅值amplitude frequency4、抽样频率sampling frequency5、抽样速率sampling rate6、脉冲流stream of pulses7、重复率repetition rate8、编码过程coding process9、模拟信号analog signal10、传输质量transmission quality11、数字通信digital communication12、数字传输digital transmission13、含噪声的环境noisy environment14、传输路由transmission path15、信噪比Signal-to-noise ratio16、信号电平signal levels17、地面系统terrestrial system18、噪声功率noise power19、二进制传输binary transmission20、反向操作reverse operation21、8位码序列8-bit sequence22、接收端receiving terminal23、帧格式frame format24、同步字synchronization word 请将下述词组译成中文1、the schemes for performing these three functions实现这三项功能的方案2、 a series of amplitude values一串幅值3、 a speech channel of telephone quality电话质量的话路4、 a sequence of 8-binary digits一个8位二进制码的序列5、 a minimum theoretical sampling frequency理论上的最小抽样频率6、 a voice channel occupying the range 300 Hz to 3.4kHz占据着300Hz到3.4kHz频率范围的话路7、8-digits per sample value每个样值8位码8、the sparking of a car ignition system汽车点火系统的打火9、the stream of the pulses with a repetition rate of 64kHz重复率为64kHz的脉冲流10、the relationship of the true signal to the noisesignal真实信号与噪声信号的关系11、the signal received from a satellite由卫星上受到的信号12、the complete information about a particular message一条特定消息中的全部信息13、the shape of the transmitted signal被传信号的波形14、the attenuation introduced by transmission path由传输路由引入的衰减15、the unit that converts sampled amplitude value to a setof pulses将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元16、a sequence relating to channel 1,2 and so on涉及到第一路、第二路及其他各路的序列17、a unique sequence of pulses called synchronizationword被称为同步字的独特的码序列18、terrestrial system地面系统19、the presence or absence of the pulse脉冲的“有”或“无”20、a high-speed electronic switch高速的电子开关21、the time division multiplexer时分多路复用器22、Time Division Multiplexing时分多路复用Unit 2 Asynchronous Serial Data Transmission请将下述词组译成英文1、串行接口serial interface2、显示终端CRT terminal3、发送器与接收器transmitter and receiver4、数据传输data transmission5、数据流data stream6、闲置状态the idle state7、传号电平mark level8、空号电平space level9、起始位start bit10、停止位stop bit11、T秒的持续时间duration of T seconds12、奇偶校验位parity bit13、错误标志error flag14、传输错误transmission error15、下降沿falling edge16、符号间的空格intersymbol space17、接收机的定时receiver timing18、本地时钟local clock19、磁带magnetic tape20、控制比特control bit21、逻辑1电平logical 1 level22、二进制数据binary data23、明显的缺点obvious disadvantage请将下述词组译成中文1、asynchronous serial data transmission异步串行数据传输2、the most popular serial interface最为流行的串行接口3、the transmitted data所传送的数据4、the clocks at the transmitter and receiver发送器和接收器的时钟5、the era of teleprinter电传机的时代6、the dots and dashes of a characters一个字符的点和划7、three times the duration of intersymbol space符号间空格持续时间的三倍8、the group of bits called characters被称为字符的比特组9、the invariable units comprising 7 or 8 bits of information由7或8个比特的信息组成的固定单元10、a clock generated locally by the receiver由接收机本地产生的时钟11、the received parity bit following the character在字符后接收到的奇偶校验位12、the falling edge of the start bit起始位的下降沿13、the character-oriented nature of the data link数据链路面向字符的特性Unit 3 The ISO Networking Standards请将下述词组译成英文1、联网技术networking technology2、国际标准化组织the International Organization for Standardization3、参考模型reference model4、数据分组data packets5、应用程序application program6、网络媒体network media7、分层layering8、硬件和软件hardware and software9、表示层the presentation layer10、传输层the transport layer11、数据链路层the data link layer12、网络服务network services13、文件接入file-access14、数据格式the data format15、主机host16、协议protocol17、连接connectivity18、逻辑选址logical addressing请将下述词组译成中文1、networking technology联网技术2、proprietary networking system专用网络系统3、the International Organization for Standardization国际标准化组织4、compatibility between the various types of networks各种网络之间的兼容性5、seven numbered layers七层6、standardization of network components网络部件的标准化7、error recovery纠错8、receiving host’s system接收方的主机系统9、connection-oriented circuits面向连接的电路10、information flow control信息流的控制11、network topology网络拓扑12、network media access网络媒体接入13、electrical specification电气标准14、maximum transmission distance最大传输距离Unit 4 The TCP/IP Reference Model请将下述词组译成英文1、传输控制协议transmission control protocol2、互联协议internet protocol3、数据通信data communication4、微波microwave5、高层协议higher-level protocol6、流量控制traffic control7、目的地destination8、(信)源resource9、段segment10、互联层Internet layer11、分组交换packet switching12、超文本传输协议hypertext transfer protocol13、灵活性flexibility14、数据报datagram请将下述词组译成中文1、transmission control protocol传输控制协议2、internet protocol互联协议3、satellite links卫星链路4、the standard on which the internet has grown互联网发展所基于的标准5、network access layer网络接入层6、connection-oriented protocol面向连接的协议7、file transfer protocol文件传输协议8、hypertext transfer protocol超文本传输协议9、domain name system域名系统10、developer of software软件开发人11、user datagram protocol用户数据报协议12、packet-switched technology分组交换技术Unit 5 Local-Area Networks (1)请将下述词组译成英文1、局域网local area network2、工作站workstation3、外设peripheral4、拓扑topology5、集线器hub6、交换器switch7、流量traffic8、网络接口卡network interface card9、数据库database10、印刷电路板printed circuit board11、主板motherboard12、网络适配器network adapter13、并行数据parallel data14、电脉冲electrical impulses15、中继器repeater16、联网介质networking media请将下述词组译成中文1、local-area network局域网2、logical topology逻辑拓扑3、devices that connect directly to a network segment 直接连到网络段的部件4、network interface card网络接口卡5、process of the encapsulation打包的过程6、standardized symbol标准化的符号7、printed circuit board印刷电路板8、expansion slot of a bus on a computer’s motherboard在计算机母板上总线的扩展槽9、network adapter网络适配器10、parallel signal produced by the computer由计算机产生的并行信号11、transmitting station发送站12、the specifications for Category 5 twisted-pair Ethernet五类双绞线以太网的规范Unit 6 Local-Area Networks (2)请将下述词组译成英文1、无源集线器passive hub2、网桥bridge3、可用带宽useable bandwidth4、地址表addressing table5、交换器switch6、路由器router7、光纤optical fiber8、无线介质wireless media9、铜线copper wire请将下述词组译成中文1、the device that serves as the center of a network作为网络中心的部件2、multi-port repeater多端口中继器3、reliability of the network网络的可靠性4、passive or active hubs无源或有缘的集线器5、protocol address or network address地址或网络地址6、network administrator网络管理者7、switching of packets to the best route交换分组到最佳路由8、network segment网络段Unit 7 Internet请将下述词组译成英文1、网络资源network resource2、信息服务information services3、远程终端remote terminals4、地址address5、互联的系统interconnected systems6、命令command7、电子邮件electronic mail8、主机host9、无线信道wireless channels10、搜索工具searching tools11、用户界面user interface12、拷贝copy13、互联网internet14、存取access15、文本信息textual messages16、鼠标mouse17、协议protocol18、超文本协议hypertext protocol请将下述词组译成中文1、giant network of computers located all over the world分布在全世界的计算机的巨大网络2、backbone system主干系统3、nationwide network全国范围的网络4、electronic conference电子会议5、remote terminal远程终端6、live conversation实时的对话7、world wide web万维网8、searching tool搜索工具9、the largest repository of information最大的信息库10、network facilities resources网络设备资源11、the vast majority of the computers on the net在网上的绝大多数计算机12、the Unix operating systemUnix 操作系统13、textual messages文本信息14、 a way to move data between the internet and your PC 在因特网和你的PC机之间传送数据方法15、the convenient searching tools方便的搜索工具16、the networked hypertext protocol联网的超文本协议Unit 8 Introduction to Optical Fiber Communication 请将下述词组译成英文1、光纤通信optical fiber communications2、光源light source3、波长wavelength4、激光器laser5、色散dispersion6、传输介质transmission medium7、多模光纤multi-mode fiber8、长途干线long-haul trunks9、单模光纤single-mode fiber10、带宽bandwidth11、宽带用户wideband subscriber12、纤维光学fiber-optics13、商用技术commercial technology14、门限电流threshold current15、光检测器photodetector16、波分复用wavelength multiplexing17、纤维光网络fiber-optic networks18、视频带宽video bandwidth请将下述词组译成中文1、long distance transmission长途传输2、repeater spacing中继距离3、commercial technology商用技术4、optical fiber communications光纤通信5、the total length of installed fiber已装光纤的总长度6、long-haul telecommunication system长途通信系统7、the low-loss silica fiber低衰减的石英纤维8、fibers with losses approaching the Rayleigh limit衰减逼近瑞利极限的光纤9、room temperature threshold currents温室下的门限电流10、the longer wavelength region较长波长区11、subscriber access project用户接入工程12、improvements in component performance andreliability部件性能和可靠性的改进13、data rates for installed fiber optic system已安装的光纤系统的数据速率14、gigabit per second range每秒吉比特15、wavelength multiplexing波分复用16、wideband subscriber loop system宽带用户环路系统17、multifiber connectors多纤连接器18、projected lifetime设计寿命19、light source光源20、single-mode fiber单模光纤21、distributed-feedback laser分布反馈式激光器22、information capacity信息容量23、switching hierarchy交换体系24、broadband services宽带业务Unit 9 Cellular Mobile Telephone System请将下述词组译成英文1、蜂窝式移动电话cellular mobile telephone2、服务性能service performance3、频谱frequency spectrum4、频带frequency band5、微处理器microprocessor6、移动手机mobile unit7、广播业务broadcast service8、天线antenna9、子系统subsystems10、移动用户mobile subscriber11、服务能力service capability12、服务性能service performance13、利用率utilization14、带宽bandwidth15、单边带single-sideband16、扩频spread spectrum17、大规模集成电路large scale integrated circuits18、蜂窝点cellular site19、蜂窝交换机cellular switch20、无线机架radio cabinet21、呼叫处理call processing22、服务区service area请将下述词组译成中文1、frequency spectrum utilization频谱利用率2、the limited assigned frequency band有限的指定频带3、complicated features and functions复杂的特性和功能4、large-scale integrated circuit technology大规模集成电路技术5、developmental cellular system实验性的蜂窝系统6、central coordinating element中央协调单元7、cellular administration蜂窝管理8、operational limitation of conventional mobiletelephone system传统移动电话的运行限制9、limited service capability有限的服务能力10、radio communication industry无线通信行业11、available radio frequency spectrum可用的无线电频谱12、the allocated frequency band所分配的频带13、mobile transceiver移动收发信机14、technological feasibility技术上的可行性15、severe spectrum limitations严厉的频谱限制16、FM broadcasting service调频广播业务17、propagation path loss传播路径衰耗18、multipath fading多径衰耗19、radio cabinet无线机架20、telephone company zone offices电话公司地方局Unit 10 GSM ( Global System for MobileCommunication )请将下述词组译成英文1、个人通信personal communcations2、通信标准communication standards3、固定电话业务fixed telephone service4、网络容量network capacity5、移动交换中心mobile switching center6、国际漫游international raoming7、宽带业务broadband services8、接口转换interface conversion9、频谱分配frequency allocation10、模拟方式analogue mode11、蜂窝通信原理cellular communication principle12、拥塞jamming13、蜂窝裂变cell splitting14、基站base station15、寄存器register16、收费功能billing function17、接入方法access method18、突发脉冲传输方式burst transmission mode19、开销信息overhead information20、切换算法handover algorithms21、短消息服务short message service22、技术规范technical specification请将下述词组译成中文1、total access communication system全接入的通信系统2、global mobile communication system全球移动通信系统3、time division multiple access时分多址4、facsimile and short message service传真和短信息服务5、fixed communication networks固定通信网络6、 a more personalized system更个人化的系统7、the cost and quality of the link链路的价格与质量8、market growth市场的发展9、fixed telephone service固定电话业务10、coaxial cable同轴电缆11、interface conversion接口转换12、cellular communication principle蜂窝通信原理13、frequency reuse and cell splitting频率再用和蜂窝裂变14、cochannel interference共信道干扰15、theoretical spectral capability理论上的频谱容量16、micro-cellular system微蜂窝系统17、base station transceiver基站收发信机18、subscriber register用户寄存器19、burst transmission mode突发脉冲传输模式20、overhead information开销信息21、advanced handover algorithms先进的切换算法22、the GSM technical specificationsGSM的技术规范Unit 11 Circuit Switching and Packet Switching请将下述词组译成英文1、电路交换circuit switching2、分组交换packet switching3、报文交换message switching4、子网subnet5、信头header6、目的地址destination address7、误差控制error control8、存储转发方式store-and-forward manner9、突发性bursty10、传输时延transmission delay11、中间交换设备intermediate switching equipment12、交换技术switching technique13、返回信号return signal14、报文处理机message processor15、给定最大长度given maximum length16、信息转移information transfer17、随机性random18、专用电路dedicated circuit19、电路利用率channel utilization请将下述词组译成中文1、the capability of storing or manipulating user’s data存储和处理用户数据的能力2、the special signaling message特定的信令信息3、 a well defined block of data called a message被精心定义的称为报文的数据块4、the information regarding the source and destinationaddresses涉及源和目的地址的信息5、the computer referred to as a message processor叫做报文处理器的计算机6、the store-and-forward transmission technique存储转发传输技术7、the dynamic allocation of the bandwidth宽带的动态分配8、the overall transmission delay of the message报文整个的传输时延9、switching technique交换技术10、circuit switching电路交换11、message switching报文交换12、packet switching分组交换13、total path of connected lines连线的整个通路14、source-destination pair源到目的地的一对15、communication parties通信各方16、transmission unit传输单元17、initial connection cost incurred in setting up the circuit在建立电路时产生的起初连接成本18、low delay constraint required by the user用户所需的短时延的限制19、the fixed dedicated end-to-end circuit固定专用的端到端电路20、low channel utilization低的电路利用率Unit 12 ATM请将下述词组译成英文1、异步转移模式asynchronous transfer mode2、逻辑信道logical channel3、虚电路virtual circuits4、虚路径virtual path5、建议recommendation6、网络层network level7、业务与应用层service and application level8、虚连接virtual connection9、信息高速公路information superhighway10、点播电视video-on-demand11、统计复用statistical multiplexing12、数字化的信息digital information13、标识符identifier14、协议protocols15、网络节点network node16、宽带网broadband network17、ATM论坛ATM forum18、面向未来的future-proofed19、图像编码image encoding20、虚拟专用网virtual private network21、数据处理data processing请将下述词组译成中文1、short packets called cells被叫做信元的短的分组2、bit rates of several hundred megabits a second每秒几百兆比特的速率3、unique multiplexing method独特的复用方法4、the physical connection between any two terminals任何两个终端之间的物理连接5、interactive video services交互式的视频业务6、 a nature vehicle for multimedia services多媒体业务的自然载体7、the current and future requirements of both operatorsand users运营者和用户当期和未来的要求8、the technique for switching high bit rate channel高比特率信道的交换技术9、asynchronous transfer mode异步转移模式10、multiplexing and switching technique复用和交换技术11、the underlying type of transmission所承载的传输类型12、dual identification双重标识13、virtual circuit虚电路14、virtual path虚路径15、the transfer of cells to the network nodes信元在网络节点上的转移16、hundreds megabits a second每秒几百兆比特17、recommendation I.121I.121建议18、the quality of service服务质量19、in proportion to the exact requirement与实际需求成比例20、the applications and services transported over anetwork网络所传送的应用和业务21、the ability to construct virtual networks构成虚网络的能力22、cost-effective use of infrastructure低价高效的利用网络设施23、future-proofed面向未来的24、coordinating different networks carrying differentservices协调传送不同业务的不同网络25、essential components of future informationsuperhighways未来的信息高速公路的基本部件26、statistical multiplexing统计复用27、optimum use of resources资源的最佳使用28、virtual private networks虚拟专用网Unit 13 The Public Telecommunications Network请将下述词组译成英文1、公众电信网public telecommunication network2、本地环路local loop3、交换节点switching node4、双绞线twisted pair5、外部呼叫external call6、端局end office7、数字数据系统digital data systems8、二线连接two wire connection9、收费中心toll center10、电路交换网circuit-switched network11、电话用户telephone subscriber12、数据流量data traffic13、链路link14、中继线trunk15、半双工的half-duplex16、全双工的full-duplex17、中间交换节点intermediate switching node18、音频电路voice-frequency circuit19、汇接交换机tandem switch20、外部呼叫external call21、拓扑topology22、节点间的internode23、路由route请将下述词组译成中文1、full-duplex connection全双工的连接2、the function of concentrating traffic集中话务量的功能3、the switching nodes called tandem switches被称为汇接局的交换节点4、 a fraction of subscribers一小部分用户5、the interface between the station and the network在站和网络之间的接口6、the subscriber that transmit digital signal发送数字信号的用户7、national networks国家网络8、architectural components结构部件9、local loop本地环路10、the branches between nodes节点间的支路11、twisted pair双绞线12、full duplex全双工的13、intermediate switching nodes中间交换节点14、tree topology树状拓扑15、transmission facilities传输设备16、multiple voice-frequency circuits多条音频电路17、synchronous TDM同步时分复用18、adjacent end offices相邻的端局19、full connectivity全连通性20、isolated subnetworks被分离开的子网21、high-usage trunks高效中继线22、basic order of selection路由选择的基本次序23、backbone hierarchical network主干体系网络24、two subscribers attached to different end offices连到不同端局的两个用户25、exchange area交换区Unit 14 Integrated Services Digital Network请将下述词组译成英文1、全球通信global communication2、灵活性flexibility3、端到端的数字连接end-to-end digital connectivity4、开放网络open network5、语声编码voice encoding6、综合业务数字网integrated services digital network7、系统结构infrastructure8、全球通信global communication9、国际标准化组织International Organization for Standardization10、通信载体communication carriers11、传输媒质transmission medium12、接口设备interface equipment13、宽带限制bandwidth limitation14、交换设备switching equipment15、语音编码voice encoding16、脉码调制pulse code modulation17、基本接入basic access请将下述词组译成中文1、the integrated services digital network综合业务数字网2、the International Organization for Standardization国际标准化组织3、degradation due to the transmission medium由于传输媒质导致的质量下降4、bandwidth limitations inherent in a 4 kHz voicechannel4kHz话路中所固有的带宽限制5、standardized ports标准化的接口6、pulse code modulation脉码调制7、digital communication数字通信8、ISDN standards and system architectureISDN的标准和系统结构9、global communications全球通信10、progressive application of digital technology数字技术的逐步应用11、public communication carriers公共通信载体12、enhanced quality高质量13、substantial quantity of interface equipment 大量的接口设备14、flexibility in the transmission of voice, data, video andother services在传送话音、数据、视频和其他业务上的灵活性15、bandwidth limitations带宽的限制16、end-to-end digital connectivity端到端的数字连接17、voice encoding techniques语音编码技术18、pulse coding modulation脉码调制19、basic access signaling rate基本接入信令速率20、universal access统一的接入21、experimental technology实验性的技术Unit 15 Current Situation and the Future in theTelecommunication World请将下述词组译成英文1、X.25协议X.25 protocol2、电视信号television signals3、窄带业务narrowband services4、基本接入basic access5、电信业务teleservice6、用户电报telex7、无线电波radio waves8、地面天线ground antenna9、同轴的coaxial10、直接广播系统direct broadcast system11、端到端的时延end-to-end delay12、抖动jitter13、繁忙小时peak hours14、芯片技术chip technology15、高清晰度电视high definition television16、运行与维护operations and maintenance请将下述词组译成中文1、the existing public network现有的公用网络2、classical two-way voice conversation传统的双向对话3、packet switched data network based on X.25 protocols基于X.25协议的分组交换数据网络4、the user access to the network对网络的用户接入5、 a circuit switched service with a channel rate of 70Mbit/s信道速率为70Mbit/s的电路交换业务6、the service-independent network与业务无关的网络7、the optimal statistical sharing of the resources对资源的最佳统计复用8、telecommunication service电信业务9、telex network用户电报网10、messages of characters文字报11、two-way voice conversation双向对话12、X.21 protocolsX.21协议13、ground antenna地面天线14、coaxial tree network同轴树状网络15、community antenna TV network公用天线的电视网络16、direct broadcast system直接广播系统17、Ethernet以太网18、token bus and token ring network令牌总线网和令牌环网19、end-to-end delay端到端的时延20、world-wide independent networks全球范围的独立网络21、the peak hours in the telephone network电话网络的繁忙小时22、resource pooling资源共享23、peak hour traffic繁忙小时流量24、integration of narrow-band services窄带业务的综合25、the progress in speech coding and chip technology 在语声编码和芯片技术方面的进步26、 a new teleservice新的电信业务27、adapting to new service requirements对新业务要求的适配28、optimal statistical sharing of the resources资源最佳统计式的共享。




message(信息)、Call Register(通话记录)、Phone book(通迅录)、Settings (设置)、Organiser(事务管理)、Games(游戏)、Applications(应用)、Extras(附加功能)、Connectivity(数据联通)等等。


选择Select进入,我们会看到这样的一些目录:Text messages (文字信息)1. Creat message (新建信息)2. Inbox (收件箱)3. Creat SMS e-mail (新建电子邮件)4. Sent items (已发信息)5. Saved items (已存信息)6. Achive (存档文件夹)7. Templates (范本)8. My folders (个人文件夹)9. Distribution lists (收信人列表)10. Delete messages (删除信息)第2个Multimedia msgs. (多媒体信息)内的菜单和上面差不多就不多说了。

其余和短消息有关的词汇还包括:Chat(room)Voice messages (语音信息)Info Messages (广播信息)Message settings (信息设置)Service commands (网络命令编辑器)第二项Call register (通话记录)是和通话有关的一些英文词汇及其汉语对照,大家依次看下去基本上就动能对号入座了:Missed calls (未接来电)Received calls (已接来电)Dialed numbers (已拨电话)Delete recent call lists (删除最近记录)Call duration (通话计时)Call costs (通话计费)GPRS data counter (GPRS计数器)GPRS connection timer (GPRS 计时器)第三项Phone book (通迅录)中最常见的命令如下:Search (查找)Add name (增加姓名)Edit name (修改姓名)Delete (删除)Copy (复制)Settings (设置)Speed dials (单键拨号)My numbers (本手机号码)Caller groups (号码分组)诺基亚给情景模式起了个对应的英文Profiles,感觉不太好,还不如用T one Mode好一些。



联系方式用英语怎么说contact way请牢记,每个企业或组织的联系方式中至少包含一个管理层和一个具体事务联系人的联系方式。

Please be reminded that all organizations must have a contact listing for their top executive and at least one contact point.联系方式:在简历的顶端列出你的联系方式。

Contact Information: List your contact information at the top of the resume.请牢记,每个企业或组织的联系方式中至少包含一个管理层和一个具体事务联系人的联系方式。

Please be reminded that all organizations must have a contact listing for their top executive and at least one contact point.Aardvark是一种联系方式,你能够通过Aardvark联系任何地方的人。

Aardvark is a contact that you can get in touch with from anywhere.同样,你也能够通过邮件与我们取得联系,邮件联系方式是:1601S.CaliforniaAvenue,PaloAlto,CA94304.You may also contact us by mail at 1601 S. California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304.例如,如果要发出一条UPDATE语句来更改某个特定客户的联系方式信息中的email地址,就必须在 XML 列中提供全部联系方式信息,而不但仅是新的email 元素值。

For example, if you want to issue an UPDATE statement to change the e-mail address of a particular client's contact information, you simply have to supply the new e-mail address.交换生组织为交换生提供联系人或联系方式,以在必要时协助他们。



联系方式英语翻译Contact Information TranslationContact information is essential when communicating with others, especially in a professional setting. It allows others to reach you easily and efficiently. Below is a translation of contact information into English, which includes essential information such as name, address, phone number, and email address.Name:First Name (Given Name):Last Name (Surname/Family Name):Address:Street Address:City:State/Province:Postal Code:Country:Phone Number:Country code:Area code:Phone number:Email Address:When providing your contact information in English, it is important to follow a specific order and format. The name should be provided with the first name followed by the last name. Theaddress should include the street address, city, state/province, postal code, and country. The phone number should include the country code, area code, and the phone number itself. Lastly, the email address should be provided.It is important to double-check and ensure that all the provided information is accurate and up-to-date. This will prevent any miscommunication or difficulties in contacting you. Additionally, it is a good practice to use a professional email address that includes your name, instead of a generic or personal one.In conclusion, contact information is crucial in establishing effective communication. By providing your name, address, phone number, and email address, you enable others to reach you easily. Remember to organize the information in the correct order and format, and verify its accuracy.。

OPhone API 中文翻译

OPhone API 中文翻译

OPhone API 中文翻译superzhang 翻译, 原创这是根据OPhonesdn上的英文教材翻译的,翻译的很拙劣,请各位指正。

我将OPhonesdn 上那些没有用的都去掉了,比如字段详情那段,好多都和概述的时候一样,只是个别多了几个例子,我都在概述的时候加上了,字段详情就都去掉了。



还有EXTRA_ITEM_LAUNCH_INTENT的介绍简直让人摸不着头脑ng.Object oms.home.HomeIntents public class HomeIntents extends ng.ObjectOPhone的主屏类是关于OPhone平台主屏程序的函数,它定义了主屏API的一些常量。



下边是如何在快捷图标上添加符号的例程// 为主屏程序创建一个意图Intent symblIntent = new Intent(HomeIntents.ACTION_SHORTCUT_SYMBOL);// 如果你想要向飞信发送一个意图,你必须先获得飞信的启动意图Intent mIntent = getFetionLauncherIntent();// 设置symblIntent的意图参数symblIntent.putExtra(HomeIntents.SHORTCUT_SYMBOL_INTENT, mIntent);// 创建一个bitmapBitmap bg = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),R.drawable.shortcut_msgcount);Bitmap symbol = Bitmap.createBitmap(bg.getWidth(), bg.getHeight(),bg.getConfig());Canvas canvas = new Canvas(symbol);TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint();canvas.drawBitmap(bg, 0, 0, null);canvas.drawText(Integer.toString(mUnreadMessageCount), bg.getWidth() / 2, 14, textPaint);// 设置意图的符号参数symblIntent.putExtra(HomeIntents.SHORTCUT_SYMBOL_BITMAP, symbol);// 设置意图符号的位置symblIntent.putExtra(HomeIntents.SHORTCUT_SYMBOL_POSITION,HomeIntents.SYM_TOP);// 把意图广播出去,主屏程序接收后会执行该意图sendBroadcast(symblIntent);... ...如果主屏完成了某些动作,比如添加快捷方式到屏幕,主屏会广播一个意图给所有的BroadcastReceiver例如:如果你想要在主屏完成了某些工作后执行一些动作,你应该注册一个broadcast来处理主屏程序的意图。

PhoneGap,API帮助文档翻译整理8-File (文件)

PhoneGap,API帮助文档翻译整理8-File (文件)

File (文件)用于读取、写入和浏览文件系统层次结构的 API。

对象• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •DirectoryEntry DirectoryReader File FileEntry FileError FileReader FileSystem FileTransfer FileTransferError FileUploadOptions FileUploadResult FileWriter Flags LocalFileSystem MetadataDirectoryEntry这个对象代表了一个文件系统内的一个目录.它被定义在 W3C 目录和系统规范内。

属性• • • • •isFile: 总为 false.boolean isDirectory: 总为真. (boolean) name: DirectoryEntry 的名字,不包含前置目录 fullPath: 从根到此目录条目完整的绝对路径注意:下面的属性在 W3C 规范内虽然定义了,但 PhoneGap 并不支持filesystem: DirectoryEntr 所在的文件系统下列方法可以作为 DirectoryEntry 对象的方法被调用• •getMetadata:获得目录的元数据 moveTo: 移动一个目录到文件系统中不同的位置• • • • • • • •copyTo: 拷贝一个目录到文件系统中不同的位置 toURI: 返回一个可以定位目录的 URI remove: 删除一个目录.这个目录必须是空的. getParent: 查找父级目录. createReader:建立一个可以从目录中读取条目的新 DirectoryReader 对象 getDirectory: 建立或者寻找一个目录 getFile:建立或者寻找一个文件. removeRecusively:删除一个目录以及他内部的所有内容支持的平台• • •Android BlackBerry WebWorks (OS 5.0 and higher) iOSgetMetadata查找目录的元数据参数• •successCallback - 成功后调用此方法,参数为 Metadata 对象 errorCallback- 当获得元数据发生错误的时候调用此函数.其参数为一个 FileError 对象简单的例子function success(metadata) { console.log("Last Modified: " + metadata.modificationTime); } function fail(error) { alert(error.code); } // Request the metadata object for this entry // 对此条目请求其元数据对象 entry.getMetadata(success, fail);moveTo移动一个目录到文件系统中不同的位置。



手机语言中英文对照New contact 新名片First name 第一名称Add thumbnail 增加微缩图像/删除微缩图像Add detail 增加详情Edit label 编辑栏目Help 帮助Exit 退出Last name 第二名称Company 公司电话Job title 职位Telephone 电话号码Mobile 移动电话Fax 传真E—mail 电子邮件Select选择Cancel 取消Groups 群组New group 新建群组Help 帮助Exit 退出Group name 自定义群组名称Open 打开New group 新建群组Delete 删除Rename 群组重命名Ringing tone 群组铃声设置Contacts info 名片夹信息memory 查看储存Vioce togs 声控标签Help 帮助Exit 退出No members 没有联系人Add members 加入多个联系人Select 选择Cancel 取消Contacts 电话簿Contacts 电话簿Options选项Open 打开Call 呼叫Create message 写信息---Text message 写信息--Multimedia messa 彩信New contact 新名片Edit 编辑Delete 删除Duplicate 名片副本Add to group 增加组Belongs to groups 分组Mark/Unmark 标记/取消标记----Mark 标记-----Mark all 全部标记-----Unmark all 取消全部标记Send 发送---Via text message 由文字信息发送-----Via bluetooth 由蓝牙发送Contacts info 名片夹信息----Memory 查看储存------V oice togs 声控标签Help 帮助Exit 退出Select 选择Cancel 取消Calendar 日历Open 打开New entry 新登录---Meeting 会议---Memo 备忘录---Anniversary 周年纪念Week view 周查看Go to date 转到日期Settings 设置----Default view 默认查看----Month view 月查看----Week view 周查看----Day view 日查看Week starts on 星期开始-----Monday 星期一-----Tuesday 星期二-----Wednesday 星期三-----Thursday 星期四-----Friday 星期五-----Saturday 星期六-----Sunday 星期日Week view title 星期查看头衔----Week dates 星期.日期---- Week number 星期数Help 帮助Exit 退出Profiles 情景模式General(通用、一般)Silent(无声)Meeting(会议)Outdoor(户外)Pager(寻呼机)Offline(离线)Option 选择Activate 启动Personalise个性化选择Ringing tone 来电铃声Ringing volume 铃声音量Message alert tone 信息提示音Vibrating alert 振动提示Keypad tones 按键音Warring tones 警告音Alert for 优先号码组Profile name情景模式名称Incoming call alert 铃声类型------Ringing 连续响铃------Ascending 渐强-------Ring once 响铃一次-------Beep once 蜂鸣-------Silent 无声Messaging 短信息New message 写信息Inbox 收件箱My folders 我的文档Mailbox 邮件箱Drafts 草稿箱Sent 发出的信息Outbox 发件箱Reports 发送情况报告Create message 写信息SIM messages SIM卡信息Cell broadcast 广播信息Service commands 服务命令Settings 设置------Text message 短信息------Multimedia message 彩信------E—mail 电子邮件------Service msg 服务信息------Cell broadcast 广播信息------Other 其它Text message 短信息-----Message centres 信息中心 in use 使用中的信息中心-----Receive report 信息报告-----Message Validity 信息有效期-----Message sent as 信息发送格式-----Preferred connection 首选连接-----Reply via same ctr. 经信息中心回复Multimedia message 彩信-----Preferred connection 使用中的接收点----Secondary conn. 彩信接收----- Multimedia reception 当收到信息时-----On receiving msg. 允许匿名信息-----Allow anon.message 接收广告-----Receive adverts 接收报告----- Receive report 不允许发送报告-----Deny report sending 允许发送报告-----Message validity 信息有效期-----Lmage size 图象大小----- Default speaker 默认声音播放方式Connection 连接Connection name 连接名字Data bearer 数据持有人Dial-up number 拨号号码User name 用户名Prompt password 提示口令Password 口令Authentication 证明Gateway Ipaddress 网关地址Data calltype 呼叫数据类型Maximum data speed 最大的数据速度Advanced settings 高级设置Device IP address 加入IP地址Primary name server 初级服务器名称 server 高级服务器名称Server address 服务器地址Port number 地址数Use callback 使用回叫Callback type 回叫类型Callback number 回叫数Use PPP com,pression 使用PPP com,pressionUse login script 使用登录书写Login script 登录书写Modem initialization 调制解调器初值E-mail 电子邮件------Mailboxes 信箱------Mailbox in use 使用中的信箱Service msg. 服务信息----- Service messages 服务信息-----Authentic.needed 需要鉴定Cell broadcast 广播信息----Reception 广播信息接收-----Language 语言-----Topic detection 栏目检测Other 其它------Save sent messages储存已发送信息------ No.of saved msgs. 信息储存数量Malibox------Malibox name 信箱名称------Access point in use 使用的接入点------My mail sever 我的电子邮件地址------Outgoing mail server邮件发送服务器------Send message 发送信息------ Send copy to self给自己发送副本------Include signature 包括签名------ User name 用户名------Password 密码------Incoming mail server 邮件接收服务器------Mailbox type 信箱类型------Securiy 安全保护----- Retrieve attachment 提取附件------ Retrieve headers 提取标题New messageNew message 写信息Multimedia message 写彩信E-mail 写邮件Add recipient 增加收信人Insert 插入picture 图片Template 常用短语Delete 删除Message details 信息详情Sending options 发送选项Help 帮助Exit 退出Extras 其它Clock 时钟Notes 记事本Apps 附录Log 通话记录Favourites 捷径To-do待办事项Calculator 计算器Converter 单位换算Help 帮助Options 选择Back返回Options 选择----Open 打开-----List view 列表视图-----Grid view 图标视图-----Move 移动-----Move to folder 移至文件夹-----Help 帮助-----Exit 退出Clock 时钟-----Set alam 设定闹铃-----Settings 设置Settings 设置-----Time 时间-----Date 日期-----Date format 时间格式-----Date separator 时间分隔符-----Clock type时钟类型-----Auto time update 自动更新时间Notes 记事本New note 新建笔记Send 发送-----Via text message经短信息-----Via multimedia经彩信-----Via Bluetooth 经蓝牙New note 新建笔记Delete 删除Add to Favourites 增加至捷径Help 帮助Exit 退出Options 选择Done 完成Apps 附录(no installed applications) 没有安装应用Settings设置---Default access point 默认存取点----Select 选择-----Edit 编辑-----New access point 新存取点-------Use default settings使用默认配置-------Use existing settings使用现有的设置Delete 删除Help 帮助Exit 退出Connection name 连接名称Data bearer 数据持有人-----GPRS------GSM data GSM数据------High speed GSM 高速GSMAccess point name 存取名User name 用户名Prompt password 提示口令Password 口令Authentication 验证-------Secure 安全--------Normal 正常Gateway IP address 通道IP地址Log 通讯记录Recent calls 最近通话Call duration 通话时间Call costs 呼叫费用GPRS counter GPRS计数器Settings 设置--------Log duration 记录保存时间-------Show call duration 显示通话时间--------Show costs in 显示费用----Call cost limit 呼叫费用限制Recent calls 新近的电话------Missed calls 未接来电---------Received calls 已接来电------Dialled nos 已拨出电话Currency 流量Units 单位Call duration -----Last call 最后通话Dialled nos 已拨电话Received calls已接来电All calls 所有电话Call costs Last call units 全部发出数据All calls’units 全部接收数据GPRS counter All sent data 记录保存时间All receiv. data 显求通话时间Clear counters 计数器清零Favourites 捷径Open 打开Edit shortcut name 修改快捷方式名称Move 移动List view 列表视图Grid view 图标视图Help 帮助Exit 退出Calendar 日历Inbox 收件箱Notes 记事本To-do 待办事项No data 无内容New to-do note 新待办事项Subject 主题Due date 预定日期Priority 优先等级----------High 高----------Normal 一般------- Low 低Calculator 计算器Last result 上一个结果Memory 记忆Save 储存Recall 提取Help 帮助Exit 退出Converter 单位转换Type 类型Currency 货币Unit 单位Usd 人民币元Amount数量Unit 单位Amount数量Conversion type 换算类型currency 货币area 面积energy 能量length 长度mass 质量power功率pressure 压力temperature 温度time时间velocity 速率volume 体积Currency rates 汇率Media 娱乐Realone Open folder 打开文件夹Open 打开--- Most recent clips 选择文件夹-----Guide 指南----VRL address VRL 地址Rename 重命名Delete 删除New folder 新文件Settings 设置About product 关于本产品Settings 设置-----Video ----Video quality 视频----Automatic scaling 对比度-----Playback ------Repeat 重复-----Network -----Default access point默认接入点-----Bandwidth 在线时间-----Maximum bandwidth最大带宽------Connection time-out 连接超时-----Server time-out 服务器超时-----Lowest port 最低UDP端口-----Highest port最高UDP端口-----Proxy -----Use proxy 使用代理-----Host address 主机地址-----Port 端口ImageOpen 打开Send 发送—Via multimedia 经彩信----Via Bluetooth 经蓝牙Image uploader ---Upload 上传--Settings设置----Image servers 图像服务器---Image server name 图像服务器名称----- Access point in use 使用通路点----User name 用户名----Password 口令-----URL address URL地址-----Auto folder naming 自动文件夹命名---Image server in use使用图像服务器Delete 删除Move to folder 移动文件夹New folder 新建文件夹Mark/Unmark 标记/取消标记----Mark 标记-----Mark all 全部标记-----Unmark all 取消全部标记Rename 重命名View details 查看详细资料add to Favourites 增加至捷径Update thumbnails 更新Help 帮助Exit 退出Services 服务Download 下载Send 发送----Via text message 经文本消息Find bookmark 查找书签Add bookmark 增加书签Edit 编辑Delete 删除New folder 新文件夹Mark/Unmark 标记/取消标记----Mark 标记-----Mark all 全部标记-----Unmark all 取消全部标记Clear cache 清除缓冲add to Favourites 增加到捷径Settings 设置--- Default access point 默认接入点---Show images 显示图像----Text wrapping 文字换行----Font size 字体大小----Default encoding 默认编码方式----Cookies-----Conf.DTMF sending 确认双音多频发送Largest 最大Normal普通Smallest 最小First time only 仅第一次always 任何时间Reject 拒绝Allow 允许Scr.shotKeep Settings 设置----Take scr.shot with-----Folder name 文件夹名称-----screen shot name 图片名称-----Screen shot quality 图片质量-----Use default name 使用默认名称Help 帮助Exit 退出Music PlayerConnect heahest or Activate loudspeaker 连接耳机或激活扩音器Track list 曲名列表Settings 设置----Sound style 声音风格---Play options 播放选项--- Extra bass 低音Activate loudsp. 激活扩音器Help 帮助Exit 退出Pock Pop 流行音乐Dance 舞曲Jazz 爵士Classic 古典Latin 拉丁Normal 标准Random 任意Repeat 重复Radio 调频收音机Connect heahest 连接耳机Channels 频道Deactivate loudsp 激活扩音器Auto tune up 曲调自动向上Auto tune down 曲调自动向下Manual tuning 手动调节Save channel 保存频道Help 帮助Exit 退出Recorder 录音机Open 打开Record sound clip 录制声音片段Delete删除Move to men.card 使用中的储存Mark/Unmark 标记/取消标记----Mark 标记-----Mark all 全部标记-----Unmark all 取消全部标记Rename sound clip播放方式Send发送—Via multimedia 由文字信息发送----Via Bluetooth 由蓝牙发送add to Favourites 增加至捷径Settings -----Memory in use 使用中的储存Device memory 手机储存Memory card 储存卡-----Defauit speaker 默认声音播放方式Loudspeaker 扬声器Handest 手机听筒Help 帮助Exit 退出Composer 铃声自编New tone 新的音调Help 帮助Exit 退出Play 播放Insert symbol 插入符号Tempo 拍子V olume 卷Duplicate 复制Tools 工具Settings 设置Manager 程序管理Bluetooth 蓝牙V oice mail 语音信箱Call divert 呼叫转移Speed dial 单键播号Fixed dial SIM direct Memory 储存卡About 关于Settings 设置----Device手机设置----Call 通话设置----Connection 连接设置----Date and time 日期和时间----Security 安全性设置----Call barring 呼叫限制----Network 网络设置----Enhancement 增强性配件Device -----General 常规---- Device language 手机语言Automatic 自动Dansk English 英语Norsk----Writing language 默认输入法Dansk English英语Norsk----Dictionary 字典----Welcome note or logo 问候语Default 默认Text 文本Image图像-----Orig.device settings-----Standby mode 待机状态模式----Background image 背景图----Right Left selection key 左选择键和右选择键Contacts 名片Log通话记录Messaging 信息Images 图象RealOne Player Calendar 日历Services 服务Profiles 情景模式Favourites 捷径To-do待办事项Help 帮助Bluetooth 蓝牙Notes 记事本Calculator 计算器Converter Recorder 录音机Composer铃声自编Clock 时钟Memory 储存卡SIM directory 目录设置Settings设置App.manager添加删除程序Applications 应用V oice mailbox 语音信箱Call divert 呼叫转移Speed dial单键拨号Music playerRadio 收音机Screen shot 截图-----Display 屏幕显示-------Contrast 亮度-------Colour palette 背景色彩Blue 蓝色Green 绿色Purple 紫色Red 红色Pink 粉红Orange 橙色-------Screen saver timeout 屏幕等待时间-------Screen saver屏幕保护程序Call -----Send my caller ID 发送本手机号码Set by network 网络预设----Call waiting 叫呼等待----Automatic redial 自动重拨-----Summary after call 通话报告------Speed dialing 单键拨号------Anykey answer 任意键应答Connection ----Access points 接入点----GPRS----GPRS Connection GPRS连接when available 有网络信号时When needed 当需要时----Access point 接入点----Data call 数据通话----Online time 在线时间User defined 用户自定义Unlimited 无限制minutes分钟Date and time -----Time 时间------Date 日期-----Date format 日期格式----Date separator 日期分隔符----Time format 时间格式---Time separator时间分隔符-----Clock type 时钟显示类型Digital 数字时间Analogue 指针时钟-----Auto time update时间自动更新Security 安全----Device and SIM手机和SIM卡---PIN code request要求输入PIN号码----- PIN code PIN码----- PIN2 code PIN2码-----Autolock period自动锁闭前等待时间----Lock code 锁码----Lock if SIM changed SIM卡改变时锁闭---Fixed dialing限制呼叫---Closed user group固定用户组Default 默认值---Confirm SIM services 确认SIM卡服务 证书管理Call barring -----Outgoing calls 禁止拨出电话-----International calls 禁止拨出国际长途----- International calls except to home ctry 除本国外的国际长途-----Incoming calls 禁止所有来电----- Incoming calls when abroad 国际漫游时禁止来电Active 启动Cancel 取消Check status 查询状态Network网络----- Network selection 网络选择Automatic 自动Manual 手动-----Cell info display 小区信息显示Enhancement ---Enhancement in use 使用的增强型配件Headset 耳机Loopset 移动感应器Text phone 聋哑人通讯器---- Headset 耳机----Default profile 默认情景模式Active profile 当前情景模式General 标准Silent 无声Meeting 会议Outdoor 户外Pager 寻呼机Offline 离线-----Automatic answer 自动应答----Loopset移动感应器----Default profile默认情景模式Active profile当前情景模式General标准Silent无声Meeting 会议Outdoor 户外Pager寻呼机Offline离线-----Automatic answer自动应答----Text phone聋哑人通讯器----Default profile默认情景模式Active profile当前情景模式General标准Silent无声Meeting 会议Outdoor 户外Pager寻呼机Offline离线------Handsfree 免提Manager 程序管理----View details 查看记录----View certificate 查看证书----Remove 移动----View log 查看日志----Send log 发送日志---Via text message 经短信---Via multimedia 经彩信---Via Bluetooth 经蓝牙-----Memory details 详细资料--Device memory 记忆卡设备---Memory card 多媒体卡Help 帮助Exit 退出Bluetooth 蓝牙------Bluetooth off 关On 开-----My device’s visibility 本手机可见性Hidden 隐藏Shown to all 全部-----My Bluetooth name重命名New paired device 新配对设备Assign short name 设定别名Set as authorized 设为授权设备V oice mail 语音信箱Call voice number 拨打语音信箱号码Change number 更改号码Define number 定义数Call divert 呼叫转移All voice calls 所有语音来电If busy 占线时If not answered 无人接听时If out of reach 无网络或关机时If not available 无法接通时All fax calls 所有传真来电All data calls 所有数据来电Activate 启动Cancel 取消Check status查询状态Cancel all diverts 取消所有呼叫转接Speed dial 单键拨号Call 呼叫Change 更改Remove 移动View number 查看号码Fixed dialNew contact 新名片Add from Contacts 加入新名片Help 帮助Exit 退出SIM direct. SIM卡服务New SIM contact 新SIM名片My numbers 我的号码SIM details SIM 详细资料Help 帮助Exit 退出Memory 储存卡Backup device mem. 备份手机存储Format mem.card 格式化存储卡Memory card name 存储卡名称Memory details 存储详情Help 帮助Exit 退出本篇文章来源于Vitter's Blog 原文链接:/archives/000237.html。



通信术语中英对照词典〔拨号后〕拨号音不断Non-stop Dial Tone〔程序,进程〕调度Dispatch〔程序安装的〕序列号Serial Number SN〔单板〕不在位Not-in-position〔单板等〕插入/拔出Plug/Unplug〔发货〕附件,辅助设备Accessories〔话务员〕为分机用户代拨外线Dial Out For An Extension〔话务员帮〕接通〔〕Put Through〔运算机上〕主板,母板Mother-Board〔界面〕刷新Refresh(开局)调测现场Commissioning Site(判定)门限Threshold(软件)补钉Patch(试运行前的)开通调测Commissioning PG〔相〕邻〔信〕道干扰Adjacent-channel interference(移动)交接,越区切换Handover(用户线)主配线架Main Distribution Frame MDF(中继的)监听、插入及强拆Monitor, Intrusion and Forced Release1800MHz频段的数字蜂窝系统Digital Cellular System at 1800MHz DCS18002B1Q线路码Two Binary-To-One Quaternary Line Code 2B1Q2M数字分支板2Mb/s Digital Branching Board DB2M3 型不对称数字用户线ADSL-33阶高密度双极性码High Density Bipolar of Order 3 HDB350W粗缆10Mb/s基带以太网10Base 550W细缆10Mb/s基带以太网10Base 2500伏兆欧表〔测绝缘电阻用500V Meg-ohmmeter (used to measure the insulation resistance)5合1拼板5 In 1 Boarda. (窗口)缩放b. 放大c. 缩小d.最大化e.最小化ZoomZoom inZoom outMaximizeMinimizea.板,祼板b.板卡,单板BoardCarda.本地网b.本地通讯网c.局域网Local NetworkLocal Communication NetworkLocal Area Network LNLCNLAN a.本局〔交换局〕b.本局〔交换、传输等通用〕Home exchangeHome officea.处理〔呼叫,通信〕b.处理〔问题、意外〕c.对待ProcessingHandlingTreatmenta.单项选择框b.复选框c.组合框Button boxCheck boxCombo boxa.对话处理b.会话处理Dialogue HandlingSession processing DHAa.对接b.互通InterconnectionInterworkinga.高清晰度电视b.高分辩率电视High Definition TelevisionHigh Resolution Television HDTVa.挂起b.复原〔被挂起的〕SuspendResume RESa.火线b.零线Live LineZero Linea.局〔交换〕b.局〔交换、传输等通用〕ExchangeOfficea.可选的b.必选的c.必须的,必须遵循的,强制性的OptionalCompulsoryMandatorya.拉手条〔单板〕b.空面板〔单板〕Handle BarBlank Panela.配件b.部件c.组件d.附件e.备件FittingsPartsComponentsAccessoriesSpare Partsa.配置b.分配c.指配〔几个词在不同产品可能用法不一样〕ConfigurationAllocation, DistributionProvisioning, Assignmenta.起始b.终止StartEnd POIa.试运行b.割接Trial RunCut-overa.双绞线b.非屏蔽双绞线c.屏蔽双绞线d.同轴电缆e.同轴细缆f.同轴粗缆Twisted PairUnshielded Twisted PairShielded Twisted PairCoaxial cable Thicknet (cable) UTPSTPa.文件服务器b.应用程序服务器c.列表服务器File ServerApplication ServerList Server FNSa.优先(用户)b.一般c.赶忙Prior OrdinaryImmediatea.增殖业务b.新业务Value Added Service (V AS)New ServiceA/B线A Wire/B Wire AB04A/B线中继A Wire/B Wire Trunk ABTA/D,D/A混合转换器A/D And D/A Combined ConverterADSL-高速因特网接入ADSL-High-Speed Internet AccessASIC及专用电路芯片ASIC And Special ChipsATM 适配层ATM Adaptation Layer AALA通道A channelBCCH(频率)分配BCCH Allocation BABNC T型接头BNC T ConnectorBNC同轴插拔头BNC ConnectorBNC同轴插拔头〔阳〕BNC Male ConnectorBNC同轴插拔头〔阴〕BNC Female ConnectorBNC终接器BNC TerminatorBSS操作爱护应用部分BSS Operation and Maintenance Application Part BSSOMAPBTS的站址治理BTS Address Management BTSMBTS治理Base Transceiver Station Management BTSMB通道顺序号B channel sequence number BSNB型机机柜C&C08 B CabinetCAMEL应用部分CAMEL Application Part CAPCATV相关配件CATV Related FittingsD-Link 说明书D-link SpecificationsD-Link 网络驱动软盘D-link Network Drive Floppy DiskD通道链路接入协议Link Access Protocol for D channel LAPDD通路上链路接入规程Link Access Procedure of D-Channel LAPDE/M 信令方式Ear and Mouth Signaling E&ME/M中继E&M Trunk EMTE[线]和M[线]信令系统E and M Signaling SystemE3子复用设备E3 sub-Multiplexer E3MEMI磁珠EMI BeadsEMI滤波器EMI FilterFC型连接器Full Contact ConnectorF突发脉冲F burstG:产生幀码A:幀校准Z:零串抑制P:极性转换A:告警C:时钟复原H:幀同步O:局信令G: Generation of Frame Code; A: Alignment of Frame; Z: Zero-String Suppression; P: Polarity Conversion; A: Alarm; C: Clock Recovery; H: Hunt During Reframe; O: Office Signaling GAZPACHOGPRS隧道协议GPRS Tunneling Protocol GTPGPRS无线资源业务接入点GPRS Radio Resources service access point GRRGPRS移动治理和会话治理GPRS Mobility Management and Session Management GMM/SMGPRS移动性治理GPRS Mobility Management GMMGPRS移动性治理服务接入点逻辑链路操纵LLC to GPRS Mobility Management service access point LLGMMGPRS支持节点GPRS Support Node GSNGPS Global Positioning SystemGSM AM 主控板AM Process Board GAMPGSM16路E1中继接口板16 E1 Interface Board GE16GSM产品家族Full product family for GSM networksGSM的Q3协议GSM Q3 protocol Q3GSM公众陆地移动网GSM Public Land Mobile Network GSM PLMNGSM回波抵消板,提供EC-POOL方式的回波抵消功能Echo Canceler Pool GECPGSM移动台GSM Mobile Station GSM MSH4数字宽带通道H4 digital broadband channel H4HLR数据库HLR Database HDBIC起拔器IC ExtractorIMEI的黑表Black list (of IMEI)IMEI的灰名单Grey list (of IMEI)Internet消息接入协议Internet Message Access Protocol IMAPIN交换治理IN Switching Management IN-SMIP IP PhoneIP 多路广播技术IP Multicasting TechnologyIP广播业务Internet protocol multicast IP-MIP旁路IP BypassISDN A通道ISDN A channelISDN 的基群速率接口ISDN Primary Rate Interface, 2048 Kb/s (30B+D)PRAISDN用户部分ISDN User Part ISUPISDN用户部分〔七号信令〕ISDN User Part (SS7) ISUPISDN用户小交换机ISDN PBX ISPBXITU电信标准化组ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector ITU-TMAC业务接入点MAC Service Access Point MSAPMAC业务数据单元MAC Service Data Unit MSDUMFC收号错MFC Number-Receiving ErrorModem 驱动软盘Modem Drive Floppy DiskMSC处理模块MSC Processing Module MPMMTP路由确认测试MTP Route Verification Test MRVTN0.7信令ISDN用户部分Integrated Services User Part ISUPNo.7共路信令Common Channel Signaling No.7 CCS7No.7信令ISDN用户部分Integrated Services User Part ISUPN-PDU使用的协议操纵信息压缩算法标识Identifier of the protocol control information compression algorithm used for the N-PDU PCOMPN级Level-N L-NOEM产品专用物料Special Materials for OEM ProductsPCB布线PCB LayoutPCB耗尽PCB Used-UpPCU-BSC间信令链路Pcu-Bsc Signaling Link PbSLPDH物理接口PDH Physical Interface PPIPPM parts per million PPMPTO选择类别PTO Option Class Item POCPVC胶带PVC TapePVC线槽安装组件PVC Trough Installation ComponentsQ接口适配器Q Interface Adapter QARJ45 连接头压线钳RJ45 Connector Clamping ToolRJ45 连接头制作工具RJ45 connector clamping toolRJ45插头RJ45 ConnectorSBS网管系统SBS Management Network SBSMNSBS系列SDH光传输系统出厂检验报告Delivery inspection report on SDH optical Transmission system of SBS series SCCP编路操纵SCCP Routing Control SCRCSCCP治理SCCP Management SCMGSCCP路由验证测试SCCP Routing Verification Test SRVTSC型连接器Square Couple ConnectorSDH治理网络SDH Management Network SMNSDH设备时钟SDH equipment clock SECSMA同轴中继自环电缆SMA Coaxial Trunk Self-loop CableSMT胶SMT GlueTU指针丢失TU loss of pointerT型头T ConnectorVLR数据库VlR Database VDBVT组VT groupWindows开放系统结构Windows Open System Architecture WOSAXmodem协议Xmodem ProtocolX窗口X Windowμ-A律转换μ-A Law Conversion阿尔卡特(法) Alcatel (France)阿伦方差Allan Variance A V AR爱尔兰(话务) Erlang ERL爱立信Ericsson安保自动化系统Security Automation System SAS安全超文本传输协议Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol S安全地Safety Ground安全帽Safety Helmet安全选择Security Screening SEC安全套层Secure Sockets Layer SSL安装板、安装条、安装架Installation Board/Bar/Bracket安装成套件Suite of Installation Parts安装成套件〔工具包〕Installation Kit安装件Installation Parts安装支架Installing support按次付费Pay-Per-View按键〔话机〕Push-Button (Phone)按键适配器Key Telephone Adapters KTA按键开关Button Switch按键脉冲话机Pulse Phone Set按目标选择路由Destination Call Routing DCR按钮Push- Button PB按时刻选择路由Time Dependent Routing TDR按用户的规定选路User-Defined Routing UDR按月付费Monthly Payment八-二进制编码Octal-Binary Coded八位位组字节,八位字节Octet拔钉锤Claw Hammer拔号间隔超时,数位间超时Interdigit Timeout拜望MSC Visit (visited) MSC VMSC拜望PLMN Visited PLMN VPLMN拜望位置寄存器Visitor Location Register VLR拜望用户位置储备器Visitor Location Register VLR班长Chief Operator板名条Board Name Plate板位Board Position版本Version VER版权Copyright办公活动Office Activity办公自动化系统Office Automation System OAS半菱形天线Half Rhombic Antenna半双工Half-Duplex半双工传输Half-Duplex Transmission半速Half rate HR半速率Half Rate TCH/H半速率(话务)信道Half-rate Traffic Channel半永久连接Semi-Permanent Connection半自动核对Semi-Automatic Checking关心程序Help Application包级过滤Packet Level Filtering包装材料Packing Material包装拆器,分组装拆器,数据包装拆器Packet Assembler/Dis-assembler PAD 保安单元Security Unit爱护Protection爱护单元protection unit爱护倒换计数Protection Switching Count PSC爱护(接)地Protection Ground/grounding爱护模式Protection Mode爱护器件及配件Protective Parts And Fittings爱护时刻Guard time爱护协议信令Protection Protocol Signaling保留/备用路由Reserved Route保留/备用频道Reserved Channel保留的,尚未使用的Reserved RES保险带Safety Belt保险管,保险丝Fuse保险管座Fuse Base保修单Warranty Bill报表格式Report Format报文传送及储备单元Message-Transmission and Storage Unit报文交换Message Switching报文结尾End of Message EOM北美的PCM二次群系统T-2北美的PCM一次群系统T-1北美与日本电视制式National Television System Committee NTSC贝尔通信实验室Bellcore备份Backup备份不间断电源Standby UPS备份原那么Redundancy concept备链路Standby Link备用比特Spare bit X备用方式Standby Mode背板,母板Backplane 〔减少用Motherboard〕BKP背景色Background Color背面Rear Face背面布线Back Wiring倍频器Frequency Doubler倍增Pair Gain被测系统Implementation Under Test ITU被叫Called (不用Callee)被叫/主叫方地址Called/Calling Party Address被叫地址不全Called Address Incomplete被叫付费,反向计费Reverse Charging REV被叫挂机Called Onhook被叫号码显示〔补充业务〕Connected Line identification Presentation COLP 被叫号码限制〔补充业务〕Connected Line identification Restriction COLR 被叫会面层用户Called SS-User被叫集中付费Freephone FPH被叫线路识别表示Connected Line Identification Presentation COLP被叫线路识别限制Connected Line Identification Restriction COLR被叫应答Called Party Answer被叫用户号码Called Number被叫原籍网Called Home Network被切换到的MSC The MSC to which the MS is handed over in a basic Handover MSC-B被切换到的第三方MSC〔后续切换〕The MSC to which the MS is handed over in a subsequent Handover MSC-B’本地/长途合用交换机, 市话/长话合用交换机Combined Local/Toll Exchange本地PLMN Local PLMN LPLMN本地打印机Local Printer本地多点分配业务Local Multipoint Distribution Service LMDS本地分配网络Local Distribution Network LDN本地治理终端Local Management Terminal LMT本地回路Local Loop本地交换机Local exchange〔LE〕本地交换局,市话局Local Exchange本地接入和传输区域Local Access and Transport Area LATA本地接入转换区Local Access Transform Area LATA本地节点时钟Local Node Clock LNC本地网络Local Network LN本地爱护终端Local Maintenance Terminal LMT本地线对增容Local Pair Gain LPG本地移动台识别码Local Mobile Station Identity LMSI本地移动用户识别号Local Mobile Subscriber Identity LMSI本地自动消息记帐Local Automatic Message Accounting LAMA本端Home Terminal本建筑物以外的,机房以外的, Off-Premises本局呼叫Home Exchange Call本群Home Group本网Home Network本站Home Station泵激光器pump laser比较器Comparing Unit, Comparer COMP比特(二进制信息单位) Bit比特,(二进制)位Binary Digit bit比特插入Bit Insertion比特传输速率,位传输速率Bit Transmission Rate比特定时,位定时Bit Timing比特分配信号Bit Allocation Signal BAS比特间插奇偶校验Bit Interleaved Parity BIP比特交错传输Interleaved Bit Transmission比特流,位流Bit Stream比特率容差Bit Rate Error Tolerance比特误码率,误码率Bit Error Rate BER笔记本电脑Notebook PC闭合用户群Closed User Group CUG闭塞Block闭塞解除信号Unblocking Signal UBL闭塞证实信号Blocking-Acknowledgement Signal BLA闭锁码(闭合用户群补充业务) Interlock Code (CUG SS) IC闭锁全部去话Barring of All Outgoing Calls BAOC避雷器,避雷针Lightning Arrester边界关口Border Gateway BG边收边发Receiving While Sending边缘交换网单元Skirt Network Unit GSNU编程器Programming Device编号打算,编号方案Numbering Plan编辑框Edit Box编码Encoding编码开关Code Switch编码器/译码器Coder/Decoder C/D扁平电缆Flat Cable扁三相插座Flat Three-phrase Socket便携机, 便携式运算机Portable Computer变频器General Inverter GI变频设备Frequency Conversion Equipment变速率码Variable Rate Code VRCBLP变压器Transformer标称值Nominal Value标签Label标识符Identifier标题开始Start of Heading SOH标题校验序列Header Check Sequence HCS标志Flag F标志、说明、装饰Sign, Description, Decoration标准ETSI机柜Standard ETSI Rack标准PC话务台Standard PC Console标准插座Standard Socket标准件Standard component标准清晰度电视Standard Definition TV SDTV标准通用标记语言Standard Generalized Markup Language SGML 标准总线Standard Bus表面声波Surface Acoustic Wave SAW表面贴电感器SMT Inductors表面贴装〔生产〕Surface mounting technology SMT表示层Presentation Layer表头Gauge Outfit别名Alias并/串变换Parallel/Serial Conversion P/S并柜Combined cabinet并联Connect In Parallel并席Parallel Position病毒特点Virus Characteristic拨号程序〔上网〕Dial-up Program拨号脉冲Dial Pulse DP拨号脉冲方式Pulse Dialing Mode拨号音Dial Tone DT拨号早释Dialing Release Early拨码开关/扳键开关/拨动开关/乒乓开关Toggle switch波长转换wavelength conversion波导waveguide波分复用Wavelength-Division Multiplex WDM波分复用光发射模块WDM fiber optic transmitter module波分复用器Wavelength Division Multiplexer波分器件wave-division component波峰焊Wave-Soldering波峰焊机Crest Welder波特Baud波浪管, 皮老虎Bellows剥线钳Cable Peeler, Wire Stripper播放Broadcast,Play薄膜开关Thin Film Switch补充业务supplementary service捕捉范畴Capture Range捕捉时刻Capture Time不等长编码Variable Length Coding不对称数字用户线Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line ADSL不对称线路Asymmetric Line不干胶标签纸Sticky Label Paper不活动性测试Inactivity Test IT不可及前转补充业务Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable CFNRc不可用秒unavailable seconds UAS不可用时刻unavailable time UAT不连续发送(机制) Discontinuous Transmission(mechanism) DTX不连续接收Discontinuous Reception DRX不同PLMN间GPRS支持节点间的接口Interface between GPRS Support Nodes (GSNs) in different PLMNs Gp interface 不占用空中通道的呼叫启动Off Air Call Set Up OACSO布拉格光纤反射器Bragg Fiber Reflector BFR布线设计Layout Design步长Step裁纸刀Paper Knife采购导线Purchased Wire参铒erbium-doped参铒光纤放大器Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers EDFAs参考点Reference Point参考源Reference source残余误码率Residual Bit Error Ratio RBER操作失败operation failure操作台Operation desk操作爱护应用部分Operation and Maintenance Application Part OMAP操作爱护中心---交换部分Operation and Maintenance Center-Switch part OMC-S 操作与爱护链路Operations and Maintenance Link OML槽位Slot Position侧板套件Side Board Kit侧门Side Door测量报告Measurement Report测试板Test Board, Test Card测试光输出功率measuring the optical output power测试设备Test Equipment测试仪Tester层2治理连接Layer2 Management Link L2ML层2中继Layer2 Relay L2R层3移动治理Layer3 Mobility Management L3MM叉车Forklift插板固定器Retainer of plugboard插框,插箱Plug-in Frame插入式Plug-in插入式端子Plug-in terminal插入箱Plug in Box插针Pin插座Socket查看日志View log查看主机数据View data in host差错率Error Rate差线〔鸳鸯线〕A Wire Contacts Earth, B Wire Contacts Battery掺铒光纤放大器Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier EDFA长距long haul长卷尺Long Tape常规突发脉冲序列Normal Burst NB场效应管Field Effect Transistor超长距ultra long haul超柔电缆Super Soft Cable超帧Hyperframe撤消移动用户注册Deregister mobile subscriber沉头螺钉Sunk Screw衬板Lining Board成分传感器Component Sensor成品板制成板Finished BoardManufactured Board成套Complete set成套,套件Suite, Set,成套包装材料Package Material Set成套电缆Cable set成套光缆Suite of Fiber Cable成套设备Suite of Equipment成套资料Package of Documentation成型泡沫Contoured foam承插件Socket Component承认,应答Acknowledge承载能力标示单元Bearer Capacity Identity Element BC_IE承载能力信息单元Bearer Capacity Information Element BCIE承载信道Bearer Channel, B Channel承重能力Bearing capacity齿形锁紧垫圈Toothed Lock Washer冲击钻Percussion drill冲击钻头Percussion Drill Hammer抽象语法编码1 Abstract Syntax Notation One ASN.1出厂检验报告Delivery Inspection Report出厂配置报告Delivery Configuration Document出厂验收Leave-factory check and acceptance出局/出中继闭塞Outgoing Blocking出局禁止(补充业务) Call out barring初始化信道分配Initial channel assignment触发检测点-要求Trigger Detection Point-Request TDP-R触发检测点-通知Trigger Detection Point- Notification TDP-N触发检出点Trigger Detection Point TDP触缝Contact Seam穿线框Wire guide穿心电容Feedthru Capacitor传感器Sensor传感式手套Sensor Glove传输扩展单元Transmission Extension unit TEU传输扩展供电单元Transmission Extension power Supply unit TES 传输设备Transmission Equipment传送网transport network串口线Serial Port Line串联Connect in Serial, Cascade Connection创建网元create the NE瓷介电容Leaded Ceramic Disc Capacitor磁带Magnetic Tape磁带机Tape Drive磁盘阵列设备Disk Array磁芯Magnetic Core磁性材料Magnetic Materials粗缆Thicknet Cable簇操纵器Cluster controller储备介质Storage Media储备器,内存Memory存入Deposit存在点point of presence POP锉刀File搭载Piggybacking打包带Straps打印设置Print Setup大力钳Powerful Pliers大密封圈Large Sealing Packing Ring大容量移动系统(日本〕High-Capacity Mobile Telecommunications System大小喉箍:Hoop Iron大众呼叫Mass Calling MAS带电操作Hot-line Work带电导线Live Wire带宽(业务)治理bandwidth management带宽间隔bandwidth granularity带区集〔磁盘〕Stripe Set单板Card单板软件Card Software单板套件Card Suite单层屏蔽双绞线One-layer STP单刀双掷开关Single-pole Double Throw Switch单导体扁平电缆Uniconductor Flat Cable单个联系客体Single Agent Point SAO单个联系操纵功能Single Association Control Function SACF单根电缆Cable单机柜Single Cabinet单模Single-mode单模光缆Single-mode Optical Cable单模光纤Single-mode Fiber SMF单片机Single-chip Microcomputer单位间隔unit interval UI单向广播unidirectional broadcast单向通道倒换环Unidirectional Path Switched Ring UPSR单用户单元Single subscriber Unit SU单元unit单元功能Elementary Function EF弹垫, 弹簧垫圈Spring Washer, Retaining Washer当漫游出归属PLMN国家后,锁闭入呼叫Barring of Incoming Calls when Roaming outside home PLMN Country BIC-Roam 挡板,堵板Baffle导电体Conductor导电橡胶Conducting Rubber导轨Guide Rail导航树Navigation tree导热材料Heat Conduction Material导通性Continuity导线Conducting line导线连接器Wire Connector倒换Switching倒换练习器protection exerciser登录注销LoginLogout等待复原wait to restore等效误码率equibalent bit error ratio EBER低级别业务low priority traffic低级信令转接点Low Level Signaling Transfer Point LSTP低阶lower order LO低阶交叉连接lower order cross connect低阶接口Lower Order Interface LOI低阶开销监视Lower order Path Overhead Monitor LPOM低阶通路/通道Lower order Path LP低阶通路/通道连接Lower order Path Connection LPC低阶通路/通道适配Lower order Path Adaptation LPA低阶通路/通道终结Lower order Path Termination LPT涤纶电容器Dacron Capacitor底板Backplane底盘接地Enclosure Grounding底座Basement, Rack Base地面电路Terrestrial circuit地面系统Terrestrial system地阻Grounding Resistance地阻仪Grounding Resistance Meter递减计数器Count-Down Counter递增计数器Count-Up Counter第一方拆线First-Party Release点到多点时局服务中心Point To Multipoint Service Center PTM-SC 点对多点群呼Point to multipoint group call PTM-G点对多点信道广播Point to multipoint multicast PTM-M电笔Test Pencil电池Battery电池室(房) Battery Room电磁能传感器Electromagnetic Sensor电感器Inductor电工材料Electric Material电工刀(刀片) Electrical Knife电工胶带Electrical Adhesive Tape电荷耦合器Charge Coupled Device电化学反应Electrochemical reaction耳机Telephone Earpiece机Telephone Set投票Televoting VOT用户部分〔七号信令〕Telephone User Part (SS7) TUP电机类Electric Machinery电可擦编程只读储备器Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read-Only Memory E2PROM 电缆,线缆Cable电缆安装成套件Complete-set of Cable Installation Parts电缆安装成套件Suite of Cable Installation Parts电缆电视,有线电视Cable TV电缆调制解调器Cable Modem电缆固定卡Cable Fixed-Caliper电缆固定卡,室内电缆卡Cable Fixed-caliper电缆夹Cable Clamp电缆交接柜Cable Connector Cabinet电缆连接密封材料Weather-Proof Connection PVC Material电缆连接器Cable Connector电缆弯曲半径Cable Bending Radius电缆线孔板Cable Entry Port Card电缆线套Cable Sheath, Cable Shield电缆箱,电缆分线盒Cable Distribution box电烙铁Electric Iron电力电缆Electrical Cable电力室Power Room电力线,动力线Power Line电力载波Power Line Carrier PLC电流传感器Current Sensor电流互感器Current Transformer电路Circuit Cct电路板Circuit Card电路复原信号〔TUP〕Circuit Reset Signal RSC电路监控消息Circuit Monitor Message CCM电路交换/分组交换混合接口Combined Interface for Circuit/Packet Switching电路交换的交换局Circuit Switching Exchange电路交换公共数据网Circuit-Switched Public Data Network CSPDN电路利用率Circuit Usage电路群闭塞的要求Circuit Group Blocking Request CGB电路群监视消息Circuit Group Monitor Message GRM电路群解除闭塞消息Circuit Group Unblocking Message CGU电路群询问Circuit Group Query CQM电路群拥塞信号Circuit Group Congestion Signal CGC电路容量Circuit Capacity电路入口点Circuit Access Point CAP电路识别码Circuit Identification Code CIC电脑话务台Computer console电脑空间Cyberspace电气与电子工程师学会(美) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE 电器柜Electric Appliance Cabinet电容器Capacitor电容性Capacitive Load电声器件Electric Acoustic Devices电视会议Videoconference, Videoconferencing电视会议业务Video Conference Service电视机Television电位器Potentiometer电线Wire电信Telecom电信法规Telecom Regulations电信治理网Telecom Management Network TMN电信机构,电信设施Telecom Facilities电信局Telecom Bureau/Office电信年营业额,电信年收入Telecom Revenue电信爱护中心Telecom Maintenance Center TMC电信营运者Telecom Carrier电信支撑网Telecommunication Supporting Network电信主管部门,电信治理局Telecommunications Administration电信总局Directorate-General of Telecommunications, DGT电压、电阻和电容等参量Parameter(V oltage, Resistance and Capacitance) VRC 电压表V oltmeter电压调整器V oltage Regulator电压告警范畴V oltage Alarm Range电压驻波比V oltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR电影点播Movie On Demand MOD电涌吸取器,过压吸取器Surge Absorber电源Power Supply电源插框Power Plug-in Shelf电源储备器Electric Power Storage EPS电源断,切断电源,电源中断,掉电Power-Off电源分配显示板Power Distribution Display Card电源监控Power Supply Monitoring电源接地Power Ground电源馈线Power Feeder电源连接器Power Connector电源模块Power Module电源软线Power Cord电源系统Power System电支路Electric Tributary ETP电支路插槽Electric Tributary PDH ETP1S电支路接口单元electrical tributary interface units电支路转换器Electric Tributary Transformer ETP1T电子白板Electronic White Board电子表格Electronic Form电子出版Electronic Publishing电子交换系统Electronic Switching System ESS电子期刊E-Journal电子签名Electronic Signature电子商务E-Commerce EC电子数据互换Electronic Data Interchange EDI电子现金Electronic Cash电子信息互换系统Electronic Information Exchange System EIES电子邮件E-Mail, Electronic-Mail电子杂志Electronic Magazine电子资金转帐Electronic Funds Transfer EFT电阻器Resistor垫片Gasket吊环螺栓Eyebolt吊扣Suspension Clasp调测配件Fittings for Commissioning调测整机Debugging Integrated Equipment调度程序Scheduler调度通信系统Dispatch Communication System调幅Amplitude Modulation AM调试Debug调停功能Mediation functions调制/解调Modulator/Demodulator Modulate/Demodulate MODEM 调制解调器Modem掉电Power Failure叠加网Overlay Network RON叠加写盘Overlap Writing顶侧板Top-Side Door顶盖、底盖、盖板Top Cover, Bottom Cover, And Cover Board顶门板Top Door顶面板Top Panel定〔方〕向增益Directive gain定标频率Beacon frequency定界和定位Delimiter and LocalizationDelimiting and Locating定力矩扳手Torque wrench定时Timing定时参考信号timing reference signal定时传输治理单元Timing/Transmission and Management Unit TMU 定时调整操纵环Time Adjustment Control Loop定时供给单元synchronization supply unit SSU定时器Timer定时时长Timing Length定时提早量Timing Advance TA定时信号供给系统Timing System定位螺钉Positioning Screw, Set Screw定位片,衬垫Spacer定向天线Directional antenna定向无线电Directional radio定向小区Directional cell定向重试Directed retry定制的,定做的customized, tailored动态带宽分配Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation DBA动态非等级路由选择Dynamic Non-Hierarchical Routing动态服务器页面技术Active Server Pages ASP动态配置Dynamic Configuration动态随机存取储备器Dynamic Random Access Memory DRAM动态信道分配Dynamic Channel Allocation DCA动态信令跟踪Dynamic Signaling Tracing DST动态主机配置协议Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP动作指示符Action Indicator AI抖动Jitter抖动传递特性Jitter transfer function抖动容限Jitter toleration读取值Read-Out Values读中继属性失败Fail To Read Trunk Attribute独立的,自含的,已配套的,设备齐全的Self-Contained独立局,独立交换局Standalone Exchange独立操纵信道Standalone dedicated Control Channel SDCCH独立式Standalone独立同步装置Standalone Synchronous Equipment SASE独立系统Stand-Alone System独立于业务的构件Service Independent Building Block SIB独立专用操纵信道Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel SDCCH 独石电容Leaded Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor镀铬Chromium Electroplating镀金Gild Electroplating镀镍Nickel Electroplating镀铜Copper Electroplating镀锡Tin Electroplating镀锌Zinc Electroplating镀锌板Galvanized Sheet镀银Silver Electroplating端到端End-To-End ETE端口Port短距Short range, short haul短路光纤Short-circuiting Optical Fiber短消息服务〔业务〕Short Message Service SMS短消息关口MSC Short Message Service Gateway MSC SMS-GSMC短消息关口互连MSC Gateway/Interworking MSC G/IW MSC短消息互联MSC Short Message Service Interworking MSC SMS-IWMSC短消息小区广播Short Message Cell Broadcast SMSCB短消息业务Short Message Service SMS短消息中心Short Message Service Centre SM-SC短消息中心〔用于短消息业务〕Short Message Center (used for SMS) SMC段section段开销Section Overhead SOH断环broken ring断开Disconnect DISC断开方式Disconnection Mode DM断开模式Disconnected Mode DM断开要求Disconnect Request DR断链Broken Link断纤fiber cut断续比,通断比Break-Make Ratio队列治理Queues Management对称网络,平稳网络Balanced Network对等运算Peer-To-Peer Computing对地电压V oltage To Ground对端Opposite End对端局Opposite Office对方局Opposite exchange对告〔对端告警〕Remote Alarm对话框Dialog Box对接Interconnection对接传输设备Butting Transmission System对接端,相邻端Abutting End对接接头,邻接接头Connector对象Object OB对象集Object set对准,校准,调整定位,排列成行Alignment多波长光放大器multi-wavelength optical repeater多层介质膜滤波器型光合波器测试Test of Optical Multiplexer of Multi-layer Dielectric Film Filter多程序加载Multiple Program Loading多处理机系统–保证系统的可连续进展性Flexible multiprocessor system for reliable system evolution 多串口卡Multi-serial-port Card多带宽接入multi-bandwidth digital access多点操纵单元Multipoint Control Unit MCU多点通信业务Multipoint Communication Service MCS多对一Several-For-One多功能测试电路Multi-Function Test Circuit MTT多功能移动终端Multi-featured mobile terminal多呼叫处理设备Multiple Call Processing Unit多汇接局网Multi-Tandem Telephone Network多径衰减Multipath fading多路多点分配业务Multi-Channel Multi-Point Distribution Service MMDS多路复用转换器Transmultiplexer TMUX多路广播Multicast多路音频Multiple Channel Audio多路音频数据接入板Multi-channel V oice Data Access Card多路由爱护Diverse一Routed Protection DRP多媒体Multimedia多媒体通信设备Mutlimedia Telecom Equipment多模光缆Multimode Optical Cable多模光纤Multimode Optical Fiber多频Multi-Frequency MF多频带Multi-band多频互控Multi-Frequency Compelled MFC多频互控单元Multiple Frequency Compelling Unit多频互控信令,多频制信令Compelled Multi-frequency Signaling多频记发器Multi-frequency coding register多频脉冲Multi-Frequency Pulse MFP多频网Multiple Frequency Network MFN多频终端Multi-band terminal多任务治理Multi-Task Management多通道增益斜度Multi-channel gain tilt多文档界面Multiple Document Interface MDI多线程应用程序Multithreaded Application多信道处理单元Multiple Channel Processing Unit MCPU多信道音频Multi-Channel Audio MCVF多用户号Multiple Subscriber Number MSN多用途插座Multi-purpose Socket余外的位用来指示N-PDU的最后段More bit used to indicate the last segment of N-PDU M 多兆比特交换数据服务Switched Multimegabit Data Service SMDS多址协议Multiple Access Protocol多种切换算法Advanced Handover Algorithms (AHA) AHA多重联系操纵功能Multiple Association Control Function MACF额定电压Rated V oltage额定负载Rated Load额定值Rated Value额定值Rating恶意呼叫识别Malicious Call Identification MCI恶意呼叫追踪Malicious Call Tracing MCT耳机Earphone二/四线转换电路Hybrid Circuit〔2-Wire /4-Wire Conversion〕二层建链状态Layer 2 Link Set-up Status二叉树Binary Tree二次拨号音Secondary Dial Tone二次电源Secondary power supply二次模块电源Secondary Power Module二次群光收发板Optical Transceiver Card For Secondary Group二次群光收发板〔光端机〕Optical Transceiver Board For Secondary Group二极管Diode二阶交调失真Crosstalk of second order CSO二进制,二元制备,二进制系统Binary System二进制编码十进制数Binary Coded Decimal BCD二纤自愈环Two-fiber self-healing ring二相移相键控Binary Phase Shift Keying BPSK二义性,多义性,模糊模糊Ambiguity发电机组Electric Generator Set发端长话局Originating Toll Exchange发端国际局Originating International Exchange发端去话篩选Originating Call Screening OCS发方Originating Party发光而极管显示器Liquid Emitting Diod LED发光二极管Light Emitting Diode LED发号Send Signals发货附件Delivery Accessories发起切换的主控MSC The Controlling MSC on which the call was originally established MSC-A 发射Transmit XMT发射机,送话器Transmitter发射-接收装置Transmit-Receive Unit发送端接收端Transmit endReceive end发送端Transmitting end发送光功率Transmitting optical power发送信号眼图Transmit signal eye pattern发送序列号Transmit Sequence Number PTX发信/收信机Transceiver TRX发信机Transmitter法定的标准De Jure Standards法兰盘Ring Flange法人Legal Person翻译表,转换表Translation Table反病毒程序Antivirus Program反极性Polarity Reversal。



android api 完整翻译之Contacts Provider (学习安卓必知的api,中英文对照)Contacts Provider电话簿(注:联系人,联络人、通信录)提供者-------------------------------QUICKVIEW快速概览* Android's repository of information about people.* Android的关于人的信息的仓库。

* Syncs with the web.* 与互联网同步。

* Integrates social stream data.* 集成社交流数据。

IN THIS DOCUMENT本文目录* Contacts Provider Organization 电话簿提供者组织(注:结构)* Raw contacts 原始电话簿* Data 数据* Contacts 电话簿* Data From Sync Adapters 来自同步适配器的数据* Required Permissions 必需的权限* The User Profile 用户简介* Contacts Provider Metadata 电话簿提供者元数据* Contacts Provider Access 电话簿提供者访问* Contacts Provider Sync Adapters 电话簿提供者同步适配器* Social Stream Data 社交流(注:也可能是指社会主流)数据* Additional Contacts Provider Features 额外的电话簿提供者特性KEY CLASSES关键类ContactsContract.ContactsContactsContract.RawContactsContactsContract.DataContactsContract.StreamItemsRELATED SAMPLES相关示例Contact Manager 电话簿管理器Sample Sync Adapter 示例同步适配器SEE ALSO另见Content Provider Basics 内容提供者基础-------------------------------The Contacts Provider is a powerful and flexible Android component that manages the device's central repository of data about people. The Contacts Provider is the source of data you see in the device's contacts application, and you can also access its data in your own application and transfer data between thedevice and online services. The provider accommodates a wide range of data sources and tries to manage as much data as possible for each person, with the result that its organization is complex. Because of this, the provider's API includes an extensive set of contract classes and interfaces that facilitate both data retrieval and modification.电话簿提供者是一种强大和灵活的Android组件,它管理设备上关于人的中心仓库。


// PhoneGap is ready // function onDeviceReady() {
pass.getCurrentHeading(onSuccess, onError); }
// onSuccess: Get the current heading // function onSuccess(heading) {
watchID = pass.watchHeading(onSuccess, onError, options);
// Stop watching the compass // function stopWatch() {
if (watchID) { pass.clearWatch(watchID); watchID = null;
function onError() { alert('onError!');
var options = { frequency: 3000 }; // Update every 3 seconds
var watchID = pass.watchHeading(onSuccess, onError, options);
不看指南针手表引用 ID 参数。
watchID :返回的 ID compass.watchHeading 。
机器人 iPhone
var watchID = pass.watchHeading(onSuccess, onError, options);
Android iPhone

PhoneGap,API帮助文档翻译整理12-Notification (提示)

PhoneGap,API帮助文档翻译整理12-Notification (提示)

Notification (提示)Methods(方法 方法) 方法notification.alert(警告框 警告框) 警告框显示一个可定制的警告或者对话窗口 navigator.notification.alert(message, alertCallback, [title], [buttonName])• • • •message:对话框信息 alertCallback:当警告对话框关闭的时候被调用的回调函数 title:对话框标题(可选,缺省为“Alert” ) buttonName:按钮名字(可选,缺省为“OK”)说明 大多数情况下 PhoneGap 使用原生的对话框实现此特性。

.不过,一些平台则只是 简单的使用了浏览器的 alert 函数,而这种方法通常是不能定制的 支持的平台• • • •Android BlackBerry (OS 4.6) BlackBerry WebWorks (OS 5.0 and higher) iPhone简单的例子// Android / BlackBerry WebWorks (OS 5.0 and higher) / iPhone // function alertDismissed() { // do something } navigator.notification.alert( 'You are the winner!', alertDismissed, 'Game Over', 'Done' // message 显示的信息 // callback 关闭时候回到的函数 // title 标题 // buttonName 按钮); // BlackBerry (OS 4.6) / webOS // navigator.notification.alert('You are the winner!');完整的例子<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Notification Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="phonegap.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> // Wait for PhoneGap to load // 等待加载 PhoneGap function onLoad() { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); } // PhoneGap is ready // PhoneGap 加载完毕 function onDeviceReady() { // Empty } // alert dialog dismissed function alertDismissed() { // do something } // Show a custom alert // 显示一个自定义警告框 function showAlert() { navigator.notification.alert( 'You are the winner!', alertDismissed, 'Game Over', 'Done' // message // callback // title // buttonName); } </script> </head> <body onload="onLoad()"> <p><a href="#" onclick="showAlert(); return false;">Show Alert</a></p> </body> </html>notification.confirm(确认对话框 确认对话框) 确认对话框显示一个可定制的验证对话框navigator.notification.confirm(message, confirmCallback, [title], [buttonLabels])• • • • • • • •message: Dialog message (String) message:对话信息 confirmCallback: - Callback to invoke with index of button pressed (1, 2 or 3). (Number) confirmCallback:-按下的按钮后触发此回调函数,此函数参数为按下按钮的索引 title: Dialog title (String) (Optional, Default: "Confirm") title:对话标题 buttonLabels: Comma separated string with button labels (String) (Optional, Default: "OK,Cancel") buttonLabels:以逗号为分隔符,用作按钮标签说明 Function notification.confirm displays a native dialog box that is more customizable than the browser's confirm function. 支持的平台• • •Android BlackBerry WebWorks (OS 5.0 and higher) iPhone简单的例子// process the confirmation dialog result // 处理选择提示框返回的结果 function onConfirm(button) { alert('You selected button ' + button); } // Show a custom confirmation dialog // 显示一个自定义的提示对话框 function showConfirm() { navigator.notification.confirm( 'You are the winner!', onConfirm, 'Game Over', 'Restart,Exit' ); } // message 信息 // callback to invoke with index of button pressed 以 // title 标题 // buttonLabels 按钮标签用户按下按钮索引为参数的回调函数完整的例子<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Notification Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="phonegap.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> // Wait for PhoneGap to load // 等待加载 PhoneGap function onLoad() { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); } // PhoneGap is ready // PhoneGap 加载完毕 function onDeviceReady() { // Empty } // process the confirmation dialog result// 处理确认提示框返回的结果 function onConfirm(button) { alert('You selected button ' + button); } // Show a custom confirmation dialog // 显示一个定制的确认对话框 function showConfirm() { navigator.notification.confirm( 'You are the winner!', onConfirm, 'Game Over', 'Restart,Exit' ); } </script> </head> <body onload="onLoad()"> <p><a href="#" onclick="showConfirm(); return false;">Show Confirm</a></p> </body> </html> // message // callback to invoke with index of button pressed // title // buttonLabelsnotification.beep(提示声 提示声) 提示声设备会发出 beep 声navigator.notification.beep(times);• •times: The number of times to repeat the beep (Number) times:beep 声的重复次数支持的平台• • • •Android BlackBerry (OS 4.6) BlackBerry WebWorks (OS 5.0 and higher) iPhone简单的例子// Beep twice! navigator.notification.beep(2);完整的例子<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Notification Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="phonegap.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> // Wait for PhoneGap to load // 等待加载 PhoneGap function onLoad() { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); } // PhoneGap is ready // PhoneGap 加载完毕 // Empty } // Show a custom alert // 显示一个定制警告框 function showAlert() { navigator.notification.alert( 'You are the winner!', 'Game Over', 'Done' ); } // Beep three times // 响三次 function playBeep() { navigator.notification.beep(3); // message // title // buttonName function onDeviceReady() {} // Vibrate for 2 seconds // 震动两秒 function vibrate() { navigator.notification.vibrate(2000); } </script> </head> <body onload="onLoad()"> <p><a href="#" onclick="showAlert(); return false;">Show Alert</a></p> <p><a href="#" onclick="playBeep(); return false;">Play Beep</a></p> <p><a href="#" onclick="vibrate(); return false;">Vibrate</a></p> </body> </html>Android 的独特之处•androids 系统会播放在"Settings/Sound & Display"面板内指定的通知铃声iPHone 的独特之处• •忽略控制发声次数的那歌参数 iPhone 没有原生的 beep api o PhoneGap 通过使用多媒体 API 播放音频文件来实现播放 beep 声 o 用户必须提供一个 beep 声的音频文件 o 此文件播放时长必须低于 30 秒,位于 www 的根目录,并且只能命名为 beep.wavnotification.vibrate(震动 震动) 震动使设备在指定时长内震动 navigator.notification.vibrate(milliseconds)•time:以毫秒为时长震动设备,1000 毫秒为 1 秒支持的平台•Android• • •BlackBerry (OS 4.6) BlackBerry WebWorks (OS 5.0 and higher) iPhone简单的例子// Vibrate for 2.5 seconds // 震动 2.5 秒 navigator.notification.vibrate(2500);完整的例子<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Notification Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="phonegap.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> // Wait for PhoneGap to load // 等待加载 PhoneGap function onLoad() { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); } // PhoneGap is ready // PhoneGap 加载完毕 function onDeviceReady() { // Empty } // Show a custom alert // 显示定制警告框 function showAlert() { navigator.notification.alert( 'You are the winner!', 'Game Over', 'Done' ); // message // title // buttonName} // Beep three times // 响三次 function playBeep() { navigator.notification.beep(3); } // Vibrate for 2 seconds // 震动两秒 function vibrate() { navigator.notification.vibrate(2000); } </script> </head> <body onload="onLoad()"> <p><a href="#" onclick="showAlert(); return false;">Show Alert</a></p> <p><a href="#" onclick="playBeep(); return false;">Play Beep</a></p> <p><a href="#" onclick="vibrate(); return false;">Vibrate</a></p> </body> </html>iPHone 的独特之处•time: 忽略时长参数,震动时长为预定值navigator.notification.vibrate(); navigator.notification.vibrate(2500); 忽略掉// 2500 is ignored 2500 被。




对象• • • • • • • •CaptureAudioOptions CaptureImageOptions CaptureVideoOptions CaptureCB CaptureErrorCB ConfigurationData MediaFile MediaFileData方法• • • •capture.captureAudio capture.captureImage capture.captureVideo MediaFile.getFormatData范围在 捕捉 的对象分配给 navigator.device 对象,因此具有全局作用域。

/ /全球捕捉对象 var capture = navigator.device.capture;属性• • •supportedAudioModes: 音频录音设备支持的格式。

( ConfigurationData []) supportedImageModes: 录制图像大小和设备支持的格 式。

( ConfigurationData []) supportedVideoModes: 录制视频分辨率和设备支持的格 式。

( ConfigurationData [])方法• • •capture.captureAudio :启动夹(s),录音设备录制音频应用。

capture.captureImage :启动的(S)设备上的照相机申请参加形象。

capture.captureVideo :启动视频(星期日)应用设备视频录像机录制。

支持的平台• •Android BlackBerry WebWorks(操作系统 5.0 和更高版本)capture.captureAudio启动录音机应用程序并返回信息捕获音频剪辑文件(s)。

navigator.device.capture.captureAudio( CaptureCB captureSuccess, CaptureErrorCB captureError, options] ); [CaptureAudioOptions说明这种方法启动一个异步操作来捕捉录音使用设备的默认音频录音应用。



** ** ** **
进入工作目录 新建PhoneGap工程 进入工程目录 生成android工程
有“BUILD SUCCESSFUL”表示成功了。后面生成apk可能会错,错了也没关系。
Eclipse导入工程 New …/ Project… / Android Project from Existing Code
PhoneGap + win7 + Android
1.安装PhoneGap 2. 新建PhoneGap工程
3. 导入Eclipse的Android工程
4. 修改入口index.html文件
页面还是出来了。 信了吧!
\myApp\platforms\android\assets\www 才是真命天子
\myApp\www 这个目录建议删掉, 避免混淆视听
修改 \myApp\platforms\android\assets\www\index.html 菜单“Project” / “Clean…” 必须~~~ 运行工程
命令行输入: npm install -g cordova 安装成功后,输入命令:cordova -version
命令行 cd C:\temp\newdemo phonegap create myApp cd myApp phonegap local run android




根据移动应用开发常用术语中英文对照表,给出10个例子以下是十个常见的移动应用开发术语及其中英文对照:1.应用程序界面(n Interface):应用程序界面是指用户与应用程序进行交互的界面。

英文缩写为API(n Programming Interface)。

1.应用程序界面(n Interface):应用程序界面是指用户与应用程序进行交互的界面。

英文缩写为API(n Programming Interface)。

1.应用程序界面(n Interface):应用程序界面是指用户与应用程序进行交互的界面。

英文缩写为API(n Programming Interface)。

1.应用程序界面(n Interface):应用程序界面是指用户与应用程序进行交互的界面。

英文缩写为API(n Programming Interface)。

1.应用程序界面(n Interface):应用程序界面是指用户与应用程序进行交互的界面。

英文缩写为API(n Programming Interface)。

1.应用程序界面(n Interface):应用程序界面是指用户与应用程序进行交互的界面。

英文缩写为API(n Programming Interface)。

1.应用程序界面(n Interface):应用程序界面是指用户与应用程序进行交互的界面。

英文缩写为API(n Programming Interface)。

1.应用程序界面(n Interface):应用程序界面是指用户与应用程序进行交互的界面。

英文缩写为API(n Programming Interface)。

1.应用程序界面(n Interface):应用程序界面是指用户与应用程序进行交互的界面。

英文缩写为API(n Programming Interface)。

2.用户界面(User Interface):用户界面是指应用程序的可视化部分,提供给用户进行操作和交互的界面。



A 安全地线 safe ground wire 安全特性 security feature 安装线 hook-up wire 按半周进⾏的多周期控制 multicycle controlled by half-cycle 按键电话机 push-button telephone set 按需分配多地址 demand assignment multiple access(DAMA) 按要求的电信业务 demand telecommunication service 按组编码 encode by group B ⼋⽊天线 Yagi antenna ⽩噪声 white Gaussian noise ⽩噪声发⽣器 white noise generator 半波偶极⼦ halfwave dipole 半导体存储器 semiconductor memory 半导体集成电路 semiconductor integrated circuit 半双⼯操作 semi-duplex operation 半字节 Nib 包络负反馈 peak envelop negative feed-back 包络延时失真 envelop delay distortion 薄膜 thin film 薄膜混合集成电路 thin film hybrid integrated circuit 保护⽐(射频) protection ratio (RF) 保护时段 guard period 保密通信 secure communication 报头 header 报⽂分组 packet 报⽂优先等级 message priority 报讯 alarm 备⽤⼯作⽅式 spare mode 背景躁声 background noise 倍频 frequency multiplication 倍频程 actave 倍频程滤波器 octave filter 被呼地址修改通知 called address modified notification 被呼⽤户优先 priority for called subscriber 本地PLMN local PLMN 本地交换机 local exchange 本地移动⽤户⾝份 local mobile station identity ( LMSI) 本地震荡器 local oscillator ⽐功率(功率密度) specific power ⽐特 bit ⽐特并⾏ bit parallel ⽐特号码 bit number (BN) ⽐特流 bit stream ⽐特率 bit rate ⽐特误码率 bit error rate ⽐特序列独⽴性 bit sequence independence 必要带宽 necessary bandwidth 闭环电压增益 closed loop voltage gain 闭环控制 closed loop control 闭路电压 closed circuit voltage 边瓣抑制 side lobe suppression 边带 sideband 边带⾮线性串扰 sideband non-linear crosstalk 边带线性串扰 sideband linear crosstalk 边带抑制度 sideband suppression 边⾓辐射 boundary radiation 编号制度 numbering plan 编解码器 codec 编码 encode 编码律 encoding law 编码器 encoder 编码器输出 encoder output 编码器总⼯作时间 encoder overall operate time 编码效率 coding efficiency 编码信号 coded signal 编码约束长度 encoding constraint length 编码增益 coding gain 编译程序 compiler 鞭状天线 whip antenna 变频器 converter 变频损耗 converter conversion loss 变容⼆极管 variable capacitance diode 变形交替传号反转 modified alternate mark inversion 便携电台 portable station 便携设备 portable equipment 便携式载体设备 portable vehicle equipment 标称调整率(标称塞⼊率) nominal justification rate (nominal stuffing rate) 标称值 nominal value 标称呼通概率 nominal calling probability 标准码实验信号 standard code test signal (SCTS) 标准模拟天线 standard artificial antenna 标准频率 standard frequency 标准时间信号发射 standard-time-signal emission 标准实验调制 standard test modulation 标准输出功率 standard power output 标准输⼊信号 standard input signal 标准输⼊信号电平 standard input-signal level 标准输⼊信号频率 standard input-signal frequency 标准信躁⽐ standard signal to noise 表⾯安装 surface mounting 表⽰层 presentation layer 并串变换器 parallel-serial converter (serializer) 并馈垂直天线 shunt-fed vertical antenna 并⾏传输 parallel transmission 并⾏终端 parallel terminal 拨号错误概率 dialing mistake probability 拨号后延迟 post-dialing delay 拨号交换机 dial exchange 拨号线路 dial-up line 拨号⾳ dialing tone 拨号终端 dial-up terminal 波动强度(在给定⽅向上的) cymomotive force (c. m. f) 波段覆盖 wave coverage 波峰焊 wave soldering 波特 baud 泊送过程 Poisson process 补充业务 supplementary service (of GSM) 补充业务登记 supplementary service registration 补充业务询问 supplementary service interrogation 补充业务互连 supplementary service interworking 捕捉区(⼀个地⾯接收台) capture area (of a terrestrial receiving station) 捕捉带 pull-in range 捕捉带宽 pull-in banwidth 捕捉时间 pull-in time 不连续发送 discontinuous transmission (DTX) 不连续⼲扰 discontinuous interference 不连续接收 discontinuous reception (DRX) 不确定度 uncertainty 步谈机 portable mobile station C 采样定理 sampling theorem 采样频率 sampling frequency 采样周期 sampling period 参考边带功率 reference side band power 参考差错率 reference error ratio 参考当量 reference equivalent 参考点 reference point 参考结构 reference configuration 参考可⽤场强 reference usable fiend-strength 参考灵敏度 reference sensibility 参考频率 reference frequency 参考时钟 reference clock 参考输出功率 reference output power 残余边带调制 vestigial sideband modulation 残余边带发射 vestigial-sideband emission 操作维护中⼼ operation maintenance center (OMC) 操作系统 operation system (OS) 侧⾳消耗 sidetone loss 层2转发 layer 2 relay (L2R) 插⼊组装 through hole pachnology 插⼊损耗 insertion loss 查号台 information desk 差错控制编码 error control coding 差错漏检率 residual error rate 差分脉冲编码调制(差分脉码调制) differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) 差分四相相移键控 differential quadrature phase keying (DQPSK) 差分相移键控 differential phase keying (DPSK) 差模电压,平衡电压 differential mode voltage, symmetrical voltage 差拍⼲扰 beat jamming 差频失真 difference frequency distortion 长期抖动指⽰器 long-term flicker indicator 长期频率稳定度 long-term frequency stability 场强灵敏度 field intensity sensibility 场效应晶体管 field effect transistor (FET) 超长波通信 myriametric wave communication 超地平对流层传播 transhorizon tropospheric 超地平⽆线接⼒系统 transhorizon radio-relay system 超⾼帧 hyperframe 超帧 superframe 超⼤规模集成电路 very-large scale integrated circuit (VLSI) 超再⽣接收机 super-regenerator receiver 车载电台 vehicle station 撤消 withdrawal 成对不等性码(交替码、交变码) paired-disparity code (alternative code, alternating code) 承载业务 bearer service 城市交通管制系统 urban traffic control system 程序设计技术 programming technique 程序设计环境 programming environment 程序优化 program optimization 程序指令 program command 充电 charge 充电率 charge rate 充电效率 charge efficiency 充电终⽌电压 end-of charge voltage 抽样 sampling 抽样率 sample rate 初级分布线路 primary distribution link 初始化 initialization 处理增益 processing gain 传播时延 propagation delay 传播系数 propagation coefficient 传导⼲扰 conducted interference 传导杂散发射 conducted spurious emission 传递函数 transfer function 传递时间 transfer time 传声器 microphone 传输保密 transmission security 传输层协议 transport layer protocol 传输集群 transmission trunking 传输结束字符 end of transmission character 传输媒体 transmission medium 传输损耗 transmission loss 传输损耗(⽆线线路的) transmission loss (of a radio link) 传输通道 transmission path 传输信道 transmission channel 传真 facsimile, FAX 船舶地球站 ship earth station 船舶电台 ship station 船舶移动业务 ship movement service 船上通信电台 on-board communication station ,ship communication station 船⽤收⾳机 ship radio 串并变换机 serial to parallel (deserializer) 串并⾏变换 serial-parallel conversion 串话 crosstalk 垂直⽅向性图 vertical directivity pattern 唇式传声器 lip microphone 磁屏蔽 magnetic shielding 次级分布线路 secondary distribution link 猝发差错 burst error 猝发点⽕控制 burst firing control 存储程序控制交换机 stored program controlled switching system D ⼤规模集成电路 large scale integrated circuit (LSI) ⼤信号信躁⽐ signal-to-noise ratio of strong signal 带成功结果的常规操作 normal operation with successful outcome 带宽 bandwidth 带内导频单边带 pilot tone-in-band single sideband 带内谐波 in-band harmonic 带内信令 in-band signalling 带内躁声 in-band noise 带通滤波器 band-pass filter 带外发射 out-of-band emission 带外功率 out-of-band power 带外衰减 attenuation outside a channel 带外信令 out-band signalling 带状线 stripline 单边带发射 single sideband (SSB) emission 单边带发射机 single side-band (SSB) transmitter 单边带调制 single side band modulation 单边带解调 single side band demodulation 单边带信号发⽣器 single side band signal generaltor 单端同步 single-ended synchronization 单⼯、双半⼯ simplex, halfduplex 单⼯操作 simplex operation 单⼯⽆线电话机 simplex radio telephone 单呼 single call 单频双⼯ single frequency duplex 单频信令 single frequency signalling 单相对称控制 symmetrical control (single phase) 单相⾮对称控制 asymmetrical control (single phase) 单向 one-way 单向的 unidirectional 单向控制 unidirectional control 单信道地⾯和机载⽆线电分系统 SINCGARS 单信道⽆绳电话机 single channel cordless telephone 单信号⽅法 single-signal method 单⾳ tone 单⾳脉冲 tone pulse 单⾳脉冲持续时间 tone pulse duration 单⾳脉冲的单⾳频率 tone frequency of tone pulse 单⾳脉冲上升时间 tone pulse rise time 单⾳脉冲下降时间 tone pulse decay time 单⾳制 individual tone system 单元电缆段(中继段) elementary cable section (repeater section) 单元再⽣段 elementary regenerator section (regenerator section) 单元增⾳段,单元中继段 elementary repeater section 当被呼移动⽤户不回答时的呼叫转移 call forwarding on no reply (CFNRy) 当被呼移动⽤户忙时的呼叫转 calling forwarding on mobile subscriber busy (CFB) 当漫游到原籍PLMN国家以外时禁⽌所有⼊呼 barring of incoming calls when roaming outside the home PLMN country (BIC-Roam) 当前服务的基站 current serving BS 当⽆线信道拥挤时的呼叫转移 calling forward on mobile subscriber not reachable (CENRc) ⼑型天线 blade antenna 导频 pilot frequency 导频跌落pilot fall down 倒L型天线 inverted-L antenna 等步的 isochronous 等幅电报 continuous wave telegraph 等权(互同步) democratic network (mutually synchronized network) 等效⽐特率 equivalent bit rate 等效地球半径 equivalent earth radius 等效⼆进制数 equivalent binary content 等效全向辐射功率 equivalent isotropically radiated power (e. i. r. p.) 等效卫星线路躁声温度 equivalent satellite link noise temperature 低轨道卫星系统 LEO satellite mobile communication system 低⽓压实验 low atmospheric pressure test 低时延码激励线性预测编码 low delay CELP (LD-CELP) 低通滤波器 low pass filter 低温实验 low temperature test 低躁声放⼤器 low noise amplifier 地-空路径传播 earth-space path propagation 地-空通信设备 ground/air communication equipment 地波 ground wave 地⾯连线⽤户 land line subscriber 地⾯⽆线电通信 terrestrial radio communication 地⾯站(电台) terrestrial station 第N次谐波⽐ nth harmonic ratio 第⼆代⽆绳电话系统 cordless telephone system second generation (CT-2) 第三代移动通信系统 third generation mobile systems 点波束天线 spot beam antenna 点对地区通信 point-area communication 点对点通信 point-point communication 点⾄点的GSM PLMN连接 point to point GSM PLMN 电报 telegraphy 电报电码 telegraph code 电波衰落 radio wave fading 电池功率 power of battery 电池能量 energy capacity of battery 电池容量 battery capacity 电池组 battery 电磁波 electromagnetic wave 电磁波反射 reflection of electromagnetic wave 电磁波饶射 diffraction of electromagnetic wave 电磁波散射 scattering of electromagnetic wave 电磁波⾊射 dispersion of electromagnetic wave 电磁波吸收 absorption of electromagnetic wave 电磁波折射 refraction of electromagnetic wave 电磁场 electromagnetic field 电磁发射 electromagnetic field 电磁辐射 electromagnetic emission 电磁⼲扰 electromagnetic interference (EMI) 电磁感应 electromagnetic induction 电磁环境 electromagnetic environment 电磁兼容性 electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 电磁兼容性电平 electromagnetic compatibility level 电磁兼容性余量 electromagnetic compatibility margin 电磁脉冲 electromagnetic pulse (EMP) 电磁脉冲⼲扰 electromagnetic pulse jamming 电磁敏感度 electromagnetic susceptibility 电磁能 electromagnetic energy 电磁耦合 electromagnetic coupling 电磁屏蔽 electromagnetic shielding 电磁屏蔽装置 electromagnetic screen 电磁骚扰 electromagnetic disturbance 电磁噪声 electromagnetic noise 电磁污染 electromagnetic pollution 电动势 electromotive force (e. m. f.) 电话机 telephone set 电话局容量 capacity of telephone exchange 电话型电路 telephone-type circuit 电话型信道 telephone-type channel 电离层 ionosphere 电离层波 ionosphere wave 电离层传播 ionosphere propagation 电离层反射 ionosphere reflection 电离层反射传播 ionosphere reflection propagation 电离层散射传播 ionosphere scatter propagation 电离层折射 ionosphere refraction 电离层吸收 ionosphere absorption 电离层骚扰 ionosphere disturbance 电流探头 current probe 电路交换 circuit switching 电屏蔽 electric shielding 电视电话 video-telephone, viewphone, visual telephone 电台磁⽅位 magnetic bearing of station 电台⽅位 bearing of station 电台航向 heading of station 电⽂编号 message numbering 电⽂队列 message queue 电⽂格式 message format 电⽂交换 message switching 电⽂交换络 message switching network 电⽂结束代码 end-of-message code 电⽂路由选择 message routing 电⼩天线 electronically small antenna 电信管理络 telecommunication management network (TMN) 电信会议 teleconferencing 电压变化 voltage change 电压变化持续时间 duration of a voltage change 电压变化的发⽣率 rate of occurrence of voltage changes 电压变化时间间隔 voltage change interval 电压波动 voltage fluctuation 电压波动波形 voltage fluctuation waveform 电压波动量 magnitude of a voltage fluctuation 电压不平衡 voltage imbalance, voltage unbalance 电压浪涌 voltage surge 电压骤降 voltage dip 电源 power supply 电源电压调整率 line regulation 电源抗扰性 mains immunity 电源持续⼯作能⼒ continuous operation ability of the power supply 电源去耦系数 mains decoupling factor 电源骚扰 mains disturbance 电⼦⼲扰 electronic jamming 电⼦⼯业协会 Electronic Industries Association (EIA) 电⼦系统⼯程 electronic system engineering 电⼦⾃动调谐 electronic automatic tuning 电⼦组装 elect r o n i c p a c k a g i n g / p >。

PhoneGap API 中文说明-Geolocation(地理位置)

PhoneGap API 中文说明-Geolocation(地理位置)



对位置信息的常见来源包括全球定位系统(GPS)和蓝牙地址的MAC位置,推断出网络信号,如IP地址,射频识别,无线网络和GSM / CDMA的电池识别码。













支持的平台∙机器人∙黑莓(操作系统4.6)∙黑莓WebWorks(操作系统5.0和更高版本)∙iPhone简单的例子// onSuccess Callback// This method accepts a `Position` object, which contains// the current GPS coordinates//var onSuccess = function(position) {alert('Latitude: ' + titude + '\n' + 'Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude + '\n' +'Altitude: ' + position.coords.altitude + '\n' +'Accuracy: ' + position.coords.accuracy + '\n' +'Altitude Accuracy: ' + position.coords.altitudeAccuracy + '\n' +'Heading: ' + position.coords.heading + '\n' +'Speed: ' + position.coords.speed + '\n' +'Timestamp: ' + new Date(position.timestamp) + '\n'); };// onError Callback receives a PositionError object//function onError(error) {alert('code: ' + error.code + '\n' +'message: ' + error.message + '\n');}navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);完整的例子<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN""/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><html><head><title>Device Properties Example</title><script type="text/javascript"charset="utf-8"src="phonegap.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"charset="utf-8">// Wait for PhoneGap to load//function onLoad() {document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); }// PhoneGap is ready//function onDeviceReady() {navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);}// onSuccess Geolocation//function onSuccess(position) {var element = document.getElementById('geolocation');element.innerHTML = 'Latitude: ' +titude + '<br />' +'Longitude: ' +position.coords.longitude + '<br />' +'Altitude: ' +position.coords.altitude + '<br />' +'Accuracy: ' +position.coords.accuracy + '<br />' +'Altitude Accuracy: ' +position.coords.altitudeAccuracy + '<br />' +'Heading: ' +position.coords.heading + '<br />' +'Speed: ' +position.coords.speed + '<br />' +'Timestamp: ' + newDate(position.timestamp) + '<br />';}// onError Callback receives a PositionError object//function onError(error) {alert('code: ' + error.code + '\n' +'message: ' + error.message + '\n');}</script></head><body onload="onLoad()"><p id="geolocation">Finding geolocation...</p></body></html>geolocation.watchPosition手表到设备的当前位置的变化。

翻译 contact

翻译 contact

翻译 contactcontact (n.): 联系;接触;交往contact (v.): 联系;接触;与...交往中英文对照例句:1. Please keep in contact with me while you are abroad. 在你出国期间,请与我保持联系。

2. He lost contact with his old friends after moving to a different city. 他搬到了另一个城市后失去了与老朋友的联系。

3. The company is actively seeking new business contacts in Asia. 公司正在积极寻找在亚洲的新商业联系人。

4. I have been in contact with the sales team regarding the delivery of the goods. 我已与销售团队就货物的交付进行了联系。

5. It is important to establish contact with potential customers in order to expand our market share. 为了扩大市场份额,与潜在客户建立联系非常重要。

6. The doctor advised her to avoid contact with people who have the flu. 医生建议她避免与患流感的人接触。

7. The police are trying to establish contact with the hostage taker. 警方正在试图与劫持人质的人取得联系。

8. It is common for business professionals to exchange business cards as a way of contact. 商务人士交换名片作为一种联系方式很普遍。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。


方法• • contacts.create contacts.find参数• • • • contactFields contactSuccess contactError contactFindOptions对象• • • • • • • Contact ContactName ContactField ContactAddress ContactOrganization ContactFindOptions ContactErrorcontacts.create返回一个新的联系对象。

var contact = navigator.service.contacts.create(properties);说明contacts.create 是一个同步函数,返回一个新的 联系 对象。

这种方法不存在的 联系 对象到设备联系人数据库。

要坚持的 联系 对象到设备, 调用 联 系 。

保存 方法。

支持的平台 支持的平台• •Android BlackBerry WebWorks(操作系统 5.0 和更高版本)•iOS简单的例子var myContact = navigator.service.contacts.create({"displayName": "Test User"});完整的例子<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Contact Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="phonegap.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> // Wait for PhoneGap to load // function onLoad() { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); } // PhoneGap is ready // function onDeviceReady() { var myContact = navigator.service.contacts.create({"displayName": "Test User"}); myContact.gender = "male"; console.log("The contact, " + myContact.displayName + ", is of the " + myContact.gender + " gender"); } </script> </head> <body onload="onLoad()"> <h1>Example</h1> <p>Create Contact</p> </body> </html>contacts.find查询设备联系人数据库,并返回一个或多个 联系 对象,每个包含字段中指定。

navigator.service.contacts.find(contactFields, contactSuccess, contactError, contactFindOptions);说明contacts.find 是一个异步函数,查询设备联系人数据库,并返回一个数组的 联系 对 象。

由此产生的对象被传递给 contactSuccess 回调函数指定 contactSuccess 参数。

用户必须指定联系人字段是作为限定在搜索 contactFields 参数。

只有在字段中指 定 contactFields 参数将返回的属性作为 联系的对象传递给 contactSuccess 回调函 数。

一个零长度 contactFields 参数将导致数组 联系 的对象,只有 身份证 填充属性。

该 contactFindOptions 。

过滤 字符串可以被用来作为搜索过滤器时,查询联系人数据 库。

如果提供,不区分大小写,部分值匹配应用到指定的每个字段 contactFields 参 数。

如果匹配是一个比较发现 任何 指定的领域,接触被返回。

参数• • • •contactFields :联系人 字段用作搜索预选赛。

只有这些领域将有结果值的 联系 对 contactSuccess : 成功回调函数,从数据库调用的接触与交往返回。

[必需的] contactError : 错误回调函数。


[可选] contactFindOptions : 搜索选项来过滤接触。


(DOMString []) [必需的]支持的平台• • •Android BlackBerry WebWorks(操作系统 5.0 和更高版本) iOS简单的例子function onSuccess(contacts) {alert('Found ' + contacts.length + ' contacts.'); }; function onError() { alert('onError!'); };// find all contacts with 'Bob' in any name field var options = new ContactFindOptions(); options.filter="Bob"; var fields = ["displayName", "name"]; navigator.service.contacts.find(fields, onSuccess, onError, options);完整的例子<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Contact Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="phonegap.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> // Wait for PhoneGap to load // function onLoad() { document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); } // PhoneGap is ready // function onDeviceReady() { // find all contacts with 'Bob' in any name field var options = new ContactFindOptions(); options.filter="Bob"; var fields = ["displayName", "name"]; navigator.service.contacts.find(fields, onSuccess, onError, options); } // onSuccess: Get a snapshot of the current contacts // function onSuccess(contacts) { for (var i=0; i<contacts.length; i++) { console.log("Display Name = " + contacts[i].displayName); } } // onError: Failed to get the contacts // function onError() { alert('onError!'); }</script> </head> <body onload="onLoad()"> <h1>Example</h1> <p>Find Contacts</p> </body> </html>iOS 怪癖•iOS 中返回数组属性没有结果无效,其他平台返回一个空数组。


属性• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •id: 一个全局唯一标识符。

(DOMString) displayname: 该 名称 本 联系 合适的显示给最终用户。

, (DOMString) name : 一个对象,它包含一个人所有组件的 名称 。

( ContactName ) Nickname: 一个偶然 的名称 ,以解决联系的。

(DOMString) Phonenumbers: 一个数字的数组的所有联系人的电话。

( ContactField []) Emails: 一个地址的数组的所有联系人的电子邮件。

( ContactField []) Addresses: 地址数组的所有联系人。
