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Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 20 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.


1. 选D

W: Excuse me, Sir. You are not supposed to be here. This area is for airport staff only.

M: I'm sorry, I didn't note the sign.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation

A) The area is for passengers only.

B) The woman is asking the man to leave.

C) The woman feels sorry for the man.

D) The man is a member of the staff.

2. 选C

W: If I buy some plants for the house, will you water them for me while I'm a way M: Sure I will, if you water mine while I am on vacation.

Q: What will the man do for the woman

A) Water her plants while she is away.

B) Clean her house while she is away.

C) Water her plants when he is not at work

D) Buy her some plants and take care of them.

3. 选C

W: Excuse me, Professor Hill. May I ask you a few questions

M: Yes, of course. But I'm sorry I have a class at ten. Why don't you come in my office hours. That is 4 to 5 . Monday, Thursday and Friday.

Q: Why can't professor Hill answer her question now

A) He doesn't have time.

B) It's not his office hour.

C) He is too tired after class.

D) He will only be available in the afternoon.

4. 选A

M: I don't feel like going out. Why don't we just stay home and watch TV instead W: Come on! You promised to take me out for dinner and to the theatre on my birthday. Q: What do we learn from the conversation

A) The man promised her a gift on her birthday.

B) The woman doesn't like watching TV.

C) The woman insists on going out.

D) The man is too tired to go out.

5. 选B

W: I'm thinking of taking five courses next semester.

M: Wouldn't four be wiser

Q: What does the man mean

A) It is wiser to take more than four courses.

B) The man will take four courses next semester.

C) There are too many courses offered to students.

D) The woman should take fewer courses next term.

6. 选B

W: I want to ask the Johnsons to come to the party. Do you know their address M: No. But I like them to come. I think Tom can give you their address.

Q: What is the woman going to do

A) Invite Tom to the party.

B) Tell Tom to pick up the Johnsons.

C) Get the Johnsons' address

D) Ask Tom to send an invitation.

7. 选D

W: Is Jane looking forward to going home for the summer

M: She is counting the days.

Q: What does the woman imply

A) Jane is on her way home.

B) Jane is looking for a summer job.

C) Jane is packing for the summer vacation.

D) Jane is eager to go home for the vacation.

8. 选A

W: I think I will take the half-day tour of the city.

M: Why not the whole day

Q: What does the man suggest

A) Touring the city on a fine day.

B) Spending more time on sightseeing.

C) Visiting the city with a group.

D) Taking the man with her on the tour.

9. 选C

M: This is a one-way street. Didn't you see the sign

W: Sorry. I didn't.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation

A) The woman is driving too fast.

B) The woman has broken a traffic rule.

C) The woman is driving at a slow speed.

D) The woman has parked her car in a wrong place.
